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[1.4.x] Contract Pack: Tourism Plus [v1.5.2] [2016-12-14]


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  On 3/7/2021 at 12:23 PM, WelshSteW said:

I've had this a few times, but never made the connection to this contract.


@AccidentalDisassembly it might be a bit late for you now, but you can save the savegame if you've got a recent backup of your persistent.sfs file. Just replace the corrupt one with the backup version.


It's definitely that contract - and I managed to salvage the game by deleting that contract and the hotel/casino ones dependent upon it - so far so good!

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  • 1 month later...
  On 3/6/2021 at 8:53 PM, AccidentalDisassembly said:

For anyone else who might have encountered this - on a heavily modded install (so conflicts are possible) of 1.11.1 with newest versions of everything I could get newest versions for, every time I complete the investor tour contract, the next craft I launch cannot be controlled, the camera moves to an unusual position, and basically I can't launch or do anything. Reverting works, but launching fails and entails a very large number of nullrefs from a large number of mods. I've done this on various saves and the common denominator is *always* completing the investor tour, then launching a new craft. I have no idea what's going on, exactly, but just a heads up for anyone else who was as confused as I was by sudden game/save-breaking madness.


I also ran into this.  Bummer, cause I'd like to build a hotel or a casino with a contract.   Whenever launching a craft after doing the investor tour, the camera is flipped on its side and there is no ability to control the vehicle.  Not sure if it's a compatibility issue with some other mod or if it's with the newest version of KSP and Tourism Plus.  Might try to do a fresh save with just contract configurator and tourism plus installed (whatever other dependencies) and see if it happens still.

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  On 4/23/2021 at 6:53 AM, Kerbex said:

I also ran into this.  Bummer, cause I'd like to build a hotel or a casino with a contract.   Whenever launching a craft after doing the investor tour, the camera is flipped on its side and there is no ability to control the vehicle.  Not sure if it's a compatibility issue with some other mod or if it's with the newest version of KSP and Tourism Plus.  Might try to do a fresh save with just contract configurator and tourism plus installed (whatever other dependencies) and see if it happens still.


I think I may have figured out the issue.


When you take control of the investor, and he gets into / onto your rover or whatever, it counts as a crew transfer. If this is your first crew transfer, you get the world first notification. This is what breaks things.


If it's not your first crew transfer, you're ok.

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  On 4/23/2021 at 12:06 PM, WelshSteW said:

I think I may have figured out the issue.


When you take control of the investor, and he gets into / onto your rover or whatever, it counts as a crew transfer. If this is your first crew transfer, you get the world first notification. This is what breaks things.


If it's not your first crew transfer, you're ok.


I'll try that, basically just do a crew transfer at the KSC with Jeb and Bill first, then try the investor contract.  However, I did try last night to just run the investor around KSC without a rover or any assistance from other kerbals and it still happened.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 4/23/2021 at 12:06 PM, WelshSteW said:

I think I may have figured out the issue.


When you take control of the investor, and he gets into / onto your rover or whatever, it counts as a crew transfer. If this is your first crew transfer, you get the world first notification. This is what breaks things.


If it's not your first crew transfer, you're ok.


Hey, I know it's been a few.  I did try the crew transfer, but I still ended up borking the save file completing the investor tour.  The only solution I've found so far is to do the investor tour,  do not recover vessel or switch scenes from the investor kerbal, wait for the game to save (check in alt+f12), hit esc, quit to main menu, load the save, accept whichever casino or hotel contract (while the null refs are being spammed), wait for the game to save, quit the game completely and then reload it.  So far that worked. 

Edited by Kerbex
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 8/11/2021 at 2:11 PM, flart said:

not counted after inflating in HasCrewCapacity


I have a similar issue with command chairs attached to the outside of helicopters. They don't get counted towards crew capacity until someone actually sits in it during the parameter that is doing the HasCrew check.   

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, I am doing the space casino contract. Pretty sure my casino has everything it needs, but the contract does not complete. It seems crew capacity is the issue somehow? I have 24 hitchhiker storage containers and two Mk1 crew cabins. This crew capacity should work out to be 24*4 + 2*2 = 100. Is it possible that the contract actually wants >100 and not ≥100 as it implies in the contract? If not, what do you guys reckon the problem is?

Screenshots of my space casino:



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  On 9/2/2021 at 3:42 PM, Brutwarst said:

what do you guys reckon the problem is?


The parameter indicates 100 is OK

            name = HasCrewCapacity
            type = HasCrewCapacity

            minCapacity = 100

You can look at the active contract in your game's persistent.sfs file with a text editor. Look for the "ContractSystem" and then find the active contract for casinos. You can scroll through it to see the current state of the parameter and  why it doens't think you have 100 slots for crew. 

Edited by Caerfinon
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  On 9/2/2021 at 4:00 PM, Caerfinon said:

The parameter indicates 100 is OK

            name = HasCrewCapacity
            type = HasCrewCapacity

            minCapacity = 100

You can look at the active contract in your game's persistent.sfs file with a text editor. Look for the "ContractSystem" and then find the active contract for casinos. You can scroll through it to see the current state of the parameter and  why it doens't think you have 100 slots for crew. 


Thanks. This is what it says about crew capacity:

name = HasCrewCapacity
                        id = HasCrewCapacity
                        state = Incomplete
                        disableOnStateChange = False
                        values = 0,0,0,0,0
                        ContractIdentifier = Tourism.Tourism_Casino
                        title = Crew Capacity: At least 100
                        notes = 
                        completedMessage = 
                        fakeFailures = True
                        allowStateReset = True
                        failWhenUnmet = True
                        minCapacity = 100
                        maxCapacity = 2147483647

So it seems like it should accept 100. I can't decipher from this why it's labeled incomplete.

I took the entire text of the contract and put it here in a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/AQUSCaR6 Is there any dead giveaway here that tells us why the contract is not completed?

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  On 9/2/2021 at 4:30 PM, Brutwarst said:

 Is there any dead giveaway here that tells us why the contract is not completed?


The parameter for crew capacity has no associated vessel ID with it. like the following;

							vessel = 0ea9aef9-ed8a-49dc-976d-cffb0319ca5e
							state = Complete
							strength = MEDIUM
							completionTime = 787369260.95601857

So either:

  1. The vessel id 0ea9aef9-ed8a-49dc-976d-cffb0319ca5e does not have a crew capacity of 100 via Contract Configurator's calculation.
  2. Some kind of error/bug  is occurring preventing the vessel from being registered as completing the parameter.

Post your KSP.log and we can look for any errors relating to the contract.

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  On 9/2/2021 at 4:42 PM, Caerfinon said:

The parameter for crew capacity has no associated vessel ID with it. like the following;

							vessel = 0ea9aef9-ed8a-49dc-976d-cffb0319ca5e
							state = Complete
							strength = MEDIUM
							completionTime = 787369260.95601857

So either:

  1. The vessel id 0ea9aef9-ed8a-49dc-976d-cffb0319ca5e does not have a crew capacity of 100 via Contract Configurator's calculation.
  2. Some kind of error/bug  is occurring preventing the vessel from being registered as completing the parameter.

Post your KSP.log and we can look for any errors relating to the contract.


Alright, here's the log. Had to split it into three parts due to pastebin's size limits.

Part 1 https://pastebin.com/YLF8qAbf

Part 2 https://pastebin.com/Z2azXPF6

Part 3 https://pastebin.com/BcaCPTaG

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@Brutwarst You can zip the log and post it as a single file.
In #3 when you are grappling the "Space Casino" with "Stuff for the space casino" there are some errors and exceptions thrown. it might be that CC loses track of the vessel ID during this activity. There are no obvious errors

This is one of those cases where I'd use the debug console to manually complete the contract as successful.

Edited by Caerfinon
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  On 9/2/2021 at 6:02 PM, Caerfinon said:

@Brutwarst You can zip the log and post it as a single file.
In #3 when you are grappling the "Space Casino" with "Stuff for the space casino" there are some errors and exceptions thrown. it might be that CC loses track of the vessel ID during this activity. There are no obvious errors

This is one of those cases where I'd use the debug console to manually complete the contract as successful.


Yeah, I think I'll just resort to doing that. Thanks a lot for your help!

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  • 7 months later...

I had a contract to take 3 tourists on a moon flyby (ksrss).  My ship had an engine failure on ascent, and during the abort sequence 1 of the tourists was killed but I recovered the other 2.  The contract was failed, but the two tourists I recovered are still in my roster.

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  On 4/23/2022 at 2:16 AM, JonnyOThan said:

I had a contract to take 3 tourists on a moon flyby (ksrss).  My ship had an engine failure on ascent, and during the abort sequence 1 of the tourists was killed but I recovered the other 2.  The contract was failed, but the two tourists I recovered are still in my roster.


I guess they enjoyed the experience so much as soon as they got back to Earth they said "Let's become astronauts!" "Yeah!" "That was awesome." "Sure was, shame about Bob thou." I wouldn't be suprised if their stats are 100% courage and 100% stupidity.

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  On 4/23/2022 at 2:19 PM, 610yesnolovely said:

I guess they enjoyed the experience so much as soon as they got back to Earth they said "Let's become astronauts!" "Yeah!" "That was awesome." "Sure was, shame about Bob thou." I wouldn't be suprised if their stats are 100% courage and 100% stupidity.


Well, they're still tourists...so I can't fire them.  Unless I fire them into the ground or the sun.

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Another note...the reputation reward/penalties seem way out of line.  Like most of the contracts offer 1 star reward for completion and -60 for failure.  The failure maybe is OK, but the reward for completion is less than your basic parts testing contract.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This mod destroyed my save. Awesome. 

Right after finishing the KSC Tour, I got the Hotel contract. Now, as stated in messages above, I can't switch to on orbit vessels, the camera on launch pad vessels is broken and the vessel is completely uncontrollable.

Please someone tell me there is a way to fix this hell.

Declining the remaining contracts doesn't fix it.

Edited by Lijazos
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