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  1. Failure is not an option - these words, the most famous quote from Gene Kranz, one of NASA's first Flight Director and probably the most famous Flight Director to ever live... January 31st 1967. "Spaceflight is terribly unforgiving, of perelesness, incapacity for neglect, I don't know what the Thompson committee will find as the cause of this accident. But i know what i find, we were the cause: the simulators weren't ready, our software in mission control didn't function. Procedures weren't complete nothing we did had any shelf life and no one stood up and said stop. Now from this day forward, mission control will be known by two words: tough and competent, tough meaning we will never again shirk from our responsibility because we are forever accountable for what we do or what we fail to do. Competent, we will never take anything for granted - we will never stop learning - when you leave here today you will write these two words on your blackboard, tough and competent and they will never be erased. They will serve as a constant reminder to the sacrificial of Grissom, White and Chaffee. That's all" - Gene Kranz Flight: Plane Crew: Jebediah Result: The plane took flight after Jebediah accidently took the gear down, as it couldnt take off it was recovered RP-0 you may want to fix the first flight objectives! anyways thats it for now, a very humerous start to the program with a switch only not a rocket or an engine, a switch and some wheels!
  2. Hello KSP fans! I have recently installed a full RSS, RO, RP-0 version of KSP (just like scott manleys instruction video) since I really admire the realism of it and the challenges it brings. I am now working on the first sattelite to safely re-enter from orbit, but of course it explodes in style during reentry. The thing is I don't know why and it might actually be a bug, or I am just missing something. I hope you guys can help me! the problem: For reentry I aim the periapsis at about 65-70 km height, I have a probe body (able avionics package) and some science experiments all with a heatshield attached and a parachute. Even though everything is definitely behind the heatshield during reentry, first the two antennas kind off on the side of the shield start to heat up and eventually explode. Weird, but I don't care about that. Later however, when the G forces really start to pile up, my probebody starts to heat up! It will then eventually explode and since it is a structural part of the vessel that means game over. I don't understand since the body is not directly behind the heatshield, it is in the middle and it is one size smaller than the shield. I have tried this with multiple reentry trajectories but it always happens. I hope you guys can help me! Here is a screenshot of the situation just before explosion, notice that all other parts (including wider ones) are fine: Bloody image does not want to insert, it's here: https://imgur.com/a/ftCQd
  3. Hi everyone, I've been having some issues trying to re-enter earth's atmosphere in RO. I have a small orbital science craft that i've been trying to return to earth from LEO (about 200km). I've tried setting my perigee to anywhere between 80km to 40km. The issue is that the probe (and everything directly behind the heat shield) is heating up and exploding, in some cases, even before the shield starts ablating. My first thought is that the shield heats up and the heat is transferred to whatever is touching it, so I've experimented with putting different things between the probe and the shield but I still get the same result. The probe heats up and explodes, due to it's much lower heat tolerance. I'm not an engineer or anything but it would seem to me that a heat shield is supposed to, you know, shield things from heat? I'm I missing something?
  4. Typically, as the thrust produced depends on the propeller used and the airspeed, propeller engine performance IRL is measured in horsepower or kilowatts. As stock propellers require a constant amount of electricity to run, we can find their in-game power consumption in units per second easily—in fact, by just looking at the Resource bars. However, there are 2 potential ways to convert this into real units: A solar panel of a certain area pointed ideally at Kerbol from Kerbin will produce a certain amount of charge per second. An in-game power-per-unit-area figure can be calculated from that. Compare that with Earth's 1361 W/m3 ideal power-per-unit-area figure. This will of course depend on the efficiency of the solar panels used, but assumptions can be made. More reliably, the Realism Overhaul mod suite has a conversion factor from units of electric charge to Watts in case a part specifies its power consumption that way. So, it should be possible to measure the power output of stock propeller engine. It should also be possible, though difficult, to measure the mechanical efficiency of the engine by taking into account the rotary's* moment of inertia, angular acceleration, and cruise angular velocity. Has anyone ever thought of this before? Regardless, if you have made a stock propeller aircraft, please post the power output of the planes and engines you've made, as well as preferably their masses. Posting mechanical efficiency would be really awesome. *Most KSP stock props are technically rotary engines.
  5. I actually found this out a couple of months ago on accident, and thought nothing major of it until recently when I badly had an urge to play stock again for its simpler plane construction mechanics, greater exploitability, etc. The question I have is this: Is it safe? I'm worried playing stock KSP (of course, not on the same savegames) while still having RSS, RO, and RP-0 installed may crash it, or corrupt my savefiles. Will it?
  6. I want to create custom configs for solid rocket motors to simulate fictional and alternate historical rockets, yet I can't locate anything that gives the propellant quantity in either mass or volume. Is it in a different file or what? Here's an example config file for the Castor 1 in case you want to take a look: // ================================================== // Castor 1 solid rocket motor global engine configuration. // Throttle Range: N/A // Burn Time: 28 s // O/F Ratio: 2.12 // Sources: // Thrust Misalignments of Fixed Solid Rocket Motors: http://rsandt.com/media/Thrust%20Misalignments%20of%20Fixed-Nozzle%20Solid%20Rocket%20Motors.pdf // The Satellite Encyclopedia - Castor Series: https://www.tbs-satellite.com/tse/online/lanc_castor.html // Used by: // Squad // ================================================== @PART[*]:HAS[#engineType[Castor-1]]:FOR[RealismOverhaulEngines] { %category = Engine %title = Castor 1 %manufacturer = Thiokol %description = The Castor 1 was first used for a successful suborbital launch of a Scout X-1 rocket on September 2, 1960. Castor 1 stages were also used as strap-on boosters for launch vehicles using Thor first stages, including the Delta-D. Diameter: [0.79 m]. @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { %EngineType = SolidBooster } !MODULE[ModuleGimbal],*{} !MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs],*{} MODULE { name = ModuleEngineConfigs type = ModuleEngines configuration = Castor-1 modded = false CONFIG { name = Castor-1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 286 heatProduction = 100 PROPELLANT { name = PSPC ratio = 1.0 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 247 key = 1 232 } curveResource = PSPC // guesses (note: max is above nominal * thrust_curve_max) chamberNominalTemp = 1500 maxEngineTemp = 1745 thrustCurve { key = 0 0.2 0.6566457 0.6566457 key = 0.08 0.7826234 11.38028 11.38028 key = 0.12 1.091428 0 0 key = 0.177 1.072238 -0.3012535 -0.3012535 key = 0.832 0.9977316 0.2489114 0.2489114 key = 0.91 1.052388 1.565168 1.565168 key = 0.9730649 1.160696 0 0 key = 1 0.93 -4.794868 -6.284284 } } } !MODULE[ModuleAlternator],*{} !RESOURCE,*{} } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs]:HAS[@CONFIG[Castor-1]],!MODULE[TestFlightInterop]]:BEFORE[zTestFlight] { TESTFLIGHT { name = Castor-1 ratedBurnTime = 28 ignitionReliabilityStart = 0.91 ignitionReliabilityEnd = 0.994 cycleReliabilityStart = 0.94 cycleReliabilityEnd = 0.997 reliabilityDataRateMultiplier = 2 isSolid = True } } Also, how do you unscramble the thrustCurve for this? It's not simple like it is for the Star 48B or other motors?
  7. I finded old tool for just RemoteTech. Adding another antennas and bodies not a problem - problem that this tool use 'standard' model, but RO use 'root' model of RT calc.
  8. I would like to know how I should make a MM patch to make some Non RO parts tagged as RO. I tried with this method but It didn't work. The mod (at the moment , I'll do more RO patches in future for other mods) is NEBULA DECALS. Thank you for your help!
  9. Hi all, I'm trying to make an E-1 upgrade which increases its thrust and slightly raises its Isp, but when I load it up in game it doesn't show up. I tried just copying the existing E-1 upgrade and tweaking it but that didn't work. I tried googleing it but that didn't yield anything useful. Any suggestions? CONFIG { name = E-2 description = Speculative upgrade configuration for the E-1. minThrust = 2744.064954 maxThrust = 2744.064954 heatProduction = 100 massMult = 1.0 ullage = True pressureFed = False ignitions = 1 IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 0.5 } IGNITOR_RESOURCE { name = TEATEB amount = 1 } PROPELLANT { name = Kerosene ratio = 0.3929 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = LqdOxygen ratio = 0.6071 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 305 key = 1 277 } techRequired = heavierRocketry cost = 550 } } !MODULE[ModuleAlternator],*{} !RESOURCE,*{} RESOURCE{ name = TEATEB amount = 1 maxAmount = 1 } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs]:HAS[@CONFIG[E-2]],!MODULE[TestFlightInterop]]:BEFORE[zTestFlight] { TESTFLIGHT { name = E-2 ratedBurnTime = 265 ignitionReliabilityStart = 0.947 ignitionReliabilityEnd = 0.999 cycleReliabilityStart = 0.9575 cycleReliabilityEnd = 0.9927 techTransfer = E-1:100 } Any help is appreciated. Hay
  10. I have been messing with the Engine config files in my copy of KSP 1.2.2 with Real Solar System, Realism Overhaul, and Realistic Progression Zero mods installed, mostly to create fictional engines or engines that do not exist in currently available mods. However, I have not been able to add gimballing to an engine that previously had none. For example, I attempted to add gimbal to the RS-88 engine for an orbital launch vehicle using that to power its first stage and an AJ10 to power its second stage, but even after ~8 attempts at adding and modifying the ModuleGimbal, it still didn't work. What am I doing wrong? Here's the RS-88 code at the final attempt: RS88_Config.cfg - Google Drive
  11. Finally, I did what I had planned a few years ago: I dropped the plane into gas giant. And it didn't broke apart!
  12. The challenge objective is to build a stable space station around all the planets in the solar system Rules: Modules may not contain more than 10 parts (Excluding 2 Docking ports) Crew modules must contain life support for at least 30 days with maximum crew You maybe only use mods that have build in RO configs Modules must only contain RO Required, Suggested, and Recommended mods Only send up one module at a time Any modules most have at least 350 m/s of rendezvous dV If you send up a shuttle, you, and only you, are responsible for landing it Let at least 2 people go before you go again. Orbital Parameters of Earth Station: Inclination: 51.6 degrees Altitude: 500x500 km Docking ports: NASA Docking system, Apollo Docking system Launched from CCAFS Upload saves to here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1GyX57RbExBWVIzUllDd1hhbDQ?usp=sharing
  13. I'm going to send a MAV on Mars almost empty (with just the right amount of Hydrolox fuel to land) and then refuel it trough RealISRU (sadly still not completed, but it works).I need help with methods to extract the fuel from the surface/atmosphere , chemical conversions and some math with it. Landing config: Mars takeoff config: I have 15 months to produce all that fuel.(around 85 tons)
  14. Development branch starts including tooling costs, and roll out costs. Started a hard mode test (300% funds and allow saves) turned off rep mostly since it has no effect. Minimized the mods I'm using including dropping RT and most part packs. Most buildings cost x15 what they did previously and each procedural part has a tooling cost associated with its dimension. so first build of my bumper sounding rocket was over 80k in costs outside the parts and launch costs. (noticed its changed to x5 building costs now that i look again) Currently in February '52, first pad upgrade has gone through, thankfully i bought it as soon as possible. But I'm worried about making it to orbit in time for my contract. My first three launchers were tweaks of this one. Solid engines got broken for a bit so I had to rely on N2 RCS for ullage on upper stages if i didn't hot stage. This is my middle version of a manned SO rocket. Paid for 1.7m tanks and tooling for a cone adapter and 1.25m interstage fairings that got reused on all 5. Did 5 launches suborbital manned, mostly to the 200km AP. Any much farther and reliable re-entry is not a sure thing. Ramped the launchers up to include a retro burn on entry peak heating with the last one. Latest sounding rocket, kind of extreme but still missing that last oomph for orbit. 2 A-9 Boosters, A-9 Main core, topped ASXR double stage each max burntime for one engine, N2 rcs and four rudamentary science instruments. Just barely survives re-entry. Hits 5km/s and Wyoming. Tech purchased (not all earned yet) in early 52 1.2bp/s and 28.25science/yr for KCT
  15. The stock of engines and other parts available to me in my build of KSP RSS RO RP-0 (still 1.1.3, can anyone help me out here?) has become boring. Engine mods provide many of the real engines, but more obscure engines (e.g. the HM4, MGM-5 Corporal engine, Wasserfall engine, AJ-260, et cetera) are nowhere to be found, and I want to make fictional engines for my spaceflight-related fictional universes and alternate histories (like engines burning supercooled 100% ethanol and liquid oxygen, hydrofluor, et cetera). I am also bored of the non-editable historical probes, thermophobic RCS, and the lack of generic heat shields beyond Lunar-rated, though not as much as I am about the engines. I have no intention (currently…) to develop mods for other people. I also have no intention to create new models, animations, plumes, or sound effects, just to use those already in existence scaled according to size.
  16. Hello , I'm trying to land very heavy payloads on Mars and for this I'm using a gliding technique (Pretty much like the Space Shuttle). My first payload , the Mars Ascent Vehicle (201 tons) lands safely on Mars with Gliding+Parachute+Retro rockets As you can see the CoT is below the CoM, which is below the CoL and I can tilt it at 40 degrees without problems (so it's pretty stable). But for some reason.. This is the MDV.It flips in the air if it's more than 25 degrees inclined(I need around 30-40 to slow down) In the Mars Descent Vehicle the CoT is above the CoM and CoL.I have no idea why this happens and how to fix it.Is this why it flips?Thanks for the answers.
  17. Hey guys, check out my new video i made this night!
  18. I'm buidling a deep space probe to Saturn and Jupiter, but the core overheats (on Earth and space) after a few minutes in flight.I'm using an RTG to power it and some radiators to cool it down,but they don't seem to be powerful enough or even to work.I noticed that I produce way too much electricty than I actually need and maybe this is the cause of the overheat. This is the message I get and a picture of the probe for comparsion: So yeah , any solutions?Maybe less power?I really have no idea.
  19. I'm trying to get to Mars in RSS/RO with an heavy ship , insipired by the Constellation program from NASA (2005-2009) and the only mod that gives the BNTR (Bimodal Nuclear Thermal Rocket) engines is way outdated and all the links are broken(mod name : Constellation Essentials).I luckily got the parts from Winged, but they are made for 1.1.3 and I'd like to use them in 1.2.2.The only part that works (1 out of 4 parts) is the engine mount for the BNTRs. I don't know much about modding/fixing ,so I gently ask someone that understands coding and Module Manager to help me.Thanks! Constellation Essentials parts here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yyrs766kcqmd8wg/AACJDLpj2QnMoRmIrsNEq3s3a?dl=0 Part demonstation:
  20. Hi KSP Community.I have a problem: I have to dock two big fuel tanks (around 6-8m diameter) in orbit for a trip to Mars.Realism Overhaul gives you pre-sized docking ports and TweakScale can't modify them.So yeah , solutions?Mods that add more docking ports for RO?A cfg to add more different sized docking ports of the same type?I don't want to modify a pre existing docking port , since I'm already using them on smaller ships and I fear to break them by doing that.Thanks!
  21. In late December, 1949, President Truman gives a historic speech, the culmination of years of diplomacy and burgeoning peace across the world. The most famous line from that speech, goes something like this... "We choose to go to the moon, not because it is easy... but because it is the only thing we have left to do!" And so began a race to space - an attempt to put little green men, and women, on the moon before the end of the Truman presidency, early January 1953. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following will be my RP0 speed-run playthrough, inspired by @soundnfury's Racing into Space mod game, chronicled here I'll also be using @pap1723 new tech tree and contracts, still in development. I won't be doing totally broken things, like breaking the weight limits of a pad by refueling with clamp pumps, but I do intend to push the limits here! Should be a wild ride. Notes and information
  22. So..I'm trying to start a colony on Mars in RSS/RO and I'm pretty much stuck.I landed on the Moon and landed some rovers on Mars , no problem.Now I have to land heavier payload on Mars , but it seems I'm not able to do so. This is what I should land.I already tried everything , from parachutes to big heatshields (I don't have small and powerful retro rockets, sadly).So yeah , that's the problem.Thanks for everyone that gives me a tip.
  23. This is just more than impressive! What do you think about it?
  24. Upcomming live launches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IfPaCViC00 RECENT ANNOUNCEMENTS we have now expanded our community envolvement to discord! https://discord.gg/kCtQSBt we have space for @Uace24 and your staff if you want to pop by we also have a Youtube channel now! we are looking to expand more info on the discord as well as rules hope to see you there! ESL or Earth Satellite Launcher will launch your payload into LEO , im using @Kartoffelkuchen's SpaceX pack and my own launchers LAUNCHING A SATELLITE REQUIREMENTS SUBMISION: thats all you need to know im back in RO RSS because i got bored of stock any feedback feel free to tell me (as thats the only way people get better!) ALL LAUNCHES WILL BE FROM OMELEK ISLAND (WHERE THE FALCON 1 LAUNCHED) im using KOS craft files are public however code isnt only customers can have it (people who want their satilite launched with my rockets) becuasei dont want to give @Uace24 the code mission controll stuff: requirements: a forums account > 5 posts (i think its that for PM's) KOS experience (coder only) RSS/RO experience to not be on @Uace24's mission control team the payload hangar (public only post payloads!!!) https://kerbalx.com/hangars/20648 the rocket manifest hangar: https://kerbalx.com/hangars/20645 discord discusson: https://discord.gg/kCtQSBt youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnDEMKX4Won8xIsu1Bm_WxA
  25. I am looking for a mod which adds space shuttle parts and which is compatible with Realism Overhaul 1.2.2
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