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  1. Introduction Interplanetary Colonization represents one of the largest technological and logistical challenges on the horizon for manned spaceflight. USI's Modular Kolonization System (MKS) provides a huge array of new gameplay systems and supporting parts to support the experience of designing, building, and maintaining interplanetary colonies in Kerbal Space Progam. For over three years, MKS has been the definitive Colonization mod for KSP, with continued refinement of the parts and core systems (including the resource system now integrated in the stock game) based on extensive community feedback and continued development and design. MKS is not a parts pack. It is a gameplay mod that adds a massive amount of end-game content for KSP, and can serve as the perfect capstone for your career save. It can be soul crushingly hard, and as unforgiving as gravity. But it can also be an incredibly rewarding gameplay experience, bringing back that sense of wonder and accomplishment that many of us remember from our first Mun landing. If you want a parts pack where your idea of a colony is landing a single ship and call it a day, this is probably not the mod for you. If you want something that transforms your gameplay, and gives you unapologetically difficult goals where you have to juggle planning, logistics, and the harsh constraints imposed by space, then you will likely get as much enjoyment playing MKS as I have received building and designing it. Features MKS adds a rich array of new features to support the challenge of building interplanetary colonies, including: A huge assortment of parts suitable for surface and orbital bases and stations, drawing inspiration from real-world parts and concepts from Bigelow, NASA, and others. A clear progression of parts, from simple outposts and mobile bases to larger manufacturing complexes and permanent colonies. Extended ISRU operations with more resources and more complex harvesting, refining, manufacturing chains, and new mechanics. Discoverable resource lodes for more interactive resource harvesting and exploitation Customizable and field-configurable converters and harvesters to allow post-launch customization of your colony. Tools for handling large bases, such as ground tethering and automated resource transfers for disconnected bases Tools for building out your base In-Situ with harvested resources, whether it's by expanding and kitting out modules, or through in-situ construction via the bundled Ground Construction mod by @allista Parts and tools for contructing bases including weldable ports, magnetic couplers, and heavy construction equipment via the bundled Konstruction mod. Parts for mobile bases via the bundled Karibou Expedition Rover Expanded Kerbal traits and effects in support of Kolonization Comprehensive and seamless integration with USI Life Support, including life support, habitation, and homesickness. Kolony rewards, providing ever increasing efficiencies as well as tangible bonuses in career mode, as your Kerbals gain experience colonizing other planets and moons. The ability to support permanent colonies as well as ark-ships as your Kerbals expand their knowledge and become more experienced with off-world colonies. Part disassembly and recycling Wireless power transmission and Geothermal wells Equipment wear and tear along with manual and automated maintenance tools And much more! FAQ I hear MKS is really complicated - is that true? MKS has significant depth and breadth, but provided you don't try to do everything at once, you will find the learning curve can be pretty reasonable. Start with life support, and don't get fixated on trying to build everything at once. The patterns learned with a small base quickly scale for larger ones. What about documentation? Thanks to @dboi88, MKS enjoys full KSPedia documentation. There's also an excellent community maintained wiki available here. MKS Documentation even has its own development thread here. I can't seem to fit a 100% self sufficient base in a single launch - what am I doing wrong? Building a self sufficient colony is hard. Like... REALLY hard. It's going to take a lot of launches and a lot of work. The idea of MKS is that it is not about plunking down a base and being done. Rather, it's the journey to get to that point that is the fun bit. So yeah... you are going to need a few more rockets. I can't find a place to create my base that has all of the resources! Good. Now you get to enjoy some of the challenges that result from resource constraints. Do you ship things in? Do you set up multiple bases? Or use low-efficiency harvesting to get trace materials and salvage the rest from scrapped components? I feel overwhelmed... I try to make a base, and it seems I just need so many different parts! Start small. Start with just a habitation module or two and ship in supplies. Then add some agroponics and ship in fertilizer. Once you get those down pat, you are ready for more complex systems. I am still lost - where can I get help? Ask in this thread. A lot of the folks here have been using MKS in their games for years, and are a pretty friendly lot. This looks amazing, and I didn't have any plans for my weekend anyway - where do I get this stuff? Great question! Links are below Download Links Best place to pick this up is the official USI Github Repo: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/MKS/releases Donation Info! If you like what you see, and want to help out (or just buy me a beer!), please consider donating, either via PayPal or Patreon. License Information Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license (see attached). Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely This mod redistributes Firespitter, which is covered under its own license. This mod redistributes ModuleManager, which is covered under its own license. This mod redistributes Ground Construction, which is covered under its own license. NOTICE: This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin.
  2. After having already played on it for over a year I have decided to start posting the results of my KSP career save here,on this career I have set myself the goal of colonizing every single body(except stars) using MKS and EPL as the two main colonization mods. In addition to those two mods I have a huge customized modpack including interstellar engines from Far Future Technologies, a modified version of Beyond Home that adds its system not as a replacement to the stock system but as an addition to it and many more. For other planet packs I also use OPM. Due to the large time already spent playing on the save I had to first go through the backlog of the many already completed missions and already started colonization efforts, so the first 38 chapters were me posting the earlier missions with whatever screenshots I have of them that i happened to take, if I have no screenshots of the original mission I showed the mission vehicle in VAB/SPH. Chapters: Chapter 1: Beginnings https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4287263 Chapter 2: First interplanetary voyage https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4287609 Chapter 3: Launch to Jool https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4289999 Chapter 4: The First Colony https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4291039 Chapter 5: Eve Station https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/&do=findComment&comment=4291379 Chapter 6: Minmus Expansion https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4291628 Chapter 7: Minmus Trade Route https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4291953 Chapter 8: Orbital Shipyard https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4291998 Chapter 9: Eve Colony Shiphttps://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4292303 Chapter 10: Jool Arrival https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4292438 Chapter 11: Satellites & Mun preparations https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4293995 Chapter 12: Duna Mission & Space Freighter https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4295223 Chapter 13: Moho Mission & Colony Expansions https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4295688 Chapter 14: Mun Construction https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4318324 Chapter 15: Eve Expansion https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4319907 Chapter 16: Gilly Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4320205 Chapter 17: Mission Returns & Leveling Cruise https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4320228 Chapter 18: Interplanetary Fusion Spaceship & Heavy Mining https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4320909 Chapter 19: Duna Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4321698 Chapter 20: Harbor Activity https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4321716 Chapter 21: Eve Heavy Industry & Plock Mission https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4322980 Chapter 22: Jool Colonization Fleet https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4322991 Chapter 23: Sarnus Mission https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4323343 Chapter 24: Gilly Station & Eve Karborundum Mining https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4325354 Chapter 25: Jool Colony Fleet Arrivals https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4325356 Chapter 26: Explodium Dragon https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4327871 Chapter 27: Tekto Exploration & Mun Construction https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4328950 Chapter 28: Duna Logistics https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4328955 Chapter 29: Sarnus Exploration https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4329992 Chapter 30: Pol Colonization Beginnings https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330003 Chapter 31: Laythe Colonization Part 1 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330018 Chapter 32: Laythe Colonization Part 2 https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330148 Chapter 33: Duna Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330154 Chapter 34: Nuclear Transport & Jool Scooping https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330335 Chapter 35: Laythe City Expansion https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330349 Chapter 36: Bop Colonization https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4330373 Chapter 37: Laythe Skyscrapers https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4334600 Chapter 38: Dres Station & Neidon Mission https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4334626 Chapter 39: Laythe Airport & Heavy Mining Preperations https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4341289 Chapter 40: First Laythe Miner & Sarnus Colonization Preparations https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4372662 Chapter 41: Sarnus Colonists & Money https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4384943 Chapter 42: More Sarnus Launches & Financial Disaster https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4401990 Chapter 43: Final Sarnus Launches - For now https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4412566 Chapter 44: Minmus Trading Infrastructure https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4442015 Chapter 45: Laythe Intermediate Miners https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4442245 Chapter 46: Laythe City Fusion Reactor https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/217360-kerbal-space-program-heavily-modded-career-colonization-of-kerbol-and-beyond/?do=findComment&comment=4442467
  3. Kerbol is dying, in a last chance for survive, the entire Kerbal race has started to construct a massive interstellar colony ship capable of sustaining 1000 Kerbals for up to 400 years, they have sent multiple probes to find some habitable choices, they believe that they have found that planet, Kory, a habitable moon orbiting that massive gas giant Poly, has been chosen because of its very close proximity of a ton of recources, they believe that they can go there and set up a suitable place to live and work, they have found wormholes, but the ship is simply to massive to safely pass through. Kargatua;Poly Centuri is the mod that adds Kory, thanks to me for creating that Post your interstellar colony challenge submissions here
  4. Get the latest here. Mirror: SpaceDock Pathfinder Wiki Source (Pathfinder), Source (WildBlueTools) BARIS Wiki CKAN? Why not look and see? After planting the flag, taking the group photo op and getting a good night's rest, Bill got to the real work of the Duna One Expedition's post-landing ops: building the Pathfinder base. Grabbing a powered screwdriver and a Saddle from the Buckboard 2000, Bill detached the Ponderosa from the cargo lander and bolted the Saddle into the surveyed ground. He then attached the Ponderosa module to the Saddle. "Get the Doc next," Bob encouraged Bill. As the engineer walked over to the Buckboard, Val and Jeb hooked up the Saddle to the cargo lander's equipment storage tank. Bill supervised the Ponderosa's assembly, while Bob outfitted the module as a Pathfinder geology lab. Once the engineer attached the Doc Science Lab to the back of the Ponderosa, Bob immediately got to work again. "Uh oh," Val said. "The Sombrero didn't survive the drop. The solar panels are broken. Can you fix it, Bill?" Bill looked at the solar array and shook his head. "No, but I can rig up a generator from one of the Buckboards, and use the Gold Diggers to dig up some ore." "But, I need those drills to take core samples," Bob protested. "Without those core samples we can't tweak production efficiency!" "Don't worry," Bill responded, "we can convert the spare Casa into a workshop and print some more using the material kits in the lander." "Ok, let's get that done after we set up the Telegraph. We need more relays back to Kerbin." An engineer's work is never done, Bill thought to himself... See The Sights You've done your flags and footprints, now comes the time to do some geology to find the best place to plunk down your more permanent base. Establish a basecamp, stay awhile, and survey the land to see if you can find a better concentration of resources (or perhaps a worse concentration, maybe those orbital scans weren't accurate). If you've found the right spot, then it's time to bring in the bigger stuff. If not, then it's time to pack up your Buffalo Modular Space Exploration Vehicle and look elsewhere. Space Camping Pathfinders have KIS/KAS friendly, portable equipment to go “space camping" with. Just convert a few Buckboard or Conestoga multipurpose containers into storage units, pack your gear, and head out. Temporary Bases Want to build a sprawling temporary base? Pathfinder offers a number of different parts for temporary base building, with optional support for mods like OSE Workshop, Extraplanetary Launchpads, TAC Life Support, Snacks, USI-LS, kOS, and more. Travel in Style Pathfinders are always on the go, and you can travel in style with the Buffalo Modular Space Exploration Vehicle (MSEV), based on NASA's real-world MMSEV. Whether driving or making sub-orbital hops, the Buffalo has you covered. As if that's not enough, you also have a personal flying wing known as the JetWing, and the Outback EVA Support System, which can hold a small amount of a lot of different resources. Your Game, Your Choice Don't like how the mod is configured? Simply press <mod key, which defaults to Alt on Windows> and P simultaneously to bring up the Pathfinder Settings window. It's not cheating if the default configuration for the mod simply doesn't match your play style. Additionally, Pathfinder is easily customizable using ModuleManager patches. Want to create a new template? Here's a wiki page on how. Requires Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) and Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) by KospY & Winn78. ---ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- Module Manager by Sarbian Icons by icons8: https://icons8.com/license/ --- LICENSE --- Recommended Mods Featured on Kottabos Space Program, here is an early look at Pathfinder. Thanks Kottabos!
  5. Named after the constellation known as "the altar," the Aerospace Research Agency (ARA) was founded with the goal of exploring and expanding kerbalkind into the Kerbol system and beyond. Its motto: "Constellations of Innovation" [This will be a new career with the Breaking Ground DLC and the main mods being the Unkerballed Start tech tree, Kerbal Construction Time, Galaxies Unbound, Modular Kolonization System, and Far Future Technologies (and other mods by Nertea). I've read that stock parts are more balanced for a 2.5x scale system, so Sigma Dimensions was used to change the size. Galaxies Unbound has a config but I had to manually edit the Sigma Dimensions config file to get it to work. The rotation period of Kerbin has changed to 7 hours and 30 minutes (1.25x longer), but the clock still measures days in 6-hour intervals. This is slightly annoying, but just divide the number of days by 1.25 to get a more reasonable value.] [update: I just installed the Kronometer mod which changes the date format based on the local day length. The dates have been corrected below. Note that there are more than 426 days in a year - 506 days (with the occasional leap day) lasting 7.5 hours each to be exact.] Table of contents Mod list (similar to quasinaut's "kinda ksp2" modpack but not the same), not including most dependencies: (last updated 2024-04-19) Y1, D5 to D28 - Suborbital first steps The first program of ARA would be known as Sagittarius (the archer), a designation for suborbital missions. A rudimentary launch complex nicknamed "Kaus" (the bow) was prepared to support this program. (It would eventually be upgraded and called the "Beta Arae" launch complex.) Y1, D7 Y1, D5 (6 h, 24 m) - The White Dwarf 1 (WD-1) sounding rocket (using a small 0.625 m "Mite" solid rocket booster and twisted fins to enable spin stabilization) launched Sagittarius 1 to a height of 25 km while transmitting temperature data. Almost 4 minutes later, it crashed into the ground. For captions, I use Historian Expanded with my config. (The Historian dates below are for a 6 hour day and not accurate) Y1, D15 Y1, D12 (5 h, 42 m) - The upgraded White Dwarf 2 (WD-2) sounding rocket (using the longer "Shrimp" SRB) launched Sagittarius 2 higher into Kerbin's atmosphere, reaching 42 km. In addition to temperature, it measured pressure. Y1, D24 Y1, D19 (5 h, 42 m) - The Brown Dwarf 1 (BD-1) sounding rocket used 4 small LV-T05 "Cogswell" liquid rocket engines and 1.25 m propellant tanks. It launched Sagittarius 3 past the designated boundary of outer space (91 km), achieving an altitude of about 150 km. Y1, D33 Y1, D26 (5 h, 42 m) - Sagittarius 4 demonstrated the first parachute recovery of a suborbital rocket. As a new rocket did not need to be built, this BD-1 was reused on days 34 27 and 35 28 for Sagittarius 5 (recovered from the ocean) and Sagittarius 6, which used Mystery Goo™ containers to collect even more scientific data.
  6. Objectives: Establish constant presence of kerbls on Dune in long term and have regular science missions in short term. Make it as cost effective and simple as possible. Establish refinery/ refueling station on Ike for future missions aimed to explore Kerbol system and beyond. Steps: Send unmanned probes for scouting surface of Dune/ Ike for future missions. Establish constant network to KSC. sent 1st manned mission for fly-by of Dune and to test spacecraft itself. Sent 1st mission for 1st landing on Dune for exploration. Make more manned missions for scouting possible locations for establishing future bases. Repeat steps 2-5 for Ike. Establish fuel depot around Dune for future exploration missions.
  7. anyone interested in being in a luna server with scheduled skirmishes with jets and such, still working out the details but I'd love to start something like this! im kind of invisioning this where youd have a site for a match release a few days in advance, and you would (optionally) move jets, isru's, etc to said location, and the winner of the match could build a site with KK their, making it their territory for deployments etc, the person setting the sites would be like a dungeon master allowing for neutral deciding of locations, this could also allow for rematches over territory without things being unfair
  8. Welcome. I'll be documentation the colonization of the soon to be released KSS2 interstellar mod for KSP1. This system contains a number of unique and interesting features. Get yourself a nice beverage that tastes almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea and follow along. I will be primarily focusing on the needful for FTL trips out to the Aethera system. Unless you are doing this in sandbox mode, there will be considerable buildup of infrastructure and resources (particularly graviolium and fusion pellets) to support the 4-9 day trip. Note: My primary mods Blueshift FTL drive KFS gravatic drive Buffalo2 for rovers Pathfinder for habitat DSEV for various ships Other mods: Custom Barnkit: This provides for a Level 4 Tracking Station. You will need this for communication across interstellar distances GU Parts (legacy): In particular, this provides the antennas with the necessary range to talk back to the KSC. This is desired if you are going to do anything with probes. I'm not sure where this can be obtained now. DM me if you need it. Kerbal Attachment System / Kerbal Inventory System : In particular, KAS in conjunction with DSEV has parts that make the construction of a shuttle craft able to carry all the needful to a planet A note for STL cats: Do not think that you can use stock engines for Aethera. If you are new to Interstellar travel, get yourself acquainted with the numerous mods available to provide blowtorches with the required ISP to get you there - and more importantly - settled into an orbit.
  9. Hi ! I will post here significant log about this career, which has already started, not every flight tho, just the ones I find interesting to share ! The save is started already so for a while it will be getting up to date. The goal is to colonize every possible body, and establish permanent colinies as much as we can. Harvest everything. Every last piece of ore, the last picogram of space dust, the last bit of antimmater, even absorb the Sun, if we could. Incentive given on complex ISRU chains, on top of MKS (see below). And finally, to claim Kerbals superiority over the konwn Universe, and show the Kraken who is the boss. Also calm down maybe ? Additional career rules/ bits&bobs (see Gameplay mods used below too) : - science progression is heavely nerfed (custom patches), just to not be bored after Minmus. - no quickload on dumb mystakes, kraken emergency reload allowed - To add challenges, make the end game more interseting : I cannot launch "complicated" ressources from Kerbin (all Nuclear ressources except early tech, all charged particles, antimatter, maybe some epxensive gas as well, some manufactured MKS ressources maybe too). Meaning If have a KSPIE reactor I can launch it, but without fuel. To acquire theses ressources, I have to ISRU them (not from kerbin tho, too easy), and either use them in-situ, or ship them back to Kerbin where the amount recovered will be stored in the KSC warehouse (my notepad basically ^^), to be available for future launches. I believe this will open new interesting gameplay loops, and avoid the I-throw-funds-at-problems in regards to KSPIE, and also give each engine/situation a more unique feel, and a greater sense of achievement. - Custom Engines nerf : nerf all engines ISP at sea level by *0.6, thus forcing me to make at least a 2 stage rocket to reach orbit, contrary to stock where rocket SSTO is absurdly easy, and giving more value to near future stuff when unlocked. - Mods used (most noticeable ones) : - Current state of exploration / kerbal presence : - Chapters : See you in deep space !
  10. Welcome to the release thread for the Deep Space Surface Habitat Unit! DSSHU Update 1.10.1 is now available for download! This was inspired by NASA's ground-based Deep Space Habitat Demonstration Unit. This pack consists of 3 deployable ground-based habitat units. All units have optional compatibility with Kerbal Inventory System, Tweakscale, Connected Living Space and your choice of life support mods; USI Life Support, TACLS or Snacks! Individual habitat features: Habitat Unit 1: 5m expanding habitat Science laboratory Functioning airlock Side docking tube compatible with size 1 stock docking ports WITH SNACKS: Stores soil and snacks WITH USI LIFE SUPPORTS: Provides habitat function WITH TACLS: Contains standard array of life support resources Habitat Unit 2: 5m expanding facility Expanding solar array Multi-mission RTG with radiators Telescopic expanding radio tower Side docking tube Functioning door WITH SNACKS: Stores soil and snacks WITH USI LIFE SUPPORT: Contains life support recycler and fertilizer / ore resource converter. WITH TACLS: Contains standard array of life support resources Habitat Unit 3: 5m expanding facility Functioning greenhouse Storage tanks Side docking tube Functioning door WITH SNACKS: Produces snacks Stores soil and snacks WITH USI LIFE SUPPORT: Agroponics facility with mulch, supplies, fertilizer and storage WITH TACLS: Mimics SETI Greenhouse Provides "nutrients" which handle resource management There are no dependencies for this mod, but if you choose to use any of the included optional compatibility configurations, you will need to also install module manager. There are no wheels on the bottoms of these units, so connecting them may end up being your least favorite part of these habitats. They have plenty of collision meshes, so you should have no problem using something like Konstruction with a forklift and shimmying the buildings into place. Alternatively, you may use something like VesselMover and simply position the building into place and it will dock accordingly. Please do not keep anything attached to the upper or lower nodes when you "Deploy" it. It will explode. I have not added plugin compatibility for moving a connected node while animated. Installation: Extract the contents of the GameData folder into your Kerbal GameData directory. Structure should then read GameData\DSSHU Optional mod compatibility patches included. CHANGELOG: Update 1.10.1 Re-compile for 1.10.1 Fixed hatches not working Fixed generic interior space to reference the 3 capacity version and not the 1 capacity version Update 1.8 Re-compile for 1.8 Added 1x Crew Capacity to connector hub Update 1.4 Re-compile for 1.4 New part: 4-way hub/connector USI Life Support Changes: Unit 2 is now the habitat unit Unit 1 is now the recycler Revision 1.1 -Updated optional config patches to use NEEDS: syntax (they will now detect installed mods and apply config files as necessary) -Fixed Connected Living Space settings (buildings should now be passable) -Added soil / snacks storage to HDU1 when using Snacks! Download SPECIAL THANKS TO @CobaltWolf and all the other mod devs and thank you for visiting!!! Deep Space Surface Habitat Unit Pack is license CC-BY-4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  11. Mission Briefing With the advancement of the Galilean Space Program, mission control has demanded you to establish a permanent presence on another celestial body in the Ciroan system. You try to argue that there is still plenty space on Gael for the population to grow, but they don't respond to your cries. Objective: Develop a colony where Gaeleans can live in comfort, permanently or for extended durations of time. (And also get some cool screenshots ) Points More points = More good! Baseline - Start with 50 points Setup System x2.0 - Rescale GPP to 2.5x x3.0 - Rescale GPP to 10x Varying multiplier depending on what celestial body you establish your colony on: Life Support *Only one of these can be used at a time 2.0x - Used Kerbalism (Reliability recommended to be turned off) 1.9x - Used MKS + USI-LS 1.75x - Used only USI-LS without MKS 2.5x - Used Kerbalism + MKS 1.75x - Used another life support mod (TAC-LS, Snacks, Kerbal Health, etc.) Propulsion/Power *In general, restricted more or less to near future technologies. Nuclear and electric propulsion is fine. KSP-IE is fine when limited to earlier engines. 0.8x - Used antimatter/fusion engines/reactors/Far Future Technologies/black hole drives/etc. 0.8x - Used FTL drives, warp gates, or Blueshift 0.5x - Used obvious unbalanced parts 1.2x - Used no nuclear engines/reactors whilst abiding by the above (good luck lol) In-Game Sustainability Kerbalism 1.5x - Crew can stay indefinitely in the colony, and only "need" to be cycled due to stress 1.25x - Crew can stay in the colony with resupplies of nitrogen/ammonia to grow food every ~20 years (cannot be combined with above) 1.3x - Replaces above if nitrogen/ammonia is shipped from a planet other than Gael 1.1x - Has some way to circumvent part failures (if enabled) +5 - Per comfort (panorama, call home, etc.) +1 - Per 10m3 of habitable and pressurized volume x0.8 - Crew is not adequately protected from space radiation, radioactive parts, and/or space weather x0.8 - Crew needs shipments of food, water and/or oxygen to survive MKS / USI-LS 1.5x - Crew can stay indefinitely in the colony (meaning for the rest of time!) 1.3x - Crew can stay indefinitely in the colony, but requires Machinery shipments (cannot be combined with above) 1.1x - Crew can stay indefinitely with fertilizer shipments (cannot be combined with above) 0.9x - Crew needs to be cycled due to habitation (cannot be combined with above) Other life support mods 1.25x - Crew can stay indefinitely in the colony (meaning for the rest of time!) 1.1x - Mostly self sufficient but requires occasional shipments every ~20 years Crew Capacity +5 - For each Gaelean on board +1 - For each extra seat that is not occupied Base Placement +25 - Place your colony at the highest point on the celestial body +25 - Have the majority of your base submerged or floating in liquid, and the only parts that should touch land are ISRU and an airlock +50 - Place your colony on the seabed of Tarsiss, Tellumo, or Hadrian Other +5 - Fly a big flag! +30 - Have an asteroid, mined or not, be part of your base 1.5x - If you have a mod that increases the size/weight of asteroids to realistic proportions +40 - Produce RocketParts and launch vessels using Extraplanetary Launchpads +20 - If using MKS; where you need MaterialKits and SpecializedParts Challenge Rules -You must use GPP, no GPP secondary -Keep everything at stock balance; if you use RealFuels, turn off realistic masses, leave tank mass the same, and keep engine mass above 3.2 -No usage of Alt F12, HyperEdit, VesselMover etc. unless if it used to fix damage caused by a kraken attack -If you want to use your own patches, make sure they're balanced -Be honest! And most importantly... Impress me Recommended Mods These can all be found on CKAN -Kerbalism; link above -MKS / USI-LS; link above -RealFuels when used with Kerbalism with stock balance configs; ask me if you want my custom configs -Rational Resources; there are configs for the original resource distributions -Rational HydroDynamics; helps if you're trying the seabed challenge -Moldavite Machines; greenhouses for more than just food -KARE; nuclear ramjets useful for various bodies -Near Future Technologies; useful reactors, engines, fuel tanks, etc. -CryoTanks/CryoEngines; more useful tanks and engines Badges *not pictured, send me some if you want to* Gallery *none yet* Best of luck to anyone who attempts!
  12. Jeb Crashed his personal SSTO into the KSC's Planned Interstellar Vehicle, Jeb managed to eject but now the KSC is taking this opportunity to build a more capable ship as opposed to sending kerbals in a cramped ship to another star. The KSC has some requirements for it. Banned Mechanics Kraken Drives KAL Overclocking Permitted Parts Mods KSPI-E Far Future Technologies Near Future Technologies Blueshift - Kerbal FTL (FTL Section ONLY) Kerbal Planetary Base Systems Extraplanetary Launchpads Tweakscale USI Life Support DeepFreeze B9 HX(Reconfig is ALLOWED) KARE Exploration Ship Requirements Must Carry a Reusable Lander capable of landing on all planets within the target system and returning to orbit Must be able to refuel itself(this capability can be installed on the lander) The Ship and the Lander cannot be the same craft, We can't have our fancy ISV get covered in scorch marks from reentry. Capable of returning to LKO at the end of the mission Main ship must carry Mobile Processing Lab Power Supply Habitat module Life Support Systems Cryopods(If Using Deepfreeze) Colonization Ship Requirements Must carry Either A self-sufficient colony The Equipment to Build a self-sufficient colony Must Carry a Reusable lander capable of repeated takeoffs and landings from the targeted planet Equipment to keep this Lander Fueled(Can Be Installed on the lander) Must be able to serve as an interplanetary freighter after the colony modules have been dropped off(You can use EL on your colony to build freight modules) Main ship must carry enough kerbals to colonize the system Ship must be capable of providing life support for the duration of the trip Must have a power supply General Requirements(Both Types) Must be able to go interstellar(GU Or Light Levels, Using Extrasolar, beyond home, or GEP, does not count) Capable of visiting all planets in the target system(No, you cant exclusively focus on a habitable planet, ISVs are expensive after all) You may carry multiple landers designed for different roles if your main lander is not capable of fufilling it(such as landing on a high G body which is basically airless) Play Fair, Dont Cheat, if your ISV is in one category, we will not compare it or say it is better than those in the other categories. STL Rules No Faster-Than-Light Drives, simple enough right? Otherwise do whatever you want so long as it doesnt break other rules FTL Rules Must Use Faster-Than-Light drives, Blueshift is allowed for this category Do whatever the love you want so long as it doesnt break other rules STL Submissions [Your Name Here] - [Your Ship Type Here] FTL Submissions [Your name here] - [Your Ship Type Here]
  13. I had a mad idea last night. If this isn't fiesable for the game, I sure hope it will be for a mod: Monorails. Inspired by Lego Space sets, perhaps surface-based trade routes between different colonies on the same world could be strengthened by building a monorail. Gameplay-wise Monorails would be faster, deliver more resources and cost less to operate than regular surface trade route missions, but require a major investment of time to build at the outset. I've included pictures to show what I mean. Here is a representative colony on some planet/moon, with the vehicle assembly building and some other attached modules. The red building is a buildable module that serves as a kerbal passenger station and freight loading depot. As far as trade routes are concerned, this building is what's functioning in the player's economy. Everything else is just cosmetic decoration for their surface base(s). At the station, the player can easily adjust the frequency of train departures and arrivals to match their economic needs or whatever. Or perhaps just put a dial that says "send a passenger train every 15 minutes". Forgive the crudity of these models, it's all simple illustration. Yellow indicates track, which is procedural generated (see below). Red towers are the support columns for the track, and these are the things which cost the aforementioned time to build. They're plopped on the surface like Deployable experiments. Once deployed, they cannot be moved or affected by outside forces and behave like invincible structures. Between the center-points of the deployed tower structures, a virtual curve is interpolated. A straight line is virtually drawn which points to the previous tower (cyan). This straight line drives the control points of some kind of spline (blue). This spline then is offset for Left and Right track paths (black). The track is then procedurally generated along the virtual path (orange, shown above). This also becomes the governing path of where the train vehicle goes, which is then animated when a train is sent to or from a station. No, I'm not trying to imagine KSP2 as a game that competes with Surviving Mars or Per Aspera or Cities Skylines. It just occurred to me and I thought I'd share. Again, if nothing else, it's a novel idea for a mod.
  14. Welcome to Upsilon Upsilon is a colonization project of where we colonize the whole solar system and more. We make bases, relays, cities, and outposts! Here are some good things: What do you submit: You can submit ANYTHING, Rovers, bases, relays, satellites, spaceports, you name it, you can do it How do you submit? It's actually quite simple here is how: Where do you go to fly in the colonized system? Download saves from the upsilon website It is not recommended to download all the crafts in the kerbol system. As there is so much it will lag your computer. It's better to download specific planets It looks like you guys already colonized the kerbol system. Is it too late to contribute? No, we are working on infrastructure and city size colonies. We are also still allowing submissions of personal crafts. And we are also doing things like making shipyards and easter egg bases Here is our discord for questions, answers, and to do community projects Community projects: Join our discord to participate in community projects. Here is all of our ones that we have done I'll be using this thread to share projects, youtube videos and more Feel free to also share crafts you made as well
  15. What is the minimum viable population (MVP) of kerbals? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_viable_population This is extremely important for any colonies.
  16. Recently I looked at the 'Show and Tell' and a question was "hammering" in my head, in ksp2 we will have nuclear power plants, large nuclear fusion plants, very futuristic things, but I was thinking about technologies that already exist on Earth and could be adapted for planetary colonization, here I mean geothermal power plants, the tidal/wave power plants (for planets with Water, in the case of the first for planets with large natural satellites, or on planets with water that stand around a black hole [yes I took this idea of that first planet that the Interstellar team visits {in case of the addition of a system of planets orbiting from a black hole}]), the power plants that use marine current to generate energy, wind turbines, Biofuel power plants that would use biomass/biogas (plants, organic waste produced by kerbais...), in KSP2 is already confirmed solar panels for the colonies, but and solar thermal power plants, they could be a more efficient means of harnessing the energy coming from the sun, In case water levels were added we could have hydroelectric plants. Do you think that would be a good thing to add or disagree?
  17. I made a graph, at first for my own use, of all the possible processes which an OmniConverter (from the Pathfinder mod) can be set up to execute. Note that the Ponderosa permits only a subset of these processes to be used. I license it under CC-BY-SA 4.0. The graph is quite large, so I put it beneath a spoiler. Ovals represent resources. Red boxes are those processes which consume Electric Charge. Green boxes are those processes which generate it. An arrow from a resource to a process represents that that resource is a reactant in that process. An arrow from a process to a resource represents that that resource is a product of that process. The graph: (3520x1403 PNG, 736 kB) This graph could be improved by putting consumption and production rates on the edges, and also EC consumption or production rates on the process nodes. It could also be improved by tidying up the edges some and indicating which resources can be produced directly from a resource extractor. Here, beneath another spoiler, is the DOT source code:
  18. For some reason colonization of Ceres is just not as widely discussed as the moon or Mars, despite the planet's1 unique advantages in comparison to the moon or mars. These include being closer to the outer planets and low surface gravity makes Ceres ideal for outer solar system exploration. In addition ice on its surface means plenty of fuel and oxygen from isru. The other arguably more important reason is that it's close proximity to mostly metallic asteroids means that there is a monetary reward that will occur within the investors lifetime. Although distance and micro gravity are worse than the moon and Mars, artificial gravity or rigorous exercise are not are probably still necessary for those destinations anyway, and the distance is just a harder version of Mars. Because this is colonization not exploration this isn't a big problem since the low gravity of Ceres will reduce costs and the residents are permanent. Ceres also makes sense from the stepping stone to the outer solar system due to lower transfer times, although the rarity of good transfer windows could reduce this by a lot, and Mars's moons may be preferable for that. (I don't know how to end new topics but please discuss it...) 1 I consider dwarf planets to be a subset of planets, as red dwarfs are to stars. Versus asteroids which are to planets, how brown dwarfs are to stars
  19. Imagine if you have a functioning time machine and you can travel to whatever year in the future and ask whoever you come by. For me i would travel to the year 3000 and ask someone "Does humanity have a glorious galactic empire?" What is yours?
  20. It seems like the great big Mars colonization discussion has leaked inside threads that are not really intended for it, so I'm making it a seperate thread. Mods, feel free to merge.
  21. The space race to Duna has ended and the Kerbal Race is reaching out to the jool system to colonise all of the moons of the green planet there will be 8 agencys competing to establish 2 settlments at each moon of jool, One space station, One surface base feat Robonoise Competitors And Rules KASA: (kspnerd122) The United States of Kermerica’s national space program, they are widely known for landing Neil Kerman and Buzz Kerman on the Mun in 1969. SpaceK: (MarkoeZ) Run by economist and billionaire Elon Kerman, SpaceK is known for being regarded as the most successful privately owned space program. Green Origen: (not taken) Another privately owned space program, Green Origen focuses on space tourism, and is run by billionaire Jeff Kerman. Duna One: (not taken) Duna One is an operation based in Kolland that wants to kolonize Duna. KESA: (not taken) The KESA is a space program run by the continent Kerope, and helped boost the progress of the Kerbin Space Station. Roskosmos/Kussian Space agency: (not taken) The Kussian Space Agency, popularly called Roskosmos is known for their Stayputnik, the first artificial Kerbin satellite. Khisese National Space Administration: (not taken) The Kainese National Space Administration is known for their invention of fireworks, which later became rockets, and are now planning on making a space station in orbit of Kerbin. Kindian Space Research Organization:(Fulger) The KSRO is known for being among the best space programs on Kerbin. They have in the past run several Khandrain missions and have several Duna Orbiters. Edit: Just wanted to add that all companies that were listed above are based off of real life space programs. NASA, SpaceX, Blue Origen, Mars 1, eESA, Roscosmos, Indian Space Research Organization and Chinese National Space Administration. Rules: •All competitors must use science mode.(default settings) •No mods are allowed(no expansions either). •No cheat menu •You can use replicas of actual ships, but try to get creative. •Be ready to submit pictures •Good luck. •If you want to compete, let me know in the comments below and submit your space program name( choose one from above) and flag(does not have to be custom I will be KASA as in the first Challenge Original Challenge I want to have this group Kolonise the Kerbolar solar system
  22. One thing that has always bugged me in discussions about colonizing the moon or Mars is the casual way everyone overlooks the growing of food. I have a fairly well rounded background in agriculture, and I have spent a lot of time learning about the complex symbioses that a lot of plants depend on to survive. I know that NASA has been growing salad greens and some types of wheat in a very small experimental area on the ISS, but I don't think it's enough to get a good picture of what agriculture will look like on space colonies. First of all, any system that has colonists reliant on it for sustenance must be 99% sustainable at a minimum. NASA's experiments have been very closely monitored with sensors giving real-time data on all sorts of parameters to a team back on Earth, and the most they've gotten out of it is a few salads. For a serious system, it has to be somewhat robust, and able to handle some shocks and variation to conditions. It also needs to be able to reprocess all the wastewater produced by the colonists in a safe and efficient manner. These things are very possible to achieve, but they do present some challenges. Growing food is maybe one of the easier ones to handle. The most logical solution, in my mind, is aquaponics. Aquaponics is like hydroponics, but with fish. Turns out that fish poop has pretty much everything plants need to grow, and the plants are great at filtering the water for the fish. This means you only have to figure out how to feed the fish. Initially, formulating food for the fish might require some supplemental nutrients, but over time, it should be possible to stabilize the intake/output of the various micro-nutrients in the system. Probably the best species of fish to use is Blue Nile Tilapia, a fast growing breed used around the world in commercial fish farms. The other challenge to the system is processing the human poop. If composted properly, human waste makes a fantastic fertilizer for plants, but it is illegal to use human waste for growing food crops in the US. This is due to the possibility of spreading disease via unwashed vegetables. This can be avoided in our application, since we aren't growing our plants in soil. We can, however, reduce the possibility of spreading disease by using human waste to grow things like cereal grains and even fruit trees. The cereal grains can be used to formulate food for the fish, as well as for things like bread or beer. Obviously, setting up a self-sufficient system like this will require a large enough population to support it, but the advantages are many. Fore one, you won't have to have carbon scrubbers, since the plants will easily take care of that. Another aspect is the psychological benefits of having green things growing about the base. One of the largest challenges, however, will be maintaining healthy populations of bacteria in the system. Here on Earth, bacteria do a lot of the work in the treatment of wastewater, and in converting waste from both fish and humans into nutrients plants can use. These bacteria are everywhere on Earth, and can be relied on to just show up and start growing where conditions are favorable, but on an off world base, we'll have to bring our own. This could be extremely challenging, due to the high radiation environment in space, and any system on a moon or Mars base will have to be buried deep underground to protect it from radiation. There is also the potential issue of symbiotic organisms that are present here on Earth, that could affect how various plants in the system grow, or don't grow. It is also likely that we will have to introduce some species of insects into the ecosystem to pollinate plants for us. We might also bring earthworms and other species that help decomposition, so we can compost things like food scraps, plant fibers, and solids that settle out of the various wastewater systems. Worms would make great food for the fish, and they are excellent at breaking down fibrous materials. As you can see, the biodiversity of a sustainable life support system is immense and complex, and certainly not possible in a sterile space station. Sure, you could grow only certain plants and feed them with chemical fertilizer, but this would be very difficult to make self-sufficient. Anywho, I'd love to hear other folk's thoughts on the topic, this is just what's been rattling around in my head for a few years now. I'm currently thinking about going to school for engineering and soil science, either as a double major, or minoring in soil science with an engineering major. I've seen little to no discussion of the actual mechanics of "just growing food in greenhouses" and I'm hoping I can kick off a bit of discussion on the topic. I suspect that a lot of the folks into rockets and space travel aren't really into the sustainable farming movement, and vice versa, which might be why the topic is so often dismissed as a triviality or just glossed over by enthusiastic future Martians.
  23. In my latest career mode game I am planning to start a Laythe colony. I am using MKS and USI Life Support, with the lowest levels of Interstellar Extended's power and propulsion tech unlocked. In short, no transit times to Jool that would be less than two years or so, at least while carrying a reasonable (30+) number of passengers per trip. I plan to use the Cycler to only carry colonists, building more as time goes on to eventually have a voyage every year or so. Cargo deliveries can be done with traditional Hohmann Transfers. Unfortunately my math and coding skills are not up to the task of determining masses and orbital parameters for this vehicle. I am hoping you nice folks can help me figure these parts out. My questions are as follows: 1. How many ships would be needed for one to arrive at Jool every year? 2. What would be the parameters of the Cycler's initial orbit? 3. How much Delta-V would I need for course changes, ideally or worst case, per trip? Could I use the Joolian moons to reduce this? 4. Is there a more resource-efficient way of doing this cost-wise? I figure that the Cyclers will pay themselves off within two or three voyages because the fuel and construction costs to carry the supplies and crew would be far greater for a similar ship that had to decelerate at either end of the voyage. Once I unlock the more powerful fusion drives this design will be obsolete, but in the interim I have contracts to do things near Jool, and I want to simulate the rotation of specialist personnel that such a facility would experience. As for off-world infrastructure, I currently have a mining and science base on both the Mun and Minmus, a big orbital fuel processor around Minmus, Science/tourism station orbiting the Mun, a science base on Duna with a fuel plant on Ike, and a fuel depot in Geosynchronous orbit over Kerbin, with smaller tugs to carry fuel to crafts in LKO.
  24. You could have made the same argument about any colonization or exploration people have ever made in the past. And it would be wrong in almost every case.
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