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Everything posted by Proot

  1. NavBall texture replacement! Great improvement! And btw, the breathable atmospheres configuration is perfect for Laythe... as always, many thanks for your work, Saw. I'm gonna use it right now!
  2. That is a feature from the Texture Replacer mod. Check that thread, you can disable it if you don't like it. 0.25 version very soon. First the "core" pack, including the necessary plugins for easier installs. Later the "extras". You'll love it. Promise.
  3. I replace the textures with Texture Replacer, so your info is fantastic, but the solution is not so easy with archives where the normal map is originally called "model001".
  4. Sun flare done! The result is quite good! Now, Im trying to know why some parts reacts so bad to my new normal maps (some parts works well, like the mk1-2 pod, but others need some other kind of (gray?) normal ) I would appreciate any help in this regard.
  5. Wow. Beautiful job here. I was doing a texture replacement for the stock tanks, in a very-very similar way... but now I'm ashamed. (wasted time, lol) I l-o-v-e the new rocket engines, seriously, I'm in love. I wish you could do the bigger ones (sorry, I'm a bit outdated, this models are yours?).
  6. I'm not able to modify the asset in 0.25 to include the new sun flare... I can extract the asset without problems, but I can't save properly the .dds change. Can someone explain me why?
  7. I allways play 32 bit in windows... Maybe is a memory problem?
  8. I'm playing 0.25 with 7-4, absolutely no problem.
  9. I was thinking... whit this mod, would be possible to hide the orbits trails in the map mode when you press F2? (the key for hide the interface) That will be awesome to take captures ingame and to gain inmersion in determined moments.
  10. Yes, "PmK" is CC By-NC-SA and, of course, you have all my permission and blessings to update it or even include it in TR if you want. Would be a complete honour. Oh, and you know, anything you want or need you only need to tell me. Btw, the dump of texture names will be extremely helpful, many thanks for the new version!
  11. ATM 7-4 (the stable and "official" version) works perfectly... 9-2 is a dev version and yes, is very promising and have a lot of improvements, but have some issues yet... and you can only tweak Kerbin, so is not valid for KSPRC. Meanwhile I'm still working with 7-4 EVE, probably even for the new release of KSPRC. I try to not push to rbray89 too much, I respect his work a lot... EVE, is with TR from Shaw, my favorite mods. Both, for me, improves the visual game experience in the highest ways that KSP can handle atm. And the development of a mod like EVE is quite hard for only one person, IMHO. I think the modders work better with support from the community and with fun with his works than under the hype pressure about his creations.
  12. I'm not updating PmK pack anymore, sorry. But that pack is completely open to any modiffication while you specify the origin in case of a new redistribution. Maybe in KSPRC (in the future) I could do new suits. For the moment new heads are ready for the new version, including new females inspired in Valentina Tereshkova (first woman on space) or Ripley (in Alien 3). I would like to do my own Mortimer.
  13. My bad, EVE 7-4 seems to work very well in 0.25, the problem comes with the texture management mod (atm I don't know if this problem comes from the mod or comes with the change of the names in the new version). Right now I can run KSPRC using the Texture Replacer compression, but I don't know if this will be possible for people with not so much RAM as me. I still working in new or better textures for tanks and other pieces, skybox improvement, (estetic) rings for Jool (probably with KittopiaSpace, until EVE reaches that goal), a own light flare, new planet effects, and other minor adjustments. If you have any nice idea, I'm all ears. Thanks all!
  14. Hi, shaw! Thanks for your amazing mod, great as always. I have a question: would be possible to change the textures of the kerbal scientists and workers inside the buildings and the menus of the game? (with this version) If the answer is yes, could you explain me how?
  15. KSPRC try to fake some similar effect via EVE. But yet I'm developing better results.
  16. Partial. I'm gonna update to 0.25 as soon as possible (but sadly EVE is not completely operational yet).
  17. I hesitate between releasing a new version now or wait for version 0.25 Just now I'm quite busy in my real life but KSP remains as a priority in my leisure.
  18. Quick feedback from my firsts experiencies with 9-2 overhaul, excuse my limited english: 1º. Looks amazingly promising. A great step on, congrats rbray. 2º. Run OK on 32 bit windows and linux, some clouds issues in 64bit windows (absences -in square path- in the cloud texture from space). 3º. Two great but weird things for me, modding the mod: - Oceans: despite the tiling (my bad, I have a new and better texture for the water if you want it) the new system is great, but the reflection in the water is ilogical for me... the reflection follows the camera. But IMHO a realistic reflection should be a point related to the sun (the point from where the reflection should come -I assume-). Like in this capture of your 7-3 version in KSPRC: http://i.imgur.com/XcclwQ1.jpg In the modern pictures from space you can see how the light from the sun over the oceans acts like a kind of mirror. - Clouds: now the clouds appears when the camera moves! great! much more realistic, but now the clouds particles appears always over my camera, with no relation with the kerbin1 texture. So I always have a "window" of clouds over, even in sunny days. It's my bad? It's a bug? It's a non yet included feature in 9-2? I think that worked in the "right" way in 7-3. <-- EDITED: Solved after restart. Nevermind. 4º. No way to "translate" older settings for this version? I usually write the modifications and I only use the GUI for small changes, so the changes in the structure are a small pain in my ass. Ey, but not complaining! Thanks again for your great work rbray89.
  19. I don't think so. Not for the moment (maybe with the future EVE). Now, in KSPRC sunsets starts from a greenish tone to a more realistic light decomposition, which I find as a pretty cool kerbalish detail for Kerbin. Other things: Right now I'm writing from my very old netbook. I'm afraid that I've taken a pair of bad choices in my main computer... In linux I've updated to the new nvidia propietary drivers... bad choice 1. Result: kernel panic from the start, unrecoverable system... (remain free, my friends!) That leads me to reinstall my main computer... which btw is quite old by now (quad with a nvida from 9 series and 5gb of crappy DDR2 ram)... With Windows 8.1 as secondary SO (sadly needed for my works)... very bad choice 2. What the hell was thinking MS when they decided to sell that crap to desktop users??? Like we say in Spain (quite related): "my economy is not for launching rockets" right now... and spend my limited money in crap like W8 just to have a standard framework for graphic design... that **** me off for real! Please people, be patient and give me some days to rebuild the OP, the new releases and so on...
  20. I like both suggestions ("framework mods" and the side notes for each mod). That is like this will be done. Blackheart was using a "brute replacement", as phoenix says. I'm using that pack in TR with only a little problem with the poddle, where I've done a "brute" change of the original texture (for the moment).
  21. Please, can someone provide me a correct word to use instead "dependency"? While I fix this I want to avoid this problem again.
  22. I'm working to get a simpler installation and upgrades, as well as to include two, maybe even three new sets of ATM/TR configs (with softer and even harder savings than now), in order to bring closer the pack to more people with less powerful computers or to make the work more easy for the 64bit linux user. I'm working too in a new README for the pack to include new, more clear instructions, with especifications about each change done. And probably revised by a couple of english natives, to avoid mistakes. I'm truly sorry if I've said something in wrong terms. That was not my intention, in absolutely. This will be solved easy with more of my work and less of my nonsense english jibba-jabba. Excuse me again.
  23. Happy about that report! But keeps me more intrigued in the castun's problem... And don't worry Obsessed!, we are here to discuss about this type of things. I only feel some type of impotence because I can't speak the english so right as I speak my native idiom (yet), and that bother me because sometimes I think I'm revolving too much for give a proper answer to your questions... or I worry about sounding too "hard"?, too rude?, biting?. Well, you know... I'm here to help all of you; I would try to re-write the OP in the future to be more specific and more clear with the problems encountered until this moment.
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