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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. So then why do we all launch and land without dying?
  2. True dat. Though I really don't have good memories that far back and by the time I remember anything, I remember several. "First game" is a bit too general. It's like asking "What's your first memory of sitting in a chair?"
  3. I read each of these in my head in Linda Richmond's voice, and added "Discuss" after it. And added my favorite, "A cubic octagonal strut is not a cube, an octagon, nor a strut. Discuss." Like all topics of no import and 0 chance that they'll change, we get quite up in arms about our opinions.
  4. ...not everybody has this game on Steam and Squad will never give out free Steam keys for people who bought the game elsewhere
  5. The difference is, the Trojans aren't there in spite of Jupiter, but because of it. I'm not saying the whole "clear the neighborhood" thing is a good idea, but that was already thought of and accounted for in the definition. Everything in Jupiter's orbital "neighborhood" is either passing through once or a few times before it'll be gone (Comets and whatnot), or is there because it was so wrangled by Jupiter into that state. The same cannot be said of Pluto and the other billion KBOs.
  6. Unless it's a Jeep. Jeep drivers for some reason refuse to think of their cars as cars, trucks, or even SUVs. They're Jeeps. Period. End of story.
  7. Challenge Thursday sounds like an awesome idea. Other than that, though, I really don't care. The only day of the week I pay attention to the Daily Kerbal is Tuesday. Modding Monday is okay but I always know the mod already. A challenge a week, though? Sounds good.
  8. TIL you can halo orbit the L2 point. I thought that you could only wander a bit in L4 and L5 and still be okay.
  9. Have you tried Principia? Or do you not find that mod sufficient in some way?
  10. Earth has dozens of satellites that can see L2, but none that can see the surface of the far side. So the signal would go lander->L2->(some satellite they pay to use)->Earth.
  11. I personally think there should be 2 criteria: 1) Is the body's shape dominated by gravity and centrifugal acceleration? (which sets a low mass that is arguably fuzzy but can be defined mathematically) 2) Is the body's mass low enough so it doesn't fuse the atoms in its core? (which sets a high mass that is again fuzzy but can be defined mathematically) I'm willing to accept a 3rd criteria: 3) Is the body orbiting a star? (i.e., a body that fails the 2nd test but passes the first) Using my criteria, the edge cases become interesting things to study. Using the IAU's criteria, the edge cases cause decades of faux debate about why don't you love Pluto.
  12. 6 manned landings is far from "enough" in my opinion. No matter how many golf balls and cars they brought along.
  13. That's the one. The Fu is strong with you. Maybe if I'd used the words "graphical" or "monitor". I only remembered it had the word "Memory" in its name I thought they fixed that in 1.0.3 along with the heat bug. I've never noticed it (though when I stopped crashing, I stopped looking). I know memory jumps at that time, but that's not (as you mentioned) a memory leak nor do I think it's even a bug. Sometimes programs need more memory.
  14. Optimizing for dV is like optimizing for "distance on one tank of fuel" that car companies sometimes do in their commercials. It sounds better until you realize that they just gave their gas guzzler a bigger fuel tank. This insufficient car<->rocket analogy was brought to you by Rockomax. Rockomax: If it ain't broke, it hasn't been field tested enough!
  15. Yeah I consider that a cornerstone of the mod. Another is that if you want, it's one resource to manage and that's it. You can choose to utilize the other resources if you see fit, but don't NEED to and they all loop back to the core resource. Changing either of these would ruin the mod for me.
  16. I don't think the problem is whether or not people think it's bad (though I won't speak for everybody for the obvious reasons earlier in this thread), it's whether or not people think it's worth getting all upset about. Take early TV sci fi like Doctor Who and the original Star Trek. Their special effects and some of the acting was ridiculously atrocious. They did not have the ability (both technical and monetary) to make them better, so our literal choice was what we got, or nothing. There was no option to get a "better" Doctor Who with millions of dollars spent on special effects. We got guys in rubber suits and supposedly stone walls that rippled when the actors ran by. Now I have friends who simply cannot watch those episodes. They see the bad special effects and are DONE. No way. I, personally, don't even notice them compared to the amazing stories they crafted for that show. Same with Trek. This is similar. Squad does not have infinite time or resources to work on every single thing everybody in the world doesn't like about their game, and the 3 (or so) people actually doing the coding have their own priorities that likely don't perfectly match the priorities of ANY single player of their game. So, every decision they make will peeve someone, and few decisions will please more than 50% of their player base. And they can't just "make it better" because there is no such thing as "better." All they can do is change it. When they have time. If they have time. Which could take a very long time, considering the number of things they have to do. So we as players have two choices. We can scream into space about how much everything sucks (yet keep on playing for some reason) or we can accept things the way they are, overlook the flaws, and actually enjoy the game for what it is. I'm not saying don't constructively criticize, of course. A lot of career mode could use a lot of work. But as a thing to give us reasons to go into space, it's kept me interested for years so - like cardboard walls and Styrofoam rocks of the old TV shows - I'll happily accept it as a functional substitute.
  17. 2 main ways: 1) If you have 2 monitors, just load up Task Manager and put it on your second monitor. Sort by memory usage. KSP should be at the top of the list (if it's not, I suggest closing whatever is). When it gets to 3.4 or so, close it and restart. 2) If you don't mind installing mods, install a mod to display it on the screen. I can't find the one I used (My Google Fu is weak today) back when I was having memory issues, but there are a couple. Note: You really shouldn't have to do this anymore, so it implies you've got an unknown memory leak. Finding it and plugging it (or reporting it to the modder or Squad) should be your goal, not finding when to restart.
  18. Sorry I couldn't resist. It was just sitting there. ASKING to be answered. And Mad Rocket Scientist started it!
  19. IMO the purpose of Kerbin science is twofold. One, it's a little bonus for doing the slight extra bit of work to land somewhere new. Two, it's an easy way to get over the hump if you have 87 science and need 90 to unlock that node you really want before going to Duna. Farming it for actual solid gains isn't even in the cards, and it's why anybody who puts a lot of effort into it gets discouraged.
  20. When I anthropomorphize devices, I always make them love doing what they were built to do. In my mind, Spirit would never even consider going home. He was totally jazzed every day that his mission could continue.
  21. Is it just that ship? Looks like the game thinks the ship's center of mass is well below the actual ship. I hate to say it, but you may have to rebuild the ship, or at least the stages below the one you show in the picture.
  22. It was okay at the time but I don't have any desire to play it. OTOH I loaded up Indenture and flew through a few rounds. Sadly, Fraps doesn't see it as a game otherwise I'd be recording it right now
  23. I don't do it all the time, but I frequently situate batteries so only the little green light is sticking out. I love that look for some reason.
  24. Minmus' orbit is about 50 (Kerbal) days long. If you plan ahead you can get up there and be ready to eject from Minmus when it's in the right spot, between 0 and 50 days from when you would prefer to launch. Then just orbit Kerbin a few times if necessary to get the right ejection. Or, like gogozerg said, use the simpler "LKO refueling" approach which - as I said - I have become a fan of for several reasons including it's far simpler.
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