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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Or they removed it for now and will add it back later. They did tell us what we're getting at EA is essentially Sandbox with everything from KSP 1 and a little more of course. Doesn't make much sense to have radiation in a sandbox mode.
  2. Yes, I know. I edited my post to reflect that. No need to respond and tell me again.
  3. Wings to skinny to 380. Definitely 747, 707 or Airbus' other 4 engine plane.
  4. 49.99 USD = 9633.81 Argentina Peso according to google (This is before tax)
  5. I love how everything is in one menu now! People worried about KSP 2 every day: "WHY AREN"T THEY SHOWING MAX GRAPHICS!" KSP 2 Gameplay trailer: "Allow me to fulfill your wishes!"
  6. There's no official time. Discord isn't official, mods just put it at 8AM because it's a "Happy medium." between 4 am (Rumored launch time) and 12 pm (usual launch time for game releases.). (And I chose Austin because it's the only major city I know inside the CST timezone) Edit: I just NOW noticed the timezone map, apologizes.
  7. Less than a week? You living 2 days in the future? We got 8 days, 2 hours and 43 minutes. Launch Countdown – Countdown to Feb 24, 2023 12:00 noon in Austin (timeanddate.com)
  8. Monday? That's still good. A week's worth of reviews and gameplay.
  9. I wonder what cursed/blursed/blessed rockets one could make when they're loopy from the after affects.
  10. Yeah, they really need to make this forum more phone friendly. For some reason, my phone loves to just highlight everything when I'm trying to type a message and kick me out of the keyboard... Anywho.... For KSP 1 ,CCs would get early access to updates and be able to show footage and not just talk about it. Hopefully Intercept carries over that tradition. I'm sure Nate would want to continue that tradition and would lobby for it from TT or PE or the heads at IG.
  11. 8 Days, 8 hours and 54 mins to go! Hopefully we'll see something from the content creators starting tomorrow (Friday).
  12. But you see, Intercept games is lead by people who are passionate about KSP and want their game to be so much better. When it comes to passionate people, the product is 99/100 a good product. It was removed, water under the bridge. No, but KSP 2 is not the same exact game. It's a totally different game. Inside and out. It will add tons more features and options than KSP 1 could ever dream to have. And KSP 1 would have died sooner or later. All games due. The sequel just moved it along faster. You're frustration is unwarranted imo. You have no idea if KSP 2 is going to be bad, yet you're already giving it the stink eye. Don't judge a game until it's been reviewed or you have played it for yourself. If you have more concerns, go read the KSP 2 discussion forum and if you still then have reservations, wait the 8 days and whatever hours for reviews to start flooding in. I guarantee you, you'll be surprised that you were wrong. And if you were right, then it doesn't really matter. If KSP 2 sucks, we'll all come back to KSP 1 until KSP 2 is fixed.
  13. I have seen ROSS, and I might incorporate elements and modules. ATM SISS is really just ISS and ETS MIR-2. I'm also making this up as I go. I have no real plan.
  14. 1) modding for 2 games will be exhausting and updates will be slower than they already are. 2) KSP 2 will not be the "inferior" game as it promises to be far far better than KSP 1. And it's also built by actual game programmers instead of... an accounting firm I think Squad was? 3) KSP 2 is in no way a way to "screw people over"
  15. It will have one thing for it until that thing catches up for KSP 2. Mods. KSP 1 has literally hundreds if not thousands of mods. KSP 2 will take a year to some years to catch up.
  16. It could go up. Some people like to check out the first game after playing the sequel.
  17. Right. I knew it wasn't Antares after looking at it, but I couldn't figure it out. Then I remembered the rocket has those yellow thermal blankets and googled that. Found it right after you posted. Yeah, I knew I was wrong after staring at it for a moment. Couldn't place it. Can we get yellow blankets as toggle? Got to keep Minotaur warm.
  18. Except the dev doesn't post the screenshots, the community manager/social media manager does. The social team chooses what does and does not go to print (metaphorically). As for low fps, the videos haven't been low fps for a while not. Anti-aliasing has been hit or miss, but some screenshots do have it. Mushy terrain, well, that can be easily explained. Why does the part texturer need his terrain quality at max settings? Answer, he doesn't. There are several builds of the game that everyone uses. Some are for graphics, some are for performance, others for just testing if the menus work. Most of the devs don't need the highest settings.
  19. No, marketing is not always beneficial, like it isn't for early access games. People buy the game expecting a complete game and they get 1/8th of a game. This p/o's them, they leave a bad review, review score drops, people don't buy the game, game dies. And hype can be higher than it was at EA. I've seen a few games go from a low playerbase during EA to skyrocketing numbers at 1.0 release.
  20. Sorry, was on my phone when I posted that and my phone likes to glitch out when using the forums... IDK why. It was erking me so I just posted what I had. I forgot to come back and edit it to thank you for your compliment, so thank you! I do take suggestions, I'm not against them. I'm just against using tweakscale or procedural parts. I'm more of a... for lack of a better work, "As the parts were intended" kind of guy. Hence the question about 3.125 meter station parts.
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