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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Read the first post in this link to learn what logs, where to find them, & how to post them... Then someone can probably help
  2. Actually, you wouldnt even need the Mu plugin to do this in Blender. But... Seriously, you cant join objects in Wings3D? :O You cant select the 4 meshes & use "Combine"..??
  3. I could be wrong, but IIRC, you can do the emissives *without* an animation, using ModuleColorChanger... Maybe try that for just the emissives, and just use ModuleLight only for the spotlights? https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_module_color_changer.html
  4. Hmm... I just read, that IIRC, recently, the Time Control mod had issues with engine sounds doing that, related to warping. vOv (Time Control is a time warping-based mod)
  5. @Manul If you finish that OPT cockpit, if you wanna submit a PR to the OPT repo, I will merge it & see if I can get an update out on SpaceDock.... I *think* Jade would be kewl with me, dealing with it
  6. I could be wrong, but IIRC, I did have both installed at the same time, and I *think* they worked as they were supposed to with no conflicts... I assume, tho, that you mean, can the KURS camera be shown in the OfCourseIstillLoveYou camera window? If so, IMHO, that question would be better asked on the OCISLY thread... vOv
  7. Thanx @linuxgurugamer ... I cant take all the credit... I just gave it a little revamp... still need to get back to it Soon™. Also, thanx for testing... i wont bother then, which is good, because i am still deep in ERS Been working on it pretty solid the past couple days.
  8. Just saw the last couple posts reporting possible issues... I'll take a look at this in the next couple of days.
  9. The module that controls the kerbal camera FOV in MAS, is MASFlightComputer. You would just add the following keys (w/values), in that module. (For RPM example I posted above in the spoiler. I'm sure you saw that ) maxRot - An optional variable that controls how far the IVA camera may pan (to either direction), in degrees. minPitch - An optional variable that controls how far up the IVA camera may pitch, in degrees. maxPitch - An optional variable that controls how far down the IVA camera may pitch, in degrees. On the wiki page I linked to, if you look over to the column of links to the right, you'll see at the bottom, "MASCamera".... Thats the first MAS module detailed. Below that, you'll see "Show 33 more pages..." ... that will give you a list of all the rest of the modules in MAS, and instructions/details on how to use them, with all their respective available config keys. If you're not too familiar with Github, its easy to miss that link As to the MFD props & ones with lots of code to operate them, I dont know if i could do anything with those. When it comes to the actual *code* under the hood to operate props, I am clueless. I can barely compile a .dll for KSP... add to that, MAS uses Lua, which is darkk magic to me...
  10. @610yesnolovely So I came across a question about this in a recent discussion... Its regarding FOV for kerbals, using MASFlightComputer, in a MAS-enabled IVA... Says something about when you switch between a MAS and a non-MAS IVA... I also know the RPM FlightComputer module can be used to adjust FOV... Might there be any conflicts switching between RPM, MAS, & non-RPM/MAS IVAs? Just an FYI if it could be an issue with Reviva, or wondering if you already knew of it, and have tested it... vOv https://github.com/MOARdV/AvionicsSystems/wiki/MASFlightComputer#iva-camera-overrides
  11. Can be changed in the InternalSeat module in the IVA cfg. I know RPM can do it. Not sure if that has been transfered over to MAS? Yup!... looks like MAS can, too RPM: MAS: https://github.com/MOARdV/AvionicsSystems/wiki/MASFlightComputer#iva-camera-overrides As to rotating the chair, you can do that *statically*, of course, by defining the rotation of the chair in the IVA seat PROP node. If you mean, *while* in IVA, ASET has a SeatV3 prop only included in the ALCOR pod mod. Unfortunately, its part of the actual pod model, and not setup as a seperate prop (yet) Funny you bring that up, as I'm working on splitting that out, as a seperate "mod", with a couple other interesting props I've found of ASET's that arent widely released. I'm having trouble with getting the power seat buttons working on the seat. As to the landing camera, I'm not sure. I suggest looking around the rest of that MAS link above. It *should* be in there?... I know I saw the external & docking cams mentioned when I scanned thru it #4.... yeahhh.... theres some good stuff in there, that was integrated a bit differently than normal props.... Thats some of the stuff I am poking at. Depending on how much I get pulled out, & actually *working*, I may look into seeing if I can release it as sort of an ASET "Extended Props" package... vOv #5... No problem. Thats why this is a community Lots of great people here have helped *me* learn & figure stuff out over the years, so I'm always happy to try to help and pass along what i can. OH!... also, may I suggest looking into a new ground-breaking IVA mod: Not only is this great for switching IVAs in-game for play.... I've been using it for testing while building/moddifying IVAs. Say, I have *several* things I want to change/add while building out an IVA... I make, like 3 or 4 copies of the IVA config (name them internally different of course). Then I can make several different changes at once, amongst them. Then in-game, I can flip between them to see the differences, or just be able to check completely different things all at once. *WITHOUT HAVING TO RESTART & WAIT FOR THE GAME TO LOAD EVERY STINKING TIME!!!* Save quit a bit of time...
  12. I could be wrong, but I seem to remember having had trouble with those lights & knobs, awhile back, also. These could be something you are missing maybe on the support side from those mods. Maybe they had updates, that broke the MAS props for them, or maybe you are missing an MM patch that rounds out the functionality for them... either a patch included in MAS, *or*, moar likely one within those mods themsleves?... vOv Just spitballing, here. It depensd on what kkind of "camera" you are talking about... there are actually many different types... If you mean camera for a kerbal's view, that should work automatically with the seat transform (part of the seat prop), that tells the game where to spawn a kerbal.... the kerbal "eye/view" camera transform, is part of the spawned kerbal. (you *can* adjust the view a bit in the IVA .cfg, but you dont need to "add" it, specifically) If you mean cameras, for like, external views, for use in the screens, I'm not sure how that is done. If you mean "window" cameras, like, if you are in IVA view, and you click on the inside of a cabin window, and it switches to 1st person view, looking out the window, you can add camera transforms close to the windows, in the IVA model. uhh... yes?.... the props need their *own* .cfgs to work... however, you generally do NOT have to do ANYTHING with them... You just "call" the prop in the IVA cfg.... in layman's terms, you basically do this with a PROP{} node... includes (generally), internal name of the prop, location, rotation, scale, that defines *where* it goes in the IVA... NOT, *how* it works... thats whats in the prop's cfg that you dont generally need to mess with
  13. Yeah... mae your interanl mesh, and an overlay mask if you want, for windows & cutaways... esp. if you would lie to support JSITransparentPods Be aware, Skwod for some reason, set up the IVAs with a very weird orientation, much different that external models. Something lie 180° on one axis, and 90° on a 2nd... I dont recall which axis tho Unfortunately, Taniwha started some IVA, and even prop building functionality, and supposedly, you should be able to make whole IVAs, from modelling the mesh, to modeling props, to even propulating the IVAs *with* the props... However i wasnt able to get it completely working, and that was about the time he took a hiatus from KSP. So, go ahead and model the mesh/overlays, then you'll have to resort to Unity & PT to properly propulate them. Know that its an *extremely* tedious process. Not difficult, but time consuming & tedious.
  14. another HUGE plus, is that it saves *TONS* of time, having to wait & reload the game, as well as having to edit MM patches to switch between IVAs while troubleshooting.. THAT, alone, is just about worth it
  15. ahhh.. you are correct!.... Oops.. I didnt read beyond the first line... Doh!
  16. Allow *both* resolution *and* FOV to be user-defined/over-riden..??... so you have a trade-off? Some users might be able to live with low-res, but wide FOV... others may want 4k, but can deal with narrow FOV... vOv
  17. No,... it HAS a license But, it wont do anyone any good... its ARR From the README packaged *in* the release: To do anything with this, would require @DBowman to change it, or give explicit permission to a specific person. EDIT: Gotmachine corrected me in a post below...
  18. They might mean, being able to use *both* a regular , crewed, part IVA, as *well* as PCR, Basically, being able to use PCR in addition to the crewed IVA, on the same crewed part. IIRC, JohnnyOThan modified PCR, and had a (relatively ) working version, awhile back.
  19. If it works in 1.12.2, it *will* work for 1.12.3
  20. Gotmachine, you made some changes in KSP Comm Fixes, regarding the robotic drift... WOuld that affect/fix/completely conflict with *this* mod?
  21. You can try adjusting the cameraUp key in the part/patch cfg for that part.... If you do, I would suggest posting the fix on that mods' thread, so the author can integrate it... or at least post your fix so other users can grab it till the author integrates it. It should be *that* mod that handles the fix. I did this with the ASET Exploration Rover.
  22. If it matters, the nodes I'm talking about would *never* be used for passability. Defining them in CLS as impassable, does me no good, be cause that alone makes them present at all times. Would a happy medium be to somehow define them, so CLS just *completely* ignores them... Like, being able to just completely exclude them/hide them from CLS? I can understand where it might be moar complicated if people wanted these switchable nodes to be either passable/impassable... basically being able to toggle CLS on them. But I would lie the case where they just get *commpletely* ignored by CLS... vOv
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