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  1. Like in Real Exoplanets and Kcalbeloh. I am developing a mod that adds several new star systems, and would like to have them be stationary.
  2. I would like it to be around a gas giant, and to be compatible with 1.12.5. I already know about New Horizons and Alternis, but they aren't compatible :(
  3. IMPORTANT: PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION, NOT FINAL Before I begin: 0. I'm not really planning to finish this OP here. I got my information primarily from the official documentation here, this was primarily an attempt to provide examples and better explanations. It's actually been a year or two since I actually wrote an MM patch myself. 1. This is my own idea, it is in no way official, nor affiliated with any developer of ModuleManager. 2. I thought it would be helpful. 3. No one told me not to. 4. This is for you, @Ooglak Kerman. And all the others who wished to manage their modules, but could not. So, I figured that many KSP players who use a lot of mods may not exactly have the mods just the way the want. Or maybe a budding modder wants to learn some stuff about CFG files. Part 1: What is Module Manager? ModuleManager is a mod created by @ialdabaoth and currently maintained by @sarbian. A large portion of KSP's data are stored in text files with the .cfg extension. This includes resource definitions, part functionality, science flavor text and gains, and much, much, more. Sometimes, a mod may need to change this existing data as well as adding it's own. That is where Module Manager comes in to help. With ModuleManager, the text in CFG files can change what is actually loaded into the game from what is in the other files. For example, Snacks, a life-support mods, adds some life support supplies to all crewed pods using ModuleManager. THIS GUIDE WILL NOT TELL YOU HOW TO INSTALL MODULE MANAGER. Part 2: The Node Structure The CFG files are set up into a hierarchy of nodes. These nodes contain fields, where data is, and other nodes. Let's take a look at the definition of the Liquid Fuel resource. At the top, in caps, we see "RESOURCE_DEFINITION". This is the type of node. As it does not exist within another node, we call it a top-level node. Within it, are some other nodes and fields. First, is the "name" field. This is not what is displayed, it is an internal name. It is very important, however, for selecting that node for later editing. It also has some other functions for things like functionality. You may notice, that in the displayName and abbreviation fields, there is some #autoLOC_<numbers>. This uses the localization system, displaying a different value based on what language is selected for the game. This will be later discussed further. So, we have those fields, but we also have the "RESOURCE_DRAIN_DEFINITION" node, with its own fields inside. There could be other nodes inside that, and you can go on forever. Part 3: Selecting a Node for Editing At the top of the previous example, we saw the line "RESOURCE_DEFINITION". In front of that, we could have put a few thing, and behind it, we could have put a lot more things. If, at the front, we had an "@" character, we could select a RESOURCE_DEFINITION for editing. if we had a "+" character, it would make a copy and let us edit that. the "!" and "-" characters delete the selected node, but you still have to specify a little something. More detail on this later. Finally, the "%" character edits something if it already exists, and if not, creates it. At the back, we could have put some square brackets. Inside those brackets, we could select a name of the specific node to edit, as there are lots of nodes of the same type. The name is the same as the "name" field specified in the initial creation of the node. You can put the "*" character inside the name, and it will represent any number of any characters. So, "abc*" would select "abc1", "abc2", "abcde", but not "ab3". Additionally, the "?" character can be any one random character. If you want to select every part, you can put just the "*" character into the square brackets. After the square brackets, we can put a comma and then a number, or some other selectors. The numbers indicate which node to edit, if the node they are in have multiple with the same name. The selectors are: HAS, NEEDS, FOR, BEFORE, AFTER, FIRST, and FINAL. They will be discussed in more detail later. After each of these words, there is some stuff in square brackets, and then a colon between everything. Here's an example, from the Blueshift thread: Let's look at each line. First, it edits the parts with a specific set of nodes. Curly braces indicate that we are going a level in. Then, we edit a module node with the name "WBIWarpEngine". Again, curly braces. Finally, we edit the warpSpeedSkillMultiplier field to be 0.6. Remember to make sure that each opening curly brace is paired with a closed curly brace. This is one of the most common mistakes! Part 4: Selecting Fields Fields also need to have the selection character at the front, and can have the other selectors or numbers applied to them. Oh, and the number can be the star symbol to select all of them. If there is no number, the first one is used. These go before the new value, like this: @WhatEverThisIs, 3:NEEDS[xyz] = abc Part 5: Other Selectors There are a few things you can put after each selected node or field: 1. HAS HAS will only make the patch apply to parts with some condition. After the word goes a set of square brackets. Inside, you can put: <character><node/fieldType>[<name>]. The character can be @, # or !. If the character is @, then the patch will only run on parts with that node. If the character is !, then the patch will only run on parts without that node. The # character will be covered later, when we get to variables. The node type should be self-explanatory. is it a PART? MODULE? RESOURCE? The name is just the same as the name field when selecting a part. 2. FOR This one's simple, a mod name goes in the box. This lets Module Manager know that the patch is for that mod. 3. NEEDS For this selector, inside the box goes the name of a mod. The patch will only run if that mod is installed. The ! character can be used to make the patch only run if the mod is not installed, and the | character acts like a logical OR gate, so either of two mods can be installed and the patch will run. To determine whether a mod exists: A. if there is a patch, that runs at all, with the FOR selector carrying a name that is the same as what is in the NEEDS box B. Or, if there is a folder in GameData with the name you are looking for. 4-5. BEFORE and AFTER Mod names go in the box. These make the patch run before or after patches with FOR selectors of the mod name. Useful to avoid pouring the drink before getting out a cup, so to speak. 6-7. FIRST and FINAL Simply put, these just make the patches run before or after everything else. No square brackets needed. COMMUNITY UPDATING As it seems others have begun to add things to this, I will quote them here in the OP. Thanks, everyone!
  4. Hello all cosmonauts! This is my first post in the community, I hope to post this in the right place. I'm a graphic designer, and I've worked on some mods for other games. But KSP is my passion and I would like to collaborate with the community. I decided to do some tests for an improved interface in the graphic aspect, without intervening in the size, functions or positions of the elements, just perform in reskin of the interface. (especially for QHD and 4k) Seeking to unify unnecessary colors to decrease unnecessary visual complexity, and also make those long trips to Elo more comfortable. The idea is to use flatter textures, with greater contrast when necessary and greater clarity in the shapes. This is a very easy redesign job to apply to the game if the configuration and texture files can be easily modified. With KSP I am a little confused on how to start the work so I decided to ask the community for help to form a team and work on the aspects that I do not know about the game. I have always worked alone, without sharing many of the mods I made, but I think that should change, and the KSP community is one of the best to start learning and sharing experiences.
  5. Hey everyone. I've been playing KSP since, like, 2013. It is such a good game with lots of replay ability, thanks to mods. I've always been a fan of realism, or near future science fiction, which is why most of the mods that I used to use revolved around managing real world phenomena, from radiation to food with kerbalism. When KSP2 was announced, I was excited to see what additions and more customizability they would add to this game. Sadly, it seems that game has died, and there won't be any new updates to KSP1. However, now that KSP1 is in its final state, I figured now would be the right time to figure out how to mod this game. I had an idea for an overhaul, focusing on the management of a space agency, working with kerbal governments, laws, social events, resource management for parts ect. Basically, realism with a larger scale. I'm currently using ChatGPT and articles I've found on modding to figure out how to do specific things, but I figure I should probably ask about this stuff, which I never seen done before in a mod. Here are my questions: 1) Is there a way to create my own menus, like the science/research tech tree menu, the contract menu, or the administrations menu? I would like to overhaul those visuals, but don't know how to do it, or if its possible. 2) Is there a way to add visual meshes to the world, like trees or those monuments, for the sake of buildings, infrastructure, ect? Basically, is there a way to show kerbal civilization in the world? 3) I know there are ways to move the KSC to other planets, but it always looks weird in the mods I've seen. Is there a way to either edit the KSC view, or create a new menu system for navigating buildings for multiple stations/ multiple planets? 4) For stats regarding individual kerbals, is there a way to store more data for each of them? For example, physiological traits, radiation exposure, psychological traits, social traits, ect? Would I need to build a custom wrapper that logs each kerbal's name and apply my own system to them to store that extra data, or is there a system in place for adding custom data/tags to kerbal profiles? 5) Is there a way to procedurally/dynamically change variables about planets? Atmospheric composition, height, density, ect? I know Kopernicus allows for editing plant stats at launch, but I don't know if you can edit it on the fly. This would be for terraforming. 6) Background automation, decision making, and planning? Is there an easy way to simulate vessels and what happens on them, allowing orbital dynamics and resource levels, to change while out of flight? Or would I also need to create a wrapper for each vehicle, and create my own code for simulating those things, and apply that data when the vessel loads again?
  6. Info: The Github repository linked here contains a set of classes that you can freely (under the MIT license) add to your projects to help you make mods. The features include but are not limited to: Easy vessel orbit teleporting Easy orbit to and form ConfigNode conversion Saving and loading ConfigNodes to files A GUI manager that uses the popup system PNG to texture conversion from filepath A helper function for setting ConfigNode values An easy way for making mod icons in the sidebar The repo also contains some examples to help you get started. More documentation is on the way. Github: https://github.com/r11b22/KSPTools/tree/master License: MIT
  7. So as it turns out, my mod has a few issues. For example, even with a texture, the gas planet is completely black as seen in the images below Gas giant config below Star config below Edit: When placing a regular Jool, it seems to be illuminated correctly Second edit: This issue happens when I apply the texture to the ScaledVersion. Here is my texture below: Third edit: Something was likely wrong with my texture. OPM Urlum's texture worked, but when I tried to use the Ignis texture, it did the same glitch.
  8. KSP2 WorldVis A visual asset and mod development tool for KSP2. This project also serves as an example of how game resources can be integrated in the editor, and a demo of BundleKit (WIP alpha code) See the github README for setup instructions. Features: Run PQS planets in the Unity editor. Get instant feedback when developing planet assets. Planet debug visualizations. LookDev part assets against actual KSP2 shaders, etc. ThunderKit Addressable browser provides easy viewing of stock parts to use as examples and view material/behavior layouts. Zip around Kerbin at mach 50 while making wooshing noises PQS FreeCam demo video: https://vimeo.com/970942659/f9acd8a73b License: MIT (TunderKit/KSP2UT editor package dependencies under their respective licenses) Source code: https://github.com/foonix/Ksp2WorldVis/ Known issues: Some features such as science and biome overlays do not work due to lack of appropriate overlay shaders. Some objects on Kerbin throw errors due to lack of GameManager. Burst compilation does not work, leading to increased CPU usage for PQS jobs. This is a limitation of Burst in precompiled assemblies, see here. Possible future work: I'd like to integrate this with some kind of part/planet loading framework so that part-only or planet-only mods can be exported directly. There is code in the game to bake scaled space planet textures from the PQS mesh. Adding a feature to run it could greatly simplify development of custom planets. Screenshots: KSC Debugging Feature Screenshots:
  9. KSP 2 Modding Wiki We have made a new community wiki for everything related to KSP 2 modding. The goal is for it to become a centralized knowledge base for modders, one that is more accessible and easier to navigate than scattered posts throughout the KSP 2 Modding Society Discord server. I'd like to encourage everyone who has any insight that they feel could be useful to others to share it there - from basic examples on how to create a basic SpaceWarp mod to making part mods with Unity to specific guides on e.g. creating custom Part Modules or solving some common issues. All you need to get started with writing your own articles or helping with existing ones is to make an account! Link: https://wiki.spacewarp.org
  10. I would love to see a Kerbol Origins or OPM port, or Parallax. I'm not sure how likely or feasible it is, but it would be really nice to see those mods ported over to KSP2. Despite KSP2's bugs, the game has improved a lot and can be seen as a similar title to KSP1. Honestly the amount of creativity generated over the course of KSP1's lifespan is staggering, and it shouldn't just be abandoned. Anyone interested in a OPM/Kerbol Origins/etc. revival? Maybe like a "modloader" that you install into KSP2 with mods that you can enable and disable? I don't know KSP2 modding, so maybe i'm not the right person to talk about this, but it still would be cool.
  11. You guys know the BD Armorys Armor Plates i want to duplicate them and give different texture to them. I using armor plates as structural parts for my star destroyers . I did copy armor plates folder and edit needed things in cfg. Except one thing; texture. Cfg file has not texture file name and directory line. But even so it is always using bd armory texture file directory. I want to change directory and texture file name. How to do this? (Please speak simple, my english not eough to understand complicated sentences)
  12. Can't find any guides on this anywhere augh What I want to do is create my own IVA's for existing parts (for example Airplane plus cockpits) but I'm confused on what programs/plugins I need and ofc how to use them step-by-step instructions on this would be neat
  13. So recently I was looking into modding KSP1 (making my own planets). I was wondering if there's a way I can add custom assets/models to a planet's surface in a specific area. A bit like how the monoliths and easter eggs are models placed on the ground. Also what about placing models in orbit. I wanted to make a cylindrical object in orbit, based of the Rama spacecraft. If anyone knows how to please let me know, or refer me to a youtube tutorial (as I can't find one).
  14. The KSP community has created many AMAZING graphical mods using EVE(Enviromental Visual Enhancements), and I want to do the same. My question is, how do I use the mod to create a cloud layer? What should I do if I want to add citylights to a specific celestial body? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Greetings fellow Kerbal Space Program enthusiasts! I'm currently working on a mod for Kerbal Space Program's vehicle editor, and I'm seeking some guidance on implementing a specific feature. My goal is to create a mod that adds a slider, accessible through a toolbar button, which displays the total amount of each resource (e.g., fuel, ore, oxidizer) available in the SPH or VAB. This slider should allow players to efficiently distribute resources by moving it, removing the same percentage of fuel from all tanks simultaneously, instead of depleting one tank at a time. I would greatly appreciate it if any experienced modders or game developers could lend me their expertise. Here are a few questions I have: How can I code a custom slider within Kerbal Space Program's vehicle editor interface? Where can I find reference code or examples to help me with creating custom UI elements in Kerbal Space Program mods? How can I retrieve the total amount of each resource present in the SPH or VAB using modding techniques? What methods or approaches should I use to link the movement of the slider to the removal of a consistent percentage of fuel from all tanks in Kerbal Space Program? Are there any existing resources, tutorials, or examples available that can provide step-by-step guidance on coding UI elements, resource management, and mod development in Kerbal Space Program(Videos)? Your guidance, suggestions, or even pointing me in the direction of relevant resources would be immensely helpful. Thank you all in advance for your valuable insights and support!
  16. Hi, My goal with this patch is : - reduce antenna EC consumption on science transmission. Reduce the bandwith to make science transmission take longer. I came with multiple solutions, but it's weird since it never fully works : some antennas have half the patch applied (the ec bit), others the bandwith bits, others none... Here are examples of what I tested, none were better than the other. If some MM wizzards are around, some little help will greatly appreciated ! first attempt : @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @PacketInterval /= 2 @packetSize /= 2 @packetResourceCost /= 2 } } second attempt : @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitte*]:HAS[#antennaType[RELAY]]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @PacketInterval /= 2 @packetSize /= 2 @packetResourceCost /= 2 } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitte*]:HAS[#antennaType[DIRECT]]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { @PacketInterval /= 2 @packetSize /= 2 @packetResourceCost /= 2 } }
  17. Hello Modders! I'm developing a mod for the game that let's you load reference images directly into the editor so you can build around images, IN-GAME! It makes it really easy to make near-perfect replicas of real life vehicles. Thing is... I really need some help finishing this thing. I've ran into some problems when loading the texture into the game. KSP seems to be able to load the image, but not properly apply the texture to said image. That's where YOU come in! If you have any prior experience in Unity KSP modding I would love your help with loading these textures into the game. Thanks in advance for any help! Below are some screenshots of the mod doing it's thing:
  18. Hello. I'm trying to create a custom part mod for KSP 2 but I'm not 100% sure how to set everything up so that my custom part will show up in-game without any problems. The images below show what I have so far in Unity. I know there is a creating custom parts section on the SpaceWarp documentation, but some parts of it are a little hard to follow.
  19. if the modding community make's all the features we don't have yet will the devs still add them in or improve on what the modders did?
  20. How do you all think the modding scene will look in KSP 2? Which of the current master modders will be the ones to start to port over the old mods?
  21. If you don't develop, test or translate the KSP mods, then you may stop reading now. These mods have no value for a regular KSP player. For those who do develop or translate the mods, some of these mods may have some value: KSPDev LogConsole. A mod that intercepts stock game logging output and presents it a bit more friendly. It also can persist it to disk so what you don't loose logs from the previous runs. Also, logs are persisted into three files: INFO, WARNING, and ERROR (configurable via settings file). This allows quick navigation between key events in the game. See more information here. Some screenshots are here. Also, read the Log Console Wiki. KSPDev Utils. An assembly with a bunch of useful methods that may make your life easier (or harder, you never know). Basically, it's a constantly extending library of the best practices and common task implementations. It's distributed under the Public Domain license, so you don't need to bring the whole binary into your project: you may just copy/paste the code you need right into your code base. See more information here. Also, see the API documentation. If you want to use this library, then you really need to read the documentation! KSPDev ReleaseTools. A bulk of handy Python scripts that helps building and releasing a mod. The scripts can build, automatically update MinIAVC version files basing on the data from AssemblyInfo.cs, and actually uploading the archives to the major KSP mods hosting platforms (GitHub, Curseforge, Spacedock)!. The release project can be configured either via a JSON settings file or directly from the Python code. See Release Builder Wiki for more information. KSPDev_LocalizationTool . A mod that can help you managing the mod localization. It's useful for both: the authors, and for the translators. The best resource on learning the mod abilities, is reading the Localization Tool Wiki. I did my best to describe the most useful use cases, but feel free to ask here, in the thread. IMPORTANT NOTE! The tool is not able to merge ModuleManager patches or account the runtime part changes. So, if you do localization, it's better to disable such heavy mods as ReStock/ReStock+. How to install KSPDev LogConsole. From CKAN (highly recommended): Install and run CKAN. Search for "LogConsole" or "KSPDev", then install the mod. Occasionally run CKAN client to update LogConsole to the latest version. Manually (discouraged): Download the release ZIP from: GitHub. Spacedock. Ensure all existing files are deleted. Do not just copy over! Unzip the contents. By default console is activated via ` (back quote) key. It's configurable via KSPDev.settings file (sorry, I didn't put comments there). KSPDev Utils. If you like reusing code via copy/paste then: Read the docs, find the module, copy the code, have fun, and add a Like to this post. If you prefer using pre-built assemblies then: Get latest DLL and docs XML from Github (note that releases are usually a bit behind the trunk). Add the assembly into your project as a reference. If you use a modern IDE then IntelliSense and help topics should become available. Always put the DLL into the same folder as your mod, this way you'll never get hit by a versions hell. KSPDev ReleaseBuilder. Download latest release archive from Github. Copy the Python script into your repository and setup the project settings. See Wiki for the help and examples. KSPDev LocalizationTool. Read the installation instructions in Wiki. Mods that use KSPDev Utils: Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) KSPDev Localization Tool ...here can be your mod... License All code and binaries are distributed under Public Domain license. You're absolutely not restricted! Source code location LogConsole Github repository. Utils Github repository. ReleaseBuilder Github repository. LocalizationTool Github repository.
  22. I've wanted to make a variant of the Mk 1-3 Command Pod to carry 5 Kerbals instead of just 3, but I'm not quite sure how to approach this. Ideally it would be another part using the same model but Mk 1-5 instead of Mk 1-3. I'm not sure how exactly to do this, and was wondering if maybe there are better alternatives out there. Thanks.
  23. Version of the game: 1.12.3 Description: Tweak Scale doesnt changing size of construction part, no plugin Icon at the toolbar at the right bottom - only small text about TweakScale and slide for changing sizes, but it doesn't working. Chatterer - installed, reinstalled, but no any sounds in the game, as no plugin icon at the toolbar. Mods Installed: Logs: ModuleManager.log Player.log
  24. Ok, so I grabbed ASET props to put together a custom IVA for the new MK1 pod, but I cant find any unity files or tutorials on the subject. Could someone nudge me towards the answer?
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