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[1.12.x] Mk2 Expansion v1.9.1 [update 10/5/21]

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On 7/2/2017 at 2:32 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

@linuxgurugamer: M3X CKAN has been updated (or will be whenever the Pull Request goes through.)

@ChainiaC: Can confirm that the M2X NFE patch is outdated; this should fix it:

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@mass = 2.8
	!MODULE[ModuleActiveRadiator] {}
	!MODULE[ModuleAlternator] {}
		name = ModuleUpdateOverride

		name = FissionReactor
		StartActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_StartActionName
		StopActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_StopActionName
		ToggleActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_ToggleActionName

		FollowThrottle = true
		OverheatAnimation = ThermalAnim
		HeatGeneration = 65000	
		NominalTemperature = 3200
		CriticalTemperature = 3600
		MaximumTemperature = 3800
		CoreDamageRate = 0.01
		FuelName = EnrichedUranium
			ResourceName = EnrichedUranium
			Ratio = 0.00027
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW
			ResourceName = DepletedFuel
			Ratio = 0.00027
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW

		GeneratesHeat = false
		UseSpecializationBonus = false
		AutoShutdown = false
		DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.90
		GeneratesHeat = false
			key = 0 0

		name = ModuleCoreHeat
		CoreTempGoal = 3200					//Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point
		CoreToPartRatio = 0.1				//Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp
		CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0			//Dynamic goal adjustment
		CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1			//What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part
		HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05		//If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates?
		CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0		//If the core is colder, how much radiates?
		HeatTransferMultiplier = 0			//If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in?
		CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01	//If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer?
		radiatorCoolingFactor = 1			//How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator?  >= 1
		radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.01		//How much energy we push to the active radiator
		MaxCalculationWarp = 1000			//Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change
		CoreShutdownTemp = 3800				//At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part?
		MaxCoolant = 1300					//Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small
		name = FissionFlowRadiator
		passiveCooling = 65
		exhaustCooling = 1300	
		maxEnergyTransfer = 65000
		overcoolFactor = 0.20
		maxLinksAway = 1
		isCoreRadiator = true	
		name = FissionEngine
		HeatUsed = 1300
		Priority = 2
			key = 300 0
			key = 1000 0.2
			key = 3200 1.0
			key = 4000 1.3
		name = FissionGenerator
		Priority = 1
		PowerGeneration = 20
		HeatUsed = 65
		name = EnrichedUranium
		amount = 55
		maxAmount = 55
		name = DepletedFuel
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 55
		name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
		DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
		SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the safe fuel
		EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the dangerous fuel
		EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
		// Max temp for transferring fuel into or out of the part
		MaxTempForTransfer = 400
		// kW of heat per unit of waste
		HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5
		@heatProduction *= 0.1

@mass = 2.8

		name = ModuleUpdateOverride

		name = FissionReactor
		StartActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_StartActionName
		StopActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_StopActionName
		ToggleActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_ToggleActionName
		FollowThrottle = true

		HeatGeneration = 40000	
		NominalTemperature = 3000
		CriticalTemperature = 3400
		MaximumTemperature = 3800
		CoreDamageRate = 0.01
		FuelName = EnrichedUranium

			ResourceName = EnrichedUranium
			Ratio = 0.00027
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW
			ResourceName = DepletedFuel
			Ratio = 0.00027
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW
		// Disables stock converter functions DO NOT CHANGE
		UseSpecializationBonus = false
		AutoShutdown = false
		DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.90
		GeneratesHeat = false
			key = 0 0
		name = ModuleCoreHeat
		CoreTempGoal = 3000					//Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point
		CoreToPartRatio = 0.1				//Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp
		CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0			//Dynamic goal adjustment
		CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1			//What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part
		HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05		//If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates?
		CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0		//If the core is colder, how much radiates?
		HeatTransferMultiplier = 0			//If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in?
		CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01	//If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer?
		radiatorCoolingFactor = 1			//How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator?  >= 1
		radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.01		//How much energy we push to the active radiator
		MaxCalculationWarp = 1000			//Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change
		CoreShutdownTemp = 3800				//At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part?
		MaxCoolant = 800					//Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small
		name = FissionFlowRadiator
		maxEnergyTransfer = 40000
		overcoolFactor = 0.20
		maxLinksAway = 1
		isCoreRadiator = true
		exhaustCooling = 800	
		name = FissionEngine
		HeatUsed = 800
			key = 300 0
			key = 1000 0.2
			key = 3200 1.0
			key = 4000 1.3
		name = EnrichedUranium
		amount = 40
		maxAmount = 40
		name = DepletedFuel
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 40
		name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
		DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
		SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the safe fuel
		EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the dangerous fuel
		EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
		// Max temp for transferring fuel into or out of the part
		MaxTempForTransfer = 400
		// kW of heat per unit of waste
		HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5
		@heatProduction *= 0.1		
	!MODULE[ModuleAlternator] {}

@mass = 2.0
@description = A stripped down experimental fission reactor intended for use aboard aerospace assets that produces up to 500kW of electric power. Comes with integrated radiators.
!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}
!MODULE[ModuleOverheatDisplay] {}

		name = ModuleUpdateOverride

		name = FissionReactor
		StartActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_StartActionName
		StopActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_StopActionName
		ToggleActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_ToggleActionName

		UseStagingIcon = true
		UseForcedActivation = true

		UseSpecializationBonus = false
		AutoShutdown = true
		DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.90

		HeatGeneration = 15000
		NominalTemperature = 800
		CriticalTemperature = 1300
		CoreDamageRate = 0.008

		EngineerLevelForRepair = 5
		MaxRepairPercent = 75
		MaxTempForRepair = 330

		OverheatAnimation = Reactor_Heat
		FuelName = EnrichedUranium

		// Heating
		GeneratesHeat = false
			key = 0 0 //1250

			ResourceName = EnrichedUranium
			Ratio = 0.000000126785
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW

			ResourceName = DepletedFuel
			Ratio = 0.000000126785
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW

	!MODULE[ModuleCoreHeat] {}
		name = ModuleCoreHeat
		CoreTempGoal = 800					//Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point
		CoreToPartRatio = 0.1				//Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp
		CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0			//Dynamic goal adjustment
		CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1			//What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part
		HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05		//If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates?
		CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0		//If the core is colder, how much radiates?
		HeatTransferMultiplier = 0			//If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in?
		CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01	//If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer?
		radiatorCoolingFactor = 1			//How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator?  >= 1
		radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.01		//How much energy we push to the active radiator
		MaxCalculationWarp = 1000			//Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change
		CoreShutdownTemp =  6000					//At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part?
		MaxCoolant = 300					//Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small

		name = FissionGenerator
		PowerGeneration = 500
		HeatUsed = 300
	!RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] {}
		 name = ElectricCharge
		 amount = 600
		 maxAmount = 600
	!RESOURCE[DepletedFuel] {}
		 name = DepletedFuel
		 amount = 0
		 maxAmount = 90

	!RESOURCE[EnrichedUranium] {}
		 name = EnrichedUranium
		 amount = 90
		 maxAmount = 90

		name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
		DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
		SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the safe fuel
		EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the dangerous fuel
		EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
		// Max temp for transferring fuel into or out of the part
		MaxTempForTransfer = 400
		// kW of heat per unit of waste
		HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5



I took care of that yesterday, thanks

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8 minutes ago, KerBlitz Kerman said:

Done, nonoperational. Are there any known incompatibilities with IFS?

Thank you for your time, I got it resolved... Now about those IFS parts

P.S. Can you just delete the part folders or does it need those to function...

P.P.S. If Norton kills C:/Kerbal Space Program/Gamedata/Tweakscale/Plugins/Scale_Redist.dll it still works!!!

P.P.P.S. I actually just installed that which I thought didn't worked AGAIN (Origional IFS files).


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just reading here, I found that my problem is because I do not have IFS installed.   However I use Configurable Containers and it is not compatible with IFS.  Have you looked at using firespitter for your switching needs?  is this a possibility?  as firespitter seems to work fine with CC.


Another thing.  I see the lab has had a new model made, and @JadeOfMaar is using the old one as a part for the various life support mods.  could you use this old model (or make a new one) that is just a passenger cabin.  no frills like Life support mod integration no bonus to comfort etc.  I want a cattle car "Economy Class" "passenger tube"  maybe in 4,8, and 10? Meter length with maximum Kerbal Density, and no regard for comfort.  maybe throw in a United Airlines specific part where Kerbals will be beaten and thrown on the runway before takeoff.  

Basically I would like a way to use my Mk2 SSTO to resupply crew to my Orbital stations or to make quick crew transfers to the Mün or Minmus.   there is a contract in one of the contract packs I use called "Space Camp" it requires 19 Kerbals to be sent into orbit for 40 Days.  I would like to be able to setup my Orbital station to deal with the life support needs of the 19+ Kerbals and just use my Mk2 SSTO to transfer them to and from the station.  so I would need the parts to realistically get those 19 Kerbals to orbit.  a Mk2 SSTO with a total passenger load of 18, and then the cockpit with 2 would serve this "Airline" style of mission rather well.

Edited by Bit Fiddler
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So, i installed Near Future Electrical, and it broke the reactor and nuclear jet.  Something must trigger a module manager patch to "convert" anything remotely related to reactors to the Near Future "style", which of course breaks things.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I have mk2x and nfe up to date in 1.3.0.

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3 hours ago, Machman said:

So, i installed Near Future Electrical, and it broke the reactor and nuclear jet.  Something must trigger a module manager patch to "convert" anything remotely related to reactors to the Near Future "style", which of course breaks things.

Any ideas on how to fix this? I have mk2x and nfe up to date in 1.3.0.

Define "broke".

The patches to switch reactors and nuclear engines to adopt the NFE style are in  GameData/Mk2Expansion/Patches/Mk2X_NFE_Functionality.cfg

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46 minutes ago, Aelfhe1m said:

Define "broke".

The patches to switch reactors and nuclear engines to adopt the NFE style are in  GameData/Mk2Expansion/Patches/Mk2X_NFE_Functionality.cfg

So just delete that file?

and "broken" means the engine produces no thrust,  and the reactor produces nothing at all, so basicly they are both bricks, or ballast...


I haven't had much experience with patch issues, thank you for your quick reply.

Edited by Machman
forgot info
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1 hour ago, Machman said:

So just delete that file?

That would prevent the changes from being applied.

Note it's possible there may be other patches being applied by other mods in which case those would also need to be found and evaluated (one way is to search your log file for 'M2X_Reactor' or 'M2X_Pluto' or 'M2X_AtomicJet' there will be an entry for every module manager patch that gets applied to each part - of course you then need to work out what each patch does and whether it's safe to delete)

Edited by Aelfhe1m
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Just now, Aelfhe1m said:

That would prevent the changes from being applied.

Note it's possible there may be other patches being applied by other mods in which case those would also need to be found and evaluated (one way is to search your log file for 'M2X_Reactor' or 'M2X_Pluto' there will be an entry for every module manager patch that gets applied to each part - of course you then need to work out what each patch does and whether it's safe to delete)

Deleting it works perfectly, thank you

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9 hours ago, Machman said:

Deleting it works perfectly, thank you

I reported the same issue with the patch earlier. SuicidalInsantiy confirmed the patch for NFE integration is outdated. He even provided a working patch. His reply with the patch replacement is from July 2nd I believe, one page back in this thread. 

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4 hours ago, ChainiaC said:

I reported the same issue with the patch earlier. SuicidalInsantiy confirmed the patch for NFE integration is outdated. He even provided a working patch. His reply with the patch replacement is from July 2nd I believe, one page back in this thread. 

 Urgh. I blame lack of sleep for my replies. I'd already added the updated patch to my game. Why couldn't I remember that and post the correct link instead? It was only a week ago!

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@Bit Fiddler: JadeofMaar was wanting one as well, something like this?
For the CC/IFS interaction issue, looking at CC it says it's compatible with IFS core that M2X uses, but I can also add a CC exception to M2X's IFS MM patch.

For everyone with NFE issues, I'll most likely throw up a M2X maintenance update with the updated NFE patch sometime later today. I say 'later today', since if I can get a IVA put together for the crewtank, I can throw that in the update as well.


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Mk2 Expansion Update 1.7.7 is now up, grab it from the usual places (SpaceDock) / (GitHub)


-Updates/fixes NFE patch
-Added ConfigurableContainers exception to IFS patch in case of edge case incompatibility
-New Part: Long crew tank
-New Part: Hollow Structural Adapter Short
-New Part: Hollow Structural Adapter Long
-Part Rework: Banshee fans now easier to tell which side is up
-added surface attach to the Mk2 Structural Tube
-reduced Hypersonic Nose fuel capacity
-fixes Mk2 decoupler drag issue



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10 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

@Bit Fiddler: JadeofMaar was wanting one as well, something like this?

This amuses me. :D This cabin is aerodynamic public transport! I'm sure @Bit Fiddler would be pleased too. And woo! An update!

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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This is a funny problem, is anyone else having the leading edge of their starboard wing ripped off by "StarTransform3" (a collider from the extended crew cabin) immediately after lifting off from the runway? :D

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This maybe what you just fixed, but on the chance it's different...

Spacebus experiencing "phantom forces" in space, aka the spaceworm. Only using stock Mk2 parts plus the log cab & the MATTOCK engine, MM2.8.1 & Mechjeb 712 in a fresh install of 1.3

log files, save files(before destruction & after), & craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m1lhp9hcufi5zsb/Mk2 Expansion Files.zip?dl=0


Yep, you fixed it. Thanks!

Edited by Argyle MHF
Speeling & KSP version & update
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@SuicidalInsanity I've been having an issue with the Rontgen engine, the sievert too but I haven't tested it as thoroughly. These engines seem to seriously underperform in actual use in comparison to their listed stats.  Examples below.

The first image is a test plane for a drone to fly on Eve. On the static test I'm getting at most 101 kn thrust @1851 Isp. The Isp I'm not worried about but the thrust is a lot lower than the stated 120 kn thrust asl. The second shows the drone in flight at about 5k altitude and 282 m/s speed. The engine is barely producing 70 kn thrust and dropping all the time. 

What am I doing wrong? The engine is getting plenty of IntakeAtm as the shock cone callout shows. So why is it not coming close to the performance listed in it's VAB description. At these performance levels, particularly for it's weight and cost the engine is not a very good choice since it can't reach the speeds and heights where a rocket could reasonably take over for it for an SSTO and infinite flight duration while nice doesn't make up for lack of performance. 

Or am I misunderstanding the purpose of these engines? Where you intending them to be basically weak turboprop engines with infinite fuel?

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