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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Hm :L - Sorry about that I cleaned out my dropbox folder Yesterday and it appears as though I accidentally deleted the download. I'll have to reupload it when I get home (About an hour and a half from now?). Great to hear this mod is still being used though the thread is usually pretty quiet.
  2. Woah... that looks very nice. I know that it's a coded thing into the stock game and I'm just baffled that anyone would think it was a good idea - I think I'll chat with you some more in PM... It might be time to start integrating some SVE textures now.
  3. It's also possible to create Ozone from electricity, and considering that Laythe is a giant tidally locked heap of water and air I doubt it would have any problem creating lightning. Also if the water is diluted with something with a lower freezing point that could explain why it isn't frozen at the equator.
  4. FEATURE REQUEST: Or... more like stock BS work around... It appears as though by stock, the textures on Duna's poles as well as pretty much all of Dres's surface are flipped each time they are tiled. This means that no matter what you do you cannot get a texture that tiles well. Stock Dres: Modded Dres: It would be fantastic if there was a way to cancel this out and make Dres tile like any other sensible celestial body? I honestly have very little clue how Kopernicus works on the inside so I don't know how difficult or how deep this "feature" is buried into the stock game.
  5. I think it would be a cool feature to make the initial loading screen run a randomized slideshow of the images in your screenshots folder. Give the geezers' a bit of nostalgia each load.
  6. I want to voice up as well and say that me and a good number of other advanced builders would die to turn off auto struts on wheels like they where before. Things like these are no longer usable because of the restraints put on wheels.
  7. This looks great! It's also nice to see other kerbinauts that own Titanfall 2 - I haven't beaten it on master difficulty though...
  8. Does anyone know the differences between "AtmosphericExtra" and "AtmosphericMain"? Or which one would be the best long term solution for texturing? My testing has been inconclusive but it seems that the texture tiling and contrast/saturation values are vastly different on AtmosphericMain and AtmosphericExtra configs. Perhaps one is replacing stock values and one is adding?
  9. You know you've played a lot of KSP when you remember a mod from 5 years ago and on searching discover that the links haven't been hosted for years... but then find the zip file in your KSP archives.
  10. @WinkAllKerb''? EDIT: @V8jester I'm doing swell
  11. Ahh I understand - I thought it was maybe using a custom version of Scatterer but it looks like it's using the previous version until it's updated. Thanks!
  12. Hm, it was the case when I first made the alpha masks but that was a few versions ago. Good to know if I no longer need alpha masks on non-ocean bodies.
  13. xD ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Might be that you're using Photoshop with an nvidia plugin and I'm using paint.net? I can't really say why it's so. I had a chat with Porkjet on this when talking about a new reflection plugin. Let me quote what he said on this: "Every planet (and part) in the game uses what's called a 'BlinnPhong' lighting model. it isn't actually reflecting anything, just adding a fake highlight." You can see it in the oceans on Kerbin (Though it's water in that case), but you can also see it on land masses of other planets (Especially Eeloo). That's why it is that planet textures always have the ocean 100% visible, and the land masses almost invisible.
  14. Ah gotcha. Yeah I saved using these settings: When I first came out with WindowShine a user went onto my thread and insisted that I was saving all of my textures the wrong way. He gave me those settings to use when saving and I haven't bothered changing my Paint.net .dds save settings since. DTX5 doesn't break alpha channel with .dds files in-game which is extremely important for WindowShine and other things based around effectiveness on transparency. Hope that explains a bit. :L I'm pretty sure it is. The reflectiveness of planets is determined by their alpha mask. If you don't want every planet to look covered in oil you should have alpha channel on them. or at least evenly dim the textures so that they aren't reflective.
  15. Is Kerbin too dark? I ran into an issue with that and was able to fix it after some tinkering.
  16. I guess my first question is would you mind if I tinkered with your NGC 4449 skybox? I'm looking for a skybox to use in a visual pack compilation called 'spectra'. I'm sort of doing early reconnaissance for skyboxes I might use. Credit due to you for the wonderful find
  17. Hm, @JadeOfMaar, a note on your NGC 4449 skybox... The one thing I never liked about the tycho starmap is that it's taken directly from the Earth, I've been wanting to have a skybox that isn't based off of the earth's view and so I might look into using your new map... I might chat with you in PM sometime in the not far future about something too. EDIT: Also sorry for the butchering in editing I have a bad tendency to rewrite whole messages after hitting send.
  18. The 1070 is incredible - I'm able to stream 60fps at 720p on twitch, with the Division on ultra (Though it could be tied to my using a 6700k). It's been said that there's an 80% performance jump from the 970 to the 1070 (Both of those cards are the exact ones I have. I can relate. Do keep in mind though that he's relating various FPS games, KSP is a bit different). In all honesty I didn't get the 1080 because I didn't think I needed it, and from the performance that I have now I was right that the 1070 was plenty. If you want to use 4k then get the 1080 xD If not imo the 1070 is your best choice.
  19. Alas, I've only got 16GB of ram in my system - also it's DDR3-1600... I should probably upgrade that considering my CPU is an i7-6700k and I'm running a GTX 1070 now (The only reason I haven't is because I'd need to replace my MoBo as well since it doesn't support higher speed RAM)...
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