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[1.9+] ModularFlightIntegrator 1.2.7 (19 October 2019)


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  On 12/3/2017 at 8:20 PM, sarbian said:

There is no error related to MFI in your logs. There are plenty of other errors in the loading so you have an other mods that do some really stupid things. 


Hello, thanks for reply!

I have 2nd clean logs https://www.dropbox.com/s/41qjqdbgma1ntr5/KSP_log0.rar?dl=0

That is include MFI, Kopernicus, Module manager and KSS. I have same problem as well.

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  On 12/3/2017 at 1:56 PM, Thrandir said:

Hello, i have a problem with this mod that you've built.

There is a post on, other mod section, you will find log files, videos and info.

Thank you for your effort :)



Stop right there.

So neither the assumtion that this is a bug is true, nor that this is caused by MFI. MFI does nothing to starlight or shadow rendering. If any mod should be blamed for this it would be Kopernicus.
But it isn't Kopernicus fault, at least not directly. This bug is based on the (wrong) assumption that the distance parameter of Kopernicus Intensity Curves (for local space and scaled space) use the same distance units, which is not true.

But it kinda was the default behaviour because of a stupid bug that I didn't notice. (the one intensity curve overwrote the other, so they effectively had the same distance units). This bug was fixed in the latest Kopernicus Release, and even though the correct behaviour was
documented multiple times in the Kopernicus thread (and even the bug was posted there), planet makers still didn't change their curves (they could do that, because one curve wasn't used at all - it would have had no influence on their stars). I am not blaming them though because
Kopernicus documentation is a true hellhole. The only one who deserves blame is me because I messed this up, and didn't notice this for months.

But also generally speaking: I find it truly astonishing how many users claim to know exactly which mod causes the failure they are experiencing and straigtly blame the authors of said mod. Don't get me wrong, the reasons for doing that are good, you want to help fixing this bug etc., but
you simply aren't the one with the experience here. If you would have the experience to figure out what exactly causes the bug you could go on, fix it yourself and submit the fix to me, sarbian, or whoever else.

TL;DR: Planet packs need to fix their intensity curves to work with Kopernicus 1.3.1-3, and you should blame me, not sarbian or the planet makers.

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  On 12/3/2017 at 8:27 PM, Thomas P. said:

Stop right there.

So neither the assumtion that this is a bug is true, nor that this is caused by MFI. MFI does nothing to starlight or shadow rendering. If any mod should be blamed for this it would be Kopernicus.
But it isn't Kopernicus fault, at least not directly. This bug is based on the (wrong) assumption that the distance parameter of Kopernicus Intensity Curves (for local space and scaled space) use the same distance units, which is not true.

But it kinda was the default behaviour because of a stupid bug that I didn't notice. (the one intensity curve overwrote the other, so they effectively had the same distance units). This bug was fixed in the latest Kopernicus Release, and even though the correct behaviour was
documented multiple times in the Kopernicus thread (and even the bug was posted there), planet makers still didn't change their curves (they could do that, because one curve wasn't used at all - it would have had no influence on their stars). I am not blaming them though because
Kopernicus documentation is a true hellhole. The only one who deserves blame is me because I messed this up, and didn't notice this for months.

But also generally speaking: I find it truly astonishing how many users claim to know exactly which mod causes the failure they are experiencing and straigtly blame the authors of said mod. Don't get me wrong, the reasons for doing that are good, you want to help fixing this bug etc., but
you simply aren't the one with the experience here. If you would have the experience to figure out what exactly causes the bug you could go on, fix it yourself and submit the fix to me, sarbian, or whoever else.

TL;DR: Planet packs need to fix their intensity curves to work with Kopernicus 1.3.1-3, and you should blame me, not sarbian or the planet makers.


Hello, it was not my intention to blame anyone for their hardwork, please don't get me wrong.

I just simply want to play KSS without any major problem. As i informed on topic that "how you can report bugs", i did what i've been told. If i by mistake that i hurt someone feelings or implied they are bad coder or something i'm truly sorry.

I am simply aware that they are mods / plugins by created in person or as team. So i wanted to report bug. That was all my intention.

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  On 12/3/2017 at 8:34 PM, Thrandir said:

Hello, it was not my intention to blame anyone for their hardwork, please don't get me wrong.

I just simply want to play KSS without any major problem. As i informed on topic that "how you can report bugs", i did what i've been told. If i by mistake that i hurt someone feelings or implied they are bad coder or something i'm truly sorry.

I am simply aware that they are mods / plugins by created in person or as team. So i wanted to report bug. That was all my intention.


And thats totally fine, but it is always better to use the stucture of the dependencies.

  • You only interface directly with KSS, so you should ask the KSS dev first. Either it is an error you made yourself (then its an easy fix), or it is something you as the user cannot control.
  • If the KSS dev now has no idea how to fix the bug with his configs, they should go to the Kopernicus thread and ask for help. Why the KSS dev you might ask? Because they know their work and know what we mean if we ask them about PQS, ScaledSpace and so on.
  • In the best case the bug has been resolved at this point because the Kopernicus thread can help the planet maker to fix his bug and they publish a new release
  • If it is not possible for the planet maker to fix the bug with his configs, either Sigma or I (or anyone else) searches the reason for that in the Kopernicus code.
  • Again, in the best case we find it and push a new release or publish a workaround because we don't have the time at the moment.
  • If the failure doesn't happen in the Kopernicus code, we first check the dependencies (i.e. MFI), or go and check said functionality in KSP directly. If it is possible for us to fix it, we do it, either with a change that we submit to the author (i.e. sarbian) or we invent a hacky workaround.
  • If a fix is not possible we add a warning to the OP and the download that said functionality is broken and you need to avoid it (reparenting Kerbin, renaming Kerbin or the Sun, etc.)

This might sound harsh, but always blame the first part of the chain first, because it is easiest. Not easiest to blame them, but easiest to find and fix the bug. And if the bug is unexplainable to you don't try to figure out what's going on. Leave that to the modders.
I mean, it is nice when others (try to) debug our mods for us, but that's exactly what we're there for.

Edited by Thomas P.
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  On 12/3/2017 at 8:45 PM, Thomas P. said:

And thats totally fine, but it is always better to use the stucture of the dependencies.

  • You only interface directly with KSS, so you should ask the KSS dev first. Either it is an error you made yourself (then its an easy fix), or it is something you as the user cannot control.
  • If the KSS dev now has no idea how to fix the bug with his configs, they should go to the Kopernicus thread and ask for help. Why the KSS dev you might ask? Because they know their work and know what we mean if we ask them about PQS, ScaledSpace and so on.
  • In the best case the bug has been resolved at this point because the Kopernicus thread can help the planet maker to fix his bug and they publish a new release
  • If it is not possible for the planet maker to fix the bug with his configs, either Sigma or I (or anyone else) searches the reason for that in the Kopernicus code.
  • Again, in the best case we find it and push a new release or publish a workaround because we don't have the time at the moment.
  • If the failure doesn't happen in the Kopernicus code, we first check the dependencies (i.e. MFI), or go and check said functionality in KSP directly. If it is possible for us to fix it, we do it, either with a change that we submit to the author (i.e. sarbian) or we invent a hacky workaround.
  • If a fix is not possible we add a warning to the OP and the download that said functionality is broken and you need to avoid it (reparenting Kerbin, renaming Kerbin or the Sun, etc.)

This might sound harsh, but always blame the first part of the chain first, because it is easiest. Not easiest to blame them, but easiest to find and fix the bug. And if the bug is unexplainable to you don't try to figure out what's going on. Leave that to the modders.
I mean, it is nice when others (try to) do debug our mods for us, but that's exactly what we're there for.


Thank you! I do understand the hierarchy.  I did report it 1st on KSS. You can see the link that i provided on this topic. I think my bad was trying to figure it out which mod caused it. Although, KSS developer was sure that it isn't his fault. So i did eliminate mods one by one and saw MFI - KSS has sync ( or something ) problem. While KSS developer was sure by himself, i wanted to inform other mod develeopers. So now i know that where i did the mistake

But if you didn't reply to me, i wouldn't have idea what was the problem and again, i would've come back to start :) I hope you understand my intention was good. Thank you for your reply. Have a good day.



Edited by Thrandir
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@Thomas P.

I'm looking for the solution myself. Never mentioned it was not KSS tbh. 

KSS broke due to the new kopernicus update and although KSS was perfectly stable with RELEASE 2. I just don't get how @Thrandir is not able to use KSS with RELEASE 2. Don't find anything alarming inside his logs ... Or I'm looking over it. 



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Is there any known luminosity issue with Modular flight integrator ? 
I installed it along with eve, scatterer and stock visual enhencements. Those mods don't work properly witthout it, but with it installed, it looks like kerbol luminosity is near zero.
The sun exposed parts aren't any brighter than the other parts, and the overall luminosity of the game is extremely low : i simply couldn't land on Ike, for instance,  even on broad daylight : i can only see dark...

After more testing, i am positive : as soon as i install Modular flight integrator, even in a vanilla ksp game data folder, Kerbol becomes a pale lantern, casting no shadow. 

The log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/8rsjm08o9pmaron/output_log.txt?dl=0

Edited by Tryphon
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im curious why AVC still false flags this as incompatible with 1.3.1? the version file checks out... and I know I can delete the file to remove the false flag...but Id like to keep the file just in case an update gets pushed. since ya know...its a pretty major part of certain mods to function :)

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 ohh I see!...it looks like the "URL" link points to a version file(downloadable) that has a the max ksp version as 1.3.0 even tho the version file itself states 1.3.1 as the max version. Interesting *strokes beard* :)

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Over in the SVT thread its said that DX11 causes difficulty with MFI (DX11 possibly causes SVT to bug on its own as well).   

Just curious if the issue below was ever A) verified as a MFI bug with DX11, and if so,  B) mitigated or fixed? , if not then C) Where does the DX11 bug occur so I can go to the correct thread? 

  On 11/22/2017 at 9:09 PM, Agustin said:

OK, this mod is causing textures of SVT go like this:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/gjlgdj5q8kqx9lh/KSP.bmp?dl=0 on DX11. ANd I really need this fixed cause I want FAR installed (which I udnerstand uses ModularFlightINtegrator to work) and i want TexturesUnlimited New mod that works best on DX11. So please. anybody alive here who can work this out?
To see what I am talking about, forceDx11 with ModularFlightIntegrator installed and SVT, you'll have those black lines like in the image linked. But WITHOUT ModularFlightIntegrator, textures are fine!

My LOG with only Kopernicus, SVT, modularFlightIntegrator and ModuleManager2.8.1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/t3h8pmwg4fvvz3x/KSP.log?dl=0



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  On 12/17/2017 at 10:19 PM, Murdabenne said:

Over in the SVT thread its said that DX11 causes difficulty with MFI (DX11 possibly causes SVT to bug on its own as well).   

Just curious if the issue below was ever A) verified as a MFI bug with DX11, and if so,  B) mitigated or fixed? , if not then C) Where does the DX11 bug occur so I can go to the correct thread? 



I was just so mistaken. Don't listen to what I said because i has no sense.

The only thing that SVT has difficult in Dx11 is on Kerbin. All other planets seem fine to me.

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So, weird thing - I'm using the latest MFT under KSP v1.3.1 and it pops up an incompatibility warning, which isn't really a problem taniwha says it works fine. Okay but at some point when installing mods the warning notice went from saying there's a possible conflict with "KSP v1.1.3" to "KSP v0.1.3". I was able to make it do this with just Squad, MFT, MFI and FAR installed. If Squad, MFT with MFI or FAR are installed, the warning notice properly says "KSP v1.3.1". It's only when Squad, MFT with MFI and FAR are installed that the notice displays a weird KSP version.

Make of it what you will. Most likely harmless but who am I to say

Edited by Drew Kerman
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Ok, first, sorry if this has already been asked/answered, but I'm at the end of my rope here. I'm trying to get my 1.3.1 modpack working and MFI is the stumbling block. I was getting problems with crashes with kopernicus+mfi, updated with the one packed with Kopernicus, and now it when I get to the main menu, it just stays black with the planet-loading-spiny thing, and just spins forever. I've tried a clean install with these, no good. I've tried all the mods+Kopernicus+IA_Revived-MFI, fine. Help?

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