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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Definitely not. You can cheat by going to the home page of the forum and scrolling to the bottom to see who's online. I'sa gonna try... @Just Jim?
  2. Entrained exhaust gases were also visible around the first stage of Saturn V:
  3. Unfortunately, the thread I want to search is the "What Song is stuck in your head today" thread. Many posts with few if any words in there, just music vids.
  4. With the latest gameplay trailer for Breaking Bad Ground, all I can say is... ALL ABOARD!!!!! Should I start a new thread for the Official hype train thread?
  5. I suppose this thread is a good fit for this.... I have my desktop background image set to shuffle pics from a folder I throw all the desktop-worthy pics in. Most are Kerbal or space related of course, But I think this is the first time I saw this pic come up, when I closed all the windows preparing for bed. It immediately triggered my inner Tim Allen and had me grunting with 5+million pounds of delight! If a moderator thinks there's a better thread for this, go ahead and move it
  6. interesting. So they just released them as en masse and let them drift apart. I assume they were linked together somehow during launch, or did the payload adapter hold them together? It occurs to me they could have used electromagnets to hold them together and then push themselves apart... Fascinating launch. Heaviest payload yet and they still landed the bird? Block 5 FTW!
  7. I always hated that, tabbing through the planets, tab once too far, so use shift-tab to go back.... ACK! The engine is running!
  8. I’m sure people will line up to pay a super-premium price for Moon Gin or Martian Vodka.
  9. “Mayday, mayday this is Catastrophic One, we’ve had a Romeo Unicorn Delta and our navgear has gone Whiskey Tango Foxtrot for approach, please advise!”
  10. Boo yah! hmmm, wild guess here.. @Nivee~?
  11. *sigh* that’s what I thought.... Maybe I’ll try to search for *youtube* and filter by author, since it’s one of those threads... E: bah! Doesn’t work on embedded videos
  12. What's the best way to search for my own posts in a specific thread? I can't seem to find a way to do that. I just want to make sure I don't post the same thing twice, and there are too many pages to sort through...
  13. Another fact from the book I mentioned above" A powerful glue called isinglass (among other uses) can be made from the swim bladder (air bladder) of the sturgeon. This was one of the main trade items produced by the Sem'ath natives around Sumas Lake.
  14. (Schwarzenegger voice) “I’ll be Bach! You’ll be Beethoven! And you, you’ll be Moe-zart!” -something me and my friends came up with while goofing around
  15. It just occurred to me: why even bother pushing the car? Just walk! Unless you’re pushing it to a gas station....
  16. Blitworks is the company in charge of porting to console. They can't port something until it has been released. As evidenced by the long lag between updates making it to console, porting KSP is not a quick job. Plans and dates are kept under tight wraps to avoid a backlash when unforeseen circumstances pop up. I would think they will be working on bringing 1.7 and this DLC to console, but neither Squad nor Blitworks can announce it until it is close to completion. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. Patience is required.
  17. Now I start to wonder about using a turbopump shaft output to power a dragster....
  18. Shouldn't be hard to guess why these are stuck in my head... Too bad they never plugged KSP on that show...
  19. The Flintstones meet the Jetsons?
  20. Always noticing new ways to use parts. But hey, as long as you’re putting an engine under it, you can put a small tank there too
  21. Hmm, I hadn't considered that, but it does make sense. But when I mount radial boosters, I put the decoupler so far forward on the booster that it shoves the nose away anyways, so I don't need sepratrons
  22. Well, given that most engines use a small fraction of propellants to drive the pump compared to the volume being pumped, the compressor would run out first before the preburner loses pressure. And if the compressor sucks anything but liquid, it will overspeed and rapidly dis-assemble. The Rutherford might be an interesting case as electric motors are self-governing, but might still exceed maximum safe RPM. And with Raptors being full-flow, I'm not sure what would happen then. Probably still not a safe thing to have happen. An interesting engineering challenge to ensure that a turbopump spins down when completely out of propellants, instead of flying apart. If it was easy, it would have been done already. There may be other considerations, like vibration, balance, or resonance at play. Easier to just not let it run dry. As an aside, the Shuttle was grounded for awhile when the ECO (engine cut-off sensors) in the LH2 tank were acting up. There was also one Shuttle mission when a LH2 leak caused the ECO sensors to command MECO a little earlier than usual. But it should be safe to run a pressure-fed engine, like on the LEM, to complete depletion, AFAI can guess
  23. Hmmm. So put Starlink sats in the same plane as known debris objects. When the Starlink is nearing end-of-life, rendezvous with the debris, grapple it (with the dispenser mechanism?) and then de-orbit. So much easier said than done...
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