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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. This is the aspect that "remote" failure would be good for -- creating a *reason* to go visit a long-serving mining station, or relay satellite that's suddenly developed a dodgy solar collector or thruster failure. I totally get how this would be a completely different kind of failure mechanism, and not based on how OhScrap! works at the moment. Maybe a companion mod/expansion that tracks inactive vessels, and "decides" that something has broken, then applies that broken-ness upon vessel load... Seems like a lot of background processing.
  2. Groovy. I'll do the post log+screenshot thing the next time I'm sitting at KSP.
  3. Was / is it this mod that provides a popup tooltip on a part stating what mod it's from? I'm suddenly *not* seeing them, and not sure where to start troubleshooting.
  4. I think it says in the pop-out info in the tech browser and part browser. I don't think it does in-flight
  5. There's a post a little back (I think) that gives a means of circumventing it for a current game, but the "Fix" is to start a new game, since Kopernicus alters the kerbol system including light source, etc. There may be a way to surgically add the new-game-launch code into your current persistent save. Can anybody confirm if this works?
  6. Still works great for me in 1.4.3. I wish it *wouldn't* work when typing in the aircraft notes box, but that's just a visual light show/annoyance.
  7. Try converting them to DDS! Solves all the problems.
  8. I like the texture approach with this one. Nicely done! This uses the stock texture switcher, I assume?
  9. Are you thinking of something like Persistent Rotation?
  10. I think we all appreciate Moar Plernerts. This is a fantastic pack, I agree.
  11. Curious--- the "show advanced options" feature doesn't seem to do so any longer. I'm trying to load up the Chatterer Extended sound bits, but I can't open up the panel to add the additional folders. No errors are showing up in the console, and switching debug on doesn't display anything when switching "show advanced..." on or off. [EDIT] NVM -- I somehow wasn't in a scene/setting that had the "chatter" panel available, therefore I couldn't add/edit sound packs.
  12. That's a good bet, too! It seems to be "halving" the resolution or some such. I have a couple agency flags I'l try converting and see if that's an "easy" fix. Hopefully TRR can address this at some point.
  13. PSA: Always preform run tests on your engines before you need them in a mission. Always.
  14. I can't wait for the water landings/launches! (intentional ones, I mean...) With a bunch of the KS sites shifting/changing/going away from previous "lore", I'm looking at revisiting a few mods that included KS(legacy) sites in their on-board nav, etc. Navutils, Nanogauges, and Kramax come to mind. Any others? It would be cool to pre-load the new locations once a site list is compiled.
  15. I also find a "part commander" type mod really useful for this type of scene. It's also far more convenient than having to manually click all the little science parts, or find the docking port I want to disconnect, etc.
  16. I must be conflating something in my brain, but I thought there *was* some affect of having engineers on a craft, etc. This must be for KCT, or Ground Construction, or some other kind of failures modeling (Maybe USI?).
  17. Quoting myself from the KK thread (in case it's more relevant here): Are groundstations, etc. not up and running in KSR yet?
  18. Probably easy to delete the rings by hand: StockVisualEnhancements/SVE_Configs/SVE_KopernicusSettings.cfg Delete "Rings:NEEDS[!SVT]" entry from lines 56-70 or thereabouts. That keeps all the other settings & rings.
  19. Also -- if I'm recalling correctly, the "inspect" triggers a message that shows up in the alert list, not a screen popup.
  20. Yup. It removes the mini AVC functionality completely.
  21. Ground Stations/Tracking Station + KK/KS(R) settings question: I'm using KK Kerbinside Remastered, and I have a handful of ground stations that look to be "open" -- but they're not providing connection for my new (and first!) satellite. After dialing up the occlusion modifiers (so I didn't just get KSC *everywhere*) I'm not getting any additional sites. What are the combination of settings needed to make this happen properly? I now have: Basic: Enable Comm Network Advanced: Enable Extra Groundstations -- This allowed me to get more signal sources. KK: Enable Commnet Groundstations "Leave Stock Commnet" is disabled. I was only able to get additional signal sources by turning on "Enable Extra" above, but there doesn't seem to be an open station/base at those locations. I had a roughly equatorial orbit, and my probe was picking up Nye Island (which isn't open), and completely ignoring the visually-marked Roundrange station/no connection line. Should KK stations be "working" even though they'e not open?
  22. The *Tiny tiny tiny tiny tiniest* reminder....
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