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  1. As mentioned here: There are many problems with career mode at the moment. I decided to open a new thread since the subject is more complex than just too much science funds. From Kerbin to Mun Orbit: - recieved 180.000.000 funds - recieved 19.000 science - did not recieve any Kerbal XP (still only 2 = orbit Kerbin) - did not achieve any milestones Additional problems: - Missions that require changing zones (Kerbin to Kerbin suborbit e.g.) do not complete randomly. Sometimes they do. - Randomly getting huge amounts of science / funds for absolutely no reason - very low FPS due to NullReferenceException-error overload Saving and loading stops funds and science from being added. But doesnt change broken missions, milestones or Kerbal XP, doesnt remove science and funds either. Problem seems to be a code typo: [EXC 20:15:06.212] NullReferenceException KSP.UI.UIList`1[KSP.UI.UIListItem].Refresh () KSP.UI.UIList`1[KSP.UI.UIListItem].InsertItem (KSP.UI.UIListData`1 item, Int32 index, Boolean forceZ, Boolean worldPositionStays) KSP.UI.UIList.InsertItem (KSP.UI.UIListItem item, Int32 index, Boolean forceZ, Boolean worldPositionStays) KSP.UI.Screens.MessageSystem.AddMessageInternal (KSP.UI.Screens.Message message, Boolean playAnim, Boolean queue) KSP.UI.Screens.MessageSystem.AddMessage (KSP.UI.Screens.Message message, Boolean animate) ProgressNode.AddOrAppendWorldFirstMessage (System.String title, System.String body) ProgressNode.AwardProgress (System.String description, Single funds, Single science, Single reputation, .CelestialBody body) ProgressNode.AwardProgressInterval (System.String description, Int32 currentInterval, Int32 totalIntervals, ProgressType progress, .CelestialBody body) KSPAchievements.RecordsSpeed.iterateVessels (.Vessel v) ProgressTree.IterateVessels (.Vessel v) ProgressTracking.Update () This just spams the log, as expected with NRE's. Will there be a fix any time soon? PS: Checked with debug: Even when I complete a quest through the cheat console it throws an NRE. PS2: Found out why Kerbals where stuck not leveling up. Here is why: These tags are added to the kerbals in the savefile. On removal Kerbal XP is working again. So if you (fellow players) go to the savefile and remove these lines for all Kerbals that have their XP stuck, it will work again afterwards and they will update accordingly. EVACHUTE { name = ModuleEvaChute isEnabled = True chuteYawRateAtMaxSpeed = 1 chuteMaxSpeedForYawRate = 50 chuteYawRateAtMinSpeed = 1 chuteMinSpeedForYawRate = 1 chuteRollRate = 1 chutePitchRate = 1 chuteDefaultForwardPitch = 9 semiDeployedChuteForwardPitch = 25 chutePitchRateDivisorWhenTurning = 1 chuteRollRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1 chuteYawRateDivisorWhenPitching = 1 persistentState = STOWED animTime = 0 minAirPressureToOpen = 0.0399999991 deployAltitude = 1000 spreadAngle = 7 automateSafeDeploy = 0 stagingEnabled = True EVENTS { } ACTIONS { DeployAction { actionGroup = None wasActiveBeforePartWasAdjusted = False } CutAction { actionGroup = None wasActiveBeforePartWasAdjusted = False } } UPGRADESAPPLIED { } }
  2. hi all, Here is the challenge I propose : Start a new stock career mode (medium difficulty or higher) and complete the technology tree the fastest possible. Your score is the game-time when tech tree is completed. I talk about game-time and not about the real time you spent in the game. This may limit the use of time warp and favor multiple concomitant flights. most of mods are vailable, except those modifying physics and science gain What do you think ?
  3. (Formerly KA-330 and KEAM) Welcome to the release thread for Kerbalow Aerospace's inflatable / expandable modules parts pack! Please feel free to leave any comments, questions or suggestions you may have for this project. KEAM Features: 4x Unique Science Experiments Distributed Impact Detection System Deployment Dynamic Sensors Wireless Temperature Sensors Radiation Environment Monitor Kerbal Inventory System Storage Space Compatibility Connected Living Space Compatibility Tweakscale Compatibility KA-330 Features: Inflatable / Expandable module Sun-tracking solar panels Functioning expanding radiators Functioning lights IVA interior cut-out view Fully furnished interior when using Near-Future Prop Flat ends for attaching any 1.25 meter docking ports KA-330 Compatibility Patches: Tweakscale Connected Living Space Kerbal Inventory / Attachment System PBR texture (reflections) patch - This is a test / demonstration / incomplete KA-330 Life Support Compatibility: With USI Life Support: Acts as a functioning habitat With Snacks: Stores snacks / soil With Keep-Fit: Is a "COMFY" room With TACLS: Contains standard life support resources Kerbalow Aerospace is 100% Dependent upon Textures Unlimited by @Shadowmage Installation: Extract the contents of the GameData folder to your GameData folder. Structure should then read GameData\Kerbalow Optional KA-330 Compatibility and Life Support Configs Installation: Copy the config files from the Optional Configs folder to GameData\Kerbalow Download Download A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO: @CobaltWolf, @Nertea, @Shadowmage @Beale @Pak @steedcrugeon Kerbalow Aerospace is License CC-BY-4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  4. (Formerly KA-330 and KEAM) Welcome to the development thread for Kerbalow Aerospace's inflatable / expandable modules parts pack! Please feel free to leave any comments, questions or suggestions you may have for this project. KEAM Features: 4x Unique Science Experiments Distributed Impact Detection System Deployment Dynamic Sensors Wireless Temperature Sensors Radiation Environment Monitor Kerbal Inventory System Storage Space Compatibility Connected Living Space Compatibility Tweakscale Compatibility KA-330 Features: Inflatable / Expandable module Sun-tracking solar panels Functioning expanding radiators Functioning lights IVA interior cut-out view Fully furnished interior when using Near-Future Prop Flat ends for attaching any 1.25 meter docking ports KA-330 Compatibility Patches: Tweakscale Connected Living Space Kerbal Inventory / Attachment System PBR texture (reflections) patch - This is a test / demonstration / incomplete KA-330 Life Support Compatibility: With USI Life Support: Acts as a functioning habitat With Snacks: Stores snacks / soil With Keep-Fit: Is a "COMFY" room With TACLS: Contains standard life support resources Kerbalow Aerospace is 100% Dependent upon Textures Unlimited by @Shadowmage Installation: Extract the contents of the GameData folder to your GameData folder. Structure should then read GameData\Kerbalow Optional KA-330 Compatibility and Life Support Configs Installation: Copy the config files from the Optional Configs folder to GameData\Kerbalow Download Download A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO: @CobaltWolf, @Nertea, @Shadowmage @Beale @Pak @steedcrugeon Kerbalow Aerospace is License CC-BY-4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  5. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20180317151408AAJizYQ
  6. Hey There Does anybody know something about a bug in the science rewards calculation. I'm in the beginning of the game and out of nowhere I get ten thousands of science points and so far i didnt even reach the mun. Is there a way to get my old science points back or do i have to start a new game, because it is the third time that this happens. This time I did the "Escape the atmosphere!" mission, were above 70,000 m, but the goal was unchecked and it is still, but got 10885 science points. Another time I did the "fly with a vessel" mission and got 33k.
  7. I just bought programming (coding) courses on udemy, for Java and python? I'm from Poland, on our Polish facebook group of on our Polish famous political and science vloger guy is basically one man band, and his fans like me usually have higher than average IQ :-) I have Asperger syndrome, have 31 years old, i graduated in Library Science and yet i work in KFC fast food restaurant, not get me wrong i love me work but i want something more intellectually challenging! So i asked my online friends does buying into programming Python (i want learn it because scientist from NASA and ROSCOSMOS mainly use it) boot-camp organized by on of our Wroclaw (my city) IT company, my friends told my to try better to but course on UDAMY that they have They have a lot of Polish langue programming course and in English even more and now they have 85% discount for few hours So i bought :Programowanie w JAVIE kurs dla początkujących" - Java programming course for beginners " i "Python dla początkujących" - Python for beginners i also bought Polish version of "Python for kids. A playful Introduction to programming" it was advised in bookstore with academic premiers, guy said that it's for kids but college students around the world also use it. I always wanted to be a programmer first I heard that programmers in Poland can earn a dozen times more than regular employees, as much as LOT pilots (our national air carrier) and second is a very nice job, but I have never been good at math :-( I've always had the same ratings "3-" D- in Anglo-American grading scale In high school at the instigation of IT teacher I signed up for her extended lessons, which included learning program in the programming language Logo, and Turbo borland turbo pascal, it was a journey through torment, he called the conditional loops, the teacher gave me 3- told me to continue to learn programming because I started to go well, but I was sick of it then, but now I regret it
  8. Been playing a very long time, ran into a problem yesterday... Upon an EVA on Minmus I attempted to do the routine science experiments. All equipment in the craft worked well but when I right clicked Valentina and clicked on surface sample no dialog appeared and the button disappeared entirely. I tried to do my EVA report and got the same result and now the only button left is Plant flag and I can't get the others to return... I really need help on this one.. Thanks in advance!
  9. This is an fairly simple issue, labs can only store 500 science, with high level scientists they will fill up the 500 in less than an month. To reduce number of interupts during long interplanetary missions I thought to increase the science storage to 2000, this would let the lab run longer. However I have no idea how to work with module manager, even if this should be an very simple script. Any guides or tips or samples?
  10. I'm despratly looking for locations to get highlands and mountains splased down science. In earlier versions you could get those in many locations but now I'm unable to find any at all. Been traveling kerbin for ages now without success :S Anybody got some koordinates? Edit: It's solved, @Geolu_Henge 's solution stil is correct for 1.3.1.
  11. Copenhagen Suborbitals put up a nice vid about how regenerative cooling works, featuring a cross-section of a failed engine. They also talk about laminar flow cooling and water hammer effect.
  12. New, it's well forgotten old. I have not played a career in KSP much over a year, and having recently undertaken, I faced that a very useful mod by xEvilReeperx are outdated and has not been updated for a long time. I wrote to the author and he gave me permission to adapt it to the new version, and here it are. Sure, i need feedback about how it work from community. When is is it time for science? Who knows! The game provides no feedback when you've crossed a biome barrier, a new crew report is available or when you've forgotten to run a goo experiment. Wouldn't it be cool to stop guessing? (c) xEvilReeperx What it does: Features: Audio and visual cue when science is available Configurable science filters for experiments Configurable option to stop warp when an experiment becomes available science threshold to ignore low value reports Optional SCANsat integration Dependences: Toolbar (do not forget to do button visible ) Installation & Usage Download the plugin and extract in your KSP directory like any mod. Actual use in-game is simple. When the button is lit, at least one experiment onboard matches your criteria. If the flask is animating, then a new experiment just became available (animation will stop when you have viewed the new experiment list). There are lots of per-experiment settings to choose from. left-click - to open the list of currently available experiments, right-click - opens the options menu, SCANsat support Enable SCANsat integration in the additional options menu With this option enabled, you will only receive biome-associated alerts if you have mapped that portion of the planet's surface Non-biome specific alerts will still occur as normal Known Bugs: if you transmit science report(s) using a transmitter's action menu, the reports queued for it won't be taken into account until transmission is complete [not a bug] Available experiments and report values may suddenly change when going on EVA. This is because your Kerbal may be in a different "situation" -- for example, sitting on the pad might trigger an EVA alert for LaunchPad but you go on EVA and the alert stops. This is because the game considers the Kerbal to be "flying" while holding onto a ladder while in the air. source github DOWNLOAD SPACEDOCK DOWNLOAD CURSEFORGE
  13. Problem is that the science is new and it will not load , states that the science lab already got this. Last landing i was on a new spot so im sure its not "old" data. Hooked up another lab, and it loaded all the unusable data. What is wrong ?
  14. Okay, so my first station was in orbit about 85 km above Kerbin. Kerbin Station Alpha is pretty basic -- two Hitchhikers and a cupola, with a pair of Clamp-o-tron Jr., some batteries, and solar panels to charge the batteries. On a whim, the commander went EVA and took an EVA report, which produced some useful science (because it was "above Kerbin's shores" or some such -- in other words, I was low enough for biomes on Kerbin to matter, which is a science realm I haven't touched). I'd love to get this science, since it'll be nearly free (just add some instruments to modules already planned for addition to this station -- barometers, thermometers, goo cannisters, etc., cheap and easy). However, there arises an issue, and will arise another: initially, how do I get the data Lufrid generated down to Kerbin so R&D can do something with it? The station has a high-gain antenna on one of the Hitchhiker modules, but it's not the one with the working hatch (the cupola and other Hitchhiker hatches are blocked by solar panels and docking port, respectively), and when I tried to immediately transmit the EVA report I was informed there was "no antenna within reach" or something of the sort -- and when Lufrid had re-boarded the station core and transferred to the module with the antenna, I couldn't find the EVA report to transmit. Longer term, once I can reliably transmit my science from Kerbin Station Alpha, have instruments, and have a scientist aboard, will that scientist be able to reset experiments from inside the station, or will he/she have to EVA (presumably within a certain distance of the experiment) to do so?
  15. Just returned to the game after a long break, decided to start a new career with a few mods (mostly engineer and contract configurator). I habitually take a scientist on most missions as their description says they boost science return on the vessel they are in. As an experiment I decided to work out how much extra science it was making from my typical Mun mission with and without a scientist. To my surprise I found that my level 1 scientist (its early game OK! ) was not boosting the science return of my vessels by the advertised amount (5%) and the science return was the same no matter my crew composition. I have already tried the same test in a new un-modded save with the same result. Have I misunderstood the scientist description text or am I doing something wrong? Cheers.
  16. So I was wondering, if you had a time machine and could go back in time or bring someone back from the past, what would be the current science topic or discovery you would enjoy explaining to a past scientist, and why? Maybe it's providing the confirmation that his/her theory was correct to a scientist that never lived to prove their conjectures, or maybe you would like to show someone how far off from the truth they were, etc. Special points if you re-enact the conversation with the old scientist.
  17. So, I wanted to make an 'all in one' tug/explorer (vanilla parts) to export almost all of the Kerbol system. Criteria was that as much of the ship as possible should be reusable at each stop, and it can refuel itself along the way. My plan was to have three main components: a driller (for refueling), a science lander, and a tug to transport the other two components. The driller was pretty simple, with a 4500 ore capacity: Note the large docking port atop, that will mate to the 'back' of the tug. The harder part was building a lander. I started a lander that would handle MOST of the standard planets (Mun, Eeloo, etc) a single stage land/takeoff that would have about 3000+ dV. Added chutes and drogues for Duna and Laythe. For Duna and Laythe, I added a removable inflatable heat shield, connected with a docking port so I could add or remove it as the mission required via a docking port: Experimenting with the inflatable shield was VERY interesting. A few lessons: If you inflate it and it touches an atmosphere, you can't deflate and re-use it. Which means I'd need to bring one for Duna and one for Laythe. When you deflate it, it *VIOLENTLY* explodes. So I separated it as much as I could, and experimented to make sure after the peak of re-entry heat, I could turn the ship prograde, drop the shield, and then flip back retrograde before finishing the landing sequence (in some cases just turning sideways and firing the engines to get the heck away from this giant bomb I'm carrying). Otherwise, the air resistance forces the shield back into the craft, with another BIG BOOM. So, that being said, my tests with Laythe still didn't work because of the high dV needed to push through the atmosphere. So, I added another optional stage I could also add with a docking port: It's super ugly, and the lower engines gimbal way more than they should, making it a difficult craft to control. But I get an extra 1630 dV from the lower stage, coupled with 3670 on the upper stage (if I use the drop tanks, but a bit less otherwise), gives me about 5300+ dV total, enough to land and take off from Laythe and Tylo. Note that I have to cut the fuel cross-feed (otherwise it robs the upper tanks first) and the stage cutover is a manual redocking/staging sequence, but not too awful. So, now I have all the planets covered, except for Eve, of course. So, here is the assembled tug, powered by a dozen nuke engines: Note the two 'extra' sections being carried: - Fuel/Engine set for Tylo - Thermal balloon for Duna - Another set of both for Laythe And, of course, a science lab. Fully assembled and fueled, she has about 5000dV. Getting ready to run the full system test!
  18. So umm, a couple months ago I was lazy and used mods like Kerbal Engineer for data readings. Soon I became interested in collecting those data values myself. Soooo I headed to the cheat sheat in the KSP wiki. I learn’t ‘The Rocket Equation’ quite easily and then moved onto TWR. But whenever I plugged in the numbers it would turn out wrong. So I spent hourrs trying to solve this problem with no results. Here is the formula off the wiki: Where Ft is thrust m is mass g is the gravitational acceleration I’m also using a scientific calculator for these calculations. Any help would be appreciated whatsoever!!!
  19. Hello, This is the release section for my latest and most developed to date mod, Kerbin's KSP overhaul. what it adds: a more challenging career mode with less science at the begining new replacement resources more labs and most importantly MOAR SCIENCE! what makes this different: normaly, career tech tree mods require community tech tree however Kerbins KSP overhaul like my other mod 64x overhaul require only Module Manager DOWNLOAD https://spacedock.info/mod/1611/Kerbins KSP overhaul hope you enjoy!!!!!! coming soon: PARTS! thats all from me, the rest is all down to your imagination (with the career limits of course!)
  20. hello, welcome to my KSP overhaul development thread, my second mod designed for KSP this mod aims to add: more fun buttons to press within the IVA... more fun resources to play around with! and a better career system? https://discord.gg/juenMcX to do list: Resource utilisation... IVA modded IVA Licence: All rights reserved DOWNLOAD! https://spacedock.info/mod/1611/Kerbins KSP overhaul dependances: Module Manager update - (15/12/17) Figured out science defs, thanks @DeltaDizzy! Screenshots to come on monday so are new experiments, new parts (maybe) IVAs (more than likely), certainly bugfixed expect releases on monday!
  21. Hello, I recently had to reinstall all my mods because I hadn't played since before 1.3's release. I didn't have much trouble updating all the relevant mods and getting them reinstalled and my game now opens and works correctly. However, the only issue I have is that when I tried to load up one of the specific ships I made earlier, it fails and says that it can't be loaded because it requires a missing component 'scienceModuleAdvanced'. Does anyone know what mod this component might be from as I may have missed one of my mods while reinstalling or something. Thanks Image of error
  22. Using ModuleManager, I want to edit the tech tree or all the parts (including modded parts) to make everything be unlocked from the start of a career playthrough. This is to make a contract-focused mode that is basically the opposite of science mode
  23. Well, basically this is the question. After complete the tech tree, you still play in the save or you just stop? And why?
  24. Question: When lightning strikes afar off, we see the light almost instantly and the sound waves race at different speeds to us with the shortest wavelengths first (crackle sound) and then the rest in a rolling sound as each frequency reaches the ear one after another with lower and lower pitch until the largest wavelength finally finishes the race. This makes sense because Speed=Distance/Time. The shortest wavelength travels less distance to the ear because it’s journey is closer to a straight line. The largest wavelength travels more distance because it must ascend and descend a good distance before making much forward motion. If the electro-magnetic spectrum includes large wavelength radio waves, medium wavelength visible light, and very short wavelength gamma rays, then why does it not follow that light must travel at varying speeds and not constant. If gamma rays and radio waves both were moving at 186,000mi/sec wouldn’t the radio waves be slower than the gamma rays since Speed=Distance/Time. The radio waves takes a longer journey than the gamma ray because the wavelengths are the photons ascending and descending and not moving purely forward at 186,000mi/sec. If we do observe all of the spectrum being constant at the same speed, wouldn’t that mean that radio waves move faster than gamma rays to make up for the greater ascension and descension? If all light is constant in speed then isn’t all light moving faster than the speed of light because 186,000mi/s (I assume) is the speed of light from point A to point B in a straight line in a vacuum? Light must be traveling faster than that figure to make up the extra distance, right?
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