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Ask the Mods questions about the Forums!


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I have another question for you guys.

  1. What's the diference between the "Lead Moderator","Moderator" and "Moderator Emeritus"?
  2. What's the diference Between NecroMoaning and NecroPosting ?
  3. Who is the Most oldest User in here that it's still Active ?
  4. Who is the most active User in the forums?
Edited by Kane Kerman
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1. Moderators moderate. Senior moderators help train new people. Lead moderators break ties when the team is undecided about how to respond to something. There's only one emeritus, which is an honorary title for a person who has left the forum to pursue other interests, but who we wanted to remember because he did unbelievable amounts of work for the forum during his tenure. 

2. Necroposting is, on most of the internet, posting in a thread which is no longer active. People really get their knickers in a twist over it, for reasons I've never understood. At any rate, this forum only considers it a problem if the thread in question has been made obsolete due to changes in the game. Necromoaning is when someone complains about necroposts under the impression that this is clever or impresses others. Necromoaning is frowned upon around these parts. 

3. There is no simple way to determine this. The forum software does not keep track of such things. However, I suspect that it is @Moach, who was one of the original creators of this forum. 

4. Hmm. I don't see a way to determine this, either. 

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  On 8/31/2020 at 8:56 PM, Vanamonde said:

People really get their knickers in a twist over it, for reasons I've never understood.


Signal to noise ratio. Necroposting pollutes the forum front page and wastes peoples time.

When someone necros a thread, it brings outdated and irrelevant information to the top of the board, boosts it's search-engine relevancy, and quite often suckers others into wasting time and effort replying - particularly if new posts push the dates of the original discussion off the page.

Nobody likes necromancy, least of all people who research and type out a helpful reply only to delete it when they scroll up and notice how old the thread actually is.


  On 8/31/2020 at 8:56 PM, Vanamonde said:

Necromoaning is when someone complains about necroposts under the impression that this is clever or impresses others.


I've never seen anyone necromoan to "impress others", that's your intrerpretation. People complain about necroposting to discourage future necroposting, nothing more and nothing less.

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If the thread is actually obsolete, don't waste your time composing and submitting a post to say so. Simply hit report, let the moderators deal with it, and move on with your day. If the thread is not obsolete, then it's merely old and not actually a necro and no action is called for. In either case, going out of your way to make people feel bad for posting there makes the forum less pleasant for everyone. 

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  On 9/1/2020 at 3:03 AM, Vanamonde said:

If the thread is actually obsolete, don't waste your time composing and submitting a post to say so.


If you just composed a reply having been fooled by the necromancer, then the time is already wasted.
If someone wastes my time, I'm going to call them on it, just like IRL.

  On 9/1/2020 at 3:03 AM, Vanamonde said:

If the thread is not obsolete, then it's merely old and not actually a necro and no action is called for.


Nobody necromoans if a post is valuable and relevant information.

  On 9/1/2020 at 3:03 AM, Vanamonde said:

going out of your way to make people feel bad for posting there makes the forum less pleasant for everyone


Redacting posts that call out poor behaviour (and any other content that isn't "my little pony" compatible) makes the forum less honest for everyone.

On most forums, reporting posts to moderation is reserved only for the most grievous of transgressions and for cleaning up spam. IRL you cannot unsay, and having content removed from the record is a drastic measure.

I have no problem at all with locking flamewars or banning trolls. Constantly revising history is another matter entirely.

I'd argue the point further, but this forum apparently has rules against arguing too, as well as against being anything less than unctuously and nauseatingly "nice" to anyone and everyone no matter how poor their netiquette or entitled their attitude.

<waits for post to vanish for not being nice enough>

Edited by steve_v
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@steve_v I'm not willing to get into a discussion about the pros and cons of the way the rules are set up here. Each community has its own way of doing things and the rules are there to keep it that way. Some people don't like our rules, but thankfully, liking the rules is not compulsory. 

  On 9/1/2020 at 3:34 AM, steve_v said:

Nobody necromoans if a post is valuable and relevant information.


This is not true. A great deal of necromoans on this forum are based solely on the fact that a thread is old, regardless of the content of the thread and what the necro post says. If you haven't seen them, that will be because we have removed those necromoans or perhaps because it's an area of the forum you are not interested in. 

  On 9/1/2020 at 3:34 AM, steve_v said:

When someone necros a thread, it brings outdated and irrelevant information 


This is the kind of necro we don't allow, and those threads will either be locked or the necro post removed. That's why we ask people to report the necro instead of commenting, because commenting/necromoaning (including such comedic genius as the common favourite "Holy necro Batman!") only serve to bump an unhelpful thread to the top of the forum again. 

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Yes, I do believe that especially since the Great 2017 Extinction Event when most of the original crew went their own separate ways, I just might be now the most ancient of all active forum users. My user ID is really 9, as can be seen on the link preview when you hover my avatar. 

This means there are only 8 people who could possibly have joined before I did, one of these is my brother (HarversteR, you know him, made the game and all...) - He hasn't been around here ever since "That Day" I don't think. Though his account is probably still active, it is safe to consider him a generally inactive forum user for all practical purposes...

I wouldn't put it past him to pop up right now just to prove me wrong, then laugh profusely about it when asked... Twin brothers have weird internal jokes like that.


As for the remaining seven, I have really not a clue whom they are. Some may have been test accounts from when the forum was put up. 

Sounds kinda cool, doesn't it? Having a mysterious Seven Elders who may or may not have ever existed or just might be out there still, somewhere... That's some Zelda storyline material right there, eh!  


Anyways, unless someone even more ancient comes along, I'm gonna assume I'm the old man in the house and (despite being 35) will continue to dispense grumpy old man memes whenever the occasion seems fit.



This is one such occasion, I think.


Edited by Moach
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  On 9/1/2020 at 10:12 PM, Commodore_32 said:

Next question: what would happen if there were an @everyone ping?


This isn't Discord, there's no reason to ping everyone on the forums. There are, at the time of my writing this, 204,910 unique accounts on the forums. Having the ability to ping all of them, individually, at the same time, could only be abused. If you need to reach everyone like that: Start PMing.

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The Probe! Hail! Aye, All Hail The Probe!




It's an Orbiter meme, predating KSP by almost a decade, I think. 



Anyways, IIRC, long ere the first Kerbal blasted heavenwards,  the ancient thusly spake:


First, there was nothing, then there was The Probe!

And aye! It was hailed!  For all shall hail the Almighty Probe! 

And thus it was, and is, and ever more eternal lasting, there shall forever be The Probe! And forsooth, thence too it must be hailed!

For the Mighty Probe needs not have come nor must it one day go. The Probe simply is.

Thus by, The Probe we hail for all epochs of it's infallible orbit.

Hail The Probe!



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