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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I assume you mean "other than humans" The question you should ask is "Why DO humans get grey hair?" and my proposed answer is "we lived way past the age we would normally naturally die." As was mentioned, many animals do in fact get grey hair. Most notably for me, my Dog had very obvious grey hair before he passed at a pretty decent old age for a dog.
  2. Historical fact that is likely only interesting to me. The first planet in the game I ever landed on other than Kerbin was Moho. I didn't know much about all that fancy dV stuff and I tended to WAY overengineer my rockets (also, there was no Science or Career modes so if your computer could handle it it was fine to build). I would frequently drop my LAUNCH STAGE on the Mun, and then immediately also drop my TRANSFER STAGE so my lander could land. So, one day, I just took one of my crazy, overengineered rockets and sent it to Moho. I couldn't get back to Kerbin (it was a mun rocket after all) but I did get back to orbit.
  3. Looking good so far! One question, at the beginning you stated it was a "normal, stock (MH/BG DLC included), MODDED entry" First, stock and modded are two categories, can't be both Second, which is it? I don't see any mods in your toolbar so I'm thinking stock? Do you have any mods or are you thinking of adding them later?
  4. I wholly support that but as the mission creator feel a bit squidgy about nominating it myself
  5. Old challenges never die. People just stop submitting to them. You submitted to the No Contract Career challenge so it has not died! I'll dust off the leaderboard once I read your first entry. And welcome to the challenge! I enjoyed it, it's far more straightforward than the rest of my challenges, though it's one you can actually lose without knowing it due to running out of money with no way to get more. Good luck!
  6. I picked up Hades on sale on Steam even though about the only thing I like about its genre is that it's a Roguelike. Everybody talks so well of it I figured it was worth $20 or whatever I spent. It is AMAZING. I can't stop playing. I want to play right now instead of telling you about it.
  7. Now all we need is confirmation that this will all work while we're not in the immediate area of the vessel, so I can do other missions while my xenon probe is slowly spiraling its way to high orbit. And if there's some sort of way we can auto cut thrust and/or set an alarm when the vessel or Apogee reaches a certain altitude, because I don't think this will be doable with maneuver nodes
  8. The same way we know it. i.e., he didn't, but it sounded as preposterous in his day as it does in ours.
  9. Have they said if/how they will handle direction of the burn in warp? Will the ship only thrust in the direction it was facing when warp started? Will it follow prograde/retrograde/etc if you have the ship locked to that? For the diagrammed orbit change maneuver, you'd need to continuously thrust prograde for multiple orbits, for example. It also won't be obvious (unless we are given those tools in-game) at the point of starting the maneuver how long it would take to complete.
  10. ISRU definitely helps (as you don't have to carry fuel) but it's far from necessary. I did my Jool 5 for this without it. My videos are WAY too brief to serve as tutorial, but they at least can serve as proof. Here's the first of what was eventually 4 for my Joolollo run, max tech but no ISRU. (That said, I like your current idea)
  11. I understand the frustration and the feeling. The "Jool 5" step for this is the single hardest thing in the challenge. You not only have to do a Jool 5 - which many people never even attempt and many who attempt give up on (I did several times before I got it) - but you MUST do it in ONE LAUNCH and you have to schlep 2 Kerbals everywhere (at least). It's totally completely unfair. If I may make a suggestion: Don't do MY Jool 5. Do a regular one. Do it in a different save (or back up your save so you can always come back later). Do it for the lowest possible tier with the lowest possible requirements. Prove to yourself you can do it. Learn the pitfalls and how to overcome them. Then do it again, possibly at the next tier up. Try to not have to refuel, or construct in orbit. Eventually you'll get it. THEN come back and do mine, when you have the tools in your personal toolbox (i.e. your brain ). Oh, and as an aside, I didn't reply to your most recent post. I replied to a really old post when you felt similarly about Duna. You, simply put, COULD NOT DO IT. 2 weeks ago. Food for thought. I'm not saying anything I'm just saying
  12. The easiest stock way is to carry the drills and ore tanks to orbit, dock there, and transfer them to a refinery ship. The most fun way is to land on a docking port. The easiest modded way is to install Simple Logistics. I've done all 3 and recommend you try them all.
  13. I always liked this one of Jeb and Val fist bumping, though it works better as a video. It looks romantic here but really they're just like "we're BADA55!"
  14. Post your save somewhere someone can look at it, I've got a few ideas about what may be wrong and if I'm right they're fixable. There are differences between Mac and PC "raw text" files that you can fix with search/replace if need be.
  15. I think they should eliminate bendy rockets the same way real-life physics does. Those rockets should explode. But then you'd have to fix all of your rockets which would kinda suck.
  16. Literally never heard that. I get the idea but no never once thought of it or heard it used in that way. From Oxford: adult·ing /əˈdəltiNG,ˈaˌdəltiNG/ noun informal noun: adulting the practice of behaving in a way characteristic of a responsible adult, especially the accomplishment of mundane but necessary tasks. "it feels really good to take a step back from adulting and have someone else cook dinner for me"
  17. Dunno. I didn't come up with the definition. Why is my coupe not an SUV? Isn't it special enough for you why do you hate mutt car? I never said Plane(r)ts were better. I don't know why you think they are supposed to be.
  18. I don't know what that means, but my definition of Planert is that an object is a Planert if: It must orbit a star (in our cosmic neighborhood, the Sun). It must be big enough to have enough gravity to force it into a spherical shape. It must be big enough that its gravity cleared away any other objects of a similar size near its orbit around the Sun. (I got these from NASA's definition of a Planet, which of course was trying to redefine that old term Planet) My new definition of the word Planet is that an object is a Planet if: You have feels that it should be a Planet. There. Now I get the real definition on a new word, and the arguments about whether or not Disney's animated puppy isn't cute enough are off the table.
  19. wat Maybe that's the problem. Quit calling them planets so the woo woos can have their word back. I propose "planerts" Is Pluto a Planet? Sure. Or no. Whatever. Who cares that's the weird word astrologers use. Ask them. Is Pluto a Planert? No, because of this definition of Planert that has nothing to do with if you're going to find the love of your life this week.
  20. Those two diagrams look identically confusing to me. I will admit though that I'm biased against astrology because I don't believe in it at all. Which is just what you'd expect from a Virgo with Jupiter ascending I suppose.
  21. So just to be 100% clear, when you wrote that the sky around Saturn is alien, you meant that it was not around Earth and instead was around Saturn? Because that is 100% true but also 100% irrelevant to anything discussed in the thread so far. And you did NOT mean that it looked different than Earth's Sky? Because that would be significant if it was true, but is false.
  22. Maybe we should expand it to any "wanderer" up there. And as stars slowly move...
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