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Everything posted by Proot

  1. Thank you pizza! I think it is a great, great mod and that type of features could make it a huge hit.
  2. First of all, thank you again for this, pizzaoverhead. But... Do it as priority, please, immo is the most important feature to reach exit with this mod. I love this mod, a lot (¡a lot!), but I can't use it in my main install... too easy get a RAM crash with mods and a few songs...
  3. wow that video looks amazing, but maybe the particle is making a too tiled effect? No way to add size variation for the particles? Using small particles at the "edges" of the clouds and bigger ones in the center would result in a more realistic look and probably needing less calculations (a bit more particles at cloud edges but much less in the center). Anyway amazing work rbray.
  4. My "Pimp my Kerbals" pack has a "default" texture head in his Default folder (my enhacement of the stock version). The Kerbal one that appears in the opening. Delete heads you don't like and use a copy of that to override at your taste.
  5. Immo stock navball style and configuration is better for multi-purposes, but if someone is really interested in emulate the Apollo missions, I've found the best texture possible here: http://www.calsoft.de/~christian/AGC/ You're welcome.
  6. Great response, thank you. So, if I understand well, this is not compatible with RPM (this mod is not showed by RPM monitors), but don't cause bugs in RPM or ingame if both are present, isn't it? In that case not problem!, is understandable and maybe you should specify that is a "fancy" incompatibility, not a functional incompatibility.
  7. Good tracks Yannick!. I love Destiny don't wait, over all. I wish use it in someone of my incoming (non-comecial) KSP videos. Could it be? (of course expliciting you as the composer and music artist) What type of rights have that song?
  8. "Plugins that feature cameras in a separate window may be incompatible" Is this about mods like raster prop monitor? I love this idea, and I want to download and use it, but I play now close to 100% HOTAS and cannot play now without that type of assistance... Someone could explain me this better?
  9. WOW. This sounds great. I give it a try. But btw... I'm the only one that realized that this mod allow ingame time bullet scenes in KSP??? Glorious!
  10. Can't test it just now, but tell us a little about so promising volumetric clouds project. Are generated in the main and/or detail texture place or they just appears randomly?
  11. This effect: from space, at least, is easy to reproduce as a new layer of city lights, if rbray could implement random light blinks, of course...
  12. With that you are overriding the complete 000_Toolbar folder (that's what the "/.*" means). But probably no problem, in the specific case of toolbar, graphics are small icons of a few kB... so you don't gonna lose memory compression in general terms.
  13. Está bien. Si accedes desde aquí va sin problema, así como si te logueas en la web... el tema es que a Spaceport se le va la pinza a veces con algunos enlaces, y hace esas cosas, o les pone un botón de "buy now" en el botón de "download" (aunque sigue bajando el mod gratis, claro). No se, locuras de spaceport, se solucionará solo dentro de un tiempo, como siempre. XD
  14. Hola!, puedes encontrar multitud de modelos de naves "prefabricadas" en Spaceport: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/ Si quieres entender mejor ambos modos de juego llegas justo a tiempo, no hace mucho que unos cuantos foreros hemos creado una traducción parcial al castellano: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64165-Plugin-0-23-Traducci%C3%B3n-al-castellano-Mods-KSPeC-1-1-Actualizado-14-2-2014 Puedes probar también existe Mech Jeb como mod de pilot automático, aunque te lo recomiendo sólo para ir aprendiendo, porque ir en piloto automático siempre le quita mucha gracia al juego: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mechjeb/ Suerte, y si necesitas algo más por aquí estamos.
  15. You are very talented so probably this works perfectly. I'm more concerned about duplicated mipmaps with huge textures (as 8k Kerbin). My memory usage is allways at the limit and I must be careful to avoid crashes. EDIT: Np. I'm trying it and I don't know how or why, but works better than never. U are a genius, thank you very much!
  16. Great achievement shaw, many thanks as community member. One question about the mipmap generation: If I have Texture Compressor Mod installed, is not doing that job already? Or is the Mipmap generation left to TC if it's present, like the compression?
  17. Efectivamente, me he puesto al día de MM y todo lo que dices es correcto. Creo que el caso de los archivos de ciencia necesita @ en todas las entradas porque MM sólo trata como "bloques" las partes de stock de squad, el resto como entradas independientes. De hecho con vuestro formato los títulos no se traducen. Hay que colocarlos fuera de ese grupo, junto a RESULTS. Ya tengo el arreglo hecho y 100% funcional y estoy comprobando que todo anda bien; en cuanto esté hecho lo subo a spaceport.
  18. Haré una nueva versión en breve intentando solucionar los problemas de los archivos de ciencia y añadiendo si puedo las nuevas traducciones de fitiales. Sed pacientes y de momento usad las traducciones de spaceport. Obviamente los resultados científicos no funcionarán, pero menos es nada.
  19. Agradezco mucho la solución, pero por favor con una línea de ejemplo basta, borra el resto lo antes posible, es un tremendo spoiler para los que no han jugado aun...
  20. Please, read mod's config, you just need to comment/uncomment a line... // Kerbal on EVA is spawned without a helmet and in its IVA suit when on a // planet with oxygen in its atmosphere (Kerbin and Laythe in the stock solar // system) and air pressure is at least `atmSuitPressure` in bars. // Uncomment the following line to always use complete EVA suit with jetpack. //isAtmSuitEnabled = false // Minimum air pressure required for Kerbals to spawn in IVA suits. // Default value is 0.5. //atmSuitPressure = 0.5
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