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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Anybody good at flying rotor craft with this mod's rotors? The engines/rotors are really cool, but flying them is a wild time. Any hints for actually achieving straight/level flight?
  2. Totally guessing "not" /yet. This kind of thing would be awesome, though. I'm always at a loss for an in-game/in-universe method of keeping track of action groups, mission status, etc. that doesn't involve a bunch of actual notepads or google docs. Maybe that's a bit of a far-fetched idea.
  3. Whaaaaa? I should have bought a lottery ticket today! They said it couldn't / wouldn't be done! Thank you, @Nertea!!
  4. The DLL posted was to fix an issue with missing stars/skybox at night when in-atmosphere. The *hard* transitions from day-night night-day in a chronological sense still persist, and are a stock game issue. Which are you referring to?
  5. How did I miss this update? TY for the new tweaks! I'm on a KSP hiatus at the moment due to 1.4.5 stalling things, and getting busy with some end-of-summer chaos, but looking forward to rebuilding my monthly budgets/scrapyard/KCT-based career.
  6. Really?? I tried just dropping it in place as per the instructions, but it didn't seem to do anything. Upon further reading I assumed it's because I didn't have a razor keyboard, but the "newer" g513. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot? (I *did* migrate the dll up into the main KSP folder) Now that I'm thinking of it, I installed it via CKAN - I'll try the manual way next in case the CKAN linked files are old or incorrect. Thanks @RandyTheDev!
  7. 1.4.4 is very specifically broken for Kerbal Konstructs, as Squad(/devs) baked in an improper setting that disallowed it from working. 1.4.3 or 1.4.5 work(ed) fine.
  8. Check out this post to see one -- it's a radially attached thingy. It just happens to look like a wing cross-section. or maybe it *is* a wing cross-section, that (hopefully) also provides some body lift? (click the "replied to a topic" link)
  9. Just picked up a g513 last week, and eager to try this out--if it's likely to work.
  10. I'm just working up the nerve / gather free time again to switch to 1.4.5, and looking forward to anything new that gets released!
  11. Awesome! btw, @linuxgurugamer, the Spacedock "forum" link doesn't point back to here properly. Ty!
  12. Also note that the slew of new runways, etc. are from @AdmiralTigerclaw work/submod, and separate from the Main KSR release. I'd love to have access to all the new locations in KSR. Maybe the vectors for the runways/airports add-on can be obtained from that mod, too. Nobody has done this yet, that I know of!
  13. Holy guacamole, these look great. Thank you for the update!
  14. Love this new design! Your concise craft profiles are always an inspiration for VAB time.
  15. Fairly certain it was one of the UI Updates (unity version changes) that killed the little trim tabs. I really loved those things, and the Trim Indicator mod is the only thing that comes close at the moment. The number values seem messy, but you get used to them, and it's useful to know "exact" trim for routine craft flying, etc.
  16. They're still two different mods. Agree that it's potentially/still confusing. TRR may wish to give itself a bit of a different name, I guess.
  17. My counter-offer for desires to "make things stock" is to point out how slow the development and maintenance for those components would become. Would you want a favorite mod getting updated once every few months (or longer) with the main game updates?
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