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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I foresee a lot of launches in your near future.
  2. "Kerbal Persistent Equipment" sadly doesn't do what I want. I don't want Jeb to always have the same loadout no matter what ship he's in. I want seat 1 of vessel A to always have the same loadout no matter what kerbal is in the seat, and more importantly I want it remembered when loading the craft or reverting to VAB.
  3. What? This is an OPTION and the DEFAULT is "screw over the player"? Okay I guess I really shouldn't be surprised but I'm surprised at this one.
  4. Welcome to the insanity! Way to make it more insane with those restrictions. I can't wait to see how you pull that off!
  5. I'm sick of setting my crew's equipment to only find on a relaunch it's back to parachutes and EVA packs. Is there a mod that fixes this? Or a way anybody knows of to change it?
  6. True I could win with him on the surface and THEN go save him by taking some contracts and making the money to build a rescue ship. Or I could just leave him there. Yeah I like that better.
  7. @TheFlyingKerman Well done! I like how you did Duna and Ike with 2 launches that docked in LKO, and then basically did a Kerpollo mission I am considering doing similar on Eve, only with a probe lander with a car docked to it. So the two probes land docked, the car undocks and drives away and back to dock again to get "building a base". If I'm cruel, I'll also send a Kerbal to plant a flag and live there >:)
  8. Wasn't it called "One with Everything" or something like that? I'm 95% sure I posted a video of it... Yeah here it is, seems to be a full one-and-done from start to finish. No need to consider it an entry I'm just happy my memory still works this well.
  9. While I too would buy it in early access, I seriously doubt it will come out in anything less than a released state. And of course I'm using the modern version of the phrase "released state" in that I mean it'll get at least 3 patches within the first few months.
  10. Actually all 4 were necessary. 2 pilots, one for each ship. Scientist to reset the Goo and Jr, and an engineer to literally ride the whole way to Duna and back just so he can repack 2 parachutes before returning home. It was hard to plan and do, it SHOULD be hard to read! I tend to as well and yes I didn't like it. What's worse, I'm pretty sure if I'd thought about it Bill could have EVA-construction-attached that tank back onto the ship to transfer the fuel. Oh well It's not as bad as it first appears. The fuel + engines make it bottom heavy and Val's leaning on the flight stick to keep it upright.
  11. I've seen a plane do it. I have no link because even after seeing it with my own eyes I deny its existence. Also, I couldn't find the link. IIRC it was somewhat atrociously part of a SSTO grand tour, a concept which makes me similarly nauseous.
  12. Interesting to see how different our early upgrade paths are. I've been putting off R&D over and over again because I keep wanting something else. you're going interplanetary without maneuver nodes so you can get more stuff. From what I remember of it (and this is super old so perhaps not even viable) you need a remote control unit AND a pilot on board a ship. What constitutes a "remote control unit" I'm not sure, but IIRC those big ugly inline probe cores nobody uses count as them. That's not true, is it? A better probe core has more "lock to" options so you can aim prograde/retrograde/normal/etc even without a connection. You can do a lot with those controls. Actually diving down towards Eve from Gilly, getting the low science, and then ejecting to Kerbin from your Eve Pe can be CHEAPER than returning to Kerbin directly from Gilly.
  13. Welcome to the fracas! I hope you enjoy the challenge, I sure am on my 2nd go-through on it. Nice sticking the landing there at the end. I usually accept anything in the same hemisphere as the KSC as "close enough"
  14. Apply for a job at Take 2 Interactive, Private Division, or Intercept Games. Assuming they are hiring. Make sure you apply for a QA job of course but even then you may not get on the team testing KSP2. Be prepared to move if you don't live near them. Less tongue-in-cheek, there is no open beta for KSP2 and there likely won't be one. Like most other big-studio games, it will come out as one complete full package. ...that will then be patched for years to come.
  15. To the Mun! Again in spoilers to hide images even though there are only 5.
  16. I can dock any two ships without RCS. I put it on bigger ships because it makes it much easier, but with tiny ships (or a tiny ship docking to a larger ship) it's just extra unneded parts. I may install a 3rd mod, docking port alignment indicator, but I shouldn't need it as I'll probably never dock two very large things together. I forgot you could rotate docking ports. I actually did that on purpose before docking. It wasn't pre-planned, but about 2 seconds before docking I thought "why not?" and turned my active ship 90 degrees. Both were originally lined up with a panel in the sun because 10 electric charge isn't much and I've hit THAT problem FAR too many times
  17. Me as well. When a contract is unfair due to non-universe things I'll use the debug menu to cancel it without losing rep. When it's RIDICULOUSLY unfair (as in, I could - or did - complete it except the game won't let me) I complete it in the debug menu so I still get paid.
  18. Having people doing the challenge again has piqued my desire to do it again as well. I had this big idea that the MOMENT I got docking ports I'd send a probe that would meet every mission I sent to each world do the docking thing. I just never got around to it. I'd love to complete this challenge without leaning so heavily like I did on the Admin building. Congratulations, as well! Good to see another in the winner's circle
  19. Welcome! Based on your settings it seems more like you're doing a "Hard Custom" as in it's custom, but closer to Hard than Normal. I will admit though that I'm out of practice turning a list of save file settings into config screen options. As far as counting, yes it does! I love reading mission reports and seeing images of the ships constructed and situations encountered, but that is by no means necessary. This is hard enough of a challenge that I'll take your reports on faith so long as they appear reasonable. Which yours does One thing, are you using any mods?
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