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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Steam survey also relies on people taking it. The more people that participate in it, the better, the less, the worse. There's also the problem of a lot of people missing the survey entirely. I know I have tons of times. In my probably... 8 to 9 years of pc gaming, I've only caught the survey a handful of times. Enough to count on one, maybe 2 hands. I wish we knew how many people take the survey out of the entire steam user base.
  2. The Nvidia power plug problem was confirmed to be user error. I will admit, it is a slightly faulty design for letting a half-out plug overheat itself, but on the other hand, people should be plugging every plug in all the way and securely. It's a double edge sword/catch 22.
  3. Lesser salary? IIRC they were offered MORE salary to switch from Star Theory and go to Intercept Games. And no one was fired afaik. Star Theory lost their contract with Take Two, but that's not firing. As for getting early access now, the most common theory is that Take Two is fed up with Intercept Games and wants the game to start making money, or else they pull the plug. Again, just a theory.
  4. You should be fine. A 3050 has about the same if not better performance as the 2060
  5. It's not a threat. Companies will ban you from getting products from them for review. But this discussion has gone on long enough and we've derailed the hype thread several times, so this is the last I'll say about it.
  6. If we go by nVidia and go off the technical standpoint: 3080 is high-end, 2060 is mid-range. I think @Stephensan is going off statistics, so like most people own a 1060 to 1080, so this would be considered "Mid-range".
  7. We have reached terminal count guys! I repeat, terminal count! We have less than 5 days to go! 118 hours and 56 minutes! All kerbals, clear the pad!
  8. That's the beauty of alternative timelines. You can make anything happen because... well, it's alternate. Doesn't have to follow realism. And I wouldn't say unlimited, but definitely a bigger budget. *Cough*LikeTheEntireMilitaryBudgetAndMaybeThenSome*Cough* Also, the idea isn't that insane. We had the Saturn Shuttle. I just created the Shuttle Saturn.
  9. All screens today are wide screen, so, you're asking for all performance metrics
  10. You should be fine for low end with your first machine. 2nd machine will probably be okay for medium to medium-high. Because those are "Synthetic" benchmarks and they push the GPU and CPU to the very limit, which is a poor result for game benchmarking, because games almost never 100% either the CPU or GPU, and never at the same time, not unless you are working with old to very old hardware. Giving model names and numbers is the best way to say, "Hey, this works. This doesn't. These may work." etcetera. Also also, folks still rocking SLI can get Score XXXXX, but in real world games, they have poor performance. So, again, using Cinebench or Timespy or whatever else that gives a score, is not good for gaming results at all. Game benchmarks are measured in FPS and % of usage. That's what we need. Not numbers going, "Oh, well you beat Mr.Johnson with his 3-way SLI 980s."
  11. You forgot to add two options: 3) I meet the recommended specs 4) I exceed the recommended specs GPU should be fine. CPU, might be a bottleneck, RAM, might be a bottleneck.
  12. Nvidia Shadowplay or Steam FPS Counter works fine, I would think. Well, the latter can't display load.
  13. I believe Min specs target a 'playable' framerate, which would be 30 fps. Also, we have no idea if FSR or DLCC or anything that helps with fps/quality is in the settings.
  14. The publisher/devs have little to no say in how content creators make or release their content. They can set guidelines and make suggestions, but ultimately, it's up to the content creator on how they handle the situation. Now while I agree that the CC's should probably work together to produce content that doesn't sound like a record on repeat, the problem is the content will overlap no matter what. As long as they give their own opnions over the gameplay, I don't care if we see a mun landing 7 different times filmed in almost the same way. So long as the CC gives their own opnions. As for your idea about they all get different dedicated, the CC 1, 2, 3, etc part, I disagree. Multi-part multi-CC videos don't do so well. Audiences don't like having to go to CC 2 to get part 2 of the video CC 1 started, most of the time. And at the end of the day, CC's are still Youtubers. They have to do what's best for them. So everyone putting out a 1 to 2 hour "Complete" review video is best. Besides, there was probably like 30 to 50 content creators there. There will be plenty of content spread out over the 4 days before release.
  15. SISS 4: Z1 Truss - July 9th, 1989 Flown by Shuttle-C-S-IVC With the Columbia grounded due to the accident investigation still going on with the Enterprise incident, and Challenger still in the process of being built, the launch of the Z1 Truss was moved from Columbia to Shuttle-C-S-IVC. The Shuttle-C-S-IVC was an expendable version of the Space Shuttle launch system, with a Saturn S-IVC atop the external tank. This vehicle was made to merge the Saturn program and Shuttle program to keep the hardware for Saturn around, at least the upper stage. The S-IVC was a true work horse and was very efficient. Plans were being drawn up for a version of the shuttle stack that removed the shuttle entirely and simply side-mounted the S-IVC in the shuttle's place. For now though, the Shuttle-C-S-IVC was the best option. On July 9th, 1989, the Shuttle-C-S-IVC lifted off the pad and began its journey to SISS. The payload consisted of an Aardvark Blk 2 tug version with the Z1 Truss atop it. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  16. Oh, no, totally reasonable, I'm just being realistic/cautious. It's already been confirmed that we will be getting solar systems after 1.0 as DLC or updates. It's not just going to be Kerbolar system, Deb deb and TBA.
  17. If KSP 2 can handle more than a dozen or so star systems. It should, but keyword, should. It could end up having a soft limit due to limitations in the code or hardware.
  18. I can't believe it. In less than 7 hours, we will be 5 days away from the release of KSP 2. It has been a long time coming. Yes, there's been some bumps in the rails. Yes, some of those bumps could be considered controversial, and some others trivial problems that people have overblown because they're scared or worried. But none of that matters. KSP 2 is release, finally! After a 3 year delay and 5 to 7 (possibly 8) years of development, KSP 2 is here!.... well, here in early access, but still, it's here. I can't wait to get my hands on KSP 2 EA and see all the changes and improvements the team at Intercept has made. From the bottom of my heart, thank you @Intercept Games. Thank you all the devs, thank you @Nate Simpson and everyone else for keeping this game alive through the difficult times. Please, continue to improve this game. Make it the best space sim game it can be!
  19. Actual galaxies? No. Simulated (For a lack of a better word) galaxies, maybe. I can see something like, when you get to the edge of the skybox, you pass through it into a totally new skybox and there's new star systems inside the 2nd skybox. That's the only way I see "Galaxies" being in KSP 2.
  20. Not necessarily. They might want to keep the RT feature a secret for launch. RT would not be the most useless feature for those that care about graphics. Darkness of space? Did you forget we have TONS of new planets as well as all the old ones? Scattering powered by Ray Tracing would look stunning imo. And with DLSS, Ray tracing isn't that taxing as it once was.
  21. It does not imply a prison sentence. It implies that you might get sued by the company you signed the NDA with, but most of the time companies send a cease and desist, then cut all ties with the person who broke the NDA. Hmmm. If they are advertizing the 1070TI as an alternative min spec card, this has me wondering if KSP 2 will actually have Ray Tracing at start. The only reason to advertise a non-RT card would be for the fact that the RT card is needed for RT. An ray traced KSP 2 would probably look stunning.
  22. Because it hasn't been shown. NDA. Yes, forbidden by NDA, which means if they talk, they get sued. We're not, we're rationalizing, different than making up excuses. Of course they do. Ghostii Space is one of them. The NDA is supposedly going to end Monday, if it does, we should get some content creator KSP 2 videos.
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