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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. _Augustus_, but I noticed that he has trouble making a star, so I can see if I can help him solve it.
  2. Calm down Augustus, we already know that you have problems with making stars, can you focus on planets untill someone can help you
  3. I made the CTT config for the people who play with the CTT tree, it was available as a separate download. When FreeThinker send me a PM asking if he may include it, I said yes. If you don't want the config in the download, he can exclude it and refer to the download link in the mod description.
  4. Again, if you want any help, I can help
  5. Can't reproduce. Do you reload the database when you selected your difficulty?
  6. Well Boris updated KSPI for 0.90 but is now AWOL, for now FreeThinker is updating KSPI atm.
  7. There is a fix for tweakscale, but I didn't test it because I never use TS
  8. Ok then, I'll use Karbonite for Tekto. - - - Updated - - - I updated my Regolith configs (v3) for the new planet Tekto. You can download them from HERE. I'll add biome specific resources when there are biomes for Tekto. Changelog v3: - Adds Karbonite in the SOI of Tekto. - Adds Karbonite and Water in the atmosphere of Tekto. - Adds Karborundum to Tekto (Crustal) because of the dense atmosphere. - Changed MaxAbundance of Slate's Floodplains from 50 to 30. Features: - Adds Karborundum to Plock and Tekto (Crustal). - Adds Karbonite, Minerals, Ore and Substrate to Slate (Crustal). - Adds Water at the 'Seabed' and 'Floodplains' biome of Slate (Crustal). - Adds Karbonite in the SOI of Sarnus, Tekto, Urlum and Neidon. - Adds Karbonite and Water in the atmosphere of Sarnus, Tekto, Urlum and Neidon.
  9. I almost done with my configs. As for Liquid Methane, Regolith supports it under the name "LqdMethane" but the only mods that use that as a resources are KSPI, Real Fuels and RealismOverhaul. Bu they have no drills, as far as I know.
  10. There is a mod now that bundles this mod and Kopernicus together into one mod. It's called KopernicusTech.
  11. That are the asteroids in KSP, but normally you can't research them. Arachnidek will probably missed that.
  12. I updated my CTT config for KSPI (again ). Thank you FreeThinker for the requests. Download Changes: Command: * Moved the Science Laboratory from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Scientific Outposts". Electrical: * Moved the Antimatter Initiated Reactor from "High Energy Science" to "Exotic Reactions". * Moved the Flat Radiator from "Advanced Electrics" to "Nuclear Power". * Moved the circradiatorKT from "Advanced Electrics" to "Nuclear Power". * Moved the circradiatorKT2 from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power". * Moved the circradiatorKT3 from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power". * Moved the Large Flat Radiator from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power". * Moved the Radial Heat Radiators from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power". * Moved the Heat Radiators from "Large Electrics" to "High Energy Nuclear Power". Engines: * Moved all the Magnetic Nozzles from "Advanced Plasma Propulsion" to "High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion". * Moved the Thermal Rocket Nozzles from "High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion" to "Improved Nuclear Propulsion". Science: * Moved the IR Telescope from "Experimental Science" to "Extended Duration Science Tech". Utility: * Moved the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Specialized Science Tech". * Moved the Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Specialized Science Tech".
  13. I updated my CTT config for KSPI. Thank you FreeThinker for the requests. Download Changes: Command: * Moved the Science Laboratory from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Scientific Outposts". Electrical: * Moved the Antimatter Initiated Reactor from "High Energy Science" to "Exotic Reactions". * Moved the Flat Radiator from "Advanced Electrics" to "Nuclear Power". * Moved the circradiatorKT from "Advanced Electrics" to "Nuclear Power". * Moved the circradiatorKT2 from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power". * Moved the circradiatorKT3 from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power". * Moved the Large Flat Radiator from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power". * Moved the Radial Heat Radiators from "Advanced Electrics" to "Large Scale Nuclear Power". * Moved the Heat Radiators from "Large Electrics" to "High Energy Nuclear Power". Engines: * Moved all the Magnetic Nozzles from "Advanced Plasma Propulsion" to "High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion". * Moved the Thermal Rocket Nozzles from "High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion" to "Improved Nuclear Propulsion". Science: * Moved the IR Telescope from "Experimental Science" to "Extended Duration Science Tech". Utility: * Moved the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Specialized Science Tech". * Moved the Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer from "Advanced Science Tech" to "Specialized Science Tech".
  14. I updated my CTT config for KSPI. Thank you FreeThinker for the requests. Download Changes: * Moved all the Magnetic Nozzles from Advanced Plasma Propulsion to High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion. * Moved the FNFissionFusionCatReactor from High Energy Science to Exotic Reactions.
  15. Keep in mind if you create biomes, they will override the stock biomes of your reference body (ex: Gilly)
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