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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. [quote name='zarakon']"ksp" has no vowels, therefore it is impossible to properly pronounce it as a word[/QUOTE] Why? (I know. I know. I just couldn't resist)
  2. [quote name='BenCushwa']I think that as long as there's one body between where you are and where you want to go, you can do a useful gravity assist*. I've done gravity assists from Kerbin to Minmus (and vice versa) using the Mun, but it was mostly for fun since it didn't save me a ton of deltaV.[/QUOTE] Well said. It's actually a bit more than that. If you are at a planet, and it'll take a certain amount of dV to reach your destination planet (orbiting the same star), and a different but less amount of dV to reach any other planet (again orbiting the same star), you can use that other planet to gravity assist to your destination. It may take several passes, and even another pass by the original planet, to build up the speed required but it can be done. Galileo, for example, went to Venus once and returned to Earth twice to get the velocity required to get to Jupiter. Venus isn't technically "between" Earth and Jupiter but it is less costly to get to, so it could be used. This will also work in KSP, but here's the catch: It's really hard to do. You need to think and calculate and then nail very precise burns, and I for one prefer the "hit the gas and go" method :D Note: As was stated earlier, this all also works at Jool between the moons, and even works with Mun and Minmus, though the savings is laughably small, so small that you could use up the savings doing course corrections. The nice part about Jool is, you don't have to wait as long and the opportunities are far more likely to just happen due to luck.
  3. [quote name='Thourion']One thing though, your heatshielddecoupler.cfg link points to your jomt.cfg\[/QUOTE] Oops! The dangers of copypasta with links in a forum. Even if you only put the link in once, the forum splits it into two pieces and you have to change both. Fix'd, and Than'x!
  4. For anybody who wants it, I've made a quick ModuleManager config to add a decoupler to the stock heat shields. [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/117530-[/url]
  5. I've added a new config, Heatshield Decoupler! [defunct site link removed by moderator] This very simple config just adds a decoupler to the top node (ie, where it attaches to the thing it's shielding from heat) so you can toss it after re-entry, lowering the mass of your capsule enough to hopefully slow it down so you can pull the chute before it crashes. NOTE: It will also add a decoupler to any other part whose name starts with "HeatShield". This could technically be called a bug but I don't think it's that important to fix, and may come in handy for mods that also name their heatshields sanely. They should also get decouplers. [spoiler=SOURCE] @PART[HeatShield*] { MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 100 explosiveNodeID = top } } [/spoiler]
  6. I say the letters most of the time. Sometimes I'll say the full name. [quote name='GregroxMun']I don't like when people call it Kerbal, it just doesn't [I]quite[/I] sound right.[/QUOTE] I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  7. [quote name='AlphaAsh']Unless KSP 1.1 miraculously becomes compatible, yes that's it, no more updates.[/QUOTE] Ironically (and sadly) the last version where memory issues made this mod hard to fit, is the first where it won't run. I understand fully the situation and know it's worse for you than it is for me. I'm just saddened by it.
  8. [quote name='Galenmacil'][URL=https://www./view/?u3z1t9kb2hvvvlk][url]https://www./convkey/a3be/u3z1t9kb2hvvvlk7g.jpg[/url][/URL][/QUOTE] I noticed the same. I thought maybe it was a design choice.
  9. This is one of the many things this game needs before it can actually be used to run a fictional space PROGRAM, instead of just being used to run individual space missions in sequence.
  10. I will admit that whenever I see the three letters PSA I cringe a little. Having them all tucked away out of my sight would be nice. And this thread itself could be a pretty good central place for them. I never thought to silence people for these reasons, though. I may look into that.
  11. Yup. Also satellites in stock are not exactly useful. At least, I can't think of a reason to have one in an all stock game, in an orbit that cannot be changed.
  12. A signature tells people, at a glance, what type of person you are. Your signature, inadvertently as it may be, tells people you cannot be concise enough to make a proper signature.
  13. If you're modding to add Remote Tech then you shouldn't balk at "modding" the game setting to remove the insane penalty for declining contacts that are ridiculous.
  14. I'm on vacation right now so can't check but did you check options to see if maybe it got unchecked? Or sometimes I've seen even PN not be able to figure out an orbit and not give the option. Though in those cases I think it greyed out the buttons, and didn't remove them.
  15. I wonder how hard it would be to programmatically determine if something is an SSTO. Or a VTOL.
  16. Upon further investigation, it just seems to happen sometimes. Approaching. This is the big city on the southern tip of Kerbal Continent. Closer... Here's a different area, showing it does cut sometimes (most of the time, actually) Landed! Here I found I couldn't quicksave because I was "moving over the surface." Here I'm landed on land. That last screenshot is from a quicksave you can get here. Totally stock except EVE.
  17. There are two possible outlooks: 1) The game was completed when 1.0 was released. Anything you get past that point is extra. If there wasn't enough "space" at that time, then there never will be, unless they decide to add that extra stuff in. 2) The game is not complete. Just be patient and you'll get stuff eventually. Either way, keep calm and if you have over 1000 hours in the game maybe you actually got more content than you think you did.
  18. I finally got a chance to run this, and noticed that the cities extend out into the water. I know you had been trying to correct that and had some issues but was wondering the status on it going forward? Very pretty, by the way. I love the cloud shadows.
  19. Yes, you can put any readout anywhere you wish. I have 4 on my screen I don't know the details offhand, but poke around in the readme and this thread (and the mod itself) for mentions of the HUD.
  20. I GOT IT. I had to "cheat" and put the ip address into my hosts file, and then clear my browser cache. I still don't know if it works at home but at least I'll be able to download it over my cell phone. And be happy for my large data limits
  21. I tried that too and sadly, everything ON the site refers to Kerbalspaceprogram.com and not just "this site." So, it loads only the barest amount of the site and then times out again.
  22. :/ Sometimes I hate the Internet. If I'd bought this game on Steam I'd just have it by now Oh well I'm sure it'll be up eventually. I can try from a friend's house this weekend if all else fails.
  23. Still down, and it's not my computer. Could someone ping it to get the ip address? Maybe I can get to it that way.
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