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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Which is why they can sue you for it. I never said if they'd win or not </pedant>
  2. KSP is like the final boss in most video games. You need to work out a technique to defeat it, and as soon as you do there's a new wrinkle. After about 3-5 layers of this, you finally win. Only in KSP you have to go through that to get off the launchpad. Then again to get into orbit. Then again to land. Then again to get to Mun. Then again to land there. Etc for all time. I personally love it, but yeah a few in-game tips would not be bad. I'd love the "you failed" screen to be a bit more verbose. "Your chutes ripped off because you were going too fast. Don't pull them until you're under 250m/s. You were going 342 m/s when you hit the ground, try coming in at a shallower angle so you bleed off more speed."
  3. Yup. And 1-man lander cans should be hands-down the best and only thing you should ever use, from a game-balance perspective.
  4. Wow, they cut them by even more than I did. My "cut the mass of fairings" Modulemanager config now actually INCREASES their mass. And yeah, if you worked for Squad you could get sued for false advertising There is no way to read "cut by 100%" to mean anything other than they now mass zero. What you wanted was "The old fairings were 100% more massive!" which sounds just as good and is mathematically correct.
  5. While they're in that 15 day period the number is (was) yellow, not red. So that number stays. Just the red one goes.
  6. I agree. The biggest failing in 1.0.4 is the lack of information about how fast is too fast to pull the chute. Though I'm biased, I think the biggest failing in KSP in general is the lack of information about just about everything.
  7. 100% reputation is reachable, but getting there doesn't "win" the game or anything like that. As SAI said, there is no final contract. You can get to 100% reputation by converting Science or Funds payouts (preferably Funds as they're bigger payouts) to Rep payouts in contracts. This gives you "extra" rep which can pretty easily get you to 100%. I don't think there is any practical benefit between 99% and 100%, however. Once you're getting lots of 3-star contracts, you've got all the rep you need.
  8. Software versions. You start with 0.1. Then you have 0.2, then 0.3. When you get to 0.9 and make a new version, it goes to 0.10 These aren't decimals. They're full numbers that happen to be separated by periods. 2.12 is not smaller than 2.8 for the same reason that June 27th (6-27) is not "negative 21"
  9. I (finally) downloaded 1.0.4 and noticed on the Squad page that I bought the game on July 2nd 2013. So obviously the big event for next week is the 2-year anniversary of my purchasing of the game.
  10. So if it's the Progress launch I'm guessing Jeb plushie delivery to the ISS. And they'll tease it as how cool it'll be to see Jeb actually making his way through a space station.
  11. Sweet, so my base will still function as-is, and it'll add something to explore in the future. Me likey.
  12. Sure. It could be something Space-X. I'm still betting it won't have anything to do with the actual game.
  13. 4th of July (American Independence Day) is "next week" if your weeks go Sunday-Saturday. Therefore, I fully expect the new big thing to be fireworks. ...but not in the game. That'd be cool. I expect they'll be KSP-branded fireworks with Jeb on the wrapper. "Send your Kerbals up in the sky the way Harv did when he was a kid!"
  14. I assume Fertilizer and Mulch interact in some way to replace "just mulch" in the current build. How do they interact? I ask because I *just* set up my Minmus base and I'm wondering what I'll need to add to fix it.
  15. I try to make my videos so that at the point where the title is on the screen, there is at least one frame that looks like what I want my thumbnail to be. Then I just do a "make this frame an image" in my video editing software. For KSP videos it's a bit more involved but not much. At some point during recording I take a screenshot and then just paste it into my video editing software in the above location, take the screenshot, then put the video back for exporting. Regarding channel icon/wallpaper/etc, I used Inkscape to make my HMV graphic and didn't bother with the rest. People are there to watch my videos, not see what busy, ugly background I replaced the nice, clean YouTube page with.
  16. PSA: Putting PSA at the front of your post makes you look pretentious. Even more so when the post is demonstrated in its first reply to be incorrect.
  17. I've never been a mod here, but I have elsewhere and have tried to split myself off as "mod me" and "normal me" and no, it does not work. No matter what you do, it won't work. And different fonts and colors almost always annoy more than help. They work for structuring an otherwise standard-fonted post, but as the standard font they always stick out and look either annoying or at the very least obviously different. And when something looks obviously different, it states that the poster thinks it's extra special. Which is exactly what RIC is trying to avoid with his "I'm not a moderator" font.
  18. Everybody on my YouTube page suggests Shadowrun. I've glanced at it and and it may be what you're looking for, except I think it's squad based. Also, both Fallout 3 and New Vegas' VATS system mean that while you're in 3rd person (and 1st person if you choose) you never ever actually have to fire a shot manually.
  19. My radially mounted things almost never collide with my center stack. Usually when they do a single sepratron on each will do the trick. I tend to FitH stage unless I'm doing something special.
  20. About once a month, the Moon and Venus are near each other in the sky. Sometimes that happens when Venus is too close to the Sun so you can't see it then, but whenever Venus is far enough from the Sun, you can use the Moon to figure out where it is. I've done this to see Venus in the midday sky and it was very cool
  21. You should have kept the zip you downloaded. In fact, you may have and not even know it. Did you check your browser's download history, or whatever directory you download files to?
  22. You have and have had that option for years. Even if you bought it on Steam. And especially if you bought it on GOG
  23. I tend to use PN for 3 things: Precise tweaking, to nail an interplanetary intercept from LKO Going forward and backward orbits, because clicking multiple times on PN doesn't randomly decide I wanted to set my target instead of advance my node an orbit. Also, PN always correctly goes back an orbit when the game insists on going an orbit ahead when there's a SOI change somewhere along the line. Editing my node when I've gone forward or backward an orbit, because KSP loves to reset the node to the current orbit. So most of the time, I use PN to overcome the clunky KSP UI. Those should be fixed. I'd still use PN for the first thing (which I agree is fine to keep a mod) but I'd use it a lot less.
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