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  1. A mod for Kerbal Space Program 2 adding two dozen new missions. This mod aims to enrich the mission tree as well as smooth out the difficulty of progressing from one primary mission to another by adding intermediate steps when necessary. The stock game expects you to go into orbit around the Mun immediately after reaching Kerbin orbit, as well as to land on Duna immediately after landing on Minmus. Adding additional missions helps better guide new players. In addition, a dozen new secondary missions are proposed to encourage the player to further explore each visited planet (for example, by leading the player to Discoverable locations) or to achieve feats that are not required in the stock game (building a space station, entering polar orbit, etc.). The diagram below shows the game's mission tree, with the new missions offered by this mod highlighted in color. This mod includes: - 2 new primary missions - 14 new secondary missions - 9 unreleased stock missions - Tech cost increased by 40% Installation 1. Open the game folder by right-clicking on the game in your Steam library, selecting "Manage," and then clicking "Browse local files." 2. Install the Space Warp + BepinEx plugin (available on CKAN). 3. Install the Patch Manager plugin (available on CKAN). 4. Download the latest version of this mod, either on GitHub or on Spacedock. 5. Open the zip file and drag the included BepInEx folder into the game folder (merge folders when asked). Dependencies Space Warp + BepinEx Patch Manager Links Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3831/Mission%20Tree%20Expanded Contact: KSP 2 Modding Society Github: https://github.com/pasalvetti/MissionTreeExpanded
  2. You can try my Mars Mission for the RP-1 mod here : https://kerbalx.com/TomKerbal/MM2035v66 It took me about 1000 hours to create it.
  3. Mission Codename: Project Lunar Vanguard Dear KSC operator, Let's get straight to the point. With the recent closure of our second-generation space center, we must innovate to ensure our center thrives. Our mission is clear: establish a sustainable and enduring lunar presence. Your task is to lay the groundwork for future lunar operations and pave the way for interplanetary missions through resource collection and refining on the Mun's surface. This is my first mission post and I plan to do more; I like the realistic style as it makes me want to build better rockets and stay focused on the game. This was originally developed for my own playthrough of KSP because their contracts in story mode sucks, plus don't we all appreciate nicely formatted things... Like gosh. Mission Objectives: These mission objectives are assigned points, so each objective completed are just points added onto your score for your dedication for performing the mission & it's optional goals. Deploy a Communication Network: Put satellites around Kerbin and the Mun to ensure constant signal without blackout zones. (Optional) Equip satellites with versatile orbit-adjustment capabilities using nuclear or xenon propulsion for efficiency. Low-Kerbin Orbit Assembly: Design and Launch a LHM (Lunar Habitat Module) and LLV (Lunar Lift Vehicle) (Optional) Ensure LHM has a reliable mining and refining system to support future missions (Optional) The LHM and LLV need to support 5 Kerbonauts (Optional) onboard Rovers and vehicles for the Kerbonauts Assemble the LTV (Lunar Transfer Vehicle) Attach the habitat module to the lift vehicle to the transfer stage to move the entire assembly to the Muns orbit Mun Operation: Land the LHM and LLV on the Mun. (optional) Conduct scientific experiments (optional) Resource Demonstration Show us how effective your mining and refining operations using the LHM's onboard system is Rules for Mods & DLCS: Recommend / Allowed: RECOMMENDED: Kerbal Planetary Base Systems DLC: All DLC made for KSP is allowed. MODDED: All visual mods allowed, most mods are allowed, example is; (better time warp, Kerbal Engineer, freeIVA) Prohibited Mods: Mods that significantly alter physics or gameplay to make the challenge trivial are prohibited (e.g., Tweakscale, Warp Drive). Challenge Levels: Level 1: Establish a lunar base with basic infrastructure. Level 2: Expand the lunar base with enhanced capabilities, such as advanced resource processing. Level 3: Develop a sustainable colony with full self-sufficiency, capable of supporting long-term habitation. Scoring System: The scoring system for my contracts is quite simple, it will evaluate missions based on objective completion and optional goals. Here's how it works: Objective Completion Points: Each non-optional objective carries an equal score of (+5) Optional Goals: each optional objective completed carries equal an equal score of (+2) Submission Rules: Format: Submit your challenge as an imgur album, video series, or thread in Mission Reports. Documentation: Include captions and descriptions for each submission element (e.g., launches, landings, science collection). Required Screenshots/Videos: Capture key mission moments, including transfers, dockings, landings, and refuelings, document science returns if applicable. Completion Badge: Successful participants can add the mission completion badge to their signature. The Holy Grail: Come on, I know all you internet and space degenerates love things to put into your signature, so let's make it happen. All it will cost you, is a few hours of FUN hard work Hall of Fame: Anyone who has an entry on this post will have their work reviewed and notarized is allowed to utilize the award above and will be immortalized in the Hall of Fame, showcasing the ingenuity and dedication of Kerbonauts across the galaxy.
  4. Fully automated mission using KoS
  5. how i lost jeb: so recently i was playing KSP and doing yet another minmus mission when i realised i had like 2000-1000 delta v left, which i thought was more then enough to go to the mun, so i went to the mun and tried to leave with about 800 delta v left, i escaped but ran out of fuel, so i used bob kerman's jetpack to push it, bob, some random kerbal on the ladder, and the mk.3 capsule were constantly switching jetpacks until i accidently moved the capsule causing both kerbals to get flung, after a while of trying to save both kerbals, jeb ended up the one needing saving and with no EVA fuel. TLDR: i flew too close to kerbol (the sun) in terms of what i can do, flung 2 kerbals across the universe, somehow only lost jeb, now jeb shall happily float around kerbin and cause i left the capsule for a while its now somehow orbiting the sun. ( i am complete trash lol)
  6. Push structures normally wobble like crazy. To my surprise, in KSP2, I used a normal-sized docking port to push my medium SSTO and it didn't wobble at all! Full trip to Laythe without a single shake! Here are some pictures from the mission. Leaving Kerbin, full structure without the lifters: Arriving at Laythe, better view of the structure and the SSTO Found the objective of the mission: And returned home Landed the SSTO empty tank
  7. An old project of mine, redone in future me style. The old thread if anyone needs it. It had been 12 years since the 5th Kerbin War ended and 14 years since the last space program ended. Kerbals have always had a habit of worldwide conflicts, having fought 5 in the last 100 years. However, the Fourth Kerbin War had been the worst of them all. In the end, the Kermarian Federation won, but at what cost? Retired director of the old Space Program John Kerman brings the old kerbonauts and scientists back together, but with the economy in ruins and decades of work destroyed, will they be able to succeed in bringing Kerbalkind to space for good? "Complete" Timeline taken from the old thread(mostly) Chapter 1: Into Space "I've always believed that Kerbalkind was meant to be in space." John Kerman chuckled as the rickety car drove onto the "launch pad". The new KSC was a old abandoned airbase once used to test missiles and experimental aircraft. Standing on the launch pad was a small stubby rocket, created out of the fusion of an aircraft fuselage and a missile. "This probe's a mere fraction of what the Roundarians used, y'know? They once put a space station in orbit in a single launch!" The Orbit-All-Ready was remotely controlled by the equipment in the cabin behind the driver's seat. Hopefully the rocket wouldn't do anything weird. "Nathanael, are all systems ready?" John asked. "I can't tell, these systems are prehistoric. Only thing I can tell is that the rocket hasn't fallen over yet." Nathanael complained. "Whatever, you only live once. Herbrett, start the launch sequence." John began counting down loudly. "Uh, starting engines, everything looks like it's holding up..." "Launch clamps released! That sure does fly like a rocket! Just like the good ol' days..." "Releasing manual control. Starting gravity turn..." "Staging in a few seconds..." "John, the probe's flipping!" John pushed Herbrett aside and hit the button reading "Disengage Launch Sequence". "It's a shame we didn't put reaction wheels on this thing, but I think we got this under control." "One final push..." Just like that, the new KSP had placed their first satellite into orbit. Now the only way they could go was up.
  8. "Mission Control is also open for business - meet Dr. Keri Kerman who will send you on increasingly-challenging quests from learning about basic rocketry to attempting to build and maneuver an entirely new kind of vehicle." What types of missions do you think Mission Control will have? What missions would you want there to be? I can think of a few: - world first missions (fly-by / orbit / land / return) - visit discoverables - plant flags in hard to reach places - make kerbals pass out (was always a fun one) - lore missions (the actual narrative campaign) - build / expand space station / colony - perform scouting (telescopes or planetary scanning) - things to do with airplanes (scouting, research, transport) - low orbit missions (capsules or space planes) - rover missions (science, transport) The most important thing is, in my opinion, to only define a greater mission objective and let the players decide the actual subgoals, profile, implementation details. I would like to come to the conclusion that I need a certain type of vehicle by myself, out of mission necessity, instead of being explicitly required.
  9. As part of the Apollo Applications Program, a manned flyby of Venus was planned by NASA in the 1960's. Similarly, the former Soviets had planned a flyby of Venus for their TMK-E variant rocket. Obviously, neither program saw the light of day. No worries! We can recreate what should have been our gloriously bright future in our currently not-so-glorious, mediocre present! KSC is proud to announce: KERPERNICUS : KER-MANNED MISSIONS TO EVE Challenge Tiers: [EASY DIFFICULTY] : Complete a flyby of Eve, take a screenshot in orbit, return your Kerbals safely, all in ONE GO! Your Reward: [CHALLENGE DIFFICULTY]: Complete a two-way crewed mission to Eve. Land your Kerbals, take a screenshot of them dancing alongside their flag, and return them to Kerbin alive! EXTRA POINTS if you encounter a Kraken-attack and successfully recover the mission! Your Reward: [IMPOSSIBLE DIFFICULTY] : IN KSP2 PRE-PATCH VERSION (First release version of KSP2 Early Access) Complete a two-way crewed mission to Eve. Land your Kerbals, take a screenshot of them dancing alongside their flag, and return them to Kerbin alive. Your well-deserved Trophy: Post your screenshots and Mission Report in the comments! If you need a high-quality, background transparency version of the badges, let me know! Good luck!
  10. Hi. The mission titled: Test RT-5 "Flea" Solid Fuel Booster in flight over Kerbin. Required conditions are: 1. Test RT-5 "Flea" Solid Fuel Booster 2. kerbin 3. flying 4. Alt: 30000 to 34000 5. Spd: 450.0m/s to 530.0m/s I built a rocket with three RT-5 engine cascaded and fulfilled 2. to 5. above requirements except for 1. How can I complete this mission? What does "Test RT-5" mean? I thought just igniting the engine fulfill it. Thanks, aki
  11. Hello! This subject has been a lot on my mind since I started playing KSP because I've always found myself wasting a lot of time designing unique upper and booster stages for my payloads instead of just slapping on a previously used assembly. I feel like there should be some better assembly building gameplay mechanics and incentives to guide the designing, building and integration steps towards an easy to use iterative process. Allow me to explain: What we have in KSP1 VAB / SPH have gameplay features that allow us to save our designs: Saving craft files in folders Saving with distinct folder roots for VAB and SPH this is a problem when you have a structure like the one below it also messes with the orientation Craft files can be manually overwritten although the path to the file is not loaded automatically and if I want to overwrite I save I have to point to the appropriate folder every time I load the craft, otherwise it saves in the root folder - I feel like this is a bug; We can of course create folders that are the basis for our organizational choices - I like to separate them initially into: Craft designs: Prototypes Structural assemblies Planes Fighter Space Cargo Other Rockets Boosters (by weight to LKO and diameter) Upper stages (by weight to solar orbit and diameter) Mothership propulsion elements Space Stations Rovers and vehicles (by size, number of passengers, purpose - science, fun or utility) Manned exploration Landers Return capsules Unmanned exploration Deep space / fly-by probes Orbiters Landers Return missions Satellites Science / mapping Communication relays Fuel Tanker stages Refineries Wheeled transports Pods Living pods Tourist pods, Science pods / labs Escape / transport pods Other Missions (the rockets / space planes I actually launched): with a folder for every celestial body, in orbit or landed + asteroids / comets As you can see things get very complicated and there is potential for overlapping functions, sizing problems and other issues All of this does not even touch on the problem of design versioning and evolution - this adds another whole new level of complexity to the issue Of course a very big problem is that if I save the craft as a mission and I change or improve something after mission failure or after returning from the launchpad.. then I have to go back and change that exact same thing in the original assembly design file. Saving subassemblies This theoretically should be straightforward but there are some issues: The root part mechanic makes it complicated All subassemblies are in the same "folder" When overwriting its difficult to change the description if the design changes, sometimes its better to write everything anew I have to search through and update the subassemplies every time I change something in the mission / craft design files I have to go to the subassemblies tab, its extra effort What we need in KSP2 We desperately need a better way of creating iterative designs, group them by families and separate them by version Craft versioning system (like GIT, to track evolution of specific craft models according to part and science progression) Missions and designs should be separate abstractions, missions should contain design versions Changes to designs should cascade into missions that use that design version We need some kind of default structure for the craft designs.. like the one I described above, otherwise players will take ages to become efficient in organizing all their stuff What has been confirmed for KSP2 Saving a workspace containing multiple craft assemblies Can you please help with other ideas? I think its a very important topic.
  12. I have a mission to "build a new unmanned probe...". My plan is to make a spaceship with one kerbal and an unmanned probe attached, so that I can position the satellite and bring some science data back as well. But when I reach the designated orbit and have the unmanned probe un-docked, the mission requirement "build a new unmanned probe..." is still not fulfilled...... The probe has everything required (probodobodyne, solar panel, antenna). And if I remove the kerbal before launching, the "build a new unmanned probe..." is immediately fulfilled when the spaceship is on launchpad. Is this a bug, or I have to launch it with no kerbal to satisfy the "unmanned" requirement?
  13. I got 3 missions to Eve (one for Evelike Sun orbit) for which I used basically the same ship with a few tweaks for their requirements (Scaner or telescope). It was a Mansail SSTO with a nuclear engine orbiter it had about 2500 excess delta V , but since it was only my second attempt at interplanetary travel, I wanted to play it safe, the first 2 missions went well, despite the Eve satellite taking about 1k more delta v than it should have, but then I had to maneuver a satellite to Gilly Kolniya orbit, and it was a disastrous piloting display xd. After capturing around Eve at about the right budget, I wasn't being able to find an encounter with Gilly, then, I saw one, but it was absurd, it meant making a huge burn to invert my orbit, I knew it was not the right thing to do, but seeing no other alternatives I decided to give it a shot. However now that I was going against the orbit, I would be forced to cancel all of my relative speed, costing me most of my remaining delta V. But it was only now that I found myself in the most ridiculous situation of the mission (which you cam see in the photo, my inclination was almost opposite to the required one, being used to making crazy maneuvers by this point though, I did a grand normal burn followed by retrograde, and somehow managed to complete the contract with "only" 100 delta V remaining. Photo of crazy orbit change I certainly need to improve my piloting, but nuclear engines really saved the day, even though I absolutely shouldn't have succeeded.
  14. https://photos.app.goo.gl/RU7GV8GyMqkTdtvK8 I've accepted this mission which tells me to put a space telescope into solar orbit somewhat close to Eve's, however, unlike the other 2 missions I have active for putting Satelites around Eve, it's not graphically showing me the orbit. It's "almost" circular, so perhaps it doesn't feel the need to show it, but I would rather have it as a guide if possible, I do have about 4.3k delta v in Kerbin orbit so either way it should be fine (bless nuclear engines xd). Thank you for your attention.
  15. The condition to have an rt-10 on your vessel is not checked, I tried everything I can think of and it is still showing that I don't have it attached(at had 6 of them.
  16. Project Starshot: Interstellar Frontiers-An epic adventure ft. Galaxies Unbound The title is pretty much self-explanatory. The objective of this is to launch huge interstellar ships to some star systems in Galaxies Unbound without my computer crashing. The current star systems which i plan to explore are (the Galaxies Unbound kerbalized equivalents of): Alpha Centauri, Epsilon Eridani, Luhman 16 and Tau Ceti (not necessarily in that order). I will try to do everything at least semi-realistically in sandbox mode, which means no fancy ftl warp drives or other technologies that are -too- advanced but with unlimited funds. Note: this is mostly done for cinematic purposes, so there will -some- .cfg file editing but stuff like isp or mass are still kept at a realistic scale. Here is my modlist: (thank you to all the modders who have all put so much work into making them). BTW i will be putting some references from random scifi works, you can post it in the chat if you spotted one. I will try to make weekly updates and posts for this mission report. Note: this is my first time making a mission report and if you have any suggestions fell free to post them here. Epic music to listen to while you read this: Immortal by Thomas Bergersen Final Frontier by Thomas Bergersen Victory by Two Steps From Hell Star Sky by Two Steps From Hell Part One: Nova Kerbani Alpha Centauri Nova Kerbani, is the Solar System Kerbol system's closest neighbouring star. Even at the dawn of the space age, kerbals have dreamed to be able to travel to and explore other stars. In the last few decades, Nova Kerbani has gained extensive public interest with the discovery of multiple exoplanets with at least one that is earth-sized and habitable by the Kerbal Astronomical Society and multiple mission designs were studied or drafted, including Kerbani Dreams' Project Kaedalus and the OPA's LDSS Nauvoo . But it is only within the last few years or so with the development of advanced fusion and antimatter technologies has such a mission to explore Nova Kerbani became possible. Thus, Project Starshot was born. Chapter One: Getting Ready 15/04/2075 First Launch of the Project Starshot Experimental VSSTO Shuttle (x-VSSTO) Mission: Starshot 1 The Project Starshot mission design called for an SSTO dropship that could be used to land on and take off from an exoplanet up to 110% of earth's gravity, with or without an atmosphere. The contractors at Space Kerbalization Technologies thus designed the Starshot VSSTO (official name to be designated, but nicknamed razorback by the kerbonauts) which was a heavily modified single stage MAV from the Ares Program with chemical rockets and a fusion aerospike bolted on it. Today's mission is the first launch of the Starshot VSSTO and it will conduct a simple mission of going to orbit and returning without killing any of the crew. (Here at Space Kerbalization Tech, the safety of our kerbonauts are our top priority, which is why our first flight of an unproven technology will be crewed) Crew: Pilot-Jeb Kerman On board repair guy Engineer-Bill Kerman "We are go for launch in T-minus 5, 4, 3, ignition sequence start, 2, 1. Liftoff, we have liftoff!" At the Kerbal Space Center, these familiar words were spoken once again. However, this time it signified the dawn of a new era, as this was the first flight of Project Starshot. The vehicle shot upwards at more that 8 g, airframe groaning under the immense stress. "Mission Control, Jeb here. You have successfully created a kerbal pancake maker." Soon, the high thrust chemical rockets cut off and the g-force dropped down to a 'gentle' 3g. The vehicle continued to accelerate upwards using it's fusion aerospike, punching through the cloud layer at supersonic speeds. After the desired apoapsis was reached, the main engine cut off and coasted. A few minuets later, the engine lit once again for thew circularization burn. "Kerbin, we have orbit" After a few maneuvers, the spacecraft rendezvoused with the Venturestar class Interstellar Vehicle Hermes (ISV 001), kerbalkind's first manned interstellar vehicle, still under construction at Tycho Station. And so Starshot 1's objectives were completed, and it was time for Jeb and Bill to return home. A few minuets later, the ship made a propulsive landing and touched down on the droneship Just Read The Instructions and Starshot 1 has been marked as a complete success. (sorry for the small images as imgur is banned in my country so i had to use something else but for some reason it just absolutely refused to make the pics bigger) Coming Soon-Chapter 2: Project Starshot and the ISV Hermes
  17. There's over a dozen threads in the technical support section reporting that several tutorials are bugged, the most prominent being the getting to orbit tutorial. Most of them have 0 replies and range from 2014 to 2017, a span of 3 years. This is not even counting the numerous threads on Steam and Reddit. I just tried the suborbital and orbital tutorial today after the latest update and it is still BUGGED. Even if you activate SAS targeting mode and manage throttle as per the instruction, you run out of fuel every single time. I don't think that the space craft is even capable of getting to orbit. Are the tutorials going to get fixed or what? It's not that hard to build a space craft capable of orbit. For a beginner it is the most frustrating thing ever. I remember trying it for a whole day in 2015 and eventually not touching the game for half a year.
  18. Life On Laythe science mission Premise: Life has been detected in the deep oceans of Laythe. Mission: Launch a science mission to Laythe, and return science data from the floor of the DeGrasse Sea. This challenge is based loosely on the movie Astronaut : The Last Push. Rules: The Science data must be the results of a Mystery Goo experiment collected from the sea floor (not the surface) of the DeGrasse Sea returned to Kerbin and recovered Two kerbals need to go to Laythe and at least one kerbal must land or splash down on Laythe’s surface The kerbals must launch from the KSC, and both must return alive to the surface of Kerbin for recovery No command chairs are allowed. The kerbals must reside in pressurized seats during interplanetary and atmospheric flight. The use of stock probe cores is allowed where it fits within the challenge guidelines. No ISRU is allowed. The launched craft(s) must have all the fuel for the journey to and from Laythe Clipping is not allowed, and all parts must be adjacent to another part. If you want to clip, and you think it is fair, ask me. Stock parts with DLC only. Mods that affect parts or game physics are not allowed. Cheats - Hyperedit, F-12 , file editing etc are not allowed Informational, flight control and visual mods are allowed (e.g. MechJeb, KER, Trajectories, Precise Node etc) Settings must be default, normal. Entry reheating must be set to 100%. If you change default settings, you are breaking this rule. Mission must be completed in less than 13 years from launch date Submission: The mission will be listed in order of submission. Please provide an Imgur gallery with detailed explanation, or a video. This should include an image showing science recovery from the Laythe seafloor, with the resource window open. This challenge is all about good reliable design, mission planning and game play. The following may provide a guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZIe2fWK85s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiMW4Qtoj2g Special mentions for low cost entries. Any questions, feel free to ask. Good luck. Completed entries: @camacju16750 funds, ultra low cost entry . Amazing orbital mechanics! Uses EVA and jet packs and V1.11 EVA Construction to reduce costs @Brikoleur Zoë. A big SSTO seaplane lands two Kerbals on Laythe. Gotta love the hydroplanes and the cool Laythe probe. @Brikoleur Bak Billbo. A bigger SSTO seaplane with massive dV, single stage from Kerbin to a Laythe sea landing and back to Kerbin. @jinnantonixLife One. [video] Replicates the artificial gravity system and the space craft design used in the video Astronaut: The Last Push. @Death Engineering Apollo to Laythe - McDonnell Douglas Phase B 12-Man Space Station Launch. In DE's own words, incorporates some of the more far-out NASA concepts from the early 1970's, mixed in with a healthy dose of just plain Kerbalistic nonsense. Brilliant. . .
  19. I got a mission that requires me to measure temperature on ground level right next to the launch pad. So I tried to do this by putting thermometers inside of the inventory of a pilot and just walk towards that area. But I am confused because I can't find a way to actually use the thermometer.
  20. @RoninFrog is doing another challenge! So he needs a spot to dump all his stuff so it doesn't clutter the challenge thread! This challenge is the... It is a pretty intense challenge covering the first ten years of the game, with launch mass limits, life support, rocket construction time, and transfer window management. Hm! First, I need to create the save I will be using. "Game difficulty settings: 'Enable Comm Network' ON, 'Re-entry heating' 100%. Advanced settings: 'Part pressure limits' ON, 'Part g-force limits' ON, 'Kerbal g-force limits' ON." Okay, I've never played with part G-force limits and I don't even know what 'Part pressure limits' does, so here goes, I guess! Unexciting screenshot of game settings: Here's a collection of all the crafts launched: So here's what's up next. I need a Standard Launch Vehicle to loft my payloads to orbit. "One prototype of the heavy lifter ... will be ready with payload for launch pad roll-out on Day 40. New lifters will be delivered on a regular, fixed schedule." The schedule is calculated as one launch vehicle every "NPM (Nominal Mass Payload) * 6" days. The first Duna launch window is in 220 days, so if I want to launch two payloads, I will nead a NPM of 30 tons. Now it's time for designing! First two payload designs: First launch setting out for Minmus: Well, that's all for today! Tomorrow I will hopefully land on Minmus and refuel, if all goes well.
  21. What was the hardest thing you've done in KSP? Was it a Jool 5 mission? Was it building a station around Kerbol? Share here! For me, it was getting to Eeloo. Funny thing is, the mission only was intended to go to Laythe, but somehow I screwed that up and decided Eeloo would be easier. Sad thing is, the hatch was obstructed by an RCS port, so I had to cheat and destroy the RCS port. Anyway, once again, post!
  22. I am trying to get back into KSP after a long break, and want to try to replicate a famous mission. What missions would be really fun to replicate (besides the very famous ones like Apollo 11) that don't get much attention?
  23. Basically, its a "go fix this rover on the mun, then move it to this location" As you can see on the nav-ball, and the small bit from the map, then I am right on top of the damn point... but the mission isn't registering it. I can drive back and forth on the location, nothing happens. What is happening? is the location set "too low" in the terrain or something? Is there a way to fix this bug? Do I have to do something special with the rover? I attached a pilot seat and a solar array on it, so it could be powered and driven to the location in question, which was 2km from where the rover originally was (where you can see the lander on the map screenshot) Please advice
  24. KSP Mission Flag Builder V1.0 Flag builder for missions in the Kerbal Space Program. How to use below on .gif image: I created this web application just for my personal use initially, but now I come here to share. Aplication: http://kerbalflags.epizy.com/ *Credit for jfjohnny5 and his topic Customizable Mission Flags - KSP Fan Works - Kerbal Space Program Forums
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