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Kargatua: Poly Centuri for more info, screenshots, and dev news, please click here If anyone wants to help with science Def's, I am open stuff to look for in the next updates (0.5 and 1.0) Planned futures, Dependencies (So Far) Kopernicus Singularity What I am working on Features that will be in the next few updates (guaranteed) Download here thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for space dock Poly Centauri Planed planets I am relatively new to modding, so this probably won't be the best Current Features; Thanks to @Sushut for YouTube tutorials, thanks to @Mr. Kerbin for Help with troubleshooting and Flars New texture, thanks to @SQUAD for reasons that I hope doesn't need explaining, and thanks to @blackrack for the amazing mod singularity, without that mod I could not play with black holes.
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Please note that Physics Range Extender and Module Manager are required dependencies for BDArmory Plus Also be advised that using the World Stabilizer mod will cause problems with PRE as it has its own world stabilization code we refer to as Black Spell ... Only solution to this is to not use the World Stabilizer mod ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BDA+ Release Links: Github: Spacedock: Issues link: Wiki: Physics Range Extender (REQUIRED): Module Manager (REQUIRED): Supported Mods: BDA+ has been made compatible with the following to allow integration with these mods: Camera Tools continued B9 ProcWings Fork Modified Procedural Parts TweakScale Ferram Aerospace Research Continued Firespitter (partial - only the active vessel has active engine throttling) Weapon Packs for BDA+: Fox Defense Contracts - Tank Turrets SMI Missiles and Launchers Aviator Arsenal Continued Kerbal Field Weapon Pack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Overview BDArmory Plus (BDA+) is the release of two-plus years continuous development of BDA off of BDArmory Continued. Previously this development effort was released under BDArmory for Runway Project, but going forward it will be released under the BDArmory Plus (BDA+) name. BDA+ has numerous features and bugfixes over BDAc: Performance optimizations, tournament/autospawn tools, AI improvements, overhauled weaponry, hull material options and armor mechanics, battle damage, racing/waypoints and other game modes, and loads more. See the changelog for the full list of improvements and fixes. BDA+ also maintains compatibility with existing BDAc part mods and will continue to do so in the future. The BDA+ team consists of @DocNappers, @SuicidalInsanity, @josuenos, @BillNyeTheIE and many contributors from the Runway Project community and beyond, including: Aubranium, Scott Manley (@illectro), Stardust (@Box of Stardust), Kurgan (@TheKurgan), Kaz (@Ryugi), CeruleanEyes, Fluffy, Cl0by, Concodroid, EzBro. BD Armory was originally developed by Paolo Encarnacion (@BahamutoD) and distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. BahamutoD has moved on to creating VTOL VR, found on Steam. Go check it out! Previous maintainers of BDArmory are @Papa_Joe, @jrodriguez, @SpannerMonkey(smce), @gomker, @TheDog and @DoctorDavinci. Changelog v1.8.0.0 v1.7.1.0 v1.7.0.0 v1.6.12.0 v1.6.11.0 v1.6.10.1 v1.6.10.0 v1.6.9.0 v1.6.8.0 v1.6.7.0 v1.6.6.0 v1.6.5.0 v1.6.4.1 v1.6.4.0 v1.6.3.0 v1.6.2.0 v1.6.1.0 v1.6.0.2 v1.6.0.1 v1.6.0.0 v1.5.9.4 v1.5.9.3 v1.5.9.2 v1.5.9.1 v1.5.9.0 v1.5.8.0 v1.5.7.0 v1.5.6.2 v1.5.6.1 v1.5.6.0 v1.5.5.1 v1.5.5.0 v1.5.4.1 v1.5.4.0 v1.5.3.1 v1.5.3.0 v1.5.2.1 v1.5.2.0 v1.5.1.2 v1.5.1.1 v1.5.1.0 v1.5.0.0 For older changes dating back to when the BDArmory Plus (BDArmory for Runway Project) forked from BDArmory Continued, see the changelog on SpaceDock. License BD Armory was originally developed by Paolo Encarnacion (BahamutoD), and later maintained and distributed by the BDAc team under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. This mod is now called BD Armory Plus, and is being maintained by the BDA+ team. It continues to be distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. Please read about the license at before attempting to modify and redistribute it. BD Armory Plus contains un-modified code originating from BDArmory Continued based off of Aircraft Carrier Accessories that was used with permission ( ... Courtesy of @flywlyx BD Armory Plus also contains code based off of Firespitter. To comply with the requirements of Firespitters' license, the following permission notice, applicable to those parts of the code only, is included below: License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking. For reuse of the plugin, please either direct people to download the dll from my official release, OR recompile the wanted partmodule/class with a new class name to avoid conflicts.
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- bdarmory plus
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SUPERPLUTO126 PRESENTS…… DISTANT SKIES:A KSP MODPACK. What is Distant Skies? Distant skies has been a long dream of mine, this project was inspired by several other mods, such as ‘Galaxies Unbound’ ‘Infinite Discoveries’ and ‘Interstellar adventure revived’. Distant Skies seeks to add a Truly Significant amount of TRUE star systems to the game. Not only that, but it is also based heavily on real life solar systems. The Closest Star is Alpha Centauri, and I also have granted myself more artistic liberties here and added extra planets and moons when possible that are within the confines of realism. There are no habitable worlds in the nearest stars to kerbol, and even the atmospheres are scarce at best. You will have to get Crafty if you want to engineer craft to go here. How many Stars/Systems does this mod intend to add in the end? Yes, I dont even have a solid figure lol, I have an entire doc for a to-do list and half of it is systems i intend to add. You are free to make suggestions in the Discord for interesting stars with planets (Or even those that dont!). Of course I will be adding Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani and Trappist. I will also be adding more obscure systems, such as L-59 and Kepler 444. Why are the planets low quality?Where are the scatterers and Eve Atmospheres? Why are the Red Dwarves not red? I am new to planet modding, thus, don't expect starcrusher level stuff from me yet. Sunflares, clouds, better atmospheres are something I want too. There are no Biomemaps yet or Rational resources support, this is a VERY wip mod. Also before you ask I am aware of the issues on Proxima D, a Revamp of the planet is WIP. How Can I Help this mod in development? Playing it, making suggestions, and engagement. That is both very much a morale boost and helpful to diagnosing issues, making changes and improving all of our experiences. Download: skies#info Mod Dev Discord: (TBA) PAGE TO BE REVAMPED SOON mod ver.0.7
Have you ever thought of launching rockets the wrong way? Retrograde Launch Systems gets you covered! They provide several rockets for you to launch westwards. This is my first mod, don't expect great textures or models for now. Download (SpaceDock): Launch Systems License: CC-BY-NC-SA (CFG), All Rights Reserved (Textures and Models)
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Picture by @Vals_Aerospace Stockalike Angara and Post-Soviet spacecraft for KSP v1.1.0 (26 May 2021) This mod adds the Angara launch vehicle and it associated upper stages to the game. It will eventually include more rockets developed in the Post-Soviet era. It is meant to mesh well with Tantares, Bluedog Design Bureau, and other stockalike mods. Gallery DOWNLOADS Spacedock Github DEVELOPMENT BUG REPORTS WIKI ROADMAP Made by @EStreetRockets Support from B9PS and SAF provided by @blowfish (Un)official wiki maintained by @Friznit Special thanks to @PickledTripod, @CobaltWolf, @Beale, and @DylanSemrau, as well as many others who aided development. I am open to suggestions. Please feel free to (respectfully) let me know about stuff you think would make a good addition to the mod. Make sure check the roadmap before you ask. As of now, the scope of this mod is Russian spacecraft in the Post-Soviet era. Dependencies (included in download, check for latest versions!): B9 Part Switch (2.17.0) Community Resource Pack (1.4.2) Module Manager (4.1.4) Simple Adjustable Fairings (1.12.0) DeployableEngines (1.3.0) Installation: Merge the GameData folder in the release .ZIP with the GameData folder in your KSP installation. All of the dependencies come included with the mod. The "Eisenhower-Astronautics" folder, as well all dependencies, should appear alongside the "Squad" folder. Recommended Mods: Eisenhower Astronautics comes with support for the following mods: WaterfallFX - A cool way to create and drive engine effects more effectively. If you want cool engine plumes, get this mod. CryoTanks - This provides a set of patches provide fuel-switching features for the most basic LF/O tanks as well as orbital fuel tanks specially designed to contain cryogenic fuels. I recommend you use all of them for a complete experience. Frequently Asked Questions How are the parts balanced? Parts are balanced against stock KSP parts, which means the launch vehicles might seem overpowered. The parts are best suited for a 2.5x~ system rescale or JNSQ. Will you add feature/part xxx? I certainly accept pull requests. Please target all such things to the dev branch though! Or, you can make a constructive suggestion on the forum thread. Please check the roadmap above before asking. Licensing:
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Hello! This is the continuation to my first mod, Planes with Purposes. Unfortunately, I previously abandoned this mod because I was very busy with school work, but after 4 years, I can finally continue work on it. The purpose of this mod is to make Aircraft useful. Big thanks to @inigma for making the mod that inspired this one! His mod: Link to GAP Original PWP forum: Link to PWP The mod is by no means finished or bug free, so please report any bugs encountered in the comments of this forum page, the Github issues thingy or my discord (tudor69420) Known bugs: There are no bugs because I'm the best (Anyone that says otherwise will be given an internship at the experimental rocket testing program) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can download the mod on: SpaceDock CurseForge GitHub CKAN: (I don't think I can link to that, but you can find it by searching for PWP or Planes With Purposes) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependencies: Module Manager ContractConfigurator _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To do: Fix bugs Add rescue contracts Add more distance/flight time contracts Add KSC Airlines (transport passengers) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changelog: v1.0 Mod Released ---------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Fixed Bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.2 Added 1 stunt contract Added 2 flight duration contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.3 MADE SSTO CONTRACTS WORK!!!!!! Also added 2 sunt contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.4 Added more SSTO contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.5 Added Mach 9 Kontract Fixed bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.6 - Major Update Added Tourism Contracts Fixed some old contracts v1.6.1 Changed Contract Rewards (I don't know what I was thinking giving 500 Prestige for a Duna mission) Fixed Contracts Added a new contract Changed contract groups
So I have played modded KSP 1 for a long while now, like a year or 1.5. And I have never seen this error until a couple weeks ago. It seems that all of my mods are corrupted, but IDK how to fix it. Every major parts mod has at least one part that cannot properly load and that stops the game from fully loading, ergo I cannot even reach the start screen. Dropbox link for the mod list: And the error message is: Loading has failed due to an unhandled error Failure in subsystem : Part compilation Part: Mk1 Mirage 2000B (AviationCockpits/Command/Mirage/Mk1 Mirage Cockpit) System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ModuleResourceIntake.GetInfo () [0x0002d] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 at PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (AvailablePart newPartInfo, Part part) [0x0024e] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext_Patch0(PartLoader/<CompileParts>d__56) at KSPCommunityFixes.Performance.KSPCFFastLoader+<FrameUnlockedCoroutine>d__63.MoveNext () [0x0006c] in <e997dbbd4fda4eacb68a00719aa5e5dc>:0
SSALAD Downloads Github More soon I promise Made by @Lil_Bread402 (currently) Dependencies B9 part switch Community Resource Pack Module Manager Simple Adjustable Fairings Bluedog Design Bureau Cryo Tanks Recommended mods Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit ORANGES Waterfall SSALAD is a ksp modding adding concepts from the SPS program. The Solar power satellite (SPS) program was a NASA program designed to create Satellites to power the Earth from solar power in Geostationary orbit. Currently this mod is aimed at creating the launch vehicles and crew vehicles envisioned within the concept. Currently the launch vehicles such as the Propane booster and JSC HLLV are available right now. Some more Pics Right now the mod is in active development so there may be issues with certain parts. if so any issues will be looked at.
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An ISS parts mod for Kerbal Space Program 2 This mod is in pre-release. It does not have all the ISS components yet. This mod seeks to provide ISS and space modeling enthusiasts with all of the station's components (eventually) so that they can recreate its construction in the historical sequence of assembly, or simply utilize them to construct the space station of their dreams. Gallery Zarya Zarya, the original 'grandma' of the ISS, started out as the powerhouse, the brains, and the muscle of the station. But now, after years of hard work, she's basically the space version of an attic, filled with random stuff from the early days of space exploration. Unity Unity is the first U.S.-built component of the ISS, linking the laboratory's Russian Orbital Segment and US Orbital Segment. Unity was launched on 4 December 1998, aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour on STS-88. Zvezda Zvezda provides essential life support systems and offers a cozy home for two lucky kerbonauts. But don't be fooled by its laid-back exterior - Zvezda can be remotely controlled, so if it ever decides to start slacking off, the KSC can give it a virtual kick in the pants. Destiny The Destiny module is the primary operating facility for US research payloads aboard the ISS. This is where science gets a little... spacey. Z1 Truss The Z1 truss is the ISS's master of orientation, the king of control. It’s like the captain of a ship, always making sure everyone is headed in the right direction. With its gyroscopes and plasma pals, it's got the station spinning and twirling like a top, ensuring it's always facing the sun just right. P6 Truss The P6 truss was the second truss segment to be added (after the Z1 truss) because it contains a large Solar Array Wing (SAW) that generated essential electricity for the station. It was delivered by Space Shuttle Endeavour during STS-97. It was the last human spaceflight of the 20th century. Solar Array Wing The ISS Solar Array Wings are so powerful, they could probably light up the entire galaxy if they weren't busy powering the International Space Station to keep the lights on and the coffee brewing. APAS-95 docking port APAS-95 is an androgynous docking system used on the American and Russian modules on the ISS and to allow the Space Shuttle to dock. CBM docking port It's the ISS's secret weapon for connecting habitable modules in the US Orbital Segment. It's like the ultimate "stick-it-to-the-man" (or, in this case, the space station) solution. PMA-1 PMA-1 is basically the space equivalent of a USB adapter, but instead of letting you connect your phone to a laptop, it lets spacecraft connect to the station. Think of it as the ultimate 'space plug-in' for cosmic commuters. Launched with the Unity module in 1998 aboard STS-88. PMA-2/3 This adapter is used on the ISS to convert a CBM interface to an APAS-95 docking port. PMA-2 was launched with the Unity module in 1998 aboard STS-88. It was outfitted special hardware to allow the shuttles to stay docked longer. PMA-3 was launched in 2000 aboard STS-92. Zvezda Solar Panel Meet the solar panel that's seen more sunrises than a rooster. This retractable array is more interested in reminiscing about the glory days than tracking the sun. It's like a retired kerbonaut who's content to bask in the sunlight, occasionally muttering something about 'good old Comrade Sol'. External Active Thermal Control System* The ISS's a busy place, and what happens when all that activity heats things up? The station's radiators come in, space's biggest heat dump! They collect heat and reject it by use of pumped liquid state ammonia in closed-loop circuits to cool the station. * Since KSP2 does not have part heating, this part is just for looks. ISS Technical Docking Port This is a hooking part to weld together two elements where kerbonauts are not intended to pass through, and thus where traditional docking ports should not be used. This component does not exist in the real ISS and have been added for gameplay. Not compatible with other docking ports. Assembly For those daring enough to recreate the ISS's assembly in its historical sequence, this is the suggested procedure. In the absence of Canadarm, the use of tugs is necessary. Element Launcher* Date Recommended parts Zarya Proton-K 1998-11-20 Zarya, APAS-95 x3, Zvezda Solar Panel** x2, RV-105 RCS x4 (stock) Unity / PMA-1 / PMA-2 Space Shuttle (STS-88) 1998-12-04 Unity, PMA-1, PMA-2/3, CMB x8, APAS-95 x2 Zvezda Proton-K 2000-07-12 Zvezda, APAS-95 x4, Zvezda Solar Panel x2, Place-Anywhere RCS x8 (stock) Z1 Truss Space Shuttle (STS-92) 2000-10-11 Z1 Truss, CBM x2, ITDP x2 PMA-3 Space Shuttle (STS-92) 2000-10-11 PMA-2/3, CMB, APAS-95 P6 Truss Space Shuttle (STS-97) 2000-11-30 P6 Truss, EATCS x3, SAW x2, IDTP (x2 if you have to tug it) Destiny Space Shuttle (STS-98) 2001-02-07 Destiny, CBM x2 * launchers not included ** Zarya do not have its own solar panel yet Pictures (shuttle not included) Disclaimer This mod features a semi-realistic modeling of the ISS as some liberties were taken with reality in order to allow the parts to integrate properly with the game with reasonable performance. For example the CBM, used to connect habitable elements in the US Orbital Segment of the ISS, is a non-androgynous system in reality but has been made androgynous in the game for simplicity. This mod's author did his best to make every space shuttle assembly mission possible by allowing the elements to be stored in the stock mk3 cargo bay. Some elements may however still prove difficult to fit in, such as Destiny (some clipping with the cargo bay) or the P6 truss segment (you will need to tuck the radiators in). Known Issues RCS not included. Parts are not available on the tech tree. Zvezda Solar Panel is not self-tracking. Zvezda Solar Panel deployment in the VAB is too slow. Zarya does not have its own solar panel yet (you can use Zvezda's). No reentry effects. Kerbals located inside Zvezda do not show on the interior view windows. Installation Open the game folder by right-clicking on the game in your Steam library, selecting "Manage," and then clicking "Browse local files." Install the Space Warp + BepinEx plugin (available on CKAN). Install the Patch Manager plugin (available on CKAN). Download the latest version of The ISS Construction Kit, either on GitHub or on Spacedock. Open the zip file and drag the included BepInEx folder into the game folder (merge folders when asked). Dependencies Space Warp + BepInEx Patch Manager Links Spacedock: GitHub : Contact: KSP 2 Modding Society Credits For some parts of the ISS : NASA (, Zer0Frost ( Adaptation & mod by Polo
Future Technologies Expansion This mod series introduces new futuristic parts that expand the options of the mid-late game techtree. Right now there is one small mod ready and a larger one nearing imminent release. The core principles behind this are: Aesthetics that don't look too out of place next to restock-quality parts Gameplay benefiting from various other mods including CTT and SystemHeat Fitting in and expanding on features and part rosters from other mods, mainly Nertea's outstanding PKMC mod suite which inspired this project Frontier Aeronautics [Version 0.3 - first public release - July 26, 2021] First mod in the series (and currently the only one released) this introduces the J-F755 'Petrel' - a 3.75m bimodal fusion thermal jet. This large engine is best used in late game SSTO designs for use on any atmospheric planet. Pictures and notes: Current Features: Planned Features: Dependencies (required to run): Module Manager CommunityResourcePack Waterfall - to be moved to recommended section soon, currently running the mod without it will lead to NREs) Recommended mods (for full intended gameplay - highly recommended): CommunityTechTree Far Future Technologies Heat Control Download: Available through CKAN SpaceDock: Technologies Expansion: Frontier Aeronautics Known Issues: All models and textures are under the All Rights Reserved License; all cfg and dll files are under the MIT License. Metallic Hydrogen Rocketry [WIP, release inbound soon] This second mod in the series introduces a selection of mid-game level engines that use metastable metallic hydrogen to acheive performance similar to nuclear thermal rockets. Most require a mixture of mH and liquid hydrogen and radiators if SystemHeat is installed. Pictures: Planned Features:
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Kerbal Telemetry - Now Standalone! Telemetry addon for Kerbal Space Program. The program uses a server that is running on the KSP side and a client which is capable of running both the KSP side computer or any other one over a web browser. This means you can connect to the server from any device which is capable of running it over a web browser by entering your server computer's local address and selected port from the interface (default 8000), for example: Download Links Github (Direct Link) SpaceDock CurseForge Report Issue Create a new issue (Github) Features Real-time sync with the KSP. Accessible over the LAN. Full-featured 3D Kerbin map with real pinpoints on it. Real-time attitude indicator. Target name, distance and speed. Real-time telemetry data. Controlling the vessel from the interface. (Will be fixed on oncoming updates) Staging from the interface. (Will be fixed on oncoming updates) Cool animation when you reach the orbit (when executed from the interface). Multi-language support (English, Russian, Japanese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Chinese, French, Spanish). General information about KSP, spaceship and many more. A brand new module to attach to the spacecraft. Translations If you see any problems or if you want to translate the program to your language, please contact me from my Github page. Russian - MekoNix Japanese - MekoNix Ukrainian - MekoNix Turkish - yagiziskirik English - yagiziskirik Chinese - Auto-translated French - Auto-translated Spanish - Auto-translated Dependencies None! Setup Export files to GameData folder as a folder named "KerbalTelemetry". Done! Please be aware of that naming is quite important for mod to work correctly. Make sure you have `Kerbal Space Progam/GameData/KerbalTelemetry` folder and you need to have `KerbalTelemetry.dll`, `Textures`, `WebServer` and `Parts` files in KerbalTelemetry folder. Usage You need to unlock "Engineering 101" tech tree to use the mod in Career mode. Then add Kerbal Telemetry Computer to your spacecraft. Click to the toolbar icon to open up user interface. Select a port (or use default 8000) and start the server via the corresponding button. Connect to your computer's local IP address and defined port (or localhost if you are using the same computer) on your browser on your device preferably from another computer or from which KSP is installed (ex. localhost:8000 or or If you don't know how to find the local IP address, you can follow this link for more information. On the top bar you can see: Spacecraft name Mission time after the take-off Speed Altitude Apogee Perigee Inclination On the first page (Spacecraft Information): External Values page will show you the Location and Atmosphere information. Orbit Information page will show the orbit information. Spacecraft Information page will show information about the spacecraft. Temperature Values will give information about the temperature. On the second page (Telemetry): You can see the charts after you take-off to the point you reach 90km from the sea level (FL900). Also it shows some current values of the spacecraft. On the third page (Command & Control): You will see the extended details about the target. You can see the flight panel control panel. Flight Commands which ables you to command the spacecraft from the web interface. On the final page (Settings): You can select the language of the interface. You can select refresh rate and chart refresh rate. On the bottom bar: Current stage information Stage Now button which initiates the next stage Current planet Current real-time Whether you have communication Initials of the target Target speed / target distance Usage is very simple. Start the game. When you start a flight, activate telemetry plugin from toolbar. You will see the charts will refresh when you are airborne and below 90,000 meters. Special Thanks I would like to thank @MekoNix, @Aebestach, @Genhis and @NguyenAirlines for their contribution and ideas. License
KASA Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Administration K-38 CRV [1.12.x][WIP] -This mod aims to add parts from the NASA concept and tested X-38 Crew Return Vehicle (CRV), that was proposed as a crew return vehicle from the ISS. This mod adds stock-alike X-38 parts with compatibility with several popular mods such as Habtech, SOCK, Knes, and others. This vehicle was designed to fulfill the role of an emergency crew return vehicle, supporting 7 kerbals on their journey back home. Huge thanks to @UCTech for their help with producing this mod with me! Image credit: @brickmack This mod will have Waterfall support planned for RCS and engines. The K-38 will be updated regularly, so check back often for updates.
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Hello all cosmonauts! This is my first post in the community, I hope to post this in the right place. I'm a graphic designer, and I've worked on some mods for other games. But KSP is my passion and I would like to collaborate with the community. I decided to do some tests for an improved interface in the graphic aspect, without intervening in the size, functions or positions of the elements, just perform in reskin of the interface. (especially for QHD and 4k) Seeking to unify unnecessary colors to decrease unnecessary visual complexity, and also make those long trips to Elo more comfortable. The idea is to use flatter textures, with greater contrast when necessary and greater clarity in the shapes. This is a very easy redesign job to apply to the game if the configuration and texture files can be easily modified. With KSP I am a little confused on how to start the work so I decided to ask the community for help to form a team and work on the aspects that I do not know about the game. I have always worked alone, without sharing many of the mods I made, but I think that should change, and the KSP community is one of the best to start learning and sharing experiences.
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So I recently came across a few mods that add vehicles to your game: KSO, Grounded Modular Vehicles, and Omega's Stockalike Utility Vehicles. I should also mention Cold War Aerospace, which gives you a few vehicles too. I was thinking that in the future (probably me, but someone else can take the idea if they want since I, well, don't have any experience making mods so I have a long way to go if I wanted to do this) if a mod that adds vehicles should follow. First, what size? I noticed that OSUV gives you the G1 and G2 parts in the same size as the utility vehicles across the KSC, but KSO and Grounded give you a smaller size, which is more "accordingly" to the size of a Kerbal. Second, and the main reason I'm making this post, what art style should it follow? I came across the mod Kerbin Side Core, which gives you multiple statics, including one in particular, "Parked Vehicles," that offers a strip of parked vehicles with the same "art style" or "architecture" as the G1 and G2 trucks. So I was thinking about what could be better: following the "stock" art style of the lorries, or something more like the KSO, which, for me, gives a more "varied" look for other vehicles. And well, I also want to ask, what do the players like more, or what would they like to see?
v1.1.0 (10 June 2022) Full Screenshot Gallery Currently the mod adds 12 different engines. You can read about the engines in the Wiki. You will notice that they run on a variety of fuels. These fuels provide advantages and disadvantages compared to stock Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, having different efficiencies, thrust ranges and storage volumes. You can check out my roadmap of engines that potentially could be added. DOWNLOADS Spacedock Github Wiki Bug Reports Dependencies (included in download, check for latest versions!): ModuleManager (4.1.4) B9PartSwitch (2.17.0) Community Resource Pack (1.4.2) DeployableEngines (1.3.0) Installation: Merge the GameData folder in the release .ZIP with the GameData folder in your KSP installation, by placing the GameData folder in to the 'Kerbal Space Program' folder. All of the dependencies come included with the mod. The "RocketMotorMenagerie" folder, as well all dependencies, should appear alongside the "Squad" folder within 'Kerbal Space Program/GameData'. To install the Extras, place any or all of the subfolders within 'Extras' into 'Kerbal Space Program/GameData'. Recommended Mods: The following mods are strongly recommended for an enhanced gameplay experience: CryoTanks (1.6.0) - This provides a set of patches provide fuel-switching features for the most basic LF/O tanks as well as orbital fuel tanks specially designed to contain cryogenic fuels Waterfall (0.6.3) - A cool way to create and drive engine effects more effectively. If you want cool engine plumes, get this mod. Frequently Asked Questions How are the parts balanced? Parts are balanced against stock KSP parts, which means the launch vehicles might seem overpowered. The parts are best suited for a 2.5x~ system rescale or JNSQ. Will you add feature/part xxx? I certainly accept pull requests. Please target all such things to the dev branch though! Or, you can make a constructive suggestion on the forum thread. Please check the roadmap above before asking. Licensing
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- stockalike?
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Starstro Space Systems Press Kit image made by @Pioneer_Steve Overall Description Starstro Space Systems is a mod being developed by me and my friend Star. My current interest in this mod is making shuttle payloads such as probes and general satellites I find interesting. Currently in development there's Chandra, Magellan, and Ulysses. This is something we've been working on for awhile now and I feel confident enough to show it. Currently all of this is in development or near release such as Magellan. But if you'd like to you can download anything you want off of the Github in the TestBranch. I hope everyone who sees this enjoys this is and doesn't mind any errors or mistakes, keep in mind this is my first time making an actually ksp mod. Downloads Github SpaceDock Dependencies B9 Partswitch Module Manager Bluedog Design Bureau Recommended mods Shuttle Orbiter Construction kit Waterfall Current Version To my knowledge this mod works on 1.11 and possibly 1.10, but I've only tested it on 1.12. Though if anyone has issues or can confirm it works on any other version please let me know Special thanks to @CobaltWolf, @Zorg, and @Invaderchaos For making BDB and helping @AmateurAstronaut1969, @Talverd, @Jay The Amazing Toaster, @Vals_Aerospace, @Pioneer_Steve, and @pTrevTrevs for all being genuinely helpful and supportive people while I've been working on this. And now some screenshots from it Pictures of Chandra by @AmateurAstronaut1969 Magellan Pics by @Pioneer_Steve All Rights Reserved.
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Planes With Purposes v1.5 Hello! This is my first mod, Planes with Purposes. The purpose of this mod is to make Aircraft useful. Big thanks to @inigma for making the mod that inspired this one! His mod: Link to GAP The mod is by no means finished or bug free, so please report any bugs encountered in the comments of this forum page, the Github issues thingy or my discord (Tudor#8762) Known bugs: There are no bugs because I'm the best (Anyone that says otherwise will be given an internship at the experimental rocket testing program) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To do: Fix bugs Add rescue contracts Add more distance/flight time contracts Add KSC Airlines (transport passengers) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Changelog: v1.0 Mod Released ---------------------------------------------------- v1.1 Fixed Bugs ---------------------------------------------------- v1.2 Added 1 stunt contract Added 2 flight duration contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.3 MADE SSTO CONTRACTS WORK!!!!!! Also added 2 sunt contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.4 Added more SSTO contracts ---------------------------------------------------- v1.5 Added Mach 9 Kontract Fixed bugs _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dependencies: Module Manager ContractConfigurator _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ You can download the mod on: SpaceDock CurseForge GitHub CKAN: (I don't think I can link to that, but you can find it by searching for PWP or Planes With Purposes)
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Is there a fork of OSSNTR that has compatibility with parralax and the ultra level terrain detail setting? As the main one just has some old basic colour swaps if any.
Komplexity (KPLX) for Custom Barn Kit by @zer0Kerbal and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo A Custom Barn Kit config addon that increases Kerbal Space Center buildings to ten levels instead of the stock game's four. For Kerbal Space Program. Doesn't add more building models. Preamble See More For more information, see the KSC building's wiki pages Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Promo Video Cabin Notes Help Wanted Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L One of the following: Custom Barn Kit Custom Barn Kit - RO build Supports jnsq JX2 Antenna (JX2) Outer Planets Mod (OPM) Real Solar System (RSS) Realism Overhaul (RO) Strategia Conflicts Bureaucracy Caveat Emptor: Might conflict or have unintended consequences to combining with SETI-CustomBarnKit - never tested Suggests GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) tags config, custombarnkit, flags, career red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks sarbian for creating and maintaining the Custom Barn Kit addon! see for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
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European Space Agency Rocket KIT What is European Space Agency Rocket? This mod have for ambition to bring all ESA modern Rocket into KSP. This mod will add launchers and vehicles such as Ariane 6, Vega, Vega C ans E and SpaceRider. Some picture of current implementation and in-dev: Download: Spacedock / GitHub Dev Thread: RoadMap: Space Rider/IXV Vega C: SSMS, Vampire, Vespa C P120C Extended RSS patch Waterfall Patch SUSIE (still unsure, complexe model and implementation, i'm still a noob at moding) Changelog: Thanks: @scribstar for 3D Modeling Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) This is my first mod, any comment, advice and bug repport ( with log) are apreciated!
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Kerbal Interplanetary Probes Presents: KIPSAT DSN Antennas Description This is a work-in-progress mod for Kerbal Space Program (KSP) that aims to add large Deep Space Network (DSN) satellite dishes to enhance long-range communication capabilities. Features - Provides three DSN satellite dishes of increasing size, designed to match the default KSP DSN network antenna power settings. - It is designed to work with the extra ground stations to OFF, otherwise there is no real point :). - Requires a significant budget and attention to launchpad upgrades, introducing a new level of challenge to the game. About - This is my first attempt at creating a mod, so bear with me as I learn the ropes. - The models and textures are a work in progress and may not meet professional standards yet, but they provide the basic functionality needed for the mod to work. Companion Add-ons - It is highly recommended, if not necessary, to have the HyperEdit mod installed to teleport the dishes to their locations. - These dished are massive, so you might want to consider getting the Hangar Extended mod. - I also play with Kerbal Construction Time, effectively halting your rocket production for "months" while you undergo these DSN antenna construction projects. Installation 1. Download the mod ZIP file from the GitHub releases page. 2. Unzip the downloaded file. 3. Place the mod folder in the GameData directory of your Kerbal Space Program installation. Known Issues - None for now Contributing - Any wishes to contribute/help are welcome Wishlist While this mod is a work in progress, there are several features I'd like to implement in the future to enhance the overall experience: 1. Improved Textures and Models: I aim to refine the visual aspects of the satellite dishes, starting with high-quality textures and eventually exploring new 3D models to further enhance their appearance. 2. Contract Pack for Added Value: I'm considering the development of a contract pack that integrates with the mod, providing players with additional missions and objectives centered around the DSN satellite dishes. 3. Integration with Other Mods: I plan to explore compatibility with popular mods like RemoteTech/OPM, enabling a seamless experience for players who wish to incorporate advanced communication systems into their gameplay. 4. Interior Models: While not currently implemented, I aspire to eventually introduce interior models for the satellite dishes, adding an extra layer of immersion for players who enjoy detailed spacecraft interiors. 5. Kerbal Control Requirements: In the future, I aim to introduce a system where Kerbals must be present to provide manual controls, similar to the functionality offered by the RemoteTech mod. Please note that these features are part of a wishlist and may be subject to development feasibility and future updates. License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. --- Final Note: This project is a work in progress and may be subject to significant updates and changes. I also don't know all the technical details (yet). I made this mod for myself, thought that other could find it cool too. Thanks for understanding :).
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After finally getting back to ksp 1 and realising that after installing a whole bunch of graphics mods it honestly looks better than ksp 2 (imo) which is the one thing ksp 2 had going for it, I still missed the transparent windows that some of the capsules had. I've had a look for mods that could replicate this. I am aware of a mod called JSI advanced transparent pods, but I'm not entirely sure of how to use it to achieve the effect I'm looking for. Many people have made threads looking for the same thing in the past, and JSI is the only suggestion I've seen. I know the mod itself doesn't achieve transparent windows, but it provides some sort of framework? Besides that I'm out of my depth. I'm not really a mod developer so I'm not sure if I need some sort of add-on to get it to achieve the window effect? Or are there any other mods to achieve transparent windows on stock pods (or modded such as restock) akin to ksp2. The internal IVA view has been a feature since 1.1, so it seems like limiting that to just the windows should be possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Sun Synchronous Orbit Calculator SSO Calculator Online Abstract In the Kerbal Space Program, planets are regular spheres. After adding Principia, planets like Kerbin do not have sun-synchronous orbits. And this tool can generate configuration file of Principia, so as to add the second-order spherical harmonic coefficient j2 to the stock planet to help players successfully enter the sun-synchronous orbit of the stock planet. At the same time, this tool also supports the calculation of relevant parameters of the sun-synchronous orbit in the RealSolarSystem environment. Dependencies The newly generated xx_xx_GravityModels.cfg file requires support from Kopernicus. If you want to enter a sun-synchronous orbit, you must have the support of Principia. You must download Planet Stock Essentials.cfg from Spacedock or GitHub into GameData to use it, especially for players who use Planet Stock. Chinese Version Tutorial (obsolete) Credits @SirMortimer Kopernicus configuration file. @Nazfib Code help for calculating sun-synchronous orbit inclination and other formulas. @Charon_S丶 KSP players have provided help for adding second-order spherical harmonic coefficient terms. @PrincipiaTeam Provide file support for planetary data in the RSS environment. @tinygrox Thank you for his suggestions on language and unit options. NewBing The planetary rotation period under RSS is provided.
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Introduction: This is a fork of @Aniruddh's Beamed Power Standalone, updated to allow the transfer and receipt of multiple resources. Here is the original mod's thread: This mod is 1 input -> n outputs. Each and every receiver can have a different output resource, but all transmitters must use the same resource. This is, luckily, fully configurable. All receivers will be compatible with all transmitters, irrespective of their individual resources. The mod comes with a beamed power transmitter, created by @Aniruddh, and two receivers, one for ElectricCharge and one for ThermalPower, courtesy of @JadeOfMaar. Requires ModuleManager. How does this work: There are 4 configurable 'objects'. Settings.cfg WirelessReceiver WirelessSource WirelessReflector This mod does not provide any propulsion parts. That has been deprecated entirely. This mod is INCOMPATIBLE with Beamed Power Standalone. Uninstall both Beamed Power and its Realistic Wavelengths addon before installing this. This mod may or may not break vessels that already have beamed power parts. Downloads (Github only): Releases Source code (Github): Source code Issue tracker (Github): Issues Dev thread: Acknowledgements: @Aniruddh for the original mod @JadeOfMaar for the receiver parts @HebaruSan for his help in creating the mod Pings: @JadeOfMaar @theJesuit @Overlocker96
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Hi, I'm trying to install Vaughn's Astroniki Sunflare for Stock KSP using CKAN but I am not managing to make it show up in the game. I have also installed Scatterer and Scatterer Sunflare as required. Any ideas of what I can try to do about it? Here's the full list of mods I am using: Many, many thanks!!