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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. taniwha mentioned the MFT release has issues, he's releasing a new one ASAP. And yes, *excellent* report! (Only thing would be--we need version number for the mods, too--but in this case you figured out the answer.)
  2. I'll do the PR for density when ferram releases the next FAR (which won't be long now, there's a big cargo bay bug that needs fixing).
  3. Yep. Ask Squad to make a non-broken 0.25 Win x64 release.
  4. Turns out FAR didn't store density per-partmodule. Fixed via PR, so when the next FAR is released you can use that.
  5. Yup, that's *exactly* the issue Ferram had, and he capped it too. Wish I'd remembered. That said, I wrote it so density would match FAR density; what would be best is just pulling density from FAR via reflection if FAR is detected, else just pulling from stock code so density matches stock aero density on stock. The main point is DRE's density should match the density used by the aero model.
  6. Can you isolate it? Does it need both DRE and FAR? Try with one and not the other. Also, does your pod have an offset center of mass?
  7. Really does sound like a density problem; I wouldn't be surprised if Jool's temperature curve was nuts. In fact I recall Ferram having to work around something like that.
  8. Because NEAR doesn't model mach effects, reeentries become harder than they should be. However, they still should be quite survivable, and probably still easier than stock.
  9. You're using at least one mod that was locked on x64 for darn good reason. .25 win x64 is *not* a stable release, and asking modders (or anyone but Squad/Unity) to fix things won't help because we *can't*.
  10. I don't know what the bug is, just funny that I was blandly speculating on your prior thread without realizing the problem is in my department. :]
  11. Suggestion: flip the image, so it looks like a D For the NaN, you could try reverting to using flight integrator's density rather than calculating it, that might be a place to look.
  12. That's a stock bug introduced in .24 to work around a .24x64 bug. It remains in .25.
  13. Wind direction always comes from that open-door end of the SPH, or the roof of the VAB, when in editor when showing CoP.
  14. Which are optional. As it says. That's why the thread is called Optional MechJeb Modules.
  15. Never has, never will. Some optional extras for FAR interoperability require FAR for obvious reasons, though.
  16. It works fine on x64. As the message on the screen says, x64 bugs are x64's problem.
  17. Yeah, it's been bad enough we can't even *test* our mods on it, no way we're going to inflict that on people. That said, I have made this offer before and it stands: if you need a version for *personal use*, and agree to both (a) not redistribute, and ( accept that I will simply ignore all support requests [sorry, but...ain't no way I can fix those bugs], then I can give you a version for personal use. ThorBeorn: camlost reported it on the last page, I said I'd try to fix it as soon as I could. Sorry... NYMEZIDE: Does it occur on an install of RSS only?
  18. Strangelove444: you can delete your own posts. Click edit, then choose "delete". Once you do I'll delete this.
  19. KSP plugins are loaded by reflection anyway, so that doesn't actually matter I think? The reason it matters for plugins referencing other plugins is *because* the reflection-based loader that N3X1S wrote *does* check version when DLLs reference other *plugin* DLLs.
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