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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. As for ^^this^^, I'm getting reports (and am testing myself), that everything in the plugin *does* seem to work in Blender 3.0, **EXCEPT* the import. So, i am testing importing with Blender 2.83.9, saving immediatly (without *any* edits), as a .blend, then opening/working/*exporting to .mu* from Blender 3.0 Also, @ColdJ, I see you taling about importing a .mu... working with it... exporting it.... then *RE-IMPORTING* it **again**.... From what Taniwha has told me, you shouldnt do this. You should only be *importing* the .mu *ONCE*, when you originally start to work with it. You should save any edits as a .blend, and update/save *that* as necessary... Its OK to *export* to .mu, for in-game testing at any time.... But you should *NEVER* reimport the .mu again, unless you want to start completely over from scratch, from the *original* .mu file that has *NEVER* been imported with the plugin.
  2. For this issue, there shouldnt be a need to change the shader. All you should have to do is delete the "Vertex Color" node.
  3. May I suggest to people considering installing the experimental/alternate fork of ModuleManager posted above, that people be *SURE* to read *ALL* of the fine print, and be aware of the extra .dll plugin dependencies that fork installs/need to be installed with it., and be fully aware of what that entails. Also, Good Luck with finding support for it here on the forum, as it doesnt seem to have it's own Release or Support thread.
  4. I think he mis-"spoke"... Pretty sure he meant 2.7.0 of BforArtists... Equivalent to/based on a 2.92/2.93-beta of Blender
  5. Some things: EDIT: ok... *one* thing... I will elaborate on others, when I get moar time Not necessary to add lights or anything, for easy visualisation/labeling, to figure out proper axis-rotations, for odd-ball things KSP does, like thrust direction, RCS FX direction, the weird 90°/180° offset for IVAs, etc. The method/settings i describe below, are just display settings, therefor, unlikke adding light-objects, or other, to your hierarchy, NOTHING extra gets exported/affects your .Mu, cluttering up your hierarchy while you work, or if you forget to remove before export NOTE: This setting, IIRC, is *unique* to whatever transform object you set it for. It does *NOT* universally change *all* your transform objects. Each one needs to be changed seperately. 1) In the Outliner, select the *transform* object you want clarification on, in *Object* mode... 2) In the Properties section under Outliner, select the *transform* ObjectData Properties icon, on the left (note that this icon/option is *different* than other types of objects, and this one only appears when *transform* objects are selected) 3) You'll see two options: "Display As", and "Size" 4) Default is "Plain Axes", and "1m". First pic shows this (altho i already changed the "Size" to 2m, to extend the highlighted length, to outside the mesh) 2nd pic showing "Arrows" option (self-explanatory on what this option does) 3rd pic showing what "Single Arrow" does. (I do not recall, how this one gets determined, which axis it does, but IIRC, generally, it automatically points to Z.) i find this one *most* useful, when doing those tricky orientations, where you NEED to have that certain axis, pointing correctly, or cant figure out *where* exactly, your thrust/gimbal/dockingnode, etc axis is currently pointing
  6. oops.. false alarm... misread my log Its WBI, not Vanguard.. Sorry Yours is just compression errs on a couple Suit icon .pngs
  7. Getting at least one warning in logs. You have DXT3 textures. Need to convert them all to DXT1 or DXT5, as Unity no longer likes 3 That was a Unity change, way bac in 1.8.0, or 1.9.1, IIRC
  8. No... they wont lay flat, to get them to mount correctly... I also have to use fine-snapping to rotate them to proper position... Are you assembling this in the VAB or SPH? Theres some other tweaks I see this mod could use... so I'm poking stuff
  9. Anyone else having problems with the wheels? I launch it... but it wont move... Stuck to the runway... it just jiggles, and the wheels spin..??
  10. Do you happen to already have RPM installed? I'm wondering if its an issue trying to install JSIUtilities over one that may be needed/installed with RPM.. vOv Do you already have a JSI folder in your /GameData/?
  11. If you have a Gmail account, you should also have GoogleDrive, which aslo works... and is also free
  12. @BlackEyedPhantom IIRC, you cant spawn/edit while in the Space Center scene... I think you have to be in the *Flight scene*..??
  13. Should be... its just a simple ModuleManager patch... Only time this should get broken, is if/when something in stock gets changed (likely, tho with 1.12.3 supposedly being the very last ever update of KSP..??), *or* if/when something in MM gets changed (not likely)
  14. Seems to be working working for me... altho I *am* seeing where, if you switch to map view in KSP, the background layer (skybox) in the client window is messed up... Then when you switch *out* of map view in KSP, the background in client window goes bac to normal skybox, *however*, map view orbit lines (at least), get left as artifacts... not sure if they are temporary or permanent, tho I am also getting this err in the KSP.log, as I do NOT have TUFX installed: [LOG 10:35:27.597] [OfCourseIStillLoveYou]: Showing GUI [ERR 10:35:32.708] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: TUFX, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 10:35:32.708] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: TUFX, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ERR 10:36:59.307] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a [ERR 10:36:59.307] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
  15. Its been awhile, and I'm no expert, but IIRC, area lights dont work in KSP..?? Need to be point or spot...
  16. Am I misunderstanding something, here? LMAO
  17. I believe so... It literally turns off stock's SAS functionality, and uses its own. IMHO, this is a good thing... I know if it didnt, and I didnt manually turn of stock SAS, any user input for SAS, would completely screw up and interfere with whatever MJ was doing on its own
  18. Is anyone else having issues with these? First, I had the ports reverse their placement, when I switched away from the vessel, then switched back.... Like, the part was attached with its backside facing out... making it impossible to dock with them...?? Having trouble reproducing it now Second issue, once I dock, the button for "Undock" disapears from the PAW... Enabling staging on them, then staging to undock, they makke the sound, the craft jerks... but the ports are still attached, keeping the vessels locked together... vOv ??
  19. trying it now... but it wont let me launch from it from the VAB vOv
  20. @Watermel00n Ooops... still missed one It happens Near the top, first section under Properties: biomeMap = Linbol/PluginData/CanyonBiome.png At least you're getting good experience updating/uploading to SpaceDock
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