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Everything posted by sjwt

  1. normally Id say one to two working days, but they are often behind at release times due to a flood of requests, have they gotten back to you yet?
  2. Sadly the cut off had to be set somewhere, and it was set at a time when the discussion came up, early adopters still got the bargain of getting the game at a discounted price. Just remember your store login is different to your KSP forum account, perhaps you set it up with a different email address.
  3. I cant speak for the Xbox specifically, but there has been an issue where if you get close but fail to dock the ports automatically repel each other, and you need to move a certain distance away before trying again.
  4. That is a really cool find, thanks man.
  5. I think we should stay on topic guys, arguing over preferences for artwork levels is not constructive, nor a specific need of this thread.
  6. Its been a pleasure working with you sal, I now formally accept the title of "Person silly enough to sticking around longest on the moderation team".. You have been a very welcome asset to the community for a long time, and your shoes both very large and very smelly to fill Good luck man, hoep to catch you around.
  7. And that's easy to do in the CFG file, its been a while but im sure someone will pick me up if wrong, lets say ten fold weight and consumption of resources and only a 7 and a half increase in power Find the file in GameData\Squad\Parts\Engine\ionEngine And change the following lines mass = 0.25 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 2 atmosphereCurve { key = 0 4200 key = 1 100 key = 1.2 0.001 } mass = 2.5 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 15 atmosphereCurve { key = 0 3150 key = 1 75 key = 1.2 0.001 ((not sure this can go lower but try 0.00075)) } If you saw my earlier post, ISP amounts dont need to be changed as much.. dur fuel flow is determined by thrust and ISP, up the thrust and it will suck proportionally more fuel. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Changing_Part_Configuration_Files
  8. Xenon thrusters are a very week drive in real life, you are free to mod the part your self in the config file and up the power, or download a mod.
  9. Perhaps this is what you are thinking of, the now discontinued kerbal ap https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kspstore/index.php?p=24
  10. @Ultimate Steve @JakGamingKSP @Jarin @Abastro Link to Squads downloads for older free versions..
  11. Guys, can we please keep this on topic, this is not the place for bagging out the current system, please keep that to a relevant thread.
  12. Your report and accusation has been evaluated and found to be true, we will look at striping Van of all KSP interactions until such time as their is no decent on the forums, your actions in bringing this to out attention are truly inspirational.
  13. And lets keep on track guys, Im sure we dont need to debate homeopathy here.
  14. Please the OP in the mechjeb thread and the link about Developer versions, if that isnt working for you then Im sorry you're out of luck untill its updated, if you are experiencing an issue with that version, see if that bug has been reported, if not follow the instructions about reporting a bug. Closing thread.
  15. Ive had this issue before, and had to clear cache and restart browser to fix..
  16. Guys, it might seem all fun and games, but lets try not to mix up too much Kerblising with a K and political statements or digs.
  17. Granted, but that feature is a update that brakes careers and all mods permanently I wish for MOAR cats
  18. Indeed, there is no reason to close this thread down, a slight trim maybe, lets keep this thread open and nice guys.
  19. Well I did pay full price for the EDU version, and I also paid for the Kerberliser so that's got to count for double its self before even the EDU version, right?
  20. I paid $10 back when the game "cost" $5 because I'm a nice guy.
  21. sjwt

    Dev notes

    And that solves that
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