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Everything posted by Noname115

  1. We are Go For Launch! Hey guys! I don't post here often, but I wanted to spread the word about a recent space simulator that has just entered the market. It's name is Go For Launch: Mercury. In order to save an entire forum post of space, here's the website and general information for the sim: http://goforlaunch.co.uk/ Taken from the website, Go For Launch: Mercury is a "fully immersive and interactive simulation of America’s first manned space program.". You are the commander of a Mercury capsule in the 1960's, set to launch into the newly explored area past the "Karman Line": Space. Take in the visuals around you as the capsule shakes and creaks as you liftoff into the cosmos on top of the Mercury-Redstone rocket (and soon to be Mercury-Atlas booster!). This space simulator has just recently been released with (V)irtual (R)eality and Non-VR compatibility. Both versions of the DEMO are free to download and try out for yourself. They have even begun a Kickstarter campaign to raise some money to help further the development of the game into a full version of the simulator. If you enjoy Kerbal Space Program (which, to be honest, why else would you be on the forum?), you'll enjoy this little gem! The developers are even planning on making a Go For Launch: Gemini at some time in the future! So if you enjoy this type of thing, go help them out; they will make some pretty interesting things in the future! -All images and videos shown in this post are owned by their respective owners. I am not cool enough to make something this awesome -Fly safe, Noname115
  2. I think the community just died today...
  3. I think Squad just split the entire community in half today...
  4. Damn. I feel almost guilty to have KSP on Steam now. As much as I'm excited to be a part of this pre-release; I can't help but feel like I'm on the side of users who didn't fully support the devs.
  5. I was installing a mod for Better Burn Time using CKAN, tried loading up KSP, then this happens: http://imgur.com/8nxtZeJ Apparently it has something to do with HUIClips, and how I'm "pushing more than popping" (whatever that means .-.). First things first, here's the log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwZHDX3K4KIuWkhvMXZwNzZRTHM I have no idea what this "Hierarchy" thing is; so any help would be greatly appreciated! -EDIT: I should also mention; now KSP doesn't even want to load. Each time I attempt to launch it, the screen remains black. It never reaches the progress bar. -Fly Safe, Noname115
  6. Hey everyone. First I want to thank you all for discussing this topic very well (as in no slashing each other). Secondly, every one of you have been brining up very valid points in regards to the changes. Personally, I'd like to say that you all have made me clear my head in coming to terms with Squad's decision. I will admit, when I made this post, I was a little clouded with my judgement due to me being a little too angry; I apologize for that. In the long run, I enjoy interacting with this community, as I believe it to be one of the best out there. You may still discuss the topic in this thread, I just wanted to get this message out there. -Happy launchings, Noname115
  7. If it appeared that I was calling SQUAD out and telling them how to run their game, I apologize. I had no intent on throwing dirt onto them. Like you, I trust them, I'm just voicing my own opinion on the matter.
  8. Well said. As for your argument, I can see the logic in releasing 1.1 with the features it has now instead of delaying it to polish one feature. Perhaps I was a little too caught up in being angry that I hadn't given it enough thought.
  9. Yes, RemoteTech is a good way to bring that feature in the game, but what made me disappointed is to have it stock in the game. I'd much rather have it inside the game than in a mod. This is just my opinion, of course.
  10. Hmm, good point. I'll change the question. A stable 64-bit version would more than likely have been my #2 for 1.1.
  11. After watching the recent KSP News episode by Rapid Viper, which can be viewed here: I couldn't help but feel extreme anger to know that SQUAD has decided to push probe telemetry back to a later update, possibly into 1.2. Viper explains that the functionality of the telemetry is very buggy and just wouldn't be fun to play with. This is understandable, but I can't help but feel as if SQUAD could have just delayed the update a couple weeks or so. I would HAPPILY sit for 2-3 weeks if it meant that the features I've been waiting AGES for would be, in my opinion, in the most hyped update in a while. You may feel differently, and I do NOT intend on throwing any heat at SQUAD; I love Kerbal Space Program, it's one of, if not my most favorite game on Steam. I'm just a little (make that severely) disappointed. Probe telemetry was my most anticipated feature of 1.1, as I was dreaming of making my own version of the TDRS system (reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracking_and_Data_Relay_Satellite_System ). Now that I got that out of my system, I would like to hear your guy's opinions on the matter. Were you disappointed as I was, or largely unaffected by this delay? If you didn't, feel free to post your thoughts. -Fly safe, Noname115
  12. What is the black magic? It's so simple, but amazingly useful at the same time! Do want! Will install it for sure.
  13. I think that is the issue, the mods on CKAN do use github as the download source. Also, I just noticed that the "Compatible" section of CKAN only shows my installed mods. I guess we will just have to wait until Github is up again.
  14. I don't know what I did but out of nowhere I started getting this error: http://imgur.com/MvAacfG It just started happening today. I hadn't messed with any files or settings in any way. I puled up CKAN for a routine update check, then that appeared. Any help would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: I suppose it's not a HUGE issue, considering that CKAN loads up just fine after dismissing the error alert. Although, I'd still like to at least know what is causing the error.
  15. This has to be one of, if not THE best reshader for KSP I have ever seen. This is almost too much power for one simple man to hold.
  16. I was thinking this as well. It's not so much a make it or break it deal for Kerbal Space Program, but it's one of those little things that could make the experience a little more intuitive. If not anything else, how cool would it be to have you're flag proudly being displayed on the side of the largest building at KSC.
  17. This question dawned upon me while thinking about the switch to Unity 5. In real life, the Vehicle Assembly Building has the United States flag and the NASA insignia on it. Should something like this be added into the game? Article for reference: http://www.space.com/24372-nasa-vehicle-assembly-building-tours-end.html
  18. Does Scatterer disable city lights for anyone else? I installed EVE and tested it, city lights and all worked just fine. After installing scatterer though the city lights disappeared, I was wondering if EVE and scatterer are not compatible or something.
  19. This has to be one of the best looking texture packs KSP has ever had, but alas there is just no possible way I am going to use it. Like Elthy said, I slow down to 1-4 FPS at launch. Maybe once 1.1 comes around this will not be an issue with packs ever again. For now though, this is going to have to wait. Still the best pack IMO.
  20. I agree, this mod looks really cool! I'm just afraid of what it will do to my mods. I'll give this a try on my stock KSP.
  21. This just occurred to me, but wouldn't be nice to have in-game chatter between the crew and KSC? Chatterer does a great job with this, I was just wondering if it was possible to make it stock. That would personally enhance my overall experience, not to mention add some realism. Also, for those who like to play bare bones stock games, this would be a tremendous addition. Flying inter-planetary missions with next to no sounds at all? Doesn't sound very exciting to me. This is more of a side-note, but one thing that I don't really think would fit in is EVA breathing, true, it's neat, but listening to kerbals breathing down you're neck would get old. Fast. What do you guy's think? Should this be in the game?
  22. So I was just playing the game, trying to make a Saturn V remake. I choose to use the KS-25 engines as the S-IC stage's engines. Once I eventually do get it on the pad and takeoff, this happens: http://imgur.com/2S3xT8X I don't know why this happens, but I think I recall hearing someone have this issue before. Could use some help on this one. Mod List Asteroid Day, FASA Launch Clamps, Kerbal Engineer Redux, KJR, LaunchCountdownEx, Mk2Expansion, CommunityResourcePack, Firespitter (.dll only), InterstellarFuelSwitch, Klockheed Martian Gimbal, QuickScroll/Search, Stock Bug Fix Modules Plus, Ven Stock Part Revamp, Gimble for All
  23. Also, when I say "map view", I meant to say the Tracking station, while in-flight the scatterer effects do show up, but for neither the Tracking station or main menu.
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