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  1. orbit node: Orbit { referenceBody = Sun color = 1,0.7,0.7,1 mode = 1 inclination = 4.6 eccentricity = 0.01 semiMajorAxis = 30926155264 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 40 argumentOfPeriapsis = 10 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.8 epoch = 0 } Pink line is the planet´s orbit and the pink planet is the planet, none of my other planets are breaking like this and im not sure why this is happening.
  2. A OPM-esque modpack that expands the solar system. Still OPM compatible, hopefully. - Tervin, a GP2 esque saturn analog, with a uranus-esque color, larger than jool. Multiple ring systems, and seven major moons: Tok, A heavily cratered metallic world, mainly made of iron and nickel compounds, as a mimas analog Eeloo as an enceladus analog Sila, A world with massive nitrogen ice glaciers, with large darker areas from mountains jutting out of the ice as a tethys analog Kolmas, A brownish rocky world with minor glaciers that appear like frozen lakes, tall mountains, escarpments and the occaisonal deep sinkhole as a dione analog Tim, A mix of corot-5b and triton, a cold, carbonaceous planet with large crystals made of diamond, covered in an occaisonal patch of snow as a rhea analog Toltin, A titan analog with a thick atmosphere, seas of an unidentified liquid and dried up rivers and plains, as well as eroded mountains. A mountain range running north to south on the moon gives it a unique appearance. The mountain range's highest peaks have alpine lakes of liquid methane even on the equator, where most methane seas dry up. Kontra, An Iapetus analog with bizzare ridges, escarpments, and color changes as if it was assembled badly from parts like a spacecraft. - Tubal, Orange/yellow gas giant that is an analog of (real life) gas planet five, similarly sized to jool, with five major moons Fezan, A world that rotates so quickly that at the highest mountain peaks on the equator, one can jump to orbit Kiv, A "blue mars", being composed mostly of copper compounds. Potash, A world with terrain and coloring like rock salt. It has a thin atmosphere about half the size of duna's. Aur, a mysterious asteroid with precious metal deposits... Termin, a rocky world with the occasional steep mountain, with a ring system and a submoon. Hiper, a hyperion analog, a rapidly spinning spongy asteroid that is barely too small to be spherical. - Kanla, Uranus analog with purplish-blue coloring, tilted on its side, in between the sizes of Jool and Tervin, with six major moons. Ezon, A barely spherical grey rock with less gravity than gilly. a puck analog. Flake, A small world that is extremely mountainous, save for one valley covered in lava flows. A miranda analog. Koltia, A world that has a slightly thinner than kerbin atmosphere and is barely able to support ammonia lakes at the poles and equator. An ariel analog that is light blue. Mesin, A world that is butter-colored with many smooth craters that are like dents and darker valleys. Considered a sister moon to minmus. An umbriel analog. Its binary partner is a titania analog. Meslo, The binary partner of the umbriel analog. A world with a magnetic field that is dead on the surface, but an easter egg reveals the kraken civilization within an underground nitrogen sea. Their failed colonization attempts at Bop have caused them to hesitate to colonize other bodies or make their presence known beyond a few "accidents" with kerbal ships. A titania analog. Hemat, A world with a rusty orange color, like a less intense duna, with no ice caps and few craters. Some of the mountainous regions are grey. An oberon analog. Ned, a neptune analog which is deep red in color, smaller than jool, with stormy clouds. It is in a distant binary with Prot. It has four major moons: Aster, an adrastea analog that is just as red as its parent planet, orbiting extremely close to the planet, barely above the point where it would break apart. A little smaller than gilly. Telm, a triton analog with frozen nitrogen glaciers and frozen oxygen snow. It has a tenous atmosphere of nitrogen. Blas, a super-venus with a 50 atm carbon dioxide atomsphre and lava seas. The new final boss. Met, inspired by Mez, a lens shaped planet spinning extremely quickly. Volta, a vulcan analog, a tidally-locked heatblasted world barely hanging on. Has a trail of material behind it. Harvest, a theia analog, with many easter eggs as tribute to @HarvesteR and Squad Prot, a planet nine analog, a super-kerbin that is extremely cold and has no ice, with mysterious surface features and a strange eccentricity and inclination. It is in a distant binary with Ned. It has three moons. Bek, a frozen world with quartz crystals across the surface. Tink, a Bennu analog, a chondrite asteroid with valuable resources. It is a trojan of Bek. Tonk, a near kerbin-sized moon with large amounts of ejecta from neighboring bodies on its surface. I would love to hear what people think
  3. Hey, electricpants here. It's been a while. This has been a personal project of mine for a little over 4 years now, as I first started making this star back in December of 2019. It's been a long journey, and I've changed a lot since I started. I've been working on this on and off, and the project has kinda been in development hell, having gone through many different iterations before I landed on the system layout I liked best, which is this current one. The mod is still heavily in-development, and I don't know if I'll ever truly finish it, but I really just want to finally get this system out there, so that people can play (and hopefully enjoy) it for themselves. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- You start the game in a highly-compact system orbiting a very cold star. Do note that despite its unusually low temperature and mass, Cherra IS a star, and not a brown dwarf, which is thanks to its high metallicity, providing just enough insulation to keep the core hot enough for hydrogen fusion. Though the planets all look easily accessible, it's harder than you think to navigate Cherra's system, as it takes a LOT of delta-V to get anywhere with pure rocket power. Gravity assists will be your friend here, though you may have to chain many of them together, as they aren't as powerful in this system. Everything moves so fast, it's hard to get something to change your trajectory much! Additionally, spheres of influence are very small in this system, so lots of orbital adjustments may be needed to get everything just right. Some basic descriptions + pictures of the main bodies (spoilers ahead!) CHERRA (Parsec B): PEPSOL (Parsec Bd): DESKEN (Parsec Be): THORBIN (Parsec Bc): ASOOL (Parsec Bb): PARSEC (Parsec Aa) + ARCSEC (Parsec Ab): EXTRA PICTURES!: -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- And there it is! Those little blurbs only covered the central stars and Cherra's 4 main planets, but there's plenty of other stuff to find too, I'm just leaving it up to the player to discover themselves. I know this isn't much, and in comparison to a lot of other planet mods out nowadays, it's not too great visually, but I still hope this is enjoyable to those who choose to play this mod! Do note that, due to me having to use post spawn orbit for Desken, there are unavoidable glitches with the KSC screen in-game. Don't worry, these are purely visual bugs, and do not carry over to flight view or map view. Also, I'm putting this project out under a CC BY-NC-ND license. You can copy and distribute this wherever you want, but only in an unchanged form and for non-commercial purposes. Also, I forgot to say, but Kopernicus Expansion is a dependency for this mod. Download it here. I hope you all have a good day. Download the WIP here!
  4. After around a year of development, I feel that it is finally time to open a Dev thread! Boundless aims to be a mostly realistic, expansive, and detailed interstellar planet pack. This is my first (of hopefully many) planet packs that I'm going to be releasing, and I've learned a lot during the development of this pack. Development started wayyy back in February 2023, and has been steadily undergoing since. The home system includes 8 planets, ranging from the scorched Koron to the far-off ice giant Oura. The homeworld is the 3rd planet from the Asterai-Mikra binary, being more massive and larger than Kerbin, and hosting thin rings and 4 moons. A major point in this pack is focusing on all types of bodies, ranging from binaries to dwarf planets, which I find very little in other packs. There will be a total of 6 dwarf bodies in the home system, and some will even have moons. These will range from small asteroids to mun-sized icy bodies. The system in total will have 41 bodies. I will not be releasing any of the interstellar systems as of 0.1, only the main system. See below for details. A bit of clarification in regards to the soon-to-be 0.1 release: What will be in 0.1: - Most major bodies/moons in the Asterai (home) syste, - Full EVE/Scatterer support (no volumetrics atm) What will NOT be in 0.1 Parallax support (1.0/2.0) Volumetric support Interstellar destinations (I promise I wont do an intercept games with this, lol) Biome maps for all bodies Science Defs (In need of creative writers) Future plans 12+ total systems, 3 of which will be detailed to the level of the main system Homeswitch Full parallax 2.0 support Volumetric support Lore (?) Full list of bodies in 0.1 (And some plans for 0.2/0.11) Images (Spoilered in case you want to go in blind upon release!) p.s. We have a discord! https://discord.gg/pA5eFFhSyA
  5. Hi, this is not correlated to the topic, becouse i'm pretty desperate to fix a bug with opt, essentially the wings don't produce any lift, i don't know what could be the problem, as i don't have far installed, but the problem appears also with tundra exploration, do you know what mod could be cousing this? i can send the mod list if you want.
  6. RSS-Origin Exclusive add-ons with hundreds of asteroids, comets, moons and overhauls for RSS Brief Introduction Like the title, this mod is basically an expansion for "Real Solar System", and currently it includes following parts: RSS-Origin CelestialsPack, the major part of this mod, which adds plenty of asteroids, asteroid moons, comets, moons of gas/ice giants, dwarf planets, dwarf planet moons, and interstellar objects into real solar system, currently 141 in total. (dozens more in the future) (compatible with Principia) RSS-Origin RSSTexture&TopoRevamp, which overhauls some RSS celestials with more accurate, more realistic and higher res textures and topography. (16k maximum) RSS-Origin JSUNrings, which adds accurate and realistic rings to the 4 gas giants in our solar system. RSS-Origin GalaxyTex, which replaces your skybox with a high-quality Milky Way background. (64k maximum) Since RSS-Origin has a complete documentation on its github repo, more details will not be elaborated here. You can refer to the links below. RSS-Origin's Github More details about RSS-Origin Download Links Installation Guides & Points for attention & Dependencies & Compatibilities Gallery Discord channel in Kopernicus Discord channel in FoxTech Credits Change Log License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
  7. As part of an assignment for graduate school I created a planet for KSP and its Kopernicus mod, which I have dubbed Hira. Beyond the orbit of Eeloo, between where Sarnus and Urlum orbit in the Outer Planets Mod, Hira is suspected to once have been a rogue planet that was captured in the last few thousand years by the combined gravitational influences of Kerbol and Jool. It includes five custom biomes and a number of unique Science reports. With low gravity, a moderately high rotation speed, and no atmosphere, its surface is relatively easy to visit once the planet's SOI is reached. I make no claims about this being an exceptionally interesting or elaborate planet pack, but since I made it I figured I'd share it, so if you are looking for a new planet to visit, here it is. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions or issues Prerequisites: Kopernicus Installation is the standard procedure for any planet pack and most mods. Extract the ZIP archive and either copy the GameData folder into your installation directory or copy the problemecium folder into your GameData directory. Download
  8. VertexHeightOblateAdvanced VertexHeightOblateAdvanced is a custom PQS Mod intended for use by planet modders to enable easy creation of oblate bodies via a simple PQS Mod, rather than via a heightmap. Additionally, when in the SOI of a body implmenting VertexHeightOblateAdvanced, two new camera modes will be added to the camera rotation after FREE mode to better support non-spherical bodies. Planet pack developers implementing VertexHeightOblateAdvanced are encouraged to bundle it with their mod, for the convenience of users. Examples PointEqupotential UniformEquipotential Low UniformEquipotential Low UniformEquipotential High UniformEquipotential High Download Github SpaceDock Installation and Use Install ALL listed dependencies, following the links below Download and extract the VertexHeightOblateAdvanced zip file Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory Once installed, simply add a VertexHeightOblateAdvanced node to the Mods node in your body's PQS node Using the following Google Sheet, find appropriate periods for your body to get the desired oblateness, based on body surface gravity and radius. Camera modes: SURFACE NORMAL Functions like FREE camera mode, but with the vertical axis aligned perpendicular to the shape defined by the VertexHeightOblateAdvanced instance. This eliminates the "uphill effect" that oblate bodies have. Lerps to FREE camera mode when greater than 10% of the body radius above the maximum oblate height. GRAVITY NORMAL Functions like FREE camera mode, but with the vertical axis aligned with the local apparent gravity vector, taking into account the effects of rotation. Surfaces that look flat and level are actually flat and level relative to gravity. Lerps to FREE camera mode when greater than 10% of the body radius above the maximum oblate height. Parameters and expected values: oblateMode: overall controller for type of generation used Values: (PointEquipotential, UniformEquipotential, Blend, CustomEllipsoid) PointEquipotential: Generates a point mass equipotential UniformEquipotential: Generates a uniform density equipotential, either a Maclaurin spheroid or Jacobi ellipsoid deppending on energyMode and period Blend: Multiply a PointEquipotential by a CustomEllipsoid CustomEllipsoid: Generate an ellipsoid based on a, b, and c axis values energyMode : Used with: oblateMode (UniformEquipotential) Values: (Low, High) Low: For the given period, generate using the low oblateness branch. Always generates a Maclaurin spheroid High: For the given period, generate using the high oblateness branch. Generates either a Maclaurin spheroid or Jacobi ellipsoid based on period mass: Mass of the body as set in the Properties node. Optional if geeASL is provided. Used with: oblateMode (PointEquipotential, UniformEquipotential, Blend) Value: (greater than 0) geeASL: Surface gravity of the body as set in the Properties node. Ignored if mass mass is provided. Used with: oblateMode (PointEquipotential, UniformEquipotential, Blend) Value: (greater than 0) period: Rotational period of the body as set in the Properties node. Used with: oblateMode (PointEquipotential, UniformEquipotential, Blend) Value: (greater than 0) a: The primariy equatorial axis as a ratio of body radius. Used with: oblateMode (Blend, CustomEllipsoid) Value: (1 to infinity) b: The secondary equatorial axis as a ratio of body radius. Used with: oblateMode (Blend, CustomEllipsoid) Value: (1 to infinity) c: The polar axis as a ratio of body radius. Used with: oblateMode (Blend, CustomEllipsoid) Value: (1 to infinity) Requirements ModuleManager Kopernicus FAQ Q. I'm not a planet modder? Do I need this? A. You do not need to install it manually yourself, but if you found this in you GameData, it is because a planet pack you have/had needs/needed it and so it was either included with the mod or auto installed through CKAN Licensing VertexHeightOblateAdvanced is licensed under the MIT License
  9. Stars are everywhere in KSP planet packs, and I wanted to get a database for a bunch of star templates I have for modding reference. I will edit the page as I make the templates. Each will have a spoiler. I will be doing a basic M, K, G, F, A, B, and O type star. I decided to make the database public so anyone could use it, and created this forum page. Posting templates for non main sequence stars will have to be for the replies: this is my first planet pack project.
  10. Introducing Kerbal Star Systems 2 - Embark on a Galactic Journey! Greetings, fellow space enthusiasts! It's with immense excitement that we unveil the next chapter in our cosmic odyssey: Kerbal Star Systems 2! A universe of infinite possibilities awaits you as we venture into the interstellar realm. Remember the thrills and challenges that Kerbal Star Systems brought to your screens? We've been hard at work over the past several months, crafting a spectacular successor that combines the best of both KSS and GU. While this isn't a mere continuation of those beloved mods, it's the culmination of everything we've learned and experienced in those projects. Prepare to take flight once again, with Kerbal Star Systems 2 as your vessel. Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to explore the cosmos like never before. The universe beckons, and your destiny among the stars awaits Kerbal Star Systems 2 © 2024 by StarCrusher96 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
  11. THIS MOD IS NOT COMPLETE YET!!! I have created this thread in advance, you can follow dev updates here. Photos soon!
  12. Nem - Binary Companion for Eve (All ingame screenshots were taken with Astronomer's Visual Pack, Scatterer and Parallax enabled.) - SUMMARY - A new binary planet companion for Eve, Nem is a volcanically active desert world with sweltering temperatures, massive volcanoes, deep canyons, and an oxygenated atmosphere. We don't know precisely how it's able to maintain this atmospheric oxygen. Some say the planet is actually hiding complex life, but this couldn't possibly be true. How could such a hostile world possibly sustain life? Regardless of its habitability, Nem represents a unique opportunity for our interplanetary SSTO program. Because of its low gravity, reasonably dense atmosphere and oxygen, Nem is ideally suited for an SSTO mission- especially if ISRU technology can be utilized. Ascent with a traditional lander, meanwhile, may prove difficult- as its aerodynamic properties will matter far more than a similar mission to Duna. At least your parachutes will work great! - FEATURES - Nem has an extensive feature set, including full science logs for almost every relevant stock science experiment, spanning each of its 16 biomes. This also includes full science logs for every usable DMagic Orbital Science experiment! For realism, it moves Gilly into orbit of Nem, as its previous orbit would've been unstable. However, as its hill sphere would be too small to be reasonably playable if Principia is installed, it will instead put Gilly at Eve's L5 lagrange point if that mod is enabled. Eve's rotation period is also modified to tidally lock it to Nem. If Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered is enabled, the mod will not touch Gilly/Gillian's Comet, and otherwise supports Alternis Eve just fine. (Though enabling Alternis Eve's rings is a tad unrealistic.) It includes custom Parallax surface textures, and even custom-modeled surface scatters- which can be installed optionally. The mod includes its own basic EVE clouds and supports Blackrack's beta Raymarched Volumetric Clouds, but if you have Astronomer's Visual Pack installed, it will hook into the mod and use your AVP install to generate its own clouds and auroras. It also supports SigmaDimensions. This functionality is now dynamic, meaning it will adjust Nem's HazardousBody setup and Eve's rotation period according to whatever configuration your SigmaDimensions install is running. - DELTA-V MAP - - SCREENSHOTS - (Spoilers!) - MOD COMPATIBILITY - Nem supports (but does not require): Astronomer's Visual Pack Community Resource Pack Environmental Visual Enhancements (Supports Raymarched Volumetric Clouds and old-style clouds) Parallax/Parallax_StockTextures Scatterer Distant Object Enhancement PlanetShine Principia ResearchBodies Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered DMagic Orbital Science Tarsier Space Technology (ChemCam and Telescope) SigmaDimensions - DOWNLOAD - Requires Kopernicus! GitHub Link Quick disclaimer- this is my first ever full celestial body made in Kopernicus. - CHANGELOG - - ATTRIBUTIONS - Niako's Kopernicus Utilities (bundled) is licensed under the MIT license. Link to Niako's Kopernicus Utilities Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er (bundled) is licensed under the GNU General Public License. Link to Kopernicus Expansion Continued-er Select textures from the old Environmental Visual Enhancements default config are bundled with the EVE support patch (everything except for Nem_Volcano_Smoke.dds), which is licensed under the MIT license. Link to Environmental Visual Enhancements legacy github page Parallax surface and various scatter textures created using Moss 002, Ground 054, Rock 029, Rock 030, Rocks 011, Rock 022, Rock 018, Bark 001, Foliage 005, and Leaf 002 from ambientCG.com, licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License. - LICENSE - Nem is licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ You are free to: Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Attribution - You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. Notices: You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation . No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material.
  13. Я начал разработку своего мода для Kerbal Space Program, но во время тестирования заметил, что солнечная сторона планеты не обращена к Солнцу, как это исправить? [Moderator Added Translation] I started developing my mod for Kerbal Space Program, but during testing I noticed that the sunny side of the planet is not facing the Sun, how can I fix this?
  14. What is More Real Exoplanets? More Real Exoplanets (MREx) is a series of mods that add confirmed exoplanets to KSP. Similar to Andi's Real Exoplanets (REx), MREx puts each star at their correct right ascension and declination, albeit with their distance from the Sun shortened to avoid game-breaking bugs caused by large distances. Each planet is based on their real-life properties with some artistic liberty. Series 1 adds two star systems, Kepler-186 (with Space Dust configs) and CoRoT-7. Series 2 adds two star systems, K2-18 and Luyten's Star. Each series will add two new star systems. Download: GitHub Follow the development of MREx at KerbalHub's Planet Emporium's Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hYTjzJzyFZ Thanks to: Squad: The developers of KSP @Andi K.: For inspiring me to make MREx @Pkmniako: For making Niako's Kopernicus Utilities, a dependency of all packs in MREx Kabram: For making the sunflares used in MREx's scatterer configs and making them free to use @AbnormalVenegrade: Space Dust configs for (now so far) Kepler-186 License: All Rights Reserved (ARR)
  15. Exactly as the title. I have been experimenting with an idea to revamp the inner system, like OPM does for the outer system, but add really crazy planets with eccentric orbits and unique ideas that are hard to get to, but rewarding when you get there. Some of my ideas are: - A blue mars due to copper oxides (not cold, actually hot) - A hycean Kepler 22 b with glass storms that can shred your craft - A carbon world that blends in with space with tons of exposed diamonds in an eccentric orbit - A yellow/green sulfur gas dwarf - A torus world - Vulcan analogue with lava - Dwarf Planets i.e Sedna, Eris etc... Analogues - Pure Iron Planet -Radioactive Moon of Eve, Binary with Poison moon, with rocky moon orbiting them - MonMonMon, the third moon of Kerbin - Salt Flats planet with Helium Atmo - Kerbal Rock? So yeah, those are my ideas. Any tips or suggestions on how to go about this?
  16. I'm back again with a new mod! This mod only adds one planet but it is the closest planet to the Sun in the system, Xubol!! I have based Xubol off of this, https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Unimplemented_Content#Xubol Here is the facts of Xubol!! Radius: 200 kilometers Rotation period: 2.5 hours Eccentricity: 0.425 Semimajor Axis: 2,240,000 kilometers Inclination: 3.46 Surface gravity: 0.2 g Rotation period: 2.5 hours Atmospheric Pressure: 0.00493 atm I would be a bit careful on the planet since you can overheat on there!! Even if the atmosphere is thin it can still get very hot there!! But that is what it adds, I hope you enjoy it and please be safe everyone!! :DD It has compatibility with: Scatterer Planet Shine Distant Object Enhancement Parallax SpaceDock Link!! https://spacedock.info/mod/3475/The Revival of The Forgotten World, Xubol! Needs Kopernicus! :0 License: MIT
  17. Little Big Planets "Everything's just a hop, skip, and a jump away" What is Little Big Planets? Little Big Planets is a collaborative project, seeking to replace the stock system, with a 10x smaller system, effectively at 100x smaller than real scale, creating a new an unique experience similar to that of the ancient Toy Kerbin mod. This pack is being made by a handful of developers with great experience in KSP modding, and hopes to establish a fun and high quality experience. Can I join the development team? Yes, you can! All you need is to know how to make a planet, a planet texture, and to make it work! We'll consider it based on your skill level, but the project is open to new and beginner modders getting their bearings. How do I get in touch and view active development updates? We have a development discord here! Is it out? No, but Alpha testing is open to people willing to find bugs in the mod, you can join the discord to find more details. Credits @smushanoob@Sushut @Womby @Mrpasta44 @Souptime@Derpistheword@ballisticfox0 @PicoSpace @Clonos@RevanX_LSR
  18. This has been repurposed from the original playthrough. https://spacedock.info/mod/3434/Linbol System Rebirth DISCLAIMER: I do not recommend you download this mod for Career as is is torturously difficult with low science multipliers and only biome support for Revan. We're going here. One of the most prized bodies in LSR is Vera, a habitable world with mostly oceans that harbors a ring system. (Perbi also has the same properties, but since it's quite large and cold it's mostly inhospitable for Kerbals). Orbiting even closer to the homeworld Revan than Eve is to Kerbin, transfers are few and far between but come at a low delta-v. Still, with the super-earth homeworld and 2.5x scale, 16200m/s delta-v for a return trip. 2 space agencies (names revealed later) agreed to participate in a race to land a Kerbal there and return. It's in sandbox mode but with deliberate progression as well as crew morale and life support all manually factored in (i could send a craft with one Kerbal in an MK1 pod if I wanted but for the sake of progression the interplanetary transfers will take place on space stations) Mod release page Chapter 0: The details In this chapter I will explain the details. LSR scales the system up 2.7x (1/4 real life) and sends you to a super-earth called Revan. It is 2.16x heavier than Kerbin and has a G-force 1.4x that of Kerbin, and an atmosphere of 2.9atm, with the space center being very low lying. There are 15 biomes for science though many are rare, and low orbit velocity exceeds 5km/s. The innermost planet receives more light than Moho does at Perihelion by a factor of 10 while the outermost one orbits the star every 500-ish years. The main Linbol star binary has a mass of1.5 sun masses and a luminosity of 1.8, resulting in delta-v similar to JNSQ. Revan orbits rather far away from the stars to neutralise greenhouse effect, and many of the planets are interesting in their own right or have moons that are such. With all those grand challenges ahead, which of the two space agencies make it to Vera and back with kerbals first? Details Month system: Revan uses a 505-day year with 12 months and one 'new year' day. Month Start End New Year 1 1 January 2 43 February 44 85 March 86 127 April 128 169 May 170 211 June 212 253 July 254 295 August 296 337 September 338 379 October 380 421 November 422 463 December 464 505 Basically every month is 42 days except new year's day which is new year's day !!!!!! Mission elapsed time still in usual format. 2 Agencies The Kerbal States The United Union very original names! Milestones: Unmanned U1 - Achieve a suborbital flight. [1] U2 - Achieve orbit. [2] U3/4 - Land on 101000 or 102000 [1 each] U5 - Land on canyon [2] U6 - Flyby Vera. [2] U7 - Land on vera. [3] Manned M1 - Achieve a suborbital flight. [1] M2 - Achieve orbit. [3] M3/4 - Land on 101000 or 102000 [2 each] M5 - Land on canyon [4] M6 - Flyby Vera. [2] M7 - Land on Vera and Return. [WIN] Total score: 26 points before M7. (Flag must be planted, return trip to get points) Delta-V requirements: Orbit Revan: 7500m/s Revan Escape: 2120m/s Transfer to vera: 70m/s (Aerocapture+Landing 0 m/s) Ascent: 4800m/s Vera Escape: 1590m/s Transfer to Revan: 110m/s (Aerocapture+Landing 0 m/s) Total: 16190m/s (19000m/s for margin of error and correction).
  19. Hello Kerbonaut! Have you ever thought of Dres to be.. Boring? No matter how many times you go sightseeing the canyon, you still fall asleep from boredom? Well, you stumbled into the right place! Here at Nova Aerospace, we've taken note of this issue, and after years of collecting Dres-teroids for this project, we are happy to begin the Better Dres series with a Dres ring. Introducing Part one of the Better Dres series: Dres Ring! This mod adds two individual rings around Dres, one very light and dim, close to the surface, and one way thicker, farther away from the surface. In the rings, you can see stripes of cyan, green, blue, and purple, because we thought that grey was just a little bit too boring and decided to sprinkle in some magic asteroids too. (Disclaimer, asteroid spawning rates stay the same for now.) Pictures: (No visual mods other than this one) Tracking station view: Please note that this is my first ever mod. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Souptime for explaining this to me and helping me pull this off. Also VAOS, because this was kind of boring, and his stream entertained me Download: [snip] [snip] Dependencies: Kopernicus (and thus all of it's dependencies aswell)
  20. Download on Github (LATEST VERSION) (983MB) | Discord Server (Official) No issues have been detected with 1.3.1 yet! Download older version on SpaceDock (1.2.0)(735MB) REQUIRES KOPERNICUS, KOPERNICUS EXPANSION AND NIAKO UTILS. CKAN Indexed - Install Kopernicus Expansion as well. https://spacedock.info/mod/3462/LSR Scatterer Configs - scatterrer https://spacedock.info/mod/3460/LSR Rescale - Stock Scale - rescale to 1x DISCLAIMER: No support shall be given to players that do not provide the relevant part of ksp.log, or players that experience bugs already pointed out by someone else, including me. DISCLAIMER: Some of the moons do not have names. Open to suggestions in LSR Discord. Linbol System Rebirth is a new mod designed in the larger JNSQ (1/4 IRL Scale) size that aims to swap the Kerbol System to an unfamilliar yet remarkably similar planetary system to explore, with 21 new bodies to visit, and a lot more to come. The mod is a suitable challenge for seasoned players and yet there are patches and tips to make the planetary system more enjoyable for newcomers. A lot of players may come here from JNSQ, so this pack feels halfway between JNSQ and RSS, presenting much larger worlds with more realistic ascent trajectories and yet not making it too difficult to launch payloads in the super-low-twr engines and overly heavy LF-OX fuel tanks that stock provides. - Explore 4 new stars in two pairs of binaries, with the main one consisting of a 1.2 sun mass and a 0.3 sun mass star (Aa+Ab) and the secondary consisting of a 0.7+0.5 sun mass star (Ba+Bb). Classes are F7V, M3V, K5V and DA3.5 respectively, the last star is a super-dense, 73500g white dwarf! - 5 new gas planets to explore, two of which are in one system, with masses ranging from 4 to 600 Kerbin masses and colors from yellow-brown to dark blue. Many moons orbit these gas planets for probes to explore - Lots of planets/moons with atmospheres to land on and sample. Almost every body is unique from one another. - Hazardous bodies with solid surfaces for those that haven't had enough of a challenge - there are 3 of them, and one is a super-earth 16 times heavier than Kerbin. - Scatterer+Stock Scale Rescale configs downloaded separately - All bodies and atmospheres are realistic with much planning involved. - 8k textures to make bodies have high detail. Each pixel is about 4km^2 on kerbin with the 2k textures while on Revan (the homeworld) there are 8k textures that give a 2.2km^2 pixel. Homeworld The System (this is an essay I swear) Mod Compatibility/Requirements System Requirements Low quality celestial body size comparison Screenshots! Fun facts and tips FAQ Add-ons - Enhance Your Experience! LSR Utilities (Watermel00n) LSR Rescale (Stock scale) Homeworld Swap (WIP) For Noobs For those who want to experience the mod without dying
  21. This is meant to be an expansion to OPM and MPE, adding three new minor planets in the Kuper Belt and Scattered Disc region. Bodies list: Kuvar: Quaoar Vőt: Weywot Arkar: Leleākūhonua Nognog: Gonggong Ei: Xiangliu Download here!: https://spacedock.info/mod/3446/Trans-Neidonian Objects NOTE: Requires Niako's Kopernicus Utilities and Lt. Duckweed's VertexHeightOblateAdvanced License: MIT
  22. | Official Website | Official Discord Server | Download On SpaceDock | release thread Currently, there are few planet packs of the large scale being developed. This modpack aims to change that by introducing a new modpack that when completed will be the largest out there. However, this is obviously very very ambitious and will take place over a year or so. All the bodies have been planned and are pending the PQS and Heightmap/Color/Normal files. All planets, stars and moons are scaled to 2.67x scale to complement JNSQ and a very small handful of bodies are actually quite similar to those in GPP in nature. You spawn in Revan (provisional name, named after the title that i released this mod pack in), a super-kerbin (you could even say it’s a super nodens due to its similar buffing in stats), with a gravity, radius and pressure ASL 38%,30% and 190% greater than JNSQ kerbin (another mod pack of the same scale). This makes atmospheric flight easier (at least for large and less draggy craft), due to the firmer grip and better handling. Orbital speeds are so high that SSTOs are infeasible (combined with increased scale), and re-entry is deadly without heat shield- all for a more complex and difficult experience as well as the usage of multi stage launchers. A glider gliding above the surface of Heyu, pre-texture update, a tidally heated moon, with its massive gas giant and its rings shown. This was the logo of LSR. Current Version/Release Date: Key: First digit: Star system it is orbiting. Second+third digit:planet number of planet number of the parent from the host star. Fourth and fifth digit: Moon number from the parent. Last digit: Sub-moon order from the host moon. This is only 0 or 1 and there are no such examples in the 24 flagship bodies listed ahead. Most of the objects are pending naming (don't ask why) and we need your help to name them (over on discord). 24 Flagship Bodies: Linbol AA - F7V main sequence star slightly larger than Kerbol. Posesses metallicity comparable to Kerbol. Linbol AB - M3V main sequence star a third the size of Kerbol and fairly calm for its size. 101000 - a barren and scorched planet orbiting its host stars every two weeks. 102000 - a volcanic planet smaller than the earth with rivers of flowing magma. 103000 - a kerbin-sized desert planet with its characteristic yellow-orange tint. 104000 - a kerbin-sized habitable planet with a small set of rings and oceans. 105000 - the homeworld and also a habitable super-earth with oceans. 105030 - the furthest moon of 105000 that contains a thin atmosphere and deep canyons. (pending the unoriginal name Canyon from LS1) 106000 - a barren and inhospitable mega-earth 15 times the mass of 104000. 106020 - the much more habitable but still cold moon of 106000. The asteroid belt where future minor planets will be added. 109000 - a relatively small white water-cloud gas giant. 109030 - the tidally heated orange desert moon 20% the mass of 103000. 110000 - the largest gas giant with a large set of rings and 14 planned moons. 110060 - an dark blue ice giant moon or potential binary, the only of its kind (in this mod). 110070 - the largest moon in the system by far and possesses a toxic purple atmosphere like eve. 111000 - a pale blue gas giant a third the mass of 110000 with a smaller set of rings. 111010 - a tidally heated icy-carbonaceous moon with oceans. (This is the flagship moon of the system and is pending the name Heyu (named after the highest peak in the homeworld 105000 where it was first observed by astronomers). 112000 - a medium-sized ice giant known for its insane winds at the cloud layer. 112010 - a large ice world with a vast underground ocean over 49 kilometers deep. 114000 - a frozen ice-world with ancient lakes, cryovolcanism and 5+ kilometer spires. 115000 - a mysterious mega-earth in a distant and eccentric orbit with a dense and deadly atmosphere. 115010 - the tidally heated (but still frozen) dark moon of 115000. Linbol BA - K5V or K4V main sequence star slightly smaller than Kerbol. Linbol BB - DA3.5 white dwarf that used to be a star twice the mass of Kerbol just 100 million years ago. There are many more bodies planned but these are the 24 bodies that will be in the initial release. Currently work in progress are those in bold. Those italicised are complete and will be released. (The only really earth like bodies are 104000 and 105000). Linbol system's 24 flagship bodies are unique in their own way such as posessing a thick atmosphere and so on, and must meet the mass and radius requirements given by me. (all bodies are larger than Stock Kerbin and are at least 4% the mass of JNSQ Kerbin). The increased scale and (comparatively) large size of the homeworld (which is twice the mass of JNSQ Kerbin) makes take-offs and launches slightly harder as well as orbiting (SSTOs are probably impossible). The four gas planets (one with a gas moon) orbit in a roughly 3:5:8:12 pattern of Semi major axes, compared to OPM/RSS 1:2:4:6. This results in a much closer gas giant configuration and also a slightly unstable one over the course of billions of years. The furthest-out gas planet orbits roughly where Sarnus would be if the system was shrunked down to stock scale and the star down to stock size. That being said, the planet pack makes up for this by implementing three new bodies further out that orbit all the way out to where Eeloo would be in JNSQ (or roughly where Urlum is). All this is done to reduce ludicrous travel times and to prevent the need for the JX2 antenna or Better Time Warp. The textures used in this modpack vary in size by body, but as a general rule of thumb: 8192 size textures are used for large solid bodies and gas giants. (>1500km radii) 4096 size textures are used for mid sized (500-1500km radii) bodies 2048 size textures are used for small sized (<500km radii) bodies This ensures textures are finely detailed for large bodies, and the final modpack with all 119 bodies will probably end up being larger than JNSQ and comparable to the Alpharia planet pack, at 2.2 gigabytes. Mods recommended: JX2 Antenna - a large expensive and heavy antenna but with extreme network capabilities recommended for Deep Space communication. Extremely useful past 109000. Visual Mods - only if your PC can run it Better Time Warp - Used to speed up time - some of the outer planets are a little bit far away. Hangar Extender - In case you need to make larger rockets. Just in general Eve optimised Engines - For 106000 and 109070. Distant object enhancement - to see distant objects more clearly. Not really counts as a Mod, but also change your difficulty settings to multiply DSN modifier by 4 to make up for the large system and larger scale. Also, custom lighting should be used, everything Heyu and beyond is just really really dark. The poles are also quite distorted in some bodies, so some gas giants have a hazardous magnetic field strong at the poles to deter Kerbals from looking at the poles up close (although this effect is most pronounced on terrestrial bodies) Difficulty: While LSR may be a hard mod, it isn’t as difficult as it seems as Stock engines are generally slightly overpowered for stock scale. Apart from the notably thick atmosphere (which thins rapidly and can be easily avoided), the homeworld body does not pose any challenges apart from the large size and gravity. Overall all players except the most beginner players should be able to play this mod. Screenshots See you soon!
  23. VERY CLEARLY TEMPORARY NAME (Vilviomia is from a random planet name generator and Vilvinet is an edited version of Vilviomia, they are not references to anything there) Welcome to my newest kopernicus project, which takes place in the titular Vilviomia-Vilvinet, those respectively being the larger and the smaller star within the system. This planet pack makes the kerbal start at Istratune, a large superkerbin with a 5 atm thick atmosphere and ZERO surface water, but the ksc starts roughly high enough where the atmospheric pressure is similar to Kerbin. Aside from that, its high gravity means that it takes quite a high amount of delta V to escape it's sphere of influence. This is where it's moons will help. HISTORY WHEN RELEASE? PLANETARY IMAGES PICS
  24. Are there any mods that add planets/moons in a polar orbit around their parent body? I'm just curious.
  25. Does anyone know the process of creating an ocean world? I understand that you need to add an Ocean node, but it doesn't translate into scaled space. I'm struggling to find any documentation for this and I would like to know the texturing process for this.
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