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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. It's known and reported. I'd expect it fixed in 1.11.1 or 1.12. For now I just plant flags only for contracts, and remove them immediately after.
  2. If you're looking for a place to set up a base there's no better (stock at least) way than a dedicated probe. Give it the bare minimum of stuff and enough fuel for multiple hops, which won't be that much. Then bring several of them along and toss them at any flat looking area you're thinking about. They're dirt cheap, throwaway, and you'll get a lot more looks than you'd ever get trying to land your whole base and hopping around.
  3. Yeah above about 10km you're basically in space as far as vacuum engines are concerned.
  4. It's a list of "shoulds" not "woulds" and therefore is completely subjective. And completely ignorable by anybody including the devs.
  5. You need to fulfill them all at the same time. Just getting everything one by one isn't enough. What exactly are the requirements? Generally they are a certain speed and altitude, along sometimes with a situation (sub orbital, orbital, flying, etc). Is it truly a "haul" contract and not a "part test" contract?
  6. Did you know it's impossible to die in a car crash if you're in a bus? They figured that out long ago which is why busses don't need seatbelts. No actually that is a stupid exception and makes no sense. I'm going to start ignoring all traffic laws because the people that make them are clearly idiots.
  7. You don't have the gui on so I'll add: is whatever your control part is, pointed "up"?
  8. I have no source but for stock contracts, I definitively know that you have to have unlocked the part before it will be required in a contract, except the aforementioned testing contracts. And if said contract must have that part to be a contract, you won't be offered it at all until you've unlocked the part. So no docking contracts until you have a docking port, satellite contracts won't show for those with no solar panels, etc.
  9. You can change the reader to show vacuum, and should in general. I wish there was an option to make it the default in fact.
  10. Why would you get banned for that? He's not even dapping.
  11. I don't see why not. You don't need to model the entire thing just the keostationary station and the ground station, which presumably would be at or near KSC. In fact we can do that now with Kerbal Konstructs IIRC.
  12. Sorry was on my phone earlier and youtube on phone is essentially unusable except to watch things. Here's the episode. I drop and pick up a battery at about 28:45 and it looks like I just click, and that sounds right. Basically if you click to place the item but it's not snapped on something, you drop it. (The title is a bit misleading because I decided to actually continue after this )
  13. Yeah from the image, the brakes are on. Also I'm no expert on these missions but all 4 wheels are off the ground and sideways and that's not the way I'd generally build a rover.
  14. Without starting the game I don't know the control but yes you can. I did out many many times while wrestling with orbital construction. If you watch my recent video "Orbital Construction" you can see the key I used. I have a keyboard overlay on the screen as I play.
  15. Aha I didn't know that part. I've never dropped something and then tried to put it in my inventory, only dropped it and then attached it to a ship later. Next time I'm in the game I'll try it for myself so I can get a feel for the problem.
  16. AKA "Real bikes actually DO have reaction wheels"
  17. I don't know about the science experiments or jet packs, but other items can be dropped in EVA construction mode. I do it all the time in orbit (though I'll admit I've not done it while landed I can't see them coding it to not work in that case alone) And in any case I'd personally chalk that up to a learning experience. Make sure you have your storage reachable from the ground on your next mission, just like you make sure you have ladders after your first Eve mission failed after you planted the flag (at least, mine did ) Also, assuming your ladder is less than 7m from the ground you could have one Kerbal on the ladder going up and down, passing items from the storage container to the Kerbal on the ground.
  18. If it is in reach. Which it will be as you were standing there when you swapped the experiment with it originally. Unless you put your jet pack away and then jumped down the 7+ meters to the ground with the experiment station in which case this situation is totally on you. And I also solved it in 3 seconds because on any body you're likely to learn this lesson, you have about a 20 meter vertical jump when unencumbered. So just right click the storage container, jump, and as you pass by grab the eva pack. I don't think it is, but that's slightly hidden by the fact that in every case I can think of the limit was volume, either as well as or instead of mass.
  19. I don't think this is a bug. You can "get around" it by merely swapping the experiment for the jet pack (try to place the one on the other in your inventory) and then place the jet pack in the storage spot you got the experiment from. Then once you placed the experiment down, take the jet pack again. I think it's reasonable to not have the jet pack available as a 100% a requirement in your mission plan when designing a mission that is 100%guaranteed to land. Aerobraking straight down at any reasonably achievable speed (think 10km/s) worked before 1.0 so does that mean the more realistic atmosphere introduced in 1.0 is a bug?
  20. Because no one else has bothered. For software to be written, you need someone who has both: The ability to do it. The desire to do it. For Principia, the people who were able to do it wanted it. For KSP2, the people who are able to do it are being paid.
  21. You don't need to flyby Jool. You just need to burn until your "orbit" around Sun is not an ellipse anymore, and then turn around and with VERY light taps, burn back until it's an ellipse. Once your Ap is past Jool it takes less and less dV (at your Sun Pe which is hopefully also in LKO). If you DO want to do a flyby of Jool then yes lower is better, and if the encounter itself doesn't give you a hyperbolic Sun orbit then you should do the burn at Jool's Pe. But again, that is 100% not necessary and may even cost more fuel for all I know. Note, though, that - mathematically speaking - the "highest possible" Ap over Sun is infinity. Practically speaking you'll at some point not be able to expend a low enough puff of exhaust to not send your Ap from "really high but not yet infinite" to "oops now we're hyperbolic again"
  22. Seriously? I've seen so many it's burned into my brain. Here's a link to dozens of them.
  23. My sarcasm detector is in the shop so I can't tell if you mean this or not. I'm going to assume not.
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