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  1. This add-on adds parts of a small shuttle to the game, which is capable of sending up in orbit Kerbin to 3 tons (!) V 1.4 1. The root folder is now named "MKShuttle", so if you've used this add-on before, it will be removed from the game. 2. Some textures have been slightly updated. 3. Added one more solar panel. 4. The model of the DS-1 antenna has been changed, and a new DS-2 antenna has been added. 5. Satellites now use XenonGas for RCS. 6. Changed the position of the main docking port, now when switching to it, it will have the correct orientation for docking. V 1.3 Changes: 1. Completely changed rocket model and solid booster 2. Added small ion engine 3. Added solar panel for satellites 4. Added a new small booster - KSTug 5. Changed the balance of the rocket 6. Now RCS on Kermes runs on regular fuel, not monoprop 7. Removed the problematic protective cover from JetEngine Entering the atmosphere is not difficult, turn the fins up, keep the ship level horizontally on the descent and wait, it will raise its nose to the top by itself, that's all. The names of the ships are made in different languages Vesta (Lat) Ūrania (Lat) Молния (RU) -> Lightning Ptaszek (PL) -> birdie 极光 (China) -> Aurora There is partial support for: and B9PS Included in add-on. Thanks to the add-on, the shuttle will be resilient and will not require autostruts. Search keyword for ship parts in the game "MKS" Parts search for arm "ARM" Сraft files customization: Button 1 - Extend Fins Button 2 - Retract fins to their original position Button 3 - Extend Rudder for atmospheric braking Button 4 - Move Rudder to its original position Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2678/KerbalMiniShuttle
  2. The Nova Strider is a shuttle placed on top of an SLS. That's it, it is capable of going to low lunar orbit (KSRSS) and back with around 20 tons of payload to LLO (or 50 tons to LEO)
  3. BURAN ENERGIA - NOW FULLY USABLE Craft is aerodynamically stable. Thanks to Alcentar for releasing the original mod. Cheers and Enjoy! Requires: Kerbal Joint Reinforcement , KSP WHEEL for Stock Game. For Realism Overhaul, ROEngines is required in addition. Recommended for Landing on Runway: Kramax Autopilot SPACEDOCK: https://spacedock.info/mod/2966/[1.8-1.12.x] Buran Energia Mod - 2.0 [RSS/RO Compatible] GITHUB: https://github.com/MyNameIsBorat/KspBuran I also made landing configs for Kramax Autopilot for powered landing of Buran in RSS/RO. Files are included in the Kramax Autopilot Folder inside GameData. Click "Load/Store Flight Plans", then press "Refresh" to load Configs. Current Runways Included: Satish Dhawan-IN R09 Cape Caneveral-US R09 Landing Demonstration(OLD VERSION): Landing Demonstration(NEW): SHORT : FULL : FAQ: Q. Is there any chance for major updates? A. no major updates, only patches and fixes. Q. Which Engines shall i use? A. rd 0120 for energia core stage ; rd 170 for first stage side boosters ; rd 58 for buran orbiter Changelog: 08/03/2022 : Naming convention fixed. parts will show now.
  4. curently kats will include shuttle 2 and shuttle dc3, we are currently needing a texturer to finish the parts and then we will have full release 1
  5. Starstro Space Systems Press Kit image made by @Pioneer_Steve Overall Description Starstro Space Systems is a mod being developed by me and my friend Star. My current interest in this mod is making shuttle payloads such as probes and general satellites I find interesting. Currently in development there's Chandra, Magellan, and Ulysses. This is something we've been working on for awhile now and I feel confident enough to show it. Currently all of this is in development or near release such as Magellan. But if you'd like to you can download anything you want off of the Github in the TestBranch. I hope everyone who sees this enjoys this is and doesn't mind any errors or mistakes, keep in mind this is my first time making an actually ksp mod. Downloads Github SpaceDock Dependencies B9 Partswitch Module Manager Bluedog Design Bureau Recommended mods Shuttle Orbiter Construction kit Waterfall Current Version To my knowledge this mod works on 1.11 and possibly 1.10, but I've only tested it on 1.12. Though if anyone has issues or can confirm it works on any other version please let me know Special thanks to @CobaltWolf, @Zorg, and @Invaderchaos For making BDB and helping @AmateurAstronaut1969, @Talverd, @Jay The Amazing Toaster, @Vals_Aerospace, @Pioneer_Steve, and @pTrevTrevs for all being genuinely helpful and supportive people while I've been working on this. And now some screenshots from it Pictures of Chandra by @AmateurAstronaut1969 Magellan Pics by @Pioneer_Steve All Rights Reserved.
  6. reDIRECT | V0.10.1 | Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicles Revival of my old Shuttle-Derived launch vehicle mod for KSP 1.4.1. The mod has been completely rebuilt from the ground up, with new models & textures. It will not replace older versions of the mod to avoid conflicts. Principally, the mod adds STS-style 5m fuel tanks, and 2.2m Solid Rocket Boosters. Adapters and decouplers are also included! These can be used to built Space Shuttle (STS) stacks, or the Jupiter rockets from the DIRECT proposal that this mod takes its name from. Screenshots: Part variants are included! PHASE I: Jupiter STS External Tank. Jupiter Stack Parts, including adapters, separators and thrust plates. Shuttle 4-Segment Booster Parts 5-Segment Booster 2 & 3-Segment Boosters (for SRB-X) Jupiter Upper Stage Parts. PHASE II: Orion Orion Capsule & Associated Parts. Orion Service Module Parts PHASE III: Constellation/SLS SLS Parts Ares I Parts CHANGELOG 0.10.1. PUBLIC RELEASE - Fixed broken normals maps for 1.8+ - Added normals to RL10, Orion LAS, Jupiter Upper Stage - Fixed SRB nosecone orientation (may break existing craft) - Fixed emissive on Orion capsule 0.10.0. PUBLIC RELEASE - Release to coincide with Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit - Adjusted STS External Tank CoM offset 0.9.10. DEV RELEASE - Adjusted thrust transforms and values of SRB nosecone for cleaner separation - Adjusted decoupling force of SRB decoupler for cleaner separation - Increased fuel values of Ares I parts for better balance (will need to rebuild existing craft to see the effect) - Added stack node under Shuttle External Tank 0.9.9. MAJOR RELEASE. Warning: may break existing craft files. - Re-bundled craft files. - Fixed tags for multiple parts. - Fixed B9PartSwitch errors. 0.9.8. DEV RELEASE - Improved normal maps across all parts. - Added Space Shuttle External Tank Decoupler. - Added Space Shuttle SRB Decoupler. - Added PlumePart plumes to SRBs. - Added nodes to SRBs to allow attachment to SRB decouplers. - Added node to Jumbo External Tank to attach to ET decoupler. 0.9.7b. DEV RELEASE - Bundled Benjee10_sharedAssets. - Moved KJ10 engine into sharedAssets. - Reduced SSME mass to 1.2t. - Added gimbal to KJ10 engine. - Rebalanced Shuttle/SLS tank masses & volumes. - Added whitelist for ReStock SSME. - Fixed most NREs with texture switching parts. 0.9.7a. DEV RELEASE - Overhauled RL10-B-2 engine model. - Bundled DeployableEngines. - Tweaks to balance & SRB thrust curves. - Tweaks to node placements on various parts. 0.9.6d. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Replaced all engine/RCS plumes. - Bundled PlumeParty. 0.9.6c. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Complete rebalance of all LH2/OX tanks, engines, & SRBs. 0.9.6b. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Added SLS ICPS part. - Added Orion Fairing Base. - Added short 5m orange tank to lengthen SLS. - Added RL-10B (fixed nozzle) - Modified RL-10B-2 (expanded nozzle) model/texture. 0.9.6a. EXPERIMENTAL RELEASE - Added SLS 4x adapter. 0.9.6. 1.6.0 update - Re-release for 1.6.0 compatibility. - Bundled updated version of B9PartSwitch. - Fixed some errors/typos in part descriptions/names. - Fixed UV-layout accidentally overlaid onto adapter texture. - Bundled craft files. 0.9.5. 1.5.1 update - Re-release for 1.5.1 compatibility. - Removed duplicate geometry on 5-segment SRB which was creating Z-fighting. - Removed fairing from Ares I upper stage engine plate's editor icon. - Added 5m -> 3.125m adapter. - Added 3.75m -> 3.125m adapter. - Added SLS-style 5m -> 3.125m adapter. - Bundled updated versions of B9PartSwitch and Community Resource Pack. 0.9.4c. Minor iteration on Ares I parts. - Finished textures for Ares I parts. - Added normal maps for Ares I parts. - Added built-in decoupler for Orion Launch Abort System. 0.9.4b. DEV RELEASE OF ARES I. - Added Ares I parts: - Small & Large LH2/Ox Tanks. - 3.125m thrust plate. - 3.125m->2.2m adapter. - 3.125m avionics ring. - 3.125m stack decoupler (with built in RCS). - 3.125m fairing base. 0.9.4a. DEV RELEASE OF PHASE III. - Added K-2X "Jackdaw" cryogenic rocket engine. 0.9.31. Hotfix. - Fixed model for inline STS tank not appearing in game correctly. - Added placeholder IVA to Orion to allow crew portraits. - Fixed incorrect gimbal transform on KL-10-B-II Engine. 0.9.3. - Added Orion Parts. - Rebalanced all tanks & engines to use LqdHydrogen/Ox. - Migrated all mesh/texture switch functions to B9PartSwitch for 1.3.1. compatibility (and for more features in the future). - Rebalanced all parts to be in line with stock. - Tweaked SRB thrust curves. - Updated .CFGs so that all parts now have consistent manufacturers & feature tags and a description. - Bundled B9PartSwitch & Community Resource Pack. 0.9.1. BETA RELEASE. - Added KD75k "Monsoon" five-segment Solid Rocket Booster. - Added KD25K "Thunderstorm" two-segment Solid Rocket Booster. - Minor SRB texture improvements. - Minor Tank Endcap texture improvements. - Added Jupiter Upper Stage parts (fuel tank and engine mount). - Added new upper stage engine, KL10-B. - Rebalanced to be closer to stock values. - Added placeholder KS-25B "Rainstorm" engine (uses Stock SSME model) to account for increased mass of fuel tanks. 0.9.0. BETA RELEASE. - Initial release of Phase I. Download link: SPACEDOCK DEV RELEASES SpaceDock is hosting only the last stable release. On my GitHub you will find the latest development versions: GITHUB This features the newest parts and updates but may not be properly balanced or stable, and will frequently be updated which may result in craft files breaking. Use at your own risk! This should work correctly with 1.3.1 and up. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Special thanks to HooHungLow & Tyko for sponsoring the Orion section of the mod, and to Beale for allowing me to use his fantastic solar panel texture. If you like what I'm doing and you'd like to donate something to keep me motivated & well caffeinated, consider making a one-off donation via PayPal:
  7. I'm testing out a space shuttle I've built, and I added parachutes to the SRBs so I can recover them afterwards. I have them staged so the parachutes are ready to deploy when I jettison the booster. For some reason they don't deploy, and the boosters crash. Any solutions? Also I have Kerbal Engineer, and a few visual mods installed (just letting you know incase any of those could be causing my issue).
  8. Shuttle Payload Delivery Systems This mod adds: IUS Airborne Support Equipment Centaur (G/G-Prime, II, III) Integrated Support System SpaceLab Pallet with two types of "shelfs" Dependencies: Breaking Ground DLC B9PartSwitch ModuleManager Bluedog Design Bureau Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit What version of KSP is this mod for? I tested this mod on version 1.12.3, but I think it will work with any version that BG works with. What's next? In future I want to add other shuttle payload things like SpaceHab, Integrated Cargo Carrier and more. Recommended mods: SOCK Repainted by @Arthurism SOCK Recolored by @Invaderchaos reCOLOR by @MATVEICH_YT and @AstroMods Screenshots: DOWNLOADS SPACEDOCK GITHUB Available on CKAN Special Thanks to: @CobaltWolf and @benjee10 for making BDB and SOCK @Zorg and @CobaltWolf for helping me making this mod And everyone who supports me during developing Licence: CC BY 4.0
  9. The Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System: available on Spacedock as multiple modpacks. Last Update: Community Patch, Dec 3 2017 (see forum post) NOTE: Manually installing from the links below is the officially supported method for installing KSOS. If you are using any other method to install our mod, be aware that you may be creating errors for yourself, and you will likely not receive support from us. KSOS requires the following plugins to function properly: [RasterProp Monitor] http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/105821-105-rasterpropmonitor-still-putting-the-a-in-iva-v0242-24-december-2015/ [Smokescreen] (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/64987-105-smokescreen-2613-extended-fx-plugin-februaryr-15th/) [Firespitter] (Plugin only) (http://snjo.github.io/) [Klockheed Martian Gimbal] (Removed June 2016: Mod not updated for 1.1) [ModuleManager] (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-105-module-manager-2618-january-17th-with-even-more-sha-and-less-bug/&page=1) Craft Files: KSOS Craft Files 4.4 (temporarily removed) Dauntless Orbiter mod files: http://spacedock.info/mod/239/KSOS:%20Dauntless%20Orbiter Space Station mod files: http://spacedock.info/mod/241/KSOS:%20Space%20Station Super 25 Orbiter mod files : http://spacedock.info/mod/240/KSOS:%20Super%2025%20Orbiter Space Center Vehicles mod files: http://spacedock.info/mod/242/KSOS:%20Space%20Center%20Vehicles License: All vehicle models and textures: VegaArt. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Thanks to the plugin authors whose work was used to help KSO become fully functional: Sarbian,ialdabaoth,Snjo,Mihara,MOARdV,Dtobi,Hyomoto
  10. A video showcasing the KoS script I have to orbit the shuttle. It takes it from the pad all the way to circular orbit. Then we fly it back to the island runway!
  11. SHUTTLE CHALLENGE v6 - THE 1.7.X+ STS THREAD Incredible artwork by @HazelPine from the Screenshots Re-imagined thread This heritage challenge is now in its sixth version! A history: @inigma's original STS Space Shuttle Challenges @mythic_fci's STS Challenge v2 @Speeding Mullet's Shuttle Challenge v3 and Shuttle Challenge v4 @michal.don's Shuttle Challenge v5 v7 coming soon! See here for a sneak peek! The series of challenges below represent a sliding scale of difficulty ranging from relatively simple to highly complex. Updates and Clarifications Thanks to @Artienia for volunteering as an assistant moderator! Rule Updates - General Rule Updates - Specific Missions New Badges - qualified entrants are entitled to use either the old or new badges as they prefer. I have removed the old badges from this post to keep it a bit less cluttered, but you can still get them from the v5 thread if you like. Reference Materials Proposed rescue mission - recreated in STS-4 When we left Earth - Shuttle designing, Challenger disaster, first Hubble mission When we left Earth - Hubble repair, space station building, Columbia disaster A topic in the science & spaceflight forum section by @GoSlash27. Lots of great information about the shuttle, and a heated, but very interesting discussion. RULES - PLEASE READ THESE BEFORE ATTEMPTING THE CHALLENGES Official definition of a shuttle for this challenge A "reusable" winged Orbiter which carries kerbals (and cargo for any mission beyond STS-1a) to orbit and back and is capable of a horizontal landing. It's advisable to have OMS engine(s) for trajectory changes as well as an RCS system for maneuvering. The Orbiter must be lifted into space by a Launch System that decouples or undocks once expended, allowing the Orbiter to land entirely under its own power. When in doubt about any of the following rules, please ask first. Badge elements and their meanings Veteran shuttle builders know what all the elements mean, but it was never outright stated in the rules before. So now, an overdue explanation: The colors of the planet indicate the mission series and which planet (or other body) the series centers around. The number of stars indicates the mission rank (not necessarily the same as the mission designation number). The color of the stars indicates the mission difficulty - silver for Pilot, gold for Commander. The color of the laurels indicates what type of parts were used for mission crafts - silver for mod parts, gold for stock only (including DLC). The color of the outer piping indicates the type of mission - silver for standard missions, other colors for bonus missions. Missions completed with a planet mod have a royal purple border and ribbon, with the relevant mod shown. MISSIONS Kerbin Series (STS-1a through STS-8) Kerbin Bonus Series (STS-9) YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE ORIGINAL KERBIN SERIES IN ORDER TO PROGRESS TO THE MUN SERIES Mun Series (MUN STS-1 through MUN STS-7) YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE ORIGINAL KERBIN SERIES IN ORDER TO PROGRESS TO THE DUNA SERIES Duna Series (DUNA STS-1 through DUNA STS-3) YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE ORIGINAL KERBIN SERIES IN ORDER TO PROGRESS TO THE JOOL SERIES Jool Series (JOOL STS-1) YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE ORIGINAL KERBIN SERIES IN ORDER TO PROGRESS TO THE EVE SERIES Eve Series (EVE STS-1) YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE ORIGINAL KERBIN SERIES IN ORDER TO PROGRESS TO THE MINMUS SERIES Minmus Series (MINMUS STS-1 through MINMUS STS-6) "TEST PILOT" MISSIONS - NO PREVIOUS MISSIONS REQUIRED Test Pilot Series (STS-1T through STS-6T) HONORARY BADGES STS Engineer Award Given by an STS Architect for developing a sub-assembly that ends up being a core part of this challenge, or for assisting heavily in the development of a Shuttle. If you have a sub-assembly you'd like to be reviewed, please post a detailed analysis and example mission report in the challenge thread. Skunkworks Badge This badge is given to people who have submitted especially unique and outstanding designs which abide by the given definition of a space shuttle. Skunkworks badge holders are still eligible for the above mission badges. The full list of Skunkworks badge holders is as follows: @Alchemist - A full Jool-5 run in two shuttles completed on the Jool STS-1. Mission report here @Ozelui - Two shuttles going on an adventure to Duna, building crazy stuff all over the place. STS Duna-2 report here @Kerbolitto - An extensive trip through the inner solar system, including a Moho landing. Mission report here @QF9E - A Grand Tour with a shuttle landing on every single body except for Eve, which instead used a specialized lander and a diving bell to reach the Explodium Sea floor. Mission report (Part I) here @Entropian - RSS missions but with standard stock parts, making the difficulty insanely high. First mission report here @Fulgora - A Mun STS-2-4 mission featuring 3 simultaneous shuttle launches and more cool stuff, made possible by a custom kOS script. Mission report here Architect Badge To receive the Architect Badge is a rare honor. To be awarded at my discretion, or through nomination of michal.don, Speeding Mullet, mythic_fci, or inigma for my consideration, and given for acts of invaluable contribution to the challenge above and beyond the call of duty. The full list of Architect badge holders is as follows: @inigma - Original Challenge Creator/Manager, Builder of highly-capable STS Space Shuttle and numerous STS-related subassemblies @mythic_fci - Version 2 Challenge Creator/Manager, builder of a highly capable shuttle, and excellent giver of advice @Speeding Mullet - Version 3 and 4 Challenge Creator, temporary admin of Version 2 Challenge @michal.don - Version 5 Challenge Creator, expanded the STS program to Eve and Minmus and many new missions @sturmhauke - Version 6 Challenge Creator, reorganized and clarified rules, made new badges, added new missions including planet mods @xoknight - Creator and maintainer of the venerable Hubble Space Telescope across 3 versions, requiring consistent updates
  12. A brief background of the aircraft: The OFV-18 was the original of the governmental space planes. Its earliest mention being bacm in the 1970s, as a small, unmanned variant of the space shuttle, which was in the works at the time. After being bought by the USAF in 1973, the OFV became somewhat of a "known secret". It was known by space enthusiasts, but they had no idea what it was or looked like. After 6 years in production, an unplanned Saturn IB mission took it into launch in 1978. It returned to the KSC in 1979, making a very secretive record. Its sister, the OFV-19, was designed as a replacement for the very flawed OFV-18. After being completed in 1983, the OFV-18 was retired, as it was actually a prototype that was never designed to be used, but due to rushing of the program, and pressure by the USAF, it was pushed to become a functional orbiter. While it succeeded, it became apparent of flaws. Unbenonced to the ground control, during one of its secretive long-term flights, a payload, presumably a satellite, had collided with the solar array built into its payload. This caused the solar panel to break. While it wasnt noticed, due to the array being powerful, it became one of the most common issues with the OFV-18, as the array was built into the payload bay, and blocked some of it causing issues. The OFV-19 aimed to fix this by moving the equipment into the front of the nose, aswell as the solar array. This would mainly stop the payloada from hitting the solar array. After its first test flight in 1985, it proved successful, ultimately sealing the fate for the OFV-18. OFV-19 in orbit. OFV-18 Craft files to be released soon, hopefully! They are modded, but shouldnt be a problem
  13. SSOUPP Photo by @AmateurAstronaut1969 Overall Description SSOUPP is a mod that adds space station parts based off of the NASA Supermodule concept and some other concepts that will come soon Downloads Github SpaceDock Dependencies B9 Partswitch Module Manager Recommended mods Shuttle Orbiter Construction kit Waterfall Habtech Current Version To my knowledge this mod works on 1.11 and possibly 1.10, but I've only tested it on 1.12. Though if anyone has issues or can confirm it works on any other version please let me know Special thanks to @CobaltWolf, @benjee10, @EStreetRockets for helping a ton on this mod. Supermodule would probably look horrible without their help in this @AmateurAstronaut1969, @Talverd, @Jay The Amazing Toaster, @Vals_Aerospace, @Pioneer_Steve, and @pTrevTrevs for all Giving good feedback in both this mod any other modding endeavor I've done. Photo by andres (he doesn't have an account) Photo by @raptor-m
  14. The Idea: Like many others I love The Space Shuttle, mods and Kerbal Space Program, what else could you do but mix all 3 ? That's what I'm doing. A while ago on the subreddit, I did something similar surrounding the ISS. I want to continue that but also expand into other reality based and fictional shuttle missions, adventures if you will. The goal of this whole thing is to use Kerbal Space Program and a large amount of fantastic mods from this community to give everyone a unique vantage point of The Space Shuttle, her missions, their payloads, and hopefully enjoy the wonders and beauty of space and space exploration. My Inspiration: The idea behind this is not original by any means and I feel it is necessary to credit those who inspired me, and if you like what I do, you'll certainly like what they've done. @Jay The Amazing Toaster And his Kānāwai: Ares to Mars Kevin Gustafson and his amazing among other things ISS & Mir documentaries on Youtube @winged and his amazing among other things amazing Constellation Mars video @Zorg @alberro+and @Pioneer_Stevefor dazzling me with their magnificent screenshots @AmateurAstronaut1969 and their fantastic series on the ETS Space Station Freedom @Jacktical and their awesome series on the IRL concept of Space Station Freedom that goes by the name of Space Station Liberty @D0m1nu2 and their excellent International Manned Laboratory series, a recreation of International Skylab conducted in RSS! @Aviation365 and their wonderful series Go At Throttle Up, an RSS/RO depiction of Shuttle Flight both real and fictional while obeying Shuttle parameters. Myself, @lemon cup, and @D0m1nu2’s Sister Series, ISS Adventures, an in order recreation of the history of The International Space Station. You can find that here: Mods: Like some, I get very carried away with mods. It gets out of hand very quickly... below is a list of highlights and under the spoiler will be the entire list. @benjee10With Redirect, SOCK, and Habtech2 @DylanSemrau With Photon Corp @Beale With Tantares @tony48With KSRSS And the ReStock team with of course Restock. Thanks to those who submit missions, and to those who read and interact with this project! Shuttle Adventures has gotten really far and I'm happy to be a small part of it!
  15. Welcome everyone! I opened this thread for the freedom of uploading the pictures of and discussing the space shuttles that you have made. Stable space shuttles are hard to build, especially if the 'Vector" nozzles are being used. So I thought of creating this thread for you to upload the pictures of your space shuttles or even .craft files to let others see how your shuttles look like. You have the freedom to post your own space shuttle designs, or replicas, mods are allowed, it's just important that you upload shuttle pictures. Screenshots can be taken by using the F1 key on your keyboard while in KSP. Using the F2 key before taking a screenshot is recommended to disable the UI and show the beauty of your picture. You can also link to a YouTube video for the whole mission with your craft. I can't wait to see your amazing space shuttles!
  16. Flat-Bottom Shuttle Systems is a modular parts pack which allows you to build flat-bottom space planes! These parts have a triangular cross-section of 2.5m and, due to the flat bottom, provide some lift. Please note, the RasterPropMonitor mod is required for the IVAs and will have to be downloaded separately. Comments and feedback are appreciated. Updated: 3/17/2019 The latest update includes surface-attachable wings, added adapters for Mk2, Mk2.5 and Mk3, and new engine mounting plates. Now uses B9 Part Switch. Download from: SpaceDock Required: RasterPropMonitor Parts List: Sample Images: Cross-section Specifications: Please note this mod is still a work in progress. Next Update:
  17. I successfuly attempted a space shuttle mission and I drove my slightly mad. Overall a success. Except when a launch support decided to join us mid flight... Taking the wing with it...
  18. WhimChaser by Axial Aerospace (WHIM) Provides a fun to fly, efficient vertical launch/glider return vessel that can handle rescue missions as well as providing a low-cost crew service vessel (CSV) for Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by, originally by @artwhaley adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo This part addon features three(3) new parts Part: WhimChaser pod seats two resources 6-way RCS thrusters engines Two ServiceModules with resources and integrated junior compatible docking ports regular and small sizes Included configs: Goodspeed's GPO Fuel Pump OnDemandFuelCells NEAR/FAR Preamble by @artwhaley See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages YouTube WhimChaser Demo by artwhaley by Scott Manley by Tangent Plays Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 AxialAerospace Ltd (AA/L) Suggests Axial Aerospace mods by 'artwhaley' WhimChaser (WHIM) Dreamer (DREAM) Simple Cargo Solutions (CARGO) LanderTek (LTK) Mods that benefit WhimChaser (WHIM) KaboOom! (BOOM) another way to not go to space today On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC)) Pteron (MSRV) Docking Port Descriptions(DPD) Shielded PicoPort (SPP) Inflatable PicoPort (IPP) Stack Inline Lights (SIL) Stack Inline Lights - Patches (SILP) Supports Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) NEAR-FAR RemoteTech (RT) Tags parts, config, career, uncrewed red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS: How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal and it is true. Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  19. Hi ! I'm trying to create a space shuttle (for the STS challenge) and I don't have any problem going in orbit, but the problem is the landing. It's very stable until maybe 500m/s speed where the orbiter starts to wobble unmanageably (roll axis) and finish to flip upwards (pitch axis) mostly towards retrograde. However, I can fly the orbiter from the runway and land easily when staying under 100m/s. Do you have any tips to improve or pilot my shuttle ? Thanks Edit : The center of lift is behind the center of mass
  20. So a better idea for the SSTO Challenge: What if I allow Space Shuttles instead? RULES: 1: Must reach Sarnus 2: No Kraken Drives (for obvious reasons) 3: Single Launch. You may use a Hammerhead Fairing like I did for the deep space engines as you still only launched once. 4: Mods allowed, I used them for mine. Atomic Age is NOT banned because I used it. Admittedly I used the Debug menu to do this once. You may use it during Testing but not for the real deal for anything above a Casual ranking. It's better to admit it now than to get caught later, right? Casual: Mission Spirit but broke at least one of the rules. Kraken Drives, TweakScale, and Alt-F12 menu allowed 1: 2: 3: Easy: Same as above but no kraken drives or alt-F12. May land on Hale or Ovok. Any entries that go to Eeloo, Tekto, or Slate and use the Atomic Age mod go here. 1: 2: 3: Normal: Must land on Eeloo or Tekto. TweakScale is banned at this point. 1: 2: 3: Hard: Must land on Slate, 1: 2: 3: Very Hard: Land on All 5 of Sarnus's Moons 1: 2: 3: Impossible: Reach an altitude of Zero on Sarnus and return to Kerbin. 1: 2: 3: Edit: Please post your list of Mods used. Outer Planets Mod is the most obvious because it is required to take on this challenge.
  21. Backstory: The series starts on the flight STS-107 now let me be clear THIS IS ALTERNATE HISTORY meaning no Kerbal will perish in this series. Redundancy and safety of life is a good focus of the report. This will not be a recreation of STS-107 the only thing being "recreated" is the launch, after that it is all alternate history (Mods lmk if this is not an ok backstory and I will change it). Several launch vehicles will be used in this series including but not limited to: Space Shuttles: Atlantis, Discovery, Endeavor, Columbia Falcon 9 V1 (Don't expect it exactly) Ariane 5 (Yes I know its not American and still TBD) SLS Blocks 1 and 1B (Good chance for no use on this) Inspirations for me to do one of these: @AstroMods : With their upcoming series Odyssey, a rewritten history of Mankind's cosmic existence. @Kuiper_Belt: With their series' of Shuttle Adventures and ISS Adventures. @raptor-m With their series of Rewriting History- Alternative history RSS space program. And many more that I have gained inspiration and enjoyment from. Mods: Coming Soon! The first launch will be released soon just working on some of writings and pictures. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to drop them below!
  22. reCOLOR Download Github Spacedock (soon) (maybe) What if this mod? reCOLOR is a mod that adds retextures for the SLS and Space Shuttle External Tank textures to make them either look colorful, realistic, or match concept designs such as SLS with Saturn V styled painting The main textures Delta Blue External tank and SLS parts Multiple Flag textures Purple ET and SLS parts An Improved White for both SLS and ET Saturn styled SLS textures Pride textures for SLS and External Tank Green, Red, and Yellow External Tank Textures Dependencies reDIRECT by @benjee10 Module Manager Highly suggested additions SOCKrepainted by @Arthurism for more shuttle textures Shuttle Payload Delivery Systems by @MATVEICH_YT Additional info Thank you so much to @benjee10 for giving us permission to both me and Arthurism for SOCK/reDIRECT retexture mods. It's a very special thing to be able to do and one of my first tries at modding, so I'm glad it went well Thank you to @MATVEICH_YT For letting me do stuff for reCOLOR as well. He's the one who started the mod and I'm inspired by him a lot for it, which was how I even started doing anything related to ksp modding Thank you to @Talverd and @lemon cup who have been massive inspirations for all my shuttle related endeavors weather modding the game or just making something cool in game. And thanks to @Arthurism, @Invaderchaos, and @AmateurAstronaut1969 for being incredably helpfull and supporting in this task in both reCOLOR and SOCKrepainted
  23. "Rewriting History" Intro to series: Rewriting History is a series that I've been working on for the past few months, posting mostly on my instagram account and posting highlights on twitter, however a few twitter users inspired me to take my series here, the main focus of this thread is to cover all the major events and/or launches from the begining in 1966 to the current point in 1984. The premise of the series is that the first manned Lunar landing happens in 1966 with Apollo 8 instead of Apollo 11, the public interest for spaceflight grows even after the first few mission to the moon. After, what was supposed to be the vietnam war, doesn't happen, in 1969 NASA budget sees a huge increase and continues to rise through the years, as the world begins to focus more on spaceflight over military conflicts money get poured into space agencies all around the world. This series still is in full swing and should continue for quite a while, as I haven't reached Mars yet... I will be redoing most of the mission from 1966 to 1979 and the rest of them will come from my Instagram account untill I catch up to 1984 on here.... I've taken inspiration from quite a few different sources for this series. These include: @Talverd with his chasing dreams alternative history TruthfulGnome l with the skylab alt history Eyes turned skyward and Boldly Going Mission list as of 1984 Mod list:
  24. Thought this build deserved a thread of its own. This project started out as a side project when I was making my Saturn V, with a simple question: could I build an MK3-sized shuttle without using MK3 parts? This resulted in the following shuttle build. But right after I finished building that shuttle, the flags got released in the KSP update, so I tried replacing some of the parts in that shuttle with flags that could better emulate the texture of the real shuttle. But then I realized it would look very jarring if some of it was flags and some of it just regular KSP flags, so I decided, why not make the entire thing out of flags? Contrary to what you might think, building the shape of the shuttle was the easy part. Getting it to fly, was most definitely not. I thought the flags were physicsless. They were not. Every single time I tried to do a drop test from orbit, the shuttle would spin out of control. Every. Single. Time. I could not for the love of me figure out which part in particular was causing the problems, which pretty much stalled out the process of building. I ended up rebuilding it from scratch in an effort to figure out just what the %$#! was wrong with it, as well as to try and lower the part count (orbiter went from 1100 parts to 900). Eventually, after on and off months of testing, I finally managed to figure out how to fly it without losing control. After many hours of losing my sanity at sub 10 fps, I present to you the best stock shuttle replica I can build. Flight instructions, custom flag downloads and such are on the KerbalX page. KERBALX DOWNLOAD Fancy pics:
  25. I have a storyline planned out and plan to work on the first clip once bdb drops its next update as it involves skylab's launch if you guys are interested heres my insta i have a few teaser images and a clip. https://www.instagram.com/evan_hates_rocketry/?hl=en
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