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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Yeah it's not that great. It's light sure but meh. I just don't use it.
  2. What made you interested in KSP? It's almost the perfect game for me. It's a fantastic balance of lighthearted game and hardcore simulator. And it lets me do space. Real space, like what NASA does. But easier and more fun. What is most rewarding about playing KSP? Planning something big down to the last detail and then executing it, over multiple hours and days, and having each piece work as planned. Hey it doesn't happen often but it happens! How has the community of KSP affected you? It hasn't? I really don't know. I'm not any different than I was 3 years ago, and any changes that have happened weren't really because of the community. Don't get me wrong, this is a great community, but it's not life changing or anything like that. What have you learned from playing KSP? I came in with a pretty solid knowledge of Kepler's and Newton's laws, but no real practical experience of how they could cause problems or offer solutions in real actual spaceflight. I learned all that playing KSP. What would you tell players just getting involved into this community? Ask questions, and be willing to accept that you are totally wrong in most every case. As the narrator of Darkest Dungeon says, You cannot learn a thing you think you know. What is your goal in playing KSP? I don't have one. It's my hobby. My goal is just to enjoy it until either I die or find a new hobby How does KSP play a role in your personal and professional life? It doesn't, other than the friends I've made. Also, my best friend in meatspace plays as much as I do and we get to talk about our forays into space, and compare notes. What is your past in gaming? I've been gaming for 40 years, give or take. Started with Pong and the Atari 2600, then early computer-type-computers like the C64, Apple//, and even a Timex Sinclair. In the early/mid 90s I got my first "IBM Clone" and fell in love with Doom and the Internet, and was big on the Doom newsgroups. Then I went from game to game, and whatever game I got sucked into I was big on its forum. One of those (Magic the Gathering) was in meatspace but the rest were all video games. The biggest ones for me were Stars!, Minecraft, FTL, and now Kerbal Space Program. What is your past in rocketry/airplanes if any? None. I did similar shenanigans to what Felipe did when I was a kid, but it never turned into a love of rocketry like it did for him. My interest in spaceflight is in the mechanics of doing it, not the tools that allow you to. Estimated time invested into KSP? I literally have no idea. Steam says I've played it for 2 hours I suspect in my 3.5 years I've racked up at least 2000 hours, though. Surely far more than 1000.
  3. Also, in Sun or Jool orbits, 15-minute burn times are not a big deal. In Sun orbit, you can burn for a day and still have a pretty accurate node. But going to Minmus? Naww I'd just bring more beef.
  4. Yeah 15 minutes is about 4x longer than I'd personally be willing to do, for exactly this reason. I personally prefer to keep LKO burns to under 2 minutes, really. 4 is just the absolute max. One option you have is to kick your apoapsis up slowly over multiple burns. Five 3-minute burns will be WAY more accurate and you won't lose anything but some time. Harder to plan your eventual encounter, of course, but hey that's just time too And watch out for Mun on the last burn or two. I don't know much about MechJeb so can't really answer that part. One important thing to note, this has more to do with mathematics and the laws of orbits than it does "the software can't handle it." The further you burn from your planned node, the less your burn does to help you and the more it does to hurt you. 7.5 minutes from the node is a LONG TIME.
  5. SRBs are always cheaper for launching from Kerbin. Asparagus is always more expensive. The only way asparagus is "cheaper" is weight. SRBs are heavy so hauling them to your destination and landing them is a bad idea. That's why Tylo and Eve landers are frequently asparagus staged instead of SRB'd. The Tylo lander is more expensive, but it's lighter so getting it there was - all things considered - cheaper.
  6. I believe it's the word "horse" in my name. An attempt at levity that - as many of mine tend to do - seems to have backfired. (For the record I'm pretty hard to offend, and have almost no experience with actual horses)
  7. What does your map mode orbit look like as you're burning? Are you aiming at the maneuver node marker? What it sounds like is you're straying from the maneuver node marker. The m/s left to burn indicator is m/s left to burn EXACTLY at the marker. If you stray from it, eventually it'll wander a bit and as you wander further, it'll go away faster. You likely passed it up and burned too MUCH, not too LITTLE. Another problem is, if you have a very low TWR, your time to burn will affect how accurately you can perform that maneuver. That's why you should finish your burns in map mode, watching your projected trajectory. Where you're going is more important than how well you match the node.
  8. EDIT NEVER MIND I lost the () at the end Putting that in fixes all errors. #CodeNoob
  9. ScienceResetSkill doesn't seem to be a thing. I tried looking for all 3 words and don't see anything that looks reasonable to think is it. Is it perhaps ultra-new? As in not in the current Steam build?
  10. Yes. Mostly the "problem" is that you can reset them even in situations where the scientist couldn't hop out and do it, like while re-entering or whatnot. And yeah. If you can fly to another planet you should be able to automate cleaning an experiment
  11. I've been through a few Steam releases for KSP and it always drops there and the store at the same time. Like, within 10 minutes of each other if not closer.
  12. They have not consistently released versions at any specific time. Or any specific day of the week, really, though Tuesday is the most common. Of course, this time we've got the announcement so I suppose that makes Tuesday a given. I'd guess, considering they've named the time, that unless there is some massive last-minute bug found they're going to release it in the morning. But that's just a guess, and it's the best guess you're going to get. Any other guess is just as good, too
  13. Foxter's got the numbers about right. You can get to Moho orbit from Kerbin orbit for under 5000 m/s direct, but it's not the easiest run. 6000's far safer. Moho's about 900m/s down and another 900 back up, too. And you need at LEAST 2500 or so to get back to Kerbin, and that's if you aerobrake all the way down. It's not undoable, but it will be hard. Better to bring along an extra 1000-2000m/s for the return trip to slow down at Kerbin. As far as getting there, ignore everything anybody's ever said about transfer windows. Leave when you're at an An/Dn for Moho from Kerbin (You can see this by plotting an ejection from Kerbin and setting Moho as your target. Wherever those lines intersect Kerbin's orbit, time warp until Kerbin's there). Leave there, and in one big burn from LKO get your Sun Pe down touching Moho's orbit, until you get an encounter. Then treat it like rendezvousing with a ship in Kerbin orbit. i.e., go around Sun a time or two, burning at your Pe to make it so the next time you pass by, Moho's there as well.
  14. So am I (See "Drop A Maneuver Node"). I personally like "REKT" but without the dash. Maybe "Recoverable Emergency Kerbal Transport"?
  15. Big 1.2 update, that should help a LOT in gathering science. This does change stock functionality (something that I've been leery of in the past) so let me know your opinions if you think this went too far. I personally think that convenience trumps "stockalike" in this case. 0.8: Added functionality to the new 1.2 "Science Box." "Perform All Science" even though it's not actually a science experiment, for ease of use. "Reset All Science" - the good part. Will reset all experiments whose data has not been collected. Will reset Mystery Goo and Science Jr (and hopefully any modded science) if you have a scientist on board. Usage: Pin the Science Box right-click menu, then click in turn "perform science", "collect data", and "reset science." Repeat in all biomes.
  16. In more non-actual-ksp-but-strongly-related news, today (just now in fact) I successfully wrote a new function for my mod, without posting ONE question here or anywhere else. I used what I know of C#, Unity, and the KSP API, and the new KSP API documentation, and a heaping helping of "try stuff until it works" and... it works! I am frankly shocked and amazed. Some day this might be normal, even.
  17. That presumes that the person whom you are asking - on a non-CKAN thread - knows anything about CKAN. "Why isn't this on CKAN?" "I don't know, ask on the CKAN thread." ...is a totally valid response here. It's exactly as valid as: "I downloaded Mod X on CKAN and it's getting exception errors. Why?" "I don't know, ask on Mod X's thread."
  18. It used to. I don't know about currently. Now that you mention it, I did recently show up at a mining station at night and it ran, though it could have just been running on battery power. Are you saying that the catch-up code actually takes into account planetary rotation to determine when the sun was visible and not? If so, that's frickin' genius.
  19. In a more general sense: Only visit your mining stations during the day. They'll catch up to current time bathed in sunlight instead of plunged in darkness.
  20. No clue. I don't use CKAN. Maybe because CKAN doesn't let you install a mod on 1.2 when it's listed for 1.1.3? Maybe it sees internally into the mod that it's for 1.2 but listed for 1.1.3 and ignores it because of that? That's a question for the CKAN thread. The better question is why doesn't SpaceDock have a 1.2 entry yet, but I assume the answer to that is that 1.2 isn't a real version yet. Really the best option is to install it manually. Barring that, wait until next week when 1.2 is a real version.
  21. Spacedock doesn't have a 1.2 section. As a modder, we can choose to either put the wrong version number in your post, or not use it. RoverDude chose to use it with the wrong version number.
  22. Actually I think that just saves your last 5 saves. I actually forgot that was a thing. I think it was put in place to more easily troubleshoot 1.2pre issues.
  23. Clickthrough is where you click a button on a gui window and that click also selects the orbit behind the button you just clicked. Unity, instead of forcing you to turn it on when you want it (which should be never ) seems to enforce it with an iron hand. At least in my extremely limited modding experience that's the case. All my GUIs have clickthrough because I can't find a way to make it stop.
  24. I'm not 100% sure that the bolded would work, but it might. I *have* successfully hit alt-f4 at that point to close KSP entirely, and then reload it But yes, you should bet hitting F5 as often as possible, and alt-f5 sometimes too for major milestones. It's not uncommon for me to hit F5 several times each time I come down to land.
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