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I think I have a problem with the twitter embed function. Weirdly this only happens on Mozilla Firefox (I have 89.0.2) . I have HTTPS Everywhere, NoScript, Privacy Badger and uBlockOrigin extensions installed. The twitter embed works on Chromium (ungoogled-chromium) with 'the same' (same names, different implementation perhaps) extension.

Wondering if anyone else have had similar issues, or if someone have discovered how to fix it. Very likely not related to the forum software itself since it works on other browsers.


EDIT : I also have DarkReader installed.

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On 6/27/2021 at 12:17 AM, YNM said:

I think I have a problem with the twitter embed function

Have you tried using the "Paste as plain text". I think the forum software has issues with links being pasted normally, because it assumes if you paste with formatting (which is the default) then it means you don't want the forum to expand it to a proper embedding. Same goes for pasting image links.

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On 6/29/2021 at 3:26 PM, Val said:

Have you tried using the "Paste as plain text". I think the forum software has issues with links being pasted normally, because it assumes if you paste with formatting (which is the default) then it means you don't want the forum to expand it to a proper embedding.

No it's not that the embeddable content doesn't get embedded - they get embedded fine (and yeah I'm well aware of the rich text 'issue' and I know how to get around it), but it looks all like it's just in plaintext from my browser.

Example :


From my post here :

On Mozilla Firefox :



On Chromium (ungoogled-chromium) :



Absence of likes/reactions is not an issue, this is only since I'm not logged in.

NOTE EDIT : I use DarkReader extension, sorry about that.

I'm sure this problem is local - the same plaintext form appears shortly before the proper embedded form where it works - but something seems to be failing to load / failing to happen. I'll probably try to clean the cache... see if something got stuck there.

EDIT : Tried that, didn't work in the Firefox on my Windows 10 (only cleared the cache, all date ranges). Will try on Kubuntu.

EDIT 2 : Works in Firefox on my Kubuntu w/o doing anything, so yeah this is only on that one specific installation.

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1 hour ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

How do I get KSP forums dark mode?

Unplug your computer and wait a few minutes. :sticktongue:

1 hour ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

How do I get KSP forums dark mode?

Also, does Bradley Wistance have a forum account?

I don't know how to do dark mode on the forums, and I have no clue who Bradley Wistance is. Sorry. :/

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22 hours ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

How do I get KSP forums dark mode?

21 hours ago, Dman979 said:

I don't know how to do dark mode on the forums

Ah, yeah sorry about that. I use DarkReader extension.

23 hours ago, Dman979 said:

I have the same firefox problem, and I haven't been able to figure out a solution. :/

Oh... well I'm kinda stumped since it seems like the intermediate phase itself only appears in Windows 10 version. Maybe something to do with different implementation of the browser ? So officially off being a forum problem ?

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Are there any plans to make a more "mobile friendly" version of the forums? 


i.e. one issue is anytime an emoji or @ user is used (BBCode/CSS related?) The cursor disappears and often jumps to earlier parts of texts. When this happens, no attempts to move the point of next typed letters work, regardless of cursor location on the screen.


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3 hours ago, Dientus said:

Are there any plans to make a more "mobile friendly" version of the forums? 

I hope so! Using the forum on a mobile is... a mess, and it has been for quite some time. Our dear IT department does a great job keeping the forum software up to date, but they have no control over development apart from reporting bugs (which they do regularly). The forum software is called Invision Community and is not developed by Squad/Take Two.

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58 minutes ago, Deddly said:

I hope so! Using the forum on a mobile is... a mess, and it has been for quite some time. Our dear IT department does a great job keeping the forum software up to date, but they have no control over development apart from reporting bugs (which they do regularly). The forum software is called Invision Community and is not developed by Squad/Take Two.

Huh. I mainly use mobile for the Fourms.

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2 hours ago, Deddly said:

The forum software is called Invision Community

Thanx, good to know. One last question, would a civilian (non-paying community user of client software) be able to report bugs at the support@ email address located on their website? https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/


Or should I just report to you ladies and gents and let you kick it up the chain? I really do appreciate you taking time to placate an old man! :joy:

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25 minutes ago, Dientus said:

Thanx, good to know. One last question, would a civilian (non-paying community user of client software) be able to report bugs at the support@ email address located on their website? https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/


Or should I just report to you ladies and gents and let you kick it up the chain? I really do appreciate you taking time to placate an old man! :joy:

I actually have no idea if they accept bug reports from regular users. Why not drop them an email and ask? 

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On 7/5/2021 at 4:30 PM, Deddly said:

I actually have no idea if they accept bug reports from regular users. Why not drop them an email and ask? 

Done, I used my gaming email so checking it is spotty :blush2:BUT finally got a reply from them and it is as we figured... I don't know where to forward the response so if you guys would like the actual email, message me a valid email addy to forward to, otherwise...



Invision Community

Jul 5, 2021, 6:02 PM (2 days ago)
to me

We do not recognize the email address you used to contact us.
Please use the email address associated with your client area account for help. If you are having trouble contacting us using the email address associated with your account, feel free to reply and let us know.


Invision Community



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When I logged on just now, I got a popup related to updated rules. It required an agreement before continuing on the forums. 

I read through and I couldn't tell what changed. Can you enlighten me?

On 6/29/2021 at 6:32 PM, HebaruSan said:

There isn't one built in, but you can install a browser extension and a custom theme:

This is excellent..Thank you.

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1 hour ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

When I logged on just now, I got a popup related to updated rules. It required an agreement before continuing on the forums. 

I read through and I couldn't tell what changed. Can you enlighten me?

Not much. We asked this to be added for all forum members. It is simply the forum recording your response to reading the rules so that if the need ever should arise where you, in the generic and collective sense, ever need to be moderated, it cannot be claimed "I didn't know that was in the rules?!" And yes, even us moderators had to click the button showing we had read the rules.


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4 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

Not much. We asked this to be added for all forum members. It is simply the forum recording your response to reading the rules so that if the need ever should arise where you, in the generic and collective sense, ever need to be moderated, it cannot be claimed "I didn't know that was in the rules?!" And yes, even us moderators had to click the button showing we had read the rules.


That’s smart, but am I the only one who just skimmed through it?

I was bored once, so I read the rules for fun.

How do I see all the threads I have made?

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Another thing about the prompt to read and agree to the community guidelines and terms: rule 2.2l and 5.1 contain a forum link which cannot be opened unless you agree to the rules so you basically agreeing to something you couldn't read before (as soon as you click the link you'll be just redirected to the community guidelines).

You may want to consider to rework the guidelines there :)

PS: yes, I know most people wont read them anyway but if this is the reason for the prompt in the first place:

18 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

Not much. We asked this to be added for all forum members. It is simply the forum recording your response to reading the rules so that if the need ever should arise where you, in the generic and collective sense, ever need to be moderated, it cannot be claimed "I didn't know that was in the rules?!" And yes, even us moderators had to click the button showing we had read the rules.


people could still claim not to know these specific parts of the rules.

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57 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

Another thing [...] rule 2.2l and 5.1 contain a forum link which cannot be opened unless you agree to the rules [...]

57 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

PS: yes, I know most people wont read them anyway

I came along to make a similar point, so while @4x4cheesecake may be right in that most won't read the rules, I am evidence that others will and have noted the same problem.  I think that there are enough detail-oriented people here that making the full rules visible in the 'Read Before Proceeding' page is worth consideration.

Additionally, I'm not certain about how much flexibility the forum offers to put such things outside the wall and make them visible, but I think that there's merit in including some specific threads and posts out there, as well, such as the Good Conduct Guide and others.

That said, I get the distinct impression that this was more of an administrator decision rather than a moderator one, so you have my apologies if I am directing this to the wrong people.

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6 hours ago, Zhetaan said:

That said, I get the distinct impression that this was more of an administrator decision rather than a moderator one, so you have my apologies if I am directing this to the wrong people.

That's cool. I've raised the question with the right people. 

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