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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Yeah, those Ike eclipses can be brutal. And they make it look like planetary devastation is happening.
  2. On a similar note, it gets annoying when tweaking a maneuver node to get your periapsis closer, and closer, to a body, then it vanishes. But if you keep going in the same direction it (hopefully) reappears even closer.
  3. Want to launch a long station core, but it gets too wobbly when put on top of the rocket? Use it as the core of the rocket, with the boosters around it and a poodle on the bottom for orbital maneuvers. For extra strength and stiffness, use docking ports between the station and the boosters (use the gizmos to get them as close together as possible), set to stage with the decouplers. They won't connect in the VAB, but as soon as physics loads on the pad the ports will click together. No struts required!
  4. If you quicksave (or make a alt-f5 named save) after undocking, then do a quickload, it resets the ports so your ship will snap back together. But I must say, Snark's mod sounds interesting. But a 'reset port' button in stock would be handy.
  5. The Star Trek tricorder had some sort of medical scanning device, not that it is specifically called 'ultrasound.' But I expected that to be beyond the scope of your device. I imagined it could be used to 'look inside' (scan) more than just people. But it would also require a screen to display images.
  6. To really have a full-on Star Trek-style tricorder, you should look into adding an ultrasound as an add-on/plug-in device. But I suppose that would get too expensive and/or complicated.
  7. This friendly fellow is a Thrint, also known as a Slaver. This particular one is named Kzanol, who was stranded on earth billions of years ago, safely inside his emergency stasis field. It just fits so well with my username. The picture itself is found inside the book that tells his tale, World of Ptaavs by Larry Niven.
  8. My Multi-Purpose Space Station completed the final contract of it's mission, with a precision powered landing near the Face on Duna. On the way it completed contracts for a Kerbin Station. two solar stations (stock and Bases&Stations pack), Duna Station, Ike Station, Ike Base, and Duna surface science. It also radio'd in enough science to finish the tech tree, not bad when I forgot an aux battery and was running on just 200ec. Good thing I had 8 Gigantors! A very proitable mission! Oops, wrong pic... Lets's see here.... Ah here we go! Take 8:
  9. Sorry Jeb, but if you wanna fly you have to drop the ghetto blaster.
  10. Could have him toiling away in the background in Admin, and R&D, and Mission COntrol, and the Astronaut complex, and wandering around in the VAB/SPH
  11. Jeb performed magic! After landing a massive lab/ISRU base on ike, the crew discovered that the drills made the base bounce all over the place. The theory is that the drills are mounted too low, so they need to be raised. But nobody packed any tools! Jeb rooted around in the cupola and finally, thank Kod (who had edited the savefile), found a power screwdriver! Tomorrow Geofnand will venture out to see if he can make the drills behave better.
  12. Why in the name of Kod would they close such a facility? Oh, right, money. $12M per year is chump change on government scales.
  13. And then there is this poor little guy... "Um, can someone slip a slice of cheese in here please?"
  14. Those zero-star pilots are pretty clueless! I had a mission that involved bringing some tourists to visit the MinLab in Minmus orbit. On the way in, they rescued a stranded pilot in Minmus orbit before docking to the station. Then they loaded up some station crew to bring home with them. While plotting the return burn, I noticed the ship passed through the Mun's SOI, so i planned a quick orbit there to get some more XP. That's when the real fun started. The rescued pilot (I think now I know how he got stranded in the first place) plotted and executed an escape burn, to put the ship on a Kerbin reentry course. After the burn, he realized his trajectory took the ship well below the surface of the Mun (close to the core!) before leaving the SOI. After a panicked radial burn to just skim past the surface of the Mun, he executed a burn at Kerbin apoapsis to put everybody back onto a reentry course, with just 7m/s of dV to spare!
  15. I've had no problems just using the stock WADS + rt-shift/rt-ctrl, and using the arrow keys to move the camera around.(the kerbal always faces away from the cam as soon as you tap a RCS key)
  16. For some reason the Antares rocket does not excite me. Maybe it's because the first stage is Ukrainian-built with Russian engines.
  17. Space Casino Alpha is complete! Muncan Kerman was sent up to remove parts that were no longer needed, such as the engines that brought the asteroids to the core, along with a bunch of vernors. Now he is manning the casino while he waits for guests to arrive.
  18. Have the statue in a hunter's/victor's pose over the Kraken on Bop!
  19. I'm happy to say I've had no problems with Win10. As for the privacy/tracking issues, I decided not to worry about it. If I did want to worry about it I may as well live in a hole in the ground communicating with tin cans and string
  20. Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches are surprisingly good, especially on Ancient Grain bread!
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