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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. I like the retirement function, as it gives you a reason to hire and cycle through crew other than them getting killed on missions, you end up with new faces and new heroes and stories, but it would be nice if there was a record kept somewhere of those that had retired, so you could look back at those that once server your space program, and bonus points if there's a way to do it so those of us that use Nerid's final frontier mod don't find our kerbals who truly performed get acts and earned those ribbons to not vanish into the ether and take FF's record of their achievements with them. {I only just updated my version of bureaucracy to have the retirement function and have not yet had a kerbal retire, so I don't actually know yet if a retired kerbal loses his record in FF, or if he'll just show up as dead. I'm just thinking ahead after reading the last few posts.}
  2. thank you, I knew the I had to be in brackets [] but when i tried putting them in my example above, it made everything italics, so i showed it without. looks like I had a better understanding of what was needed, except that I put an * after the I] I've removed that from my preset config, and will test out tomorrow. thank you for the aid.
  3. I'm interested in adjusting KCT so it only allows one research node to be unlocked at a time as well, but I'm having trouble understanding exactly what needs to be inserted and exactly where. If you could help me, I'd be really grateful. I believe it needs to be added to the KCT preset config I'm using specifically this line? : KCT_Preset_Formula { NodeFormula = 2^([N]+1) / 86400 Do I just add * sign(- I) with the [] * like in the RP-0/RP1 config, so I have a line like this: KCT_Preset_Formula { NodeFormula = 2^([N]+1) / 86400 * sign(- I) * or is there something else I need to do? Sorry I'm bad at understanding things like this.
  4. Okay, I know I've seen it in realism overhaul for sure, the beardy penguin and n9's for all kerbal kind youtube series, a soviet/american moon race series, they use the airlaunch feature all the time {unless it's a game hack and i've just misunderstood}, so maybe it's a RO thing, but I thought I had seen it in stock games as well, and that it was a feature of KCT. thought maybe I'm remembering wrong.
  5. I have a question for anyone who might be able to answer, I have seen in several youtube videos an air-launch option when launching craft, but I have yet to figure out how to do this. Is it dependent on some other mod? is there a setting I need to enable somewhere? Do I need a certain technology or building upgrade in the game? I've tried looking through the getting started guide, and reading through some of the forum, but if the answer is there, I've missed it.
  6. Looks like their rolling out their own version of KAS as well, : EVA Construction Mode EVA Construction Mode is the main feature included in Kerbal Space Program 1.11: Some Reassembly Required. This allows Kerbal engineers to adjust many parts on a craft while on EVA. The tools at your disposal while in this mode are similar to what you find in the VAB/SPH, such as place, rotate, and move. You can also visualize the center of mass, center of thrust, and the center of lift for a vessel. However, there are of course some limitations: An engineer will only be able to adjust parts that are within their range, whether these are on a vessel, inside nearby storage containers, laying around in their proximity, or in their own inventory slots. Only parts below a certain weight threshold will be able to be manipulated, but constructing in lower gravity allows a Kerbal to build bigger! Kerbals can only manipulate one part at a time and only construct with attachable parts; for example, a deployable experiment will not be able to be attached to a vehicle in this mode. Finally, some parts are just too bulky to build with and will stay right where you left them.
  7. @Gameslinx Every once in a great while there comes along a mod that drags me back into KSP and gives me a reason to add yet more hours of gameplay to my 3900 hours on steam, and who knows how many hours before it came to steam, and I feel as if it's happened again.
  8. That's good to know, unfortunately Kerbal Construction Time did break and Magico's on honeymoon till Friday, so no hope of upgrade till then at least. my save game SHALL NOT MIGRATE> until that time. playing without KCT is simply illogical. ;P
  9. Most major mods will be updated in just a few days, a week tops. It really depends on the mod makers and how much time they have to adjust the broken mods. Some mod makers don't have a lot of time anymore, Like trigger AU, he only just got the alternate resource panel mod fixed to work on 1.1.2 a few days ago, and now 1.1.3 dropped. not sure if that will break again
  10. Wow, I barely remember those old days. how far this game has come.
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