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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Aha. Funny, after all that work they put into getting patching working. Maybe they just didn't think of it
  2. The pre-release was available at the store. To the best of my knowledge every update was there. I downloaded the first 1.2 prerelease from there, and one of the middle ones when Steam was being annoying. (Yes I own it on both )
  3. The topic is the departure of the named developers from Squad. The thread title I (begrudgingly because I prefer more descriptive titles myself) copied from the title of their reddit post.
  4. I don't really see the benefit to releasing the game and then - while everybody's playing it - have an event.
  5. I too will download and install this immediately without reservation. I too would love to have it tied to surface mode, and have "sea level" be orbit mode. And while you're at it, have it be distance to target in target mode
  6. Thank you! I'm looking forward to optimizing my manual launches with this tool!
  7. You say that, but I distinctly remember you quoting the odds of blowing up the Death Star. And how exactly did you KNOW, mister Solo, that it was exactly one in a million? Hm?
  8. What WILL it have? No clue. I'll let you know when they tell us. Which is redundant as you'll by then know. What do I WANT it to have? Other than the normal stuff I'd like the new "upgradeable parts" functionality to be realized in the stock parts. Like, all of the stock parts.
  9. I agree with everything you said except Really they're not "leaving." Squad has more developers now than they did last year at this time. A bunch of big-names left but we don't know the reasons and for all we know it was just because their work was done. There are many reasons why your ideas may not be implemented (which is sad because I totally agree that it would be nice) but "not enough devs" isn't one of them.
  10. I'm far more excited at the bevy of updated mods that will be coming out over the next few weeks.
  11. Don't hold your breath (you're already looking quite green) because I poked around the API docs and I can't make head nor tail of it. I'm not ruling anything out, but I honestly think it'd be easier to wait for Kopernicus to update to 1.2 and then just make single-biome maps of each world
  12. There was. It was one of the reasons I bought the game originally. Minecraft had the same wording and they've kept to their word so far as well. I don't know where it says it anymore either. I won't feel the need to look it up until Squad actually goes against it, or even shows an indication that they will. Which, in my opinion, they have not. Not in this thread or any other. And I didn't mean to come off as rude as I did. I just have been sitting on the sidelines getting more and more frustrated that everybody seems to be assuming the worst, and going out of their way to do so.
  13. Here's the first chapter of something I wrote first in 2006 as a podcast, and again in 2010 as a book. Never finished the whole book, but I did complete the first of 4 stories that would eventually make the whole book, and have a complete first draft of the second story. It's essentially a Space Opera using realistic spaceflight (with future tech that allows for things we can't even hope for today). I should really finish it. Some day. [defunct site link removed by moderator]
  14. Which part? The part where they didn't say anything about paying for anything?
  15. Many people don't want MJ functionality in the game. Until recently, KER readouts were actually on the "Not gonna do it" list, and calculating those numbers can be very fidgety. IR hinges are buggy. Not "spaghetti kerbals lol" buggy but "oh no my ship is destroyed because the game is buggy" buggy. EVE is a resource hog (a worthwhile use of those resources but a hog nonetheless). KAS/KIS functionality I agree with you on, as do I KAC. That's basic stuff that should be in the game. Life support is arguable I don't like the idea myself but others think the game is woefully incomplete without it. However as I've said before, it's not like Squad can just take KAC and plop it into the game. There's this little pesky deal with getting permission first, and the fact that most mods (I don't know about KAC in parcitular but wouldn't be surprised) say that anything that uses its code must be open source. I doubt Squad would be willing to open their entire source code up just to give you a Periapsis alarm. I note you didn't include RemoteTech in your list of mods that should be stock. Or FAR. Or Deadly ReEntry. I suspect what was going on in their heads over the past few years is the stock implementations of what people liked most from those mods. I They'd instead done KIS/KAS/KAC implemenations, you or someone would likely have posted today "Why don't we have FAR or DRE or RT in the game?"
  16. I just independently had almost this exact thought. I was looking into making a mod for it and did a search and came across this thread. Figured I'd bump this up before actually trying to mod it in. All my mod needs to do is know how much of the experiment's science has been gotten from that world, and how much that experiment's science is worth in a single biome (that number's always the same, right?). Then it would knock down the science gained based on that. Ideally, it should also report that diminished value when you take the experiment, with the caveat that you may get less when you return it (as you do now) So let's say temperature data is worth 12 science per biome on Mun, and you've got a probe up there hopping and transmitting for 50% return. The first transmission would get you 6 science. The next time you take a reading (from a new biome) it'd be worth 1/20.5 or 1/1.41 or about 71% or about 8.5 science. You transmit that for 4.25 science and now you have 10.25 in the bank. The third biome would be worth 1/2(10.25/12) or 1/20.85 or about 55% or 6.6 science, transmitted for 3.3. And etc. You get the idea. No clue how to handle capping transmission. Maybe force 100% of capped transmission return so you can only transmit data once per biome. Though ... Ugh. I hate details.
  17. That's fine. The threads would still be present, and they could be posted in, and in no way would they be hidden. But until the modder applied to be promoted to the "current version" thread it would stay in the thread where it belongs, mods that were created for an older version of the game.
  18. I posted this about a month ago. 3 m/s remaining as I touched down on Mun.
  19. Don't you know, MechJeb was the only thing keeping Brangelina together in the end? YOU ENDED THEIR RELATIONSHIP YOU MONSTER. Ahem. Sorry. Anyway. I don't really see the need for an "honest debate" about this. Either you want automation MechJeb gives you or you don't. Either you want information that MechJeb and KER give you, or you don't. You either prefer MechJeb's graphical style or KERs. Or neither's. Or both. I don't know. There are plenty of threads lauding both. And they're free to try. I personally have tried both KER and MechJeb and prefer KER. My main problem with MechJeb is that I want two things out of KSP: To fly my own ships when it's fun, and to automate the boring aspects in the background when it's not. MechJeb doesn't help me do either of these things. I'm not anti-MechJeb. I just don't personally need what it provides. I'm all for automation. I just don't want to sit there and watch it.
  20. I am not a horrible person, nor do I think you are. What you are suggesting though is still a logistic nightmare at BEST. My mods use source directly copied from other mods. For all I know, those mods copied that same source from other mods. The mods you're talking about have multiple actual named authors and each of them could have easily done the same as I did. It's not a rare thing, at all. If Squad wanted to put one of my mods in their mod packs, they couldn't just get my permission. It would not be enough. They'd have to go and get permission from the people whose code I copied. And each of them would need to go back and get the permission of all the people whose code THEY copied. At any point, any of those people could say no. They could be unreachable. They could be UNFINDABLE even as it's not like modders have to register with their real info or anything. I'm not saying what you are proposing is wrong to want. To be honest, I'd love it too. I'm also not saying it's impossible. It's just really really hard, and there is no way to make it easy. And this is by design and preferred to it being easy. Because the easier you make it, the more horrible (your word not mine :)) it is for modders.
  21. That is almost literally impossible to do. Each of those mods has different authors and licences, and most build on other mods that also have different authors and licenses. And that ignores - or in fact is because of - the fact that this would be a terrible, terrible thing. Squad would essentially be stealing all the modders' code and selling it. Even if you don't make a profit, that's wrong.
  22. I somewhat support this, but can't think of a good way to do it without burdening the forum moderators. My thought would be to have 2 forums, "mods for older versions." and "mods for the current version" (with the version listed in the forum title). The day a new version comes out, every mod in the "current version" forum is moved to the "old version" forum, and the "current version" forum is renamed. Then, when a modder releases an update for the current version (and properly titles their thread :D) they ask a moderator (via "report this post") to move it to the current version. That would clean up the mods forum for sure, but jeez I'd hate to moderate it. And these people ARE volunteers, it's not like we're paying them.
  23. You will be able to play your 1.1.3 career in 1.2. You'll not have some of the features turned on by default (like the communications stuff) but you will be able to turn it on in settings. Note that as with any game update, things may not work the way you expected them to, but the game itself should work. I suggest if you are concerned, back up your entire 1.1.3 game folder so you can go back to it at any time. I personally have about 10 KSP folders for various reasons. Each folder is a full install of the game and is totally separate from the others.
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