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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I thought that was intentional to keep you from having to juggle between 20 Kerbals to move a 20-ton object more than about 5 meters. Imagine walking that thing across your base! Eventually you just have to accept that they all carried it, even though you didn't manually control every single one of them the whole time.
  2. That's not "Asparagus" though. that's 2 side tanks pumping fuel into the center. In "true" asparagus there are at least 2 sets of side tanks, usually 3, and sometimes a ridiculous amount. They pump fuel not into the center, but into each other in a line until the final set pumps into the center. THAT is what is not super realistic for at LEAST the reason that it would introduce torque in the ship, pumping fuel around in a circle like that.
  3. The trick is to be efficient. Asparagus is very efficient, but there are more ways than just that to be efficient. You can make sure your rocket is aerodynamic. You can make sure your payload is as small as possible to do the job. You can make sure you're doing an efficient launch. You can make sure you're doing an efficient transfer. You can make sure you're doing an efficient landing. You can make sure you're doing an efficient return. You can rebuild your ship, taking account of all of the above, to achieve an even smaller craft.
  4. Actually that's quite a compliment. What I don't want to hear is "BB-8 is better than R2-D2" because it'd probably be me saying it and I don't want to blaspheme.
  5. "After 2,000 hours of gameplay there's nothing left to do!" Also, any thread titles starting with the letters PSA or ending with a question mark.
  6. From what I've seen, the point of a constant altitude burn is to slow down for a landing in spite of having poor TWR. Usually, having poor TWR means your ship is more efficient, either on fuel, or on price, or both. THIS is what makes the maneuver more "efficient." Optimizing for raw dV is not optimizing at all, remember. You can do something for 100 less dV while burning 2x the fuel.
  7. I completely agree with this. In my snarkier moments I've thought about starting a "Remove the terrible word "terrible" from your post titles" thread.
  8. I've had stages not want to trigger sometimes, but it's never been something a few violent, panicked smashes of the spacebar didn't fix. Usually the problem comes from moving stuff around in the staging stack, like you said you did. Try putting the parachute in the correct place in the VAB and then trying it, or (better) devoting an action group to parachutes.
  9. The best way to land on an airless world is the reverse of the best way to take off. The best way to take off is to burn almost exactly sideways, only giving yourself enough vertical to not hit the ground (or any mountains!) Therefore, the best way to land is to come in super low, ideally with your periapsis a km over the ground or less. Then burn as hard as you can to arrest your motion. And bring an extra pair of underwear, because it can be a pretty harrowing experience. Personally, I do essentially that but aim a km or two up, sacrificing some fuel efficiency to give myself time to pick a good landing spot.
  10. Or just start a sandbox game, and launch a ship straight up out of the atmosphere so you can see if it works there. Sandbox mode is great for testing things, especially mods where you're not sure if it's you or the mod.
  11. Oops forgot to post my final vid in the series. I'm claiming victory because why not.
  12. I prefer flipping my planes around 180 degrees in the SPH before takeoff. Actually I prefer upgrading the runway before ever touching a plane, but that's not always possible
  13. I somehow missed this mod for 1.5 months. Very cool looking. Can't wait to try it out! I usually take a bit of umbrage at mods using the term "Better" for what is frequently actually just "different." I do not have such feelings in this case
  14. I'm hoping they're leaving it until when they can seriously address it, and add things like cities, forests, intercontinental highways, other space centers, etc on Kerbin and unique interesting things on other worlds that you can actually interact with. And caves. I want caves.
  15. We agree on this part, for sure, though I'd say those are two sides of the same coin. Part of the reason we're lacking content is because the two buildings that were added specifically for career don't add much gameplay. And I'll admit I've not played career in 1.0.5. I got into a fun Science Mode game in 1.0.4 and then Fallout came out so I've not played much. But I can recall multiple instances where I was in orbit around Mun with some extra fuel and thought to myself, "Well let's knock out a contract or two hmmm?" and then spent several minutes declining "take people into sub-orbit", "rescue some fool from Kerbin orbit", and "Test some part while ejecting from Minmus". It was bad enough that I had to keep saying "no, no no" to what was essentially the SAME CONTRACTS, and I wasn't losing rep or time for it. In the end, I'd actually just decline 10 or so and if I didn't get what I wanted (pretty much every time) I'd just give up. Maybe this new system is in place specifically to keep people from going through what I went through. Make it SO BAD that the player won't even bother with it at all. It's worked for me!
  16. So checking back to Mission Control every 4 days while time warping while 3 ships are each on a year-long transfer to other planets isn't bad gameplay? I'm in Mission Control because I want a contract. If I can't get one 99% of the time and the only (and poorly implemented) way to get new ones penalizes me either monitarily or with a (real-life) time consuming rigmarole, then why is the building even in the game? And no. I don't have an Eve return craft to test. Because I'm trying to play the game they designed here and there aren't any Eve Return contracts. Too bad I can't easily regenerate them.
  17. Yeah I exit to KSC and then alt-f4 after a few seconds to make sure it saves. I used to quit to the menu first but I'm a busy guy. I can't be waiting no 4 seconds to quit my game.
  18. It was mentioned in the Devnote Tuesday before this week's. You should really read those. They're a weekly event as far as I'm concerned
  19. Part 2! I've recorded part 3 and plan to post it on Christmas Day. It is titled "Landing on Dres...?"
  20. I actually use that button all the time, though I'd have never even thought to request it.
  21. You got 2 likes from me today. Thanks for this! I'll also credit you when I post the config, not that many people download my configs but still
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