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Everything posted by Noname115

  1. Holy-...well say goodbye to the stock solar system forever...
  2. In essence, it's a passenger cabin. So you were never meant to leave it as if it was a capsule. Though, with the sandbox nature of the game, this was very needed.
  3. I like the idea of this tech tree, I'm just unsure about installing it due to the huge amount of mods (especially part mods) I have installed. My fear is that, for instance, parts from the same rocket in Bluedog Design Bureau are separated by 3 tiers of nodes. (Example: The S-IC tank for the Saturn V could be in Tier 4, while the F-1 engine would be in Tier 7. I suppose I'll create a backup save and try it out, just to see if I'd want to install it. In the meantime, I understand you plan on adding compatibility to mods in the future, and I would suggest BDB as one of the first mods for compatibility. It's your mod though, so feel free to work at your own pace.
  4. THANK. GOD. Can't wait for CKAN/KSPAVC to complain about incompatible mods. :D
  5. I remember someone asked this before, but how many mods have you revived/are maintaining?!
  6. Well, more than 8 months later, here we are with 1.2 and probe telemetry. I am happy.
  7. Issue has been fixed. If any mods can see this message, please lock the thread as I have edited the fix to the issue in the main post. @Red Iron Crown
  8. If you have Cryogenic Engines/Tanks installed, delete all .dll's except for "SimpleBoiloff" inside the directory "GameData/CryoTanks/Plugins. Do that, or install the newest version of Cryogenic Engines from the following link (v4.1):
  9. Ouch. Was hoping to use this for OPM now that Kopernicus is updated. What exactly are these nasty bugs? I may decide to be suicidal and install it on my own risk. (A man's gotta have realistic orbital mechanics)
  10. Micro Xenon engine? The one in the game is already 0.625 meters! This one must be exceptionally tiny! Congrats on the first mod!
  11. I'm having this same issue. Even though I've had the fortune of not running into a launch failure yet, I'm sure the mod works fine otherwise.
  12. So, from my understanding, it's somewhat like the Launch Assistance from MechJeb, but it this case you are able to save specific launch profiles to be used for other launches. For instance, one profile is a standard 90 degree gravity turn, however, this would allow me to make that and another profile where I launch into a polar orbit without having to lift a finger. I like the sound of that, great mod! I think this has just become another one of my essential mods!
  13. Bingo. That was it. Logs: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwZHDX3K4KIudGFoc0gza2gyOHc https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwZHDX3K4KIub0RhSGlESllTMVE
  14. I'm having the same issue as @MMG. I put the JetSounds folder along with Module Manager into GameData, but with no change in sounds.
  15. Is it just me, or do the elevons just straight up don't work? I can't right click them to tweak them, they don't respond to controls and I can't even set an action group for them, basically making them cosmetic pieces. Is this a known bug? I installed the mod through CKAN if that means anything.
  16. It's nice to hear someone who actually knows what they're talking about other than immediately resorting to: "OH MY GOD WERE BEING BOMBED/INVADED/SPYED ON BY THE RUSSIANS!"
  17. Control+F2 is not working for me either, and I KNOW I am using version 2. Any ideas?
  18. Well hey, at least you wouldn't have much to do, since the inside of the capsule would be very cramped.
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