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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Mind = Blown But where do stuffed pitas fit in? Great. After reading this thread, now I’m hungry. And I just had lunch!
  2. I’m gonna guess that was 9/11
  3. All I can suggest is to read the contract carefully. It may have said “suborbital on the Mun,” or it may have a requirement for a pilot to be along, or some other unexpected condition. But if you’re sure you’ve met all the conditions, and you think it should have completed, then you could force it to complete in the cheat menu
  4. What bugs me is those “Top Ten...”. type of videos. Yeah, I made the mistake of clicking one or two because I found the topic interesting. But I found that they dragged on for way too long IMO. 10-15 minutes for a top 10 clip that could be covered in 2-3 minutes tops? I don’t have time for that boring filler they stuff in between things I want to see. But now since I clicked on a couple my auto play and recommended lust is polluted with that bloated crap.
  5. Well, I'm going to complain that my wife is expecting me to get some housework done while she's off at a workshop. Then she's going to complain that I didn't get anything done because she wasn't here to crack the whip. So I'm going to pre-emptively complain about that. Now excuse me while I play video games. Or walk the dog. Or anything but housework. Actually, walking the dog must count for something.... It's too nice out to be doing housework... But then'll she'll expect me to wash the truck... (nobody tell her I'm complaining...)
  6. 100 days?! More like 3+ years, one way, depending on where in that highly elliptical orbit Eeloo is. I would think a half-life of at least 10 years would be more appropriate. I sort of like the idea of being able to vary the amount illudium-Q36 in the RTG, but realistically that would only increase the starting power output, with a corresponding increase in usable lifetime (not half-life). So if you want more power, you may as well just add more RTGs. I can't really see a use for a mini-RTG, but someone will probably find a use. The only real way of changing the half-life is to use a different radioisotope.
  7. Katherine Helmond, sitcom queen of Soap and Who's the Boss, passed away on Feb 23, from complications from Alzheimer's disease. Aged 89, she would have seen technology take leaps and bounds over the years. I have fond memories of those shows...
  8. And how to get there! i hear that’s a really high-pressure job, kudos on sticking with it that long! I bet there’s some interesting stories there
  9. I’m not too concerned about the launch itself, a launch and recovery is routine for SpaceX by now. By the time I get up in the morning they should have some data on how D2 is performing, and that’s when things will get interesting
  10. I'm not American, but I do love this song: (but as my son would say, I'm North American)
  11. Well, it'll be sort of here, about 70km away..
  12. Aw man, it doesn't seem to be coming here. Maybe I need to wait to see if it gets on the schedule in a week or so.
  13. Well, Canada has formally committed to LOP-G. If I read this article right, it appears to be a $2B commitment, with the bulk of it going to MDA for Canadarm 3. And it sounds like we intend on sending canuckonauts up there too, but no word on whom or what we will hitch a ride with yet. Presumably wherever there's a seat.
  14. Lol, she should get a VIN tattooed on her, um, hmm, now where would be a good spot...? I want to say bumper, but dashboard is the usual spot, along with the engine block... And/or...
  15. Ah-ha! Research into how “Blue Glowies,” aka Force Ghosts, manifest themselves...
  16. Maybe SpaceX could win more gummint funding if they bought some huge-S SRB’s from Thiokol... Soooo joking.....
  17. I'm surprised such an important launch is happening in the wee hour of the night. I know, windows and such, but still. Even I'm not even up yet (my alarm goes off at 0310, on weekdays. Definitely not getting up that early on a Saturday). Yeah, actually 11:48pm my time, but I'm definitely not up that late.
  18. Yeah, my wife used to complain that it hurt when she sneezed. I told her not to fight it and just let it rip. Problem solved. A warehouse I used to work in almost went kablooey when a forklift driver hit a natural gas line. And didn't even realize it! After we were evacuated I think a lot of us were hoping for a spark that never came...
  19. Likewise. Which is why there's supposed to be fish ladders built around them. Another bad side effect is that any drowned vegetation releases methane as it rots, an even worse GHG. I used to fish on Williston Lake (the biggest dammed lake in the world, at least at the time), and streams of bubbles were all over the place. If I'd realized it was CH4, I would have tried to light them. So hydropower isn't always the best thing for reforming alumina... A fishing buddy used to joke that at least one good thing about a nuclear war would be that the dam would get nuked, the lake would drain, and he could go recover his fishing lures....
  20. Well, the Site C hydro project on the Peace River in northern BC will have over half the dam made of earth-fill. But that earth isn't being moved with electric vehicles. But it will be a net-clean project in the long run
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