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Personally, I enjoy chatting with the other mods - a livelier, friendlier, brainless-er, and more eclectic you'll never meet. When talking with them, there is no thing NSFS - Not Safe For Supernovy.

I hate the fact that there is a need for moderators.

Edited by DuoDex
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My favorite part of being a moderator:

Hanging out with friends on the Modchat and getting to see KSP and the community from a different point of view.

My least favorite thing:

When people take an attack on an idea as an attack on their person; likewise, when people think that attacking a person is akin to attacking an idea.

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My favorite part?

Let's see... hmmm.... Actually, I don't really know ^^

The first thing that come in my mind,even if it's not really part of being a mod in itself, would be the moderation "community". i guess that when you spend a lot of time with the same persons you start some friendships ;)

My least favorite part?

I guess that checking the queue(*) when there is a lot of posts is quite annoying, it's not a great pain, but still, it's not the thing I enjoy the most.

(*) the queue is the place where all the posts that need to be validated by a mod goes before a mod validate it. remember when you joined the forums and started posting, when you had to wait for approval before seeing your post being posted?

Well, your post was going in the queu, waiting to be checked :)

EDIT: and yeah, seeing people attacking each other for no reasons isn't very cool.

Also: ninja'd

Edited by goldenpeach
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Personally, I enjoy chatting with the other mods - a livelier, friendlier, brainless-er, and more eclectic you'll never meet. When talking with them, there is no thing NSFW - Not Safe For Supernovy.

I hate the fact that there is a need for moderators.

Eh bien, si vous avez besoin d' un, hésitez pas à me contacter!

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Et il n'est pas le seul.

We were recruited to moderate the french section of the international forums. But that doesn't mean we don't have to check the other forums, just that the french forum need special attention from us.

edit: ninja'd, a second time in a row?!

I am cursed by the Kraken!

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Least favorite part: issuing infractions and closing threads. Seriously. We get accused of being enemies of free speech and treating members as enemies, but none of us enjoy that sort of thing. It can actually be upsetting. Sometimes, we have to issue an infraction to someone we agree with, because we're not here to see that our own opinions prevail, but to enforce the forum rules. Sometimes we have to delete a joke we laughed at, because it's too dirty for the forum. But we do it, because the forum has to have rules in order to keep it a pleasant place to visit.

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Last question of the night for me- do you need to have a certain amount of rep or other prerequisite before you can be considered for becoming a moderator?

Rep is meaningless. There are no prerequisites, although not being banned or having an infraction list as long as my arm ate certainly pluses.

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How do you, uhh, make a, uhh, "signature".

I'm not a mod, but it's in the Settings tab, here :)


- - - Updated - - -

Also, to what extent exactly is roleplaying banned to? Is it naming your forum account after a space shuttle or all the way to acting like it?

"I burned up in 2003. It was painful." Like that?

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Have you ever seen a huge wave of spammers like the 2K forums?

They had about 10 users register and they each made about 40 spam threads ALL IN ONE SUBFORUM!

The XCOM 2 subforum was temporarily useless!

Often, spambots will register and post multiple times, or many will register at once and post, it seems to happen in waves.

But the curious george usergroup puts all new posts in the moderation queue so we catch them before they can do any damage :)

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Least favorite part: issuing infractions and closing threads. Seriously. We get accused of being enemies of free speech and treating members as enemies, but none of us enjoy that sort of thing. It can actually be upsetting. Sometimes, we have to issue an infraction to someone we agree with, because we're not here to see that our own opinions prevail, but to enforce the forum rules. Sometimes we have to delete a joke we laughed at, because it's too dirty for the forum. But we do it, because the forum has to have rules in order to keep it a pleasant place to visit.

And from the old geezer that I am, I appreciate it. It is actually nice to go onto a forum such as this and see virtually no profanity. I find it a shame that most people in America cannot say one serious sentence without using a colorful metaphor to express themselves. If you must resort to profanity to make your point, then your point was not valid or was based purely on emotion. Again, thanks for the great job you all do keeping this forum running smoothly (and I am one who has had an infraction by the way...)

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