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Everything posted by monstah

  1. I usually tell people I'm afraid of heights. I'm actually terrified of THIS.
  2. What are we taking to Duna beside a lander? Will we want to leave orbital accomodations? I could do a mini-station to bring along Conqueror, as habitation/relay. Also, how much would it interfere if we used "stockified" plugins? As in, add some KAS space to manned pods using MM. Will it bug out the save for those people without KAS or MM? Even if it doesn't, will it persist after such a player uses the file, so the next player with such mods get access to it? Anyway, I'm doing some hab pods, if they're welcome on Duna I dock them to Conqueror, otherwise Kerbin's decorative station. I can't see the dropbox file from my work firewall, has anyone called dibs currently? Otherwise, me, me!
  3. Elon Musk is overhyped! And with that I just annyoed myself Teasers for Fringe that called it "The new X-Files" were written by people who never watched either series Actually taking it off my chest.
  4. Just beside the launchpad: "CHECK YOUR STAGING AND BON VOYAGE"
  5. Besides, RCS is fine control enough to setup a KSO or a synchronized constellation which will stay in synch for months of timewarp, just by eyeballing orbital period on KER readouts.
  6. I never did one of these. I'm in! My two cents: a good way to share information in a save is with some READ ME flags stuck on the launch pad. Can't miss them, remove when obsolete. - - - Updated - - - I've learned long ago to set a flag named CHECK YOUR STAGING just beside the craft. I recommend!
  7. Now summon Betlegeuse! Anyway, to me it's most of the above, but the thing that struck me the most since I began playing was the ammount I learned of orbital mechanics.
  8. Doesn't affect anything? How about my OCD??
  9. Can you place them on snapped angles with KAS? I've used it to fix them, but the result is always crooked.
  10. I too find sandbox lacking an objective, but currently Career isn't much better, either. What it's really lacking are story-based contracts, like the wonderful ones from Mission Controller Extended. I've been thinking for a very long time about making some contracts with some sort of story progression. But... Soonâ„¢.
  11. I never understood why SQUAD decided to "correct" the rocket to be sideways in the VAB, instead of, say, putting it properly on the launch pad?
  12. 1 - I rotate my rockets IN THE VAB. Oh how I wish they'd start this way... 2 - SUICIDE! 3 - IJKLHN. Why switch modes when you can use both at the same time? - - - Updated - - - To expand a little on 2, while my craft is coasting down Suicide Avenue, I do some smaller burns to kill both vertical and horizontal speed, aiming to bring my apoapsis down to the ship's current position while keeping impact site in place. Works like a charm.
  13. I believe that action is triggered in every stage, unfortunately. There is, however, a mod called Smart Parts that might help you. It has, for example, a part which is added to the stage list, and when staged activates one of the predefined action groups. So, instead of setting your actions to the Stage group, you set them to one of the numbered groups, and tell the part in the second stage to activate that action group when it's staged. - - - Updated - - - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64227-0-90-Smart-Parts-V1-5-1-KSP-AVC-and-AGX-Compatibility-Jan-8 here it is.
  14. Well, yeah, that second line IS a counter example to the Last Theorem. Or, rather, would be, if it were correct...
  15. Regarding the expanding parts on VAB bug: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/63109-0-23-Modulefixer second page has a post linking to a re-upload on Dropbox, but read first post for explanation
  16. Right mouse works, but not as in the rest of the game: it's a right click to toggle between mouse movement and cursor control.
  17. 0.17 From the results, seems Steam got many new users? - - - Updated - - - as in: KSP launching on Steam got many new KSP users. Should have been "players". Just clarifying.
  18. monstah

    Portal 2

    Love the two games. Infinite Testing Initiative was an awesome idea, unfortunately the players never come up with maps as good as Valve's, so I don't feel like playing anymore after beating them...
  19. Bravest little Vulcan of them aaalllll...
  20. Plug your butts, people, today we're going to space.
  21. I have taken no care at all of my iPhone (one could say I strive to see it's limits) and I've never broken it or seriously scratched it (a few minor scratches from time) in over two years. I'm seriously impressed by Gorilla Glass.
  22. And I did not see this before how? +install+rep+yay
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