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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Ex. "Are you out of your kerballing mind?!?!"
  2. Anything I think to post after that would run afoul of
  3. And the FinePrint contract for a Munbase was successfully completed!
  4. This mod would have been a great help in my 0.24 career Fine Print contract: Put a class E asteroid on a Kerbol escape trajectory! I never did finish it before 0.25 came out. I could have lightened that 3600 ton behemoth and used all that rock in the mass driver!
  5. Dragon v2 will still have parachutes as a backup, especially in case of an abort, as the SuperDracos used for landing also serve as the abort rockets. While the 'chutes are still being hauled around everywhere, they will still be there for the next mission, unlike Orion's LES (Launch Escape System?) which is jettisoned every flight (wasted money).
  6. That's hilarious! Should add the typical "I'm only 5km away!" on that. And Jeb thought he was the first kerbal on Tylo, ha!
  7. Sure, because he's a conscientious sort and wouldn't want Bill to blow the engine. I have no problem with finding more thrust. I just cant figure out how Jeb's going to get more ISP out of an engine, unless he goes EVA and welds on a nozzle extension. But that would add more mass.... Edit: WEP mode would lead to rapid overheating, and KSP engines already explode when overheated (stick a bunch of SRB's close together to find out!)
  8. Not necessarily. After several trips to the Mun, Jeb figured out (or maybe one of his engineer buddies in the VAB told him) that he could open the control panel and cross the red and blue wires to override the throttle limiter, and can crank the thrust to 150% max rated thrust. However, the ISP plummeted and the engine exploded shortly thereafter. Use at your own risk. Sort of like the WEP systems in WWII fighter aircraft....
  9. A rocking chair would do it
  10. Not sure why cats would avoid a circle...
  11. Short and sweet: Where grannys knit but cats avoid!
  12. While dropping a 'roid on Kerbin was rather anti-climactic once it reached terminal velocity, I haven't tried or seen anybody slam a 'roid into an airless body at orbital speeds. I'll have to try that. Has anyone else done it, especially with vidcap?
  13. They're always screaming, it seems, except Jeb. I think he only screams when he runs out of fuel, which means the mug must be empty. Nicely done!
  14. Knowing Sun, I have to say...... Rubber Boots! Probably about to get muddy!
  15. Given that they are overhauling the VAB/SPH vehicular editors, this is what I want: When I press the "Launch!" button, that's when I want the Kerbonaut selection screen to pop-up to make the seat assignments. That way I can't possibly forget to kick Jeb out of the pod before I send a Stayputnik-controlled ship to rescue poor Theobold. I'm still wondering how he got up there in the first place. Along with implementing mod functions like VOID, KAC, KER, KAS, docking alignment, etc...
  16. Oh, you want old. How about Choplifter or Lode Runner on the Apple II? Or Missile Command on the Atari 2600?
  17. I had one hellkraken where I'd exit the ship after landing on (Gilly? Ike? can't recall), the kerbal would drift up the ladder, and as soon as he reached the top everything went black....
  18. Friendly purple dinosaurs will be added to every planet and moon, with a tendency to migrate toward the projected landing point of every incoming craft. The phrase "I barneyed again" will become commonplace.
  19. Self-guided nuclear-tipped missiles are added, which home in on the selected target. Chaff is also added, rendering them mostly useless
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