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Everything posted by Jiraiyah

  1. @Kottabos Hi dude, mind doing a little video for this tool? although i have one for my own channel but i assume you have tons more viewers for ksp stuff
  2. @FreeThinker sir your last post and the op page says 2.2.4 but the link in curse says 2.2.3?
  3. this obviously needs kopernicus and that mod is being under updating so you should wait for that mod to be updated first, and please don't bother their team, they are already working on it
  4. "Added a new API to change the range of ground stations. " I hope this won't change the way we add stations to the ground in configs? " Added a new option slider: range multiplier for ground stations / mission control. " correct me if i am wrong, so in case of root mode for a balanced connection both connection range multiplier and this new one should be set to 0.5? by the way, thanks for the release sir
  5. you can already say how noob i am to ksp, didn't play from old days of 0.9
  6. Totally agreed You know, I wish some tallented man or woman come up with a mod that would let us choose smaller buttons for just the stock bar, i mean, we can make the whole gui smaller but we don't have control over the stock bar alone, would be nice to have a setting just for that part of the gui, i think smaller buttons wouldn't hurt anything but would help a lot
  7. trust me, if i knew how to handle the issues with heat change and how to do ksp mod development myself, i would go against all the rules at least to have a working copy for myself :/ i hope one day people develop a rule or copy right for these kind of situations at least for modding games so that when the developers become MIA others could pick up the torch and run
  8. another idea for upgrading, can it be done so that freezing would be aborted normally after certain amount of time and upgrading would give longer time until the last tear that would keep kerbals frozen until you say other wise (current version's behavior) ?
  9. @Malah Hi sir, I tried your quick load mod last night in combination with Stock Visual Enhancement and,.... well, the clouds or city lights won't show up, if you used that mod without quick load, you will see that the clouds around kerbin in main menu pop around kerbin around 1 to 2 seconds after the scene is being loaded, I think, for some reason, your mod bypassing this phase is causing the issue, not sure what event handler is being bypassed there but taking quick load out of list will fix the problem on SVE
  10. well, when i asked the question, i meant how would it interfere with commnet in the meaning that would it add sort of enforcement for people to use it? would it disable any section of commnet for time being or it would just be there side by side commnet so that people can start their network until later update come?
  11. I know it's not part of your mod and i know that your mod is working without the patch, what i think causes the problem is that it's adding it to the whole parts with command module in them including probe cores? @SpannerMonkey(smce) can you please help me find a proper patch for this to be added to every cabin part? that would help I'm new to MM else i would do it myself
  12. sorry sorry but i hate when i see they get a good idea and tweak it so that even a six years old kid could play with no problem (they could have put two modes in configs you know ) and that would screw things up for modding community, i really respect mod developers, they put so much effort in adding something to game for others with little to no gain other than self satisfaction that they made many people happy. sorry, i may missed it, with all the rush between 40 forum threads to track my mod pack that can happen
  13. @linuxgurugamer hi sir still getting this problem in 0.1.6, is there anything wrong in that patch or do we need a fix for this? here is the patch :
  14. damn right, if squad was gonna add a sat network, why didn't they include remote tech as it is instead of going on their marry way and adding half assed system?
  15. oh well, trust me, if i could, i would open stock parts every now and then and get rid of some of the colliders and tweak their configs till i would be happy, why don't they understand that mesh vertices are not that heavy on game engines these days any more ? even a laptop can handle up to 100k or more vertices per view without hiccups
  16. yup that is what i mean by needing time, the new mechanics needs some code read and dive into the mechanics to make sure remote tech stays on top of it
  17. sigh, i guess with all the mechanics that 1.2 added relating to communication network, remote tech will be one of the last mods that could make it to an update, damn i want my network to be started before doing anything serious :/
  18. Oh damn, can't wait to test that copula like pod, my main issue with copula in stock is it's collider, surface attached stuff hide under it's external round part gah
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