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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. No I just copy the UT. The dV (and exact time by dragging once in the ballpark, ie the correct orbit) always need tweaking anyway for each ship. A copy/paste of a node would be great for that. Yeah I tend to launch ships into LKO when they're ready to be built, and might not eject for quite some time. One of the joys of not playing with a Life Support mod
  2. I have copied one node's UT in PreciseNode and pasted it into the other. I've also manually modified a digit to jump forward what would take like 100 clicks of the "+time" button. The second one's fairly rare, but the first is pretty common for me. It's how I send multiple ships interplanetary in the same transfer window that is multiple orbits (and sometimes many many days) in the future.
  3. Cool thanks, and regarding the tagging problem... You can also arrow down and enter on the name. You also can NOT copy a name, hit @, and then paste the name.
  4. I said this somewhere else, but they should add some mass to the part they're on. I'm cool with locking the toggling of them on and off in the VAB, but once on they should be configurable to where they strut. Autostruts almost single-handedly eliminate my own personal need for KAS. Please don't take that away from me!
  5. I believe in this case that stands for "NathanKell" The expected behavior is that Val can continue controlling the craft, if the only thing that happened is it went out of comms range.
  6. Yes this means you're expected to do a mid-course correction, which you should likely just ignore and do yourself at your An or Dn around Sun, on the way to Duna. Right there, you want to do a normal burn to get exactly in Duna's plane, and then prograde/retrograde/radial to get right in. And don't sweat the fuel it'll take. Usually it's just drops, if you got a halfway decent ejection burn.
  7. I used to try to nail these things exactly the way the calculator said and experienced the same feelings you are having right now. Then I realized that the important thing is NOT nailing the exact burn, but nailing the ENCOUNTER. If the calculator's wrong (and people above have given good reasons for it being wrong) then don't follow it. You've got a very close encounter there. Tweak your Kerbin ejection burn prograde, retrograde, radial, anti-radial, and time until your approach is as close as you can get it. If you don't mind a mod suggestion, I strongly recommend PreciseNode or PreciseManeuver, both of which do the same thing in slightly different ways: They let you tweak your burn to the centimeter per second, and your burn time to the fraction of a second. At the very least, though, you should use the in-game +/- orbit buttons (right click the maneuver node to switch modes) to see if going later will get you even closer. Frequently, it will.
  8. For final rendezvous, sure, but on the step before that I frequently want a node just after the closest approach (that may not actually be all that close) so I can set up a burn to make that approach really close.
  9. I actually didn't expect it to cause an argument, but to be perfectly honest I'm totes enjoying the ... well I'm sure the expletive filter would turn that into something so I won't even bother. But it involves measuring and not of wings. Note though that "what exactly is a wing" is not even related to the actual question, as I'm talking about the parts' descriptions and not what function those parts may or may not serve while attached in the editor.
  10. Look out in 1.2 for "Advanced Tweakables" (which is not on by default but is in settings and - in my opinion - should be on by default). It will allow you to - among other handy things - set the fuel-flow priority PER TANK both in the VAB and in flight. Using them, you'd be able to tell KSP to drain that top fuel tank last without all the "disable/enable" shenanigans.
  11. Sorry, I totally missed this as we seem to have posted at the same time. I'm writing a ModuleManager config that will modify the descriptions of parts I personally find hard to remember what they do. I'll be posting it in a thread that will ask for suggestions, but I want the config to start with certain things already present. One of those things that has always confused me is the wings, as most of them are described as "A wing type part." Gee thanks for that. I also have plans to better describe the new comms dishes, when I figure out how the heck they all work my own self
  12. In addition to the above, you may have some luck disabling the top orange fuel tank. That way the fuel stays in it and the bottom tank empties first, causing the center of mass to shift FORWARD instead of BACKWARD. When the engine cuts out, re-enable the tank and by the time the COM shifts too far back, you'll hopefully be high enough up that aerodynamics doesn't matter so much anymore.
  13. No worries at all. I wanted knee-jerk reactions It confirms that my own confusion was not a rarity. At least in this instance
  14. The problem with that (and likely the problem with the terms "length" and "width") is that there are 2 such wing sections that fit that description: the one shown and the same size wing section turned 90 degrees. I want the reader to know - just from reading the text - which wing I'm talking about.
  15. Hmmm, maybe use 2 terms to describe it. "A longer wing section, 2 meters in span with a 1 meter chord." (for the one pictured) vs "A [short|stubby] wing section, with a 1 meter span and a 2 meter chord."
  16. As someone who doesn't know about wings, I have no idea if the one in the picture has a high or low aspect ratio So I'm seeing some common themes though. The wing is definitely LONG as opposed to WIDE, and it seems WIDE is a bad term and may be what's leading to my personal confusion. But I'm still not sure how you'd describe the wing section. "With a length twice its chord"? That seems clunky but better than anything else I can think of. I like chord, even though I had to look it up. Now that I know it, it removes all doubt. "With a span twice its chord"? Though from that picture it seems "span" is across the entire plane, not just one wing. "With a 2 meter [span|length] and a 1 meter chord"?
  17. I already did, and this picture basically tells it all.
  18. In addition to the double clicking Maximus mentioned, you can also click the planet or moon's orbit (or the world itself) and select "Focus View." Yes please. A++ would love this. The best is when you launch your second rocket WHILE THE DEBRIS FROM THE FIRST ONE IS STILL FALLING FROM THE SKY. Seriously it's awesome. But yeah, time is kind of not really a concern in the game, and it's on purpose. It's actually a pretty big contention in the forums. Most time-based (or more accurately wait-based) mechanics just simply don't exist in the game. I suppose that would be nice. Note you can load a quicksave from the Space Center by hitting Escape and selecting the appropriate button.
  19. This is an opinion poll, and I'd like to know your opinion without seeing what anybody else thinks, so please try to not read the thread first before voting. Is this wing twice as LONG as it is WIDE, or twice as WIDE as it is LONG? Or are those terms dumb and I should be using others to describe it? Feel free to opine about how you'd describe the wing to someone who couldn't see the picture and didn't know the names of the wing sections in KSP.
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