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Everything posted by Proot

  1. Seriously, this is a Shaw win, he tweaked the shader. I wasn't able to do it work.
  2. Oooh mama! Shaw did it again! It's full of stars!
  3. Above 1 produces saturation in the reflection but nothing change. I think this is a small bug: the layer with the reflection seems to be under the visor reflection texture. Don't should be it over the texture? Take a look: http://i.imgur.com/IoyyzTr.jpg Reflection is there (supersaturated) but seem to be under the texture visor.
  4. No, the PNG have only a 10% of transparency and is a dark ocre tone, but rising the values seem very reasonable. I do that a lot of times in other configs but never thought about do it here, I'll try, thanks!
  5. Pure gold information, my incapacity is so evident... Thank you Sarbian!! Sounds well! I'm gonna try it if I have a little of time.
  6. My values are: visorReflectionColour = 1 0.85 0.85 Like in my above screenshoot with the previous version. The only change: I've moved the opaque .jpg visor to 10% transparent .png Transparency and reflections are working, but the reflection now is barely visible.
  7. @Shaw now, with the same values than before in visorReflectionColour, I get a barely visible reflection. Should I change something more in the shader to get the same strong effect?
  8. Great!! HaHa! And what a coincidence. You gonna see why very soon...
  9. I see... Thanks stubbles. It was driving me crazy trying to avoid that star shape... Is not completely ugly, but its very weird see the smoke coming out from launchpad's concrete... I was assuming this is completely my fault, you give us an awesome tool here! Thank you! This is what I was trying to reach (excuse a so quick sketch): Great tip, very appreciated, thank you very much!
  10. I achieve those effects, but the behaviour of my grounded particles comes out much more quickly and in a star shape (ignoring the launch pad in some points) . I can't avoid that, as much I try. (And I've tried A LOT) The particles grow and aspect in my configs is very cool, but when my grounded particles hit on other objects in horizontal direction (as the tank at a side of the launch pad) they come out bounced very quick in 45º angle, ruining the effect . Neither I'm able to fit the flame and the start of the smoke trail and at the same size. I wish my flames would end bigger than the emisor and at the same size at smoke starts. Similar to this nothke's magnificent: Another little-big thing that I hate: the damn separated ball effect of my trails at high speeds.
  11. I'm becoming mad trying to achieve realistic FX. Not only with smoke (the parallel hitting behaviour of my particles is simply absurd, It seems like the smoke go on skate) but also with the growth of the %&$# flames... Moments when you realize how limited you are.
  12. As you wish, but obviously as small as you can. Shaw uses 32x32, I'm monkeying with 128x128.
  13. It's a small photoshop trick: when resizing the image that you want to use in the visor reflection, try to use "nearest" resampling. That produce a much more "sharper" image, which maintains the main details in detriment of the image smoothing. (I hope I explained, lol) That's not cool at all for photo edition, but is very cool and produce very optimized small images to use as fake reflections.
  14. If I put debris visible the game produces some type of bug during launch at some altitude point, and my ships are shooted out (uncontrollables) from kerbol system at VERY high speeds. I'm the only one?
  15. Wow Daemoria, stubbles and you are lifting up the roof of the rocket modding. That looks amazing! You are pushing me to remove the dust from my Zbrush. Maybe I should do the legs that I've looking so much...
  16. Completely agree. Rbray, Shaw and many others are the real stars here. Please give reputation and be grateful with the modders who make this possible. All this would be useless without their work.
  17. My top side of the skyboy reflection remains flipped in some way. :S <- WRONG EDIT: Excuse me, flipped side is EnvMap Positive Y. 1 horizontal mirroring + 1 vertical mirroring fix it. 128x128 optimized reflections, all curiously lightweight than my previous visor texture. Great work Shaw!
  18. That means is doesn't render against background? Can we use transparency visors under the the reflective?! Shaw, dear God, you are my *#%& hero! EDit: sadly I can't give you more rep yet!
  19. Oh! Thanks, but is not necessary, as I was saying, it's done (time ago) for my next release (coming soonTM). Sorry, don't have better shoots right now:
  20. I'm afraid that I don't understand very well you comment, and maybe (surely) I don't explain myself correctly (sorry, my english is not the best...). But anyway, forget my comment, you have all right to do any patch you want.
  21. I not claiming anything... but my avatar is similar and is the patch (done) for my next pack... could you let me that one?
  22. Shaw if I use .tcfg settings for TR, visor transparency and visor reflections stops working. Even if specify false compression for the reflections... What I'm doing wrong? config_enabled = true NORMAL_LIST { texture = TextureReplacer/Default/EVAjetpackNRM texture = TextureReplacer/Default/EVAtextureNRM texture = TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalHelmetNRM texture = TextureReplacer/Default/kerbalMainNRM texture = TextureReplacer/GenericKerbals/Blue/kerbalMainNRM texture = TextureReplacer/GenericKermins/Orange/kerbalMainNRM } OVERRIDES { TextureReplacer/[^/]* { compress = false mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = true } TextureReplacer/EnvMap/.* { compress = false mipmaps = false scale = 1 max_size = 0 } } I want your texture compression (sightly less harder than TM) for TR's textures, and the rest of texture handling (including mipmapping and managing normals) for TM... but dont' seem to work well.
  23. Looks amazing, may I know the growing settings for that smoke?
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