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  1. There are a few things like this that need tightening up. I also just put 4 wheels on a rocket to complete that mission. Also the Laythe plane mission works if you turn on a rapier anywhere in the SOI of Laythe, even though the mission complete text goes onto talk about the atmosphere and how the plane flew. My plane was an engine on the side of a rocket nd it didn't get anywhere near an atmosphere.
  2. I have been strongly considering some flavor of integration with EVE. However, I might implement it such that the effects lead gameplay, rather than the other way around. (that is to say, EVE could supply wind data based on the effects). Also, I don't want EVE to be the only mod that can interact with this thing. However, this is all stuff for the future. I will talk to blaccracc when the time comes. I've been working on this steaming pile of code for a while now (I actually started a few weeks before I posted this thread. This is an idea that has been living rent-free in my brain for some time now). I should be coming out with an alpha release Soon™. :3
  3. The way I see it, it would be non blocking (meaning you could do the same things you can currently do, it wouldn't magically prevent you from landing anywhere for exemple), it's just that instead of getting most of the advance knowledge from the wiki (some of the knowledge I talk about isn't currently visible in the game, though that could change), you would get the option to learn it through the game with science experiments, and it would need to be balance in a way as to not prevent players (especially new comers) from experimenting things by the "trial and error" method while allowing advanced players to better "plan ahead" and optimize their missions even more. That being said, I wouldn't mind at all this being a difficulty option. It would have the additional benefit of allowing the player to optout of discovering everything again in an ulterior playthrough. And even if you don't activate the option in your first playthrough, chances are you won't visit, check and remember data for every system and every planets or moons so you would still have knowledge to "discover" in a new playthrough should you decide to activate it then.
  4. (Take two on convincing the community to be nice (take one) because the first one did not work and I’m more stressed about it this time) Ok so, as it seems, I’m not having an easy time motivating myself to stay active on this community. You may be familiar with my first post. The schism is still here, and therefore I still have more stuff to complain about. So, I’m going to make another post, even longer this time, hopefully this time with better formatting and active correction to remove bias. I really just want this whole thing to calm down. the schism As everyone who’s ever poked KSP2 or these forums with a 39-and-a-half-foot-pole has noticed, there’s a big schism in the community between what is basically two parties engaging in passive aggressive discourse on basically every single forum topic in this entire freaking subforum, even on other sections of the greater forums as a whole. The two sides, as I see it, are: On one side, there are people who have trust in the developers, and believe in a future for the development of KSP2. They see patience as a necessity to a good community, despite the fact a full release was expected 3 years ago. They think the devs aren’t bad people, and they deserve trust and patience. The vision they dreamed of for KSP2 is coming, and all they need is to sit tight and encourage the developers. Eventually, one day, the version of KSP2 they get heart palpitations just thinking about will be here. A few (not all!) members of this side deny there is anything wrong with KSP2, and see genuine constructive criticism as bad. On the other side, there are people who have little to no trust in the developer team’s competency. They see the 6 months of little tangible feature development as a sign that KSP2 is dead, dying, or doomed. The devs did an awful job launching, and the game probably won’t survive very long before T2 pulls the plug on funding. They typically provide genuine constructive criticism of the game, usually with tone issues. Often they think the developers overpromised or are otherwise incapable of meeting their promises, and that the dev team is inefficient or slow at development. A few (not all!) members of this side think KSP2 is a cash grab scheme, or think everyone who bought into the game early has been intentionally misled and can’t see reality. Where do I stand? Well, in the past, I’ve been pretty firmly in the first group, and I think I still am to some degree. However, as I step back a bit, I see the development is going really rough. The game is certainly lackluster in comparison to modding its predecessor, and I enjoy and play KSP1 way more right now. The devs are doing all they can to maintain a positive public image, and can’t, because let’s be honest, the launch was really frickityfracking awful. Communication issues, performance scares, and the incredibly buggy nature of the release has huge and long-lasting effects. Player count is not going up. Things are Not Great. But, how I see it, in my personal opinion, the devs still deserve some slack. The devs faced extreme hardships, and they deserve patience. In my opinion, any predatory release tactics are probably T2’s fault (like, honestly, it’s kinda like, their whole identity at this point in the gaming community). KSP2 is objectively not very good right now, but recently the devs have managed to remove a TON of huge and pressing bugs. Performance has freaking skyrocketed, pun intended, and multiple people I know are now capable of running it on their machines. Foundations have been getting put in place for future updates. I have trust in the developers and a good belief that KSP2 will, one day, a year or three down the line, meet its promises, and I will be encouraging and patient. But honestly I’m not here to talk about all that. I’ve got like, a much more pressing problem to talk about. the actual issue of the schism I’m not here to focus and fixate on the squabbles. I hate to participate in them, they make me feel icky. I don’t want to fuel the fire, because it’s an objectively really really big and long-winded fire that I subjectively just want to see the end of. I think my last post contributed to the fire, because more of it than I’d like was centered around “no guys devs actually good”, but I realize standing behind my opinion and tainting the possibility of neutrality of my post probably detracted a lot from it and was in general disagreeable to the side I wasn’t a part of. That’s why I’ve cut down on that, and I’ll be spending the next obscene number of pages focusing on this community. The fact there’s a schism at all is harrowing, is it not? Let’s think about what both sides have in common: we’re all fans of KSP or KSP2. We’re all astrophysics majors, rocket scientists, dorky nerds who like space, armchair engineers, computer scientists, and geeky nerds who play with model rockets in their backyard. We all are disappointed by the state of KSP2. We all looked at the trailer and probably died of heart attack at least three times each. Nobody can say that KSP2 is really superior to KSP1 with mods, in terms of performance, features, playability, stability, support, customizability and in some cases even graphics too. We all have been impacted by the really awful launch. We all participate in the community, regardless of whether we argue or just chat or just lurk, and want to play a fun game. What differences do we have? Well, one side thinks KSP2 will be good and the devs deserve slack, and one side thinks KSP2 won’t be good or that the devs are meanies. Well, when you stack it up like that, it seems kinda silly how we’ve driven a wedge between the two parties who both just wish they could enjoy KSP2 as much as the release trailer promised. We’re all KSP dorks who just wanted a cool sequel like the one in the trailer. We can all agree we don’t have that yet. Is it coming? Depends on who you ask. I think so, but my opinion is not relevant to this part of the post. I’ve stayed off the forums for a while. I’ve lurked a lot, checking the forums basically daily, since my last post. Most of my interactions with the community since then have been posting youtube videos and responding to comments on the original post. I tried to come back and have a good time, but the sense there was this unkillable beast of flame wars and tension writhing in one of the most active categories of this forum is at least a little unsettling. It says a lot about the lack of coherence and unity in the community if people can split themselves for OVER HALF A YEAR over an issue like this. And don’t get me wrong, it’s a huge and stressful issue. But how I see it, this is no excuse for how we (me included) have been treating others on the forum. we are the schism. that's us. Here’s a friendly reminder: Community is everyone. Community is you specifically. Community is also me. Community is also my friend Steve. Community is also the mod & dev teams. Community is every member who reads this page or responds. Community is a Lot of people. In fact, community, as it so happens, is all of us. We did this. Nobody is at not at fault to some degree. We’re to blame. We’re responsible for fixing this, me included, you included, and we’re responsible for being nice to the community (this includes everyone in the community). As a community it is OUR duty and responsibility to not be mean or blind about it. WE are the community. Please take a second to just read over this paragraph and internalize it. This post here is the next chapter of my participation in trying to patch the schism, but no one single dweebus such as myself can do this alone. But seeing the state of these forums doesn’t give me confidence we can recover naturally anyways. We’ve already torn this huge gap in the community, and if we don’t close it, that gap will stay there. If it’s announced tomorrow that funding gets slashed severely, there will still be individuals who claim that the devs will rise from the ashes and miraculously make one of the most ambitious video games in gaming history. If KSP2 miraculously gets an update tomorrow that makes it completely exactly how we all wanted it, colonies and interstellar included, hundreds of handcrafted star systems, there will still be individuals who claim it doesn’t meet standards and bash it on the forums. Not one year ago, the KSP forums community was a freaking amazing place to be. We’d all go screw around with silly mods, make cool videos, share epic screenshots, say “guys won’t KSP2 be so cool when it releases” while ogling at some dev videos, and collaborate together with massive and elaborate community projects, and I would be hard pressed to find a single genuine insult anywhere on the forums, which still had like bajillions of active members. I really miss that community. I want it back, if that’s okay with you guys. I don’t like this place very much right now, and I can’t convince myself to stay active here for very long, because I simply don’t like the vibes that like 40% of the forums radiates and the other 60% is actively trying to ignore or pretend isn't a problem. Multiple people have left the forums before my eyes due to this issue, some even having directly contacted me to talk to me about it, because what I described in my first post is exactly why they left. This is a genuine issue. These forums are not as fun to stay in as they used to be, and the sense of unity and community and fun is severely damaged. This is a genuine concern I genuinely raise about the genuine state and genuine future of these forums. I don’t know how else to emphasize “guys this is a problem, we should fix it together”. If this post hasn’t convinced you “maybe we should be nicer to eachother” then I don’t know what to do, since this is the last thing I can think of to do, unless I wanna write four thousand words next time I make a big post. Which I don’t feel like doing. Please don’t make me have to write another post. I have carpal tunnel. ok, cool, whatever, so what do you propose we do then, dweebus? I genuinely don’t know. My guess is to start along the lines of “be nice” but that’s a lot easier said than done. I’ve seen a lot of mean comments thrown at people. I’ve seen a lot of passive aggressive ickiness from both sides. I’ve seen a lot of people just joke and make fun of other people for having an opinion that is not theirs. I’ve seen people start cursing out eachother or even hurling slurs over something as silly as “should there be this thing in this silly computer program about silly green aliens doing rocketry” or perhaps “why isn’t this thing here in this silly computer program yet”. And, mind you, this is all the stuff I’ve seen AFTER the moderation team filtered out the worst and most rulebreaking attacks. I’m not a mod, so I have absolutely no clue what the worst of the worst looks like. All I know is what I’ve seen can only be the tip of the iceberg. So what I propose is maybe just like, let’s all collectively resist the urge to yell at people who don’t share our opinion. Let’s also collectively resist the urge to yell at people who yell at us. Those usually are conducive to a good community, I would assume. Maybe we can set some collective terms for what we want, such as “constructive criticism is good but let’s be nice about it”, or maybe “let’s all agree KSP2 isn’t perfect yet”, or even perhaps the apparently very controversial and difficult to understand “i don’t like to be called a [insert long string of swear words]”. Those seem like reasonable demands to make of our friends and allies here in the community. But I don’t have a good idea of what we as a community should do. These situations probably have a lot more nuance to them than I can immediately think of, and my solutions aren't easy nor universal. I don't have an objectively untinted view of the situation, and I don't have a bird's eye view like moderators or developers might. I, as a dweebus member of the forums with no qualifications, really do want you all to collaborate and work together to find a way to make things better here. I want people to start thinking of ways to make the community a less toxic and flame-infested place, and I can’t do it alone. I'm not that good with people. Plus, you can’t do it alone either, since you too are just one person. Can we perhaps do this together please? I’d like to think this post is less of “i’m complaining, but loudly, and then some people agreed with me” like last time, and more “call to action to help actually make the community less mean to eachother” or perhaps even “open letter” in style and purpose. Like seriously I really just want me and everyone else to be able to enjoy the community like we did before. I really want us to be a unified, collaborative community again. It really hurts to see people just being like this to eachother. a conclusion i guess Ok, so, to recap: we’re all being mean to eachother, despite the fact we’re pretty similar in the end. This is bad, because being nice to eachother is good. We should all make an effort to be nicer, so that people stop leaving and people start enjoying the forums more. Nobody likes to be insulted, and we are all friends here on the forums. I propose we collaborate to do this, since we can’t really do all this alone. Please help us help eachother, which would include you. Stay tuned next time, for in 4 months I'll write 5k words on this exact same issue!! (this is a joke) (this post is prone to edits for grammar, spelling and tone. it is open to polite constructive criticism. please do not insult me or anyone else in the comments for the love of heck.) TL;DR: please be nice thanks
  5. THIS POST WAS MADE BY THE CALORIES SPACE EXPLORATION INITIATIVE (Thanks to @Kerbalsaurus for helping me with designing the flag ) We at CalSpace are proud to unveil a new vessel, the CS-38 Talon! Note: the photos taken were of an older variant, with less tweaks and lower landing gear. The version for "sale" has had these tweaks made and the landing gear arranged better for safer landing. The CS-38 Talon was previously a competitor against the Terror Bird for the UKA's supersonic airplane program. Now it serves an arguable more noble goal, to gather atmospheric science and train new Kerbonaut recruits. The CS-38 is supersonic and highly maneuverable, both of which are good skills for aspiring Kerbonauts to practice. It also features an advanced ejection system in case said trainee has to eject mid-flight. The CS-38, while small, can carry different science packages. The variant showcased has a wing-mounted science kit, but other variants down the line will have various more packages. We're planning on a sounding rocket and a science glider! A Talon buzzes the Mission Control Center, showcasing its impressive maneuverability. On full afterburner, the CS-38 can reach just over Mach 1. Taken from another Talon flying in close formation, this picture gives a good view of the Type-2 Science Pod (we don't talk about the Type 1). As mentioned before, the Talon is equipped with an ejection system, using four small SRBs and two decouplers to take the cockpit away from danger. Also, the Science Pod is decouplable, in case emergency maneuvers are required. Dropping the science pod will shed a couple precious kilograms off of the airplane. The CS-38's patented EJECT (Emergency JEttison of Cockpit Trigger) system in action. (Artist's rendition) After the inital ejection is complete, a drogue chute is deployed, allowing the pilot to egress the cockpit at safer speeds before deploying their own personal parachute. (Artist's rendition) The CS-38 Talon will be the first of many aircraft from CalSpace, and we hope to collaborate with Beyond in the future! *** KerbalX link is here: KerbalX - CS-38 Talon + Science Pod Also, for practical use, I recommend Atmosphere Autopilot, as the CS-38 is a bit unstable. Without it, it'll be quite a beast to fly, not unlike the real-life T-38 Talon.
  6. There is a LOT of great stuff going on in Fanworks and Mission Reports now, with some new stories and some continuing ones. Some are all text, some are text and screenshots, and there are at least two graphic novels. I've had some good conversations with other writers in PMs and thought it would be nice to have a thread where we can talk about things like characterization, canon/fanon, plotting, tone, things to avoid, etc, etc. If I may be so bold, I propose a few ground rules to start: All of the Forum and Community rules apply. They apply VERY much. Don't criticize another writer's work unless asked to--and then, only criticize those aspects about which the writer asked for help. When criticizing, above all be constructive. "You did this wrong, this is how you should do it." is not helpful. "When you did this, I had this reaction, which I'm not sure you intended. If you intended the reader to have this OTHER reaction, you might try doing it in this way." -- that might be. But... If you asked for criticism--take it. Try not to argue with the critiquer. Is he wrong for feeling what he felt when he read your work? Maybe, but he did feel it, and writing is about the reader's perception more than the author's intent. Find the kernel of truth in the critique and do your best to learn from it. If you get angry about a criticism--stop posting, make peace by PM, move on. Let's not post drafts of works-in-progress for commentary on this thread. I was thinking this one could be more about general topics and idea sharing. Interest? Ideas? Other directions for the thread? Thanks all.
  7. you have to use a quote from a show / real life. for commenting on peoples quotes i will allow the hidden content thingy. ill start us off “ This is Peridot, transmitting on all frequencies from abandoned Crystal System colony planet Earth, to Yellow Diamond. My mission has been compromised. My escort and informant are gone, and I am now stranded. PLEASE SEND HELP! ” —"Cry for Help"
  8. Yeah I just think there is something wrong with having to put it off auto and set it to max dampning. Also It can be very difficult to tune it.. to the point were some times it feels like you break your leg off if its dampening. And I talk about landing with sub 10 m/s I just had a rocket bounce at 5 m/s. It just feels off to me. It would also be nice if it could bend a leg to keep its gravity center when on a slope x) Do you have any tips on how to adjust them? because I feel that when ever I make the springs strong the rocket flies off at the smallest touch of the ground. If i makes the springs weak and the dampers tough as nails.. it will fall/collapse under the legs if it does not land exactly level.
  9. No I take your point. There's this gray area where economics and financing blur into politics, where for instance SpaceX can leverage the promised revenue stream from government contracts into its private equity rounds, and politicians have influence over those kinds of decisions. We can only really talk about one side of that coin here.
  10. I mean, SpaceX is also a government contractor. The dragon program, HLS, numerous government funded satellite launches are also 'spending other people's money.' The difference here is economy of scale, iterative design, and vertical integration. I think we can leave the politics out of it. Its also important to not confuse initial manufacturing costs vs per-launch costs when we talk about reusable rockets. To date SpaceX has spent 3 billion dollars on Starship, so one could say the current per-launch cost is 1.5 billion. Of course the idea is that those initial development costs will be amortized over hundreds of launches, but lots of things could interrupt that: RUD on the pad, fundamental conceptual failures that make full reusability infeasible, lack of demand, or an unexpected disruptive competitor.
  11. @StrandedonEarth, moved to suggestion. If you want to submit a bug report do not use it to talk about other things that this bug (here suggestions) The issue you had was reported here:
  12. I refuse to judge KSP2 based on the dreams of community members. Heck, it's finally a pretty mainstream opinion even in the forums that it is not reasonable to 100% believe the official statements either. That's 8 months of building trust right there. It'll stop being a non sequitur when people start actually playing the game for real on long term science/exploration saves. But hey, you can talk about future imagined optimizations and I can't talk about a very real issue that's currently in the game waiting to explode? (did once already, too). May I know what you call nonsensical placements? You mean the navball and vital information such as speed right in the center as it exists on almost every plane or spacecraft cockpit? Again, altitude I give to you, that's bad. I mean, if you're talking from a different timeline, might as well make it clear now, because you seem to live on a completely different reality. Probably born from not leaving the forums, which is a common problem. Normal cockpits might have a compass, altitude and speed tape, yet again, in real life they know those elements are not there to be pretty, and they should communicate information in a fast, compact and concise way: In real life, on a PFD, the speed tape exists to communicate overspeed, selected speed, current speed, and even acceleration. In KSP2 the speed tape does nothing but exist behind the one useful number it shows. The compass tape also communicates other elements, like selected heading. In KSP2 the compass tape exists as a huge useless element and the one thing it should communicate is a number which in KSP2 is sitting outside the tape, not even in it. An altitude tape shows your current altitude, selected altitude, vertical speed, and in some cases terrain altitude too. In KSP2 you need to hide one number to show the other, and the altitude tape exists only as a background element that does nothing useful. In real life, all these elements are presented in a compact way, on a single square screen that doesn't waste any space, yet shows all the useful information without overwhelming the pilot. In KSP2 it looks like someone hit the explode button, with every element taking useless space for no reason. Here's a real life PFD as an example. It sits centered in your view, so you just look down and see it, and can derive all your information from it. In the worst case, it's on one of two or more screens, but you can select on which to display it. It's the same engine, but don't worry, hating on Squad and KSP1 after getting thousands of hours on it is the only cope that has been found to justify KSP2, even though KSP2 is still the worse product of the two.
  13. Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: windows 10 | CPU: Intel i5 4690K | GPU: NVIDEA GTX 1070 | RAM: 16gb When throttling up before you should, PAIGE goes beatbox mode. She can only talk when thrust is 0, but as soon as there's thrust she gets in a loop of starting to talk https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1039965578754007060/1149998890121187368/Kerbal_Space_Program_2_2023-09-09_11-24-26.mp4
  14. For Science! Update started off with a blast and I was eager to play it upon release! Once it released, I loved it instantly considering it levels the Game up to not only a sandbox simulator but to a full-fledged game playthrough! However, despite the many awesome and fun moments I had with this update, I feel like there is a lot of work to polish the new Science & Mission Mechanic alongside the already implemented tutorial system which I really wanted to talk about for quite some time now. First, let's start off with the Tutorials, I am personally not very good with Kerbal Space Program itself; I couldn't really understand how to create a rocket properly and usually ended up having stacks of them not launching from the pad or barely making it into orbit, let alone past Kerbin. And despite the help I got from the in-game tutorials, it did not significantly help as much as online tutorials. The section about rocketry feels obviously lacking, sure it mentions how a rocket works and the types of engines and other space components, but it does not help on how to make a proper rocket or at least understand how to make one for any specific task such as landing on the Mun or Eeloo. This can also be accounted for orbital mechanics; it leaves questions in my mind such as: "How much do you need to slowly turn your rocket over the horizon?" "Does it apply to every rocket? If no, how do I know when and how?" This is normally a major obstacle for new players like me (Kind of, started in 2016 but never really got past the Mun in KSP1 and never properly learned rocket design) because it forces us back into the drawing board by watching a couple of tutorials made from the Internet, although it isn't any bad either, it reinforces the fact the in-game tutorials really need more work. In summary, using this experience of mine, I would really like more tutorials about rocketry and an improved version of how to put your rocket past the atmosphere and prepare the steps for an orbital maneuver. Secondly, let's continue with the Missions in Mission Control, The Missions itself aren't bad, I actually found it as huge upgrade its original counterpart in KSP1, but it definitely needs more polishing. The first noticeable flaw I encountered was the mission briefing themselves, they seem way too centered on a specific scenario (mission briefing specifically) and less dynamic, by example, your ship ends up in a catastrophic failure when doing a specific mission, you absolutely do not get any major consequences rather than the loss of a crew, which normally under the default game difficulty, usually just respawn and probably also a couple of science points that you might have lost. I really wish upon a system where the missions actually do not cancel themselves when failing them, but give negative consequences such as more flavour text signifying the gravity and effect of the situation but at the same time balancing and incentivizing the player to keep continuing. Secondly, if your rocket launches, completing the first mission, and immediately goes to the atmosphere, I would really like it, instead of going again back to Mission Control and then going back to the ship to complete the second mission after the first, to simply have some way or form to complete both missions when you've done both already through one rocket launch at the start. To simply brief this, Mission Debriefing should get a separate system when the player fails the mission and you should be able to complete two missions at once without needing to go back to mission control to track the second one which went available thanks to completing to the first one in one rocket launch. Next, the Science Mechanic, which is the one here with the most need of polishing, I could also say the same for this one, the new Science mechanic is a massive overhaul to its original counterpart in KSP1. However, it definitely needs more polishing and balancing to make it less of a "Simple Magic Click and Reward" button which actually loses the value of it being a "Reward" as it gets too easy. I noticed the reports did not really have any unique flavour to them compared to KSP1 where crew observations and utilization of science equipment had unique flavour text depending where you did them (Also make the flavour texts larger and readable :D), I would actually really like if they weren't all generic and had an interesting one. I also found it quite boring when all a Kerbal can do and is meant for in a mission is simply to steer a Rocket when it's out of signal with KSC, do flags, generic crew observations and surface samples. I really wanted them to play a role on organizing Science like KSP1 rather than one magic click and it's all stored. Kerbals should perhaps have the ability to take the science reports or surface samples and store them in the Command Pod or Science Juniors. Both elements, describing flavour text and the further usage of Kerbals, would really incentivize the Player to do more frequently EVAs and learn more about science itself generally through flavour text, with some funny element in it considering Kerbals are Kerbals Anyways, apart from my feedback on how Science Points are acquired and Flavour Texts, Science Points should really get some sort of balancing because unlocking technology feels way too easy and feels really less of a reward. Maybe decrease science points on more generic tasks such as crew observations and regular planet scans or any other thing those science parts can do. Alternatively, increase the cost of the technologies in R&D. In conclusion, I would really like more flavour for generic scientific tasks and further usage of Kerbals alongside balancing on the ridiculous amounts of Science Points you'd get from 1 mission. Thanks for reading my Feedback and Suggestions if you have come this far down, I really want to hear what others think too!
  15. Having done some unmanned missions myself, I agree that the lack of celestial occlusion is noticeable and is contributing (in part; I believe there are other ways probes should be nerfed) to unmanned missions being pretty overpowered for science gathering. The ability to go to Jool and do all manner of maneuvers, even sending sub-probes into Jool itself, without ever needing to worry about being unable to transmit data back, execute a maneuver, avoid being thrown into space by Tylo, etc. is not compelling. Also feels like it's worth mentioning that comms networks in KSP2 would (should?) still be relevant into the endgame as every new solar system is going to be a blank slate with absolutely no radio infrastructure. Imagine deciding a gas giant moon is the most convenient place for a starter colony but lacking the resources and kermans to wing it by building extra colonies everywhere, you choose to probe the system first to find the absolute best places to mine. With the current system, that would mean simply slapping the longest-range antenna on each probe and being done. But with occlusion you'd have the far more interesting problem of setting up robust communications first in order to avoid an eclipse from the gas giant completely shutting down every ongoing mission...or being risky/cheap and dealing with intermittent connection as it happens. And that experience could be totally different on your next playthrough should you decide to bootstrap on a different planet/moon. Honestly sounds way more interesting than just "use big antenna". Sure, that makes it more difficult, but there are reasonable ways to mitigate that, eg: a visualization in map view that shows comms deadzones as 3D blobs or something (bonus points for allowing this visualization to not only show the deadzones right now, but also show areas that are intermittent deadzones), or other similar ideas to demistify the problem of "my probe can't talk to KSC". Instead, the feature just gets simplified to oblivion with no option to retain the more complex version. It worries me that Intercept chose to take this route in 'solving' the problem, I hope it doesn't reflect their attitude toward other game mechanics.
  16. I'm not an artist or graphic designer, but I'm sure there's tens, maybe even dozens of people out there who could craft a more creative texture than what's currently in the game Thanks for the fascinating and intellectually stimulating conversation! I'm sure you're a blast to talk to at parties!
  17. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel Core i5-8600K | GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070 | RAM: 64 Go So I think this is related to the following bug, but it only talk about rockets, so I'm not sure if it's the exact same bug or a very similar one: Before the bug happened I was trying to make a rover when I realized that the order you build things with structural parts plays a big role in how sturdy your rover frame is : Red dot is the root node, then construction order follow the red lines. As you can see while driving parts were either going apart or into each other. Then I decided I would make a sturdier frame, so I did this : Then as you can see in the attached video, out of 6 try : 4 resulted in immediate physic instability and violent vehicle disassembly, 1 needed a bit of help before getting attention of the mighty kraken, 1 was ignored by the kraken despite my efforts (I must conclude he is not omniscient after all). sturdy-rover-instable.mp4 sturdy-rover-instable.json
  18. Here's today's talk, no tl:dr since I don't have time to watch it right now, and it came out half an hour ago (it's nearly an hour long)
  19. Toby Li @tobyliiiiiiiiii Jan 6 Elon Musk to provide 2024 Starship Update on January 11. Confirmed on an X livestream, @elonmusk announced he will conduct a SpaceX company talk including a Starship update next Thursday. I'm hoping to hear details regarding Starship IFT-2's post-flight analysis, plans for IFT-3 & beyond, and updates on Starship HLS milestones. https://twitter.com/tobyliiiiiiiiii/status/1743529920322846812 This is supposed to be an internal speech to SpaceX employees, but in the past was released to the public. Robert Clark
  20. So we all know that regions are currently pausing certain science experiments as they change underneath the flying or orbiting crafts. There has been talk that is a bug anyway, and that the regional part will be removed, but I think it could stay as it is with the following idea. This simple suggestion would be for the regions to have their own 'buckets' within each experiment so rather than pausing the experiment it just starts filling up the next bucket. As a working example - the orbital survey experiment around Kerbin will cover the 7 regions, each of which class as a different experiment. As you orbit conducting the experiment, it starts over water, so the generated science points start to fill the 'water bucket'. We can arbitrarily assign 100 points to each bucket, so we could say that the bucket gets filled up to 58 points, and then the orbiting craft goes over the highlands. Rather than pausing, it now just starts filling the 'highlands bucket'. Again it manages to fill 15 points and then it goes over water again and starts to fill the 'water bucket' again. Eventually, after many orbits the buckets will get full and will complete the experiments for each region. In a game where time can be fast forwarded, it would be easy to just send up an orbtiing craft, speed up time and all experiments will complete. I think this defeats the object of running the science so it could be that it only collects science when in no more than 3x time warp, or whatever number the desginers choose. The bucket idea can work for other region specific experiments. As a slight tangent, I also think that the science generated by orbiting craft should be non completing. The orbital survey experiment itself would be as once a planet is surveyed, they don't tend to change significantly, but there could be a science research exepriment (there may be one, I may just not have reached that point yet) that runs continually. Again there may be issues with time warping to generate science, so the same previous suggestion could be implemented.
  21. 1.5 is a step in the right direction. Still, the talk is just that—talk and pretty pictures. We've seen that before and it disappointed before. I'll be overjoyed if 0.2 delivers, but I'm not hyped about it. I'll wait and see.
  22. I know it's too early to talk about real life cadence, but launching in February or March would put the time between two launches on par with that of the Saturn V I think. The average between Saturn V launches prior to Apollo 13 was something like every 3-4 months (I think, it's been awhile since I looked at the list of launches in detail). Meanwhile, prior to the second launch that destroyed the launchpad, the N1 took five months to launch two rockets. Not counting Shuttle, the only other SHLV to fly more than one time, Energia, had a year inbetween its two launches. SLS... even if Artemis II launches in 2025, who knows how long it will be until Artemis III? If it takes three years between two flights, how are they supposed to jump to once a year? By the way, this may be a dumb question, but will this launch license process be required once Starship is actually flying payloads? Or will things become more streamlined? The time between each test flight feels very guda guda (グダグダ), which translates as tedious or sluggish. Will people be watching the regulatory process when operational flights begin? They don't do that for F9 right now, as far as I can tell.
  23. I missed the specifics I guess. I remembered the alternate seating arraignments, just not that the exact thickness of the trim would have to be different, even for a never seen latch. There's a flush outside latch on the real doors, for example, maybe just that one exists? A friend's dad (died years ago) was a Los Alamos physicist. Had done bomb testing back in the day, he was a detector guy, working on super high speed photography at one point (like blast starting to break the bomb casing fast). He also worked on other stuff, nothing he could talk about... Anyway, after he died, my buddy was going through boxes and found explosives in a few of them (C4 I think). He used to experiment with shaped charges in the backyard, apparently. He had notebooks with his experiments kept track of. Was a different time. Back in the 80s we'd head up to visit his parents' house (and get fed!), and his dad would have work spread out on the table on the other room. A couple decades later taking a laptop with work offsite gets you prison.
  24. It's been ten years since the end of the Second Great Kerbin War. The country of Bismarck, after two attempts at world domination, have finally been subdued, and it's fascist politicians replaced with politicians focused on better international relations. However, after the war, much of the world laid in ruin from the horrible battles. Out of the ashes though rises a new age of technological innovation, and with this new innovation comes advancements in technology and science. To further these devlopments, the new Kerbin United organization has set up the KSRO, aimed at advancing Kerbalkind into the future and yada yada yada whatever. I'm sure you've heard the whole thing a million times. It's all anyone can talk about. Now, I personally believe this whole space program thing is a political stunt. It's not meant to "aid Kerbalkind in technology" or whatever. It's simply a distraction from the actual issues of the world, and a waste of time and money. We haven't even fully recovered from the war yet! Many of Kerbin;s cities still lie in ruin, the economy's whack, and our leaders are frankly incompetent. And Bismarck's politicians weren't replaced, they were lined up on walls and executed. While they had committed terrible war crimes, committing a terrible war crime back is not the way to go. At this point, it's puppet state for Victoria and Bonaparte. What are these places you ask? Well these are the countries of Kerbin. They're really the big guys of everything happening on the planet. And the living conditions in these countries are absolutely awful though. Bonaparte is a stones throw away from becoming a third-world country, and Victoria's two seconds from becoming a total surveillance state. Anyways, space program, space program... ah, yes. Where's all this technology coming from? Well, the KSRO isn't starting from scratch. Rocket technology was developed by Bismarck during the war. A horrible machine of destruction called the KV-2. Picture of said machine Granted, this was the machine that ultimately led to the downfall of the new Bismarckian conquest. Well, there were several other factors, but still. Adoofus Kerman, dictator of Bismarck and starter of the war, made this machine his passion project. And it scared the very life out of the allies... when it worked. Sure, parts of the Victorian capitol Lundun were destroyed, but this rocket had more failures than successes. Frankly it's a miracle its engineers weren't executed by Bismarck. Now, I'll tell you more about the story leading up to our first launch later. In fact, the first launch vehicle is still being built. There's a lot of story to tell, and a lot of my anger with this "new era" to be unleashed. For now, you all have a nice day. You can bet I won't have one. I have to write for this stupid agency.
  25. Unfortunately, things are still rolling on the rest of the industry too. Banner Saga Publisher Has Shut Down and Laid Off . On Xmas Eve… https://gamerant.com/versus-evil-banner-saga-publisher-shut-down-lay-offs/ Stray Souls developer Jukai Studio announces closure https://www.gamesindustry.biz/stray-souls-developer-jukai-studio-announces-closure Archiact, the veteran studio known for a host of VR titles, announced it’s laying off a portion of its staff. https://www.roadtovr.com/doom-3-vr-studio-layoffs/ And not only on gaming. Things are escalating pretty badly also on the Big Techs… https://www.axios.com/2024/01/03/tech-layoffs-google-microsoft-employees-impact-anxiety There's a light in the end of the tunnels, however (let's hope it doesn't "peeweee" on us): https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/tech/technology/it-hiring-starts-to-pick-up-after-a-lull-for-two-quarters/articleshow/105999713.cms Traditional, "boring" and less glamorous jobs appears to be the future biggest employers in the industry. I think there're some lessons to be learnt on this whole ordeal - and this includes, indirectly, who KSP¹ and KSP2 will gather traction on the modding scene in the next months (or years?). But I think is still a bit soon to talk about, I want to observe the new Zeitgeist before risking opening my big mouth.
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