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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Depending on how you set up your pairs, yes. But usually it's not too bad especially if you have gimbaling engines and your tanks are well-strutted. But if you make sure all of your decouplers are exactly inline with the center stack (i.e., they push outward instead of radially) then no, there's no roll to worry about.
  2. No way to know. It's possible because his bug fixes are great, but at some point I stopped using them as the worst bugs they addressed were fixed in the game itself. That's probably it, though.
  3. Note in 1.2 you no longer need fuel lines. I built an Asparagus staged rocket (for Eve actually) and simply by enabling crossfeed on each decoupler and setting them up to stage in the correct order, the fuel flow priorities were automatically set to drain the tanks exactly as fuel lines would. One caveat, the engines will keep running even after their attached tanks were out of fuel, so you have to watch the tanks themselves. You either misunderstood that tutorial or it was wrong. The whole point of Asparagus staging is that you shed weight as the engines stop helping. This is incorrect. SRBs are very heavy for the lift they provide. Their benefit is they're super cheap, which matters a lot in career mode but not so much in sandbox or science mode. In those modes, about the only reason to use SRBs is aesthetics. That said, SRBs are very nice to give you a boost off the pad, even in non-career modes it's frequently easier to "just toss some SRBs on it" than try to figure out how to get a little more TWR and/or dV out of LFO stages. You likely want to look into multiple launches. There's a reason we (humans) didn't send the ISS up in one big launch, and it's not (only) because the stuff was built over time by different countries. You may also want to look into auto-struts and the new rigid joints. They don't fix everything, but they fix a lot of things.
  4. I keep hearing that but I know they worked for me in 1.1.3. I mean, they weren't great (only went about 10 meters or so) but they still worked.
  5. It's two main utilities are unmanned probes (where you were not before able to transfer science - only transmit it) and manned atmospheric missions. You can fly around Laythe and just keep taking readings and storing them in the container. Before, you'd have to land to EVA a Kerbal. My personal favorite part of it though is that it eliminates the frustration of jockeying a Kerbal around to right click on half a dozen experiments. Also, shameless plug for my mod All Y'All where I've added a "Restore all Science" button to the box, so you don't need to interact with the experiments at all. Just right click, "perform all science," "collect all science," and "restore all science." Then everything's ready for the next biome or situation.
  6. I like that if you have enough patched conics (I have 8) you can see multiple encounters with the same world. I've not needed it and may never need it, but it's still cool
  7. Also keep in mind you're not achieving a goal when you land on Mun, you're developing a skill. It's gonna be rocky the first time. and the first dozen times. But you will get better!
  8. Aha. I assumed because the OP had not been updated, Curseforge had not either. I was wrong. The page on Curseforge has the 1.1.1 release for KSP 1.2
  9. Time Travel confirmed for 1.3. No wait. Of course that's not going to happen. Time Travel mod confirmed.
  10. Sounds like you may be thinking of Procedural Parts but I don't use it, so am not sure. I bet whatever mod it is has "Procedural" in the name.
  11. Version 0.8 is now on SpaceDock and will be on CKAN whenever that kind of thing happens. It's the same file, so no need to redownload or anything if you already updated manually.
  12. This is now on SpaceDock and will be on CKAN whenever that kind of thing happens. It's the same file, so no need to redownload or anything.
  13. This is now on SpaceDock and will be on CKAN whenever that kind of thing happens. It's the same file, so no need to redownload or anything.
  14. That thread was closed saying this one has the update. I do not see any links to a 1.2 version in this thread or in the OP. There is also a link on that thread to a file on Github for version 1.1.1 that should be for KSP 1.2, but that link goes to a 404 page.
  15. ...which is exactly why they should not tell us as much as they do in spite of everybody saying they should tell us every single thing every single dev is doing every second of every day.
  16. Thanks! I appreciate it. Spacedock? More like Spacerock! that sounded better in my head before I typed it.
  17. Just remember: KSP is pretty fun without RemoteTech. Without KSP though, RemoteTech is pretty boring.
  18. First off: AWESOME. Secondly: You seem to have a typo in your url. The text is fine but the link stops after "Ke" Here's the real link: https://github.com/TriggerAu/KerbalAlarmClock/releases/tag/v3.8.0.0
  19. I made an Eve lander and return ship. My first that I made 100% myself (though with ideas from others of course). If it lands at least 700m above Sea Level it can reach orbit with a few 100m/s to spare. And the pod can be detached and attached to another ship. It's going in mothballs now until I'm ready for a Grand Tour.
  20. The first is a fix for orbits drifting while you were in control of the active vessel. They used to slowly decrease over time which is bad, and the weirdness made docking very difficult as well. It's only a toggle because the problem was so weird, they weren't sure if the fix would end up worse than the original issue. It's not, and you should leave that on. The second is so that you don't go from 0g to a full 1g in a single frame when you load a ship. I don't know if it's just for the launch pad or counts ships landed on other planets. In the past, that sort of thing could destroy a ship. It's a toggle because in rare cases, easing in gravity can be worse for a ship than snapping it on. I've never encountered one of these cases so can't give any details, but I've heard others say it.
  21. In the game, hit ESC and click settings. Then click that button that everybody (me included) thinks at first is a header. It probably says "Difficulty Options: Custom" Yes, it's a button. I promise. Click it and in there you can set the game-specific settings.
  22. Does the rocket act as expected in flight? "As expected" for me in this case is, the fuel tank on the left side of your pictures should actually act like the fuel tank on the right side displays. That will determine if it's a problem with the diagram or with the actual fuel flow. but yes, there is a problem somewhere
  23. Note, if you keep within 22.5km of the canister until it lands it will not be deleted. This could be difficult though. Actually, it could be easy. By default, it's difficult
  24. Ah, you mean the upgradeable parts from the Porkjet pack. The functionality is in the game, and the use of it is in that pack, but none of the current stock parts utilize the functionality. I'd expect a lot of modding activity around it in the coming weeks. I haven't looked at it. I've not even downloaded the Porkjet pack yet.
  25. What are the difference between Direct and relay antenna? A direct antenna can talk to Kerbin, or to another ship (I think regardless of that ship's antenna so long as it's got the range). A direct antenna can NOT use another ship to talk to Kerbin, or to a 3rd ship, no matter how those ships are set up. A relay antenna can do that. Would having more attenna be better or does not matter? The antennas say in the VAB if they are "stackable." If so, more gives more range. But the benefit drops off. I don't know if there's an in-game way to see your ship's "combined range" but I expect there to be mods to fill that hole if it's there How do I adjust the fuel flow mode? I recall some videos showed that can change from the new way to the old ways It's in settings. "Advanced Tweakables." It may be in the alt-f12 menu. Poke around. I heard that one can tweak the rocket. I am unable to do so, even in a new game. How to do that? See #3. I suspect that's what you mean. If not, be more specific and I'll try to help more. How do I upgrade my in progress career/sandbox form 1.1 to 1.2? Start the game in the new version. KSP will auto update. I suggest backing up not just your save, but the old version if you know how. If not, google it, it's not that hard Are there other stuff I am not aware in 1.2? There is the patchnote, but it's huge! It's huge because it's where all the information is
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