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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. To be more fair, exiting the screen, time warping 4 days, going back in, checking the contracts, exiting back out, time warping 4 more days, going back in, and repeating a dozen times or more because the system keeps generating contracts for things you obviously don't want to do can take quite some time. Time that I could instead be playing a video game.
  2. Asteroids have never "been buggy" for me. The claw has been buggy, and it can still be iffy sometimes, but I've never had an asteroid jump around, shift its COM, or otherwise "be buggy." I understand the frustration, but if you're experiencing a bug and you don't go through the proper reporting mechanisms, you don't really have the right to complain.
  3. Would you be so kind as to describe exactly how it's done? I looked at your docking ports and tried copying the 2 lines: snapRotation = true snapOffset = 90 into the ModuleDockingNode on the Clamp-O-Tron (without first installing your mod, as I want this in stock) and the docking ports still docked at whatever angle they felt like. I'm trying ultimately to make a modulemanager config that will add this functionality to the stock docking ports with no other mods needed.
  4. Nope that's stock. It was reported as such by RoverDude when 1.0 was released and my tests show it to be true. You need enough storage space for 6 hours of ore drilling because the "in the background" processing happens in 6-hour intervals, and you have to make sure if you're using solar power to come back to your base when it's in the sun (or the batteries will just quickly drain) but yeah, it works just fine.
  5. Also, the thickness of the atmosphere encouraged you to go straight up 10km before cranking over 45 degrees. That meant you burned a LOT of fuel fighting gravity. Now, not only is that unnecessary it can cause your ship to flip out of control (sharp turns in atmo are bad). It's far better to tap over after you get up to 50-100m/s and slowly tilt over throughout the climb, ideally still hitting about 45 degrees at 10km, but doing it gradually instead of all at once. Due to this you fight gravity far less and put your fuel to use giving you sideways velocity. Don't think this makes the game easier, by the way. It's significantly harder to reach orbit now than it was before, and getting down can be pretty hair-raising as well. And I love every second of it
  6. Ah. That's weird. I'd like to see an image showing it. To get any traction with Squad, you'll need to recreate it in a wholly stock game. That, a screenshot, and your log files would make a nice bug report on the tracker.
  7. How far off to the side? The COM of an asteroid is not necessarily at its volumetric center. Sometimes it's very obviously off to the side. I've always believed this was by design. At the very least, it's been like this since the very first asteroid I ever caught.
  8. I have a 1.0.2 instance, four 1.0.4 instances, and a 1.0.5 instance. I tend to delete old ones when I start new ones. My old machine probably has some 0.25 instances I bet, but it's in another town right now so I can't check it. EDIT: I missed the part about sharing. I do not now nor when I originally posted this did I intend to make any of these available to others. I was merely discussing the old versions I have lying around.
  9. Oh my bad. I thought airspeed was speed through the air. I see now like so many things with simple names, it's not.
  10. I'm with drtricky on procedural parts. I think there should be a grand total of about 5 inline tanks, one for each size. You can drag them up and down (limited by tech level maybe) and select if they hold LF, O, LFO, Monoprop, or Xenon. Selecting the fuel type, radius, and vertical size should automatically skin the tanks in a way such that they are instantly recognizable as to what they hold, be as varied and interesting as they are now (or more), and fit together aesthetically as well as they do now (or better). This is a much taller order than "easy to implement features" but hey. I don't want any more tanks. We've got tanks coming out our ears. I like the rover command chassis idea, and the ground base idea. Hitchhikers make poor ground habitats. We have an airspeed indicator. It's the "Surface" reading on the navball. Air does not move in the game.
  11. You realize this is probably just going to cause them to remove all ground scatter from the game indefinitely? #BringBackTheCacti #OnlyPartiallyJoking
  12. I want Kerbin to look like that in-game. With the changing clouds while you're time warping.
  13. Who told you you need to sit and watch them run? I get them started, and then come back when the tanks should be full. Unless you only do one thing at a time in your save, in which case yeah, you have to sit and wait because that ship is your "one thing."
  14. But "Thermometer" is an obvious thing. We know what one is. I suppose it'd solve THIS problem if they just called it a "reverse photonometer" or something and just said deal with it. But then people would complain that these high-tech gizmos that we haven't even realized we need yet are really low in the tech tree of this imaginary spacefaring species. And then why not have simple experiments like a thermometer? Being able to transmit everything would remove incentive to bring stuff back, which would lower the choices the player has to affect the game state, which is bad gameplay. Gameplay trumps realism. Period.
  15. By all means this should be the top priority. </sarcasm>
  16. Not until you tell us how fast you're going If your ship is going less than 250m/s and the chute shears off, you have a problem with your game. If it's going over 250m/s you are not waiting long enough. If you'd smack into the ground at over 250m/s if you didn't pull the chutes, you are not slowing down enough. Until we know which of these is the case, we can't help and any answers you get will be guesses based on problems others have had in the past.
  17. I always figure the "thermometer" and "barometer" are just in-game stand-ins for more complex experiments.
  18. Note that in "real life" we don't know 100% of what we'd learn from a return mission to Mars from the rovers we've sent. It's not like a Constellation-style mission would land next to Spirit and the astronauts would step out, look around, and go "Well, nothing more to do around here."
  19. That's fair, though I actually like having direct control over the fairings. Are they perfect? No. Are they enough that I don't feel any need at all to install ProceduralFairings? You bet. More than, even. Tomato, tomato* though. Everybody likes different things. I still have Enhanced Navball and SelectRoot installed. *That works better out loud than written.
  20. There are a lot of factors, but in the end it all comes down to if Squad decides so. Sometimes they want to not incorporate it into stock. Sometimes they can't get an agreement from the modder (or such an agreement cannot be gotten in the case of community mods). I'm sure in some cases a modder has either refused or put demands that Squad did not want to agree with, or possibly even just simply Squad didn't want to deal with the modder for whatever reason. I would guess though in 99% of the cases, a mod does something that Squad either doesn't want in stock at all, or they have some plan to implement it in their own way.
  21. All you need to do is put an appropriately sized file in the gamedata\Squad\flags directory. Look at the flags there to see the correct sizes. I think as long as you keep the multiples correct, any actual size will do. I think also that any directory anywhere off of Gamedata named Flags will load the images within as flags. At least, I have my flag in gamedata\00_mine\Flags
  22. Sadly, it's so easy to make these kinds of mistakes when multiple people are talking and nobody mentions a name. I should just leave the names out, and say "Someone who's not Dr_Turkey said..." And regarding salvager/sal_vager, that was a shorthand I didn't fix because I'm lazy.
  23. Every 15 minutes I drop a time stamp, so if you can find a spot in the video more easily. Descriptions of gameplay are in green. "Something in quotes means it was directly said." If you want to watch the episode yourself, you can find it at http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/profile/past_broadcasts Squadcast was just over an hour. 0:00 He's using the camera. Q: Total complete elimination of memory leaks? A: Sure. They're all gone. (This is of course a joke) Announcements. (Already in devnotes) 2 new guys Squelch, who is calling in on Squadcast tonight. Sal_vager as well was added on but isn't on Squadcast. Ted was on as well, but didn't talk much. They're working on the new UI for Unity 5. Work is going "Very well." Bug squashing. Squelch is enjoying it. "Fantastic people." Squelch is an engineer. Ted is the "Greatest technical producer in the world." Scrum methodology. "A week of scrum." (Ted or Squelch. I think Ted) Agile methodolgy. Qucikly prioritize Work in sprints. Short deadlines, quick turnaround. 20 minute meeting in the morning to determine what is done in the day, then do it. Great framework to work in when you have a lot of stuff to do. They've seen the improvement in days since starting it. Phrase-coining: "Turkey Takeover" 15:00 It was rough at the beginning. They had to convert from the old method the new one. He and Ted went over the plan for the future, and are improving efficiency. Ted had to go. Q: Sal_vager on? A: Maybe next week. Prettier orbit lines. "They're pretty sexy." Squelch: "Just to see those lines is such a boon." Here are the Orbit Lines, thanks LaytheDragon Squelch did voluntary QA, got to know the team from that. He's considering leaving the terrible career on the wayside, and doing a science run. Q: What kind of changes can we anticipate in the shift to agile development. A: You're going to see hopefully ... just that. A more agile process. More centered on QA. More time to think of new things. Free up resources in every sense of the word. For "new secret stuff." Q: Is this an official dev stream? A: I guess it is. Kasper and Badie told him, "You can't be talking silly stuff all of the time" and you have to be talking dev stuff. But that would be boring. "But we can try it, sure." He makes a rocket with the engine directly under a decoupler. So no fuel. "This is not going to work." I agree. He names it "Last Ship Evah" Q: Will 1.0.5 saves be compatable with the next release. A: Pause, musing, then "Yes. Yes? Yeah sure. I'm pretty sure they will be." Q: Wobbling on big space stations. A: "You gotta go to the wobble lord for that." Q: Something about antennas. A: (RoverDude, who I mistakenly took for Squelch) "Need them for relays only. Current deployable antennas are your direct antennas. Think New Horizons. Amplify range with the large rela antennas. So both are going to work." One more announcement Next 2 weeks. They will be broadcasting squadcast for 20-30 minutes on Wednesdays at 5pm Central. Because of Christmas and New Years. Dr_Turkey won't be here. Roverdude Antenna: Basically relay antennas can still do direct signal. you will get a science boost if you go through a relay. Buff with the relay instead of a nerf to not using one. Roverdude wanted this all in on 1.0 but there was not enough time. Not available for 1.0.5 because the UI changes were needed. Telemetry, signal strength, etc. He's been working for a few months on it. You can see the signal going up and down visually. At some point Dr_Turkey removed the decoupler between the engine and the fuel tank. He launches. At night. He has no pilot, so recovers. More on antennas: If you use the current antennas, youc an only go direct. Avoid occlusion. If you have a rover you'll use connectivty, and need relays for that. Small one is Kerbin SOI. Another goes to Dres. Then one to go to Jool (and I assume Eeloo?) 30:00 Nathan comes on. He launches. "I'll try not to crash." The ship flips. Nathan talking about 5.3: If you look at the list of known issues on Unity. There are so many of them it's not the sort of verison we'd want to inflict on you guys. So we're waiting until they're addressed. So KSP is currently being developed on 5.2.3 The ship is spinning out of control 3.6km up. Eventually it lands. He gets like 2 science points total. Nathan suggest trying to get the orbit contract. Neither Nathan nor Squelch think it's actually going to happen. I agree with them. Q: Will unity 5 port use the ppr materials? (I don't understand this question or even know if I got it right) A: (Porkjet in chat) (I assume he answered it) Q: Rough ETA for 1.1 A: Soon. He uses a swivel and 9 tanks. They're calculating dV Wouldn't it be nice to have that information in-game? He puts a decoupler and 8 girders on the bottom to keep it from falling over. 45:00 He adds fins as well. As low as possible. 8 of them is 31 parts, 1 too many. He removes 2 girders, has 6 now. Nathan (?) schools Dr_Turkey on his gravity turn pre-launch. Launch! At night. It doesn't fall over. But it does lean. It is off centered like you guys said. He's rising... He's holding prograde, but prograde is going down way too fast. He forgot the "go straight up for the first 100 m/s" part. Bob somehow doesn't die. Chat: "Luckiest Kerbal Ever" Nathan: "It is at least stable." Turkey has to keep going straight up for the first 100m/s Next launch. Max throttle, straight up. "I'm going straight up" He's about 15 degrees off vertical. By the time he's going 100m/s he's 45 degrees over. He lawn-darts into the ocean at full throttle. At 400m/s the chute shears off. Bob dies. Much like the last episode, he announces the end of his career aspirations. This time though he actually doesn't have any Kerbals left. There is a new vine account for KSP. Ted is doing pretty cool stuff on Vine. (no url or any other info) He'll be on Squadcast next time. "Because I say so."
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