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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Radial just means "not attached to a node." Thermometers attach radially. You don't need symmetry on to attach radially, but you may need it for the bug. I don't remember.
  2. No, because modulemanager just changes how things in the game work, not whether or not your astronauts have those things. You can however look at your persistent.sfs file and compare a kerbal with the jetpack to one without, and make the changes directly in the save file. Oh and before you do that, remember to MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. This is a bug I've encountered from time to time. I think there's even a bug report about it. Somewhere deeply embedded in this forum I vaguely recall someone detailing exactly what caused it, though I don't recall if they ever came up with an in-game solution. All I recall is it involves radially attaching things to robotic parts.
  4. This is sadly normal. However there is a simple solution. Pretend Gilly is a huge space ship and instead of landing on it, you're docking with it. If you were 8000 meters from your target space ship, what would you do? Yes I'm telling you to burn towards Gilly. Get up to 50m/s and you'll cover those 8000 meters in about 3 minutes.
  5. Conisdering how much quicker "KSS" maneuvers are I would expect KSP torch ships to turn around in about 2 seconds
  6. I don't know the specifics of your situation but yeah. I've taken dozens of things out of storage (dedicated storage, capsules, and Kerbal inventories) and just attached them radially to a ship. Didn't even have to be (but could be) the same ship the storage container was on.
  7. It should be fixed, I agree. However, you're doing it wrong as well. Don't try to use inventory and then go into construction mode. Go into construction mode and then pretend you're in the VAB. Take the battery from the list on the left and place it in the ship. No inventory space needed.
  8. Basically when you finish the grand tour, you must have a part on the ship that has done each of the things. This can be one part that did everything, or multiple parts that each did a single thing, or anything in between. You can verify each step is successful in the contract widget while in flight. No check = no credit.
  9. The post you quoted of mine is over 2 years old, so I literally don't remember writing it. However I can guarantee Steam had nothing to do with it. I never play from Steam unless I'm testing something. Steam says I've played 12.3 hours
  10. You could use The Gimp and delete all black from one image, then copy/paste it into the other image. Not great but it'd work.
  11. Try turning off vsync and/or updating your graphics card drivers.
  12. Just did some orbital construction. My Kerbal didn't cause the ship to move while on the ladder, and I was able to move parts from one ship to another with ease, and with no phantom forces. FANTASTIC. Thanks, Squad! (Now can we get an in-flight re-root tool so I can remove that docking port that became the root part when I undocked it from the station?)
  13. Changed the OP. Ladder force and relative drift are basically fixed in 1.11.1, and we've got a fix for Heavy Parts. I forgot who said it but when I find out who, I'll credit them. HEAVY PARTS: Problem: Many parts are too heavy to move, so you cannot construct with them. Solution: Use this simple Modulemanager config: @PHYSICSGLOBALS { %constructionWeightLimit = 50000 } Note: 50000 makes Kerbals roughly 100 times stronger than they are currently, when it comes to moving parts around. Yes it's cheating. No I don't care. Make the number anything you are comfortable with.
  14. I assume it's like it always was, that if you build and launch everything after the contract you're fine, but you dock to ONE THING launched before the contract and you aren't. Unless you then undock from that thing. If you're lucky. Best to just not dock to that thing.
  15. One of the fundamental rules of orbital mechanics is, if you want to raise your Pe without changing your Ap, you do your burn at Ap. To raise your Pe, burn PROGRADE (the marker that looks like ) when your ship is at the Ap, and the Ap is above 70km.
  16. I don't have time to peruse in full but let me just say from reading the summary, YAY! Thanks for the update!
  17. Do you do a lot of docking, for refueling or tugboats or whatnot? There has been a long standing problem with docking things together, where an older ship will "infect" a newer ship with the older ship's time stamp. It's never been recreatable from my knowledge (I for example don't think I've ever seen it happen to me) so there's nothing the devs can do to fix it.
  18. Well you could ladder-launch an engineer up to the affected pod and construction-mode a parachute, fuel tank, and engine onto it And if flat-out rescue contracts ever showed up (without being in a pod. Are those still around? I'll admit I never take any rescue/recovery contracts anymore but I recall ones where the Kerbal was just out there in orbit) and you got an engineer, wow that would be an amazing boon as you'd just never need to bring them home Free in-space Kerbal!
  19. I have no problems with the current system, except maybe the magnetic force should be lowered and snap limits introduced. I do both in my game and it actually makes docking better than stock, in that ships don't fling apart sometimes and you get nice straight connections.
  20. Stop burning Essentially your orbit there looks great, except you need a little more fuel left in your rocket when your Ap gets above 70. Make your rocket have maybe 200-300 more m/s of dV, then do what you did there only STOP BURNING when your Ap is at 80 or so. Then coast up to that Ap, aim prograde, and burn again and your Pe will pop right out of the ground.
  21. I used to do this. Then I broke the habit and now time warp whenever I feel like it. I enjoy the game much more now.
  22. For a screen shot, just uplaod it to imgur and link to the .jpg file. I'm not sure what's wrong. Is that info just flat out not there? Do you see a time display? What about time warp arrows if you are in time warp?
  23. I'd still (and also) like to know hiow. Orbital Construction is way too nerfed for my tastes.
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